Pašreiz BMWPower skatās 73 viesi un 11 reģistrēti lietotāji.
Tēma: E39 pretbuksēšanas sistēmas problēmas
Autors | Ziņojums |
final | | Kopš: 18. Nov 2002
No: Limbaži
Ziņojumi: 960
Braucu ar: Raptor
| Problēma tāda...reizēm uzsākot braukšanu iedegas uz paneļa pretbuksēšanas indikātors, trijstūris ar aplīti.Un nenodziest, noslāpējot un pagaidot problēma dažreiz pazūd (ja nenodziest nestrādā abs,pretbuksēšana).Veicot diagnostiku uzrādija kļūdu uz stūres pagrieziena lenķa devēju, itkā kautkādos brīžos pazūd barošana un sistēma pārstāj darboties saglabājot kļūdu. Tika nomainīts devējs, uzlikts lietots, prblēma palika tā pati. Pakonsultējoties ar gudriem cilvēkiem tika iegūta informācija , kad konkrētajam devējam tiek atmiņā ierakstīts auto šasijas numurs, kuru nevar izdzēst un ierakstīt pa jaunu..Rezultātā netiek atpazīts devējs. Pasūtiju jaunu devēju, nomainījām saprogramējām,no sākuma likās ok...problēma atgriezās..tagad vairs nerāda iepriekšējo kļūdu. Ja braukšanas laikā pieslēdz diagnostikas iekārtu var konstatēt kad brīžiem devējs neatpazīst šasijas numuru kas viņam ir ieprogramēts atmiņā. Tika pārkodēts abs bloks, instrumentu panelis arī devējs pa jaunam..rezultāta nav...
Iesakiet kā atrisināt šo broblēmu...
----------------- Jaunas un lietotas BMW rezerves daļas - CLICK uz bildes!
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Bagio | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2005
Ziņojumi: 1427
Braucu ar: V8, 954ccm
| man taada pati probleema ir ar e36, tik lidz kompim vel neesu ticis... | Offline | | |
daticho | | Kopš: 11. Jun 2007
No: Zilupe
Ziņojumi: 11418
Braucu ar: FN-15
| vai tik problema nav saistita ar ABS vadiņu? ko, a, ko ko, nu a ko?? | Offline | | |
Bagio | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2005
Ziņojumi: 1427
Braucu ar: V8, 954ccm
| Pag.. Man abs it ka strada, vot tas asc gan nee... spolejas tas vasarenes kaa negudras! | Offline | | |
Staris | | Kopš: 24. Apr 2006
No: Ventspils
Ziņojumi: 30523
Braucu ar: ra ucuarB
| vienam čomam tā pati problēma un vainīgs ir ABS devējs. | Offline | | |
final | | Kopš: 18. Nov 2002
No: Limbaži
Ziņojumi: 960
Braucu ar: Raptor
| Laikam būs visi abs devēji jāpārbauda...un jārok cauri pravodka...
----------------- Jaunas un lietotas BMW rezerves daļas - CLICK uz bildes!
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daticho | | Kopš: 11. Jun 2007
No: Zilupe
Ziņojumi: 11418
Braucu ar: FN-15
| gan jau janotira kontakts uz viss | Offline | | |
oskars11 | | Kopš: 13. Aug 2006
No: Jelgava
Ziņojumi: 3116
Braucu ar:
| hmm, nesaprotu ,kaads sakars stures lenka devejam(un kaapec vinjsh vispar vajadzigs) ar ASC.Un kadelj vinsh ir sajuugts vispar vienaa sistemaa ar asc. | Offline | | |
final | | Kopš: 18. Nov 2002
No: Limbaži
Ziņojumi: 960
Braucu ar: Raptor
| Tas devējs seko kādā virzienā un cik daudz ir sagriezta stūre...līdz ar to spēj sekot līdzi vai auto sanes vai nē izmantojot abs sabremzēt vajadzīgo riteni...cerams daudzmaz pareizi izskaidroju...
----------------- Jaunas un lietotas BMW rezerves daļas - CLICK uz bildes!
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us | | Kopš: 17. Feb 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 5181
Braucu ar: Pilnpievada automobīli
| Senča e39 530D bija tā, ka visu laiku dega ASC lampiņa, nestrādāja asc, abs, spidometrs un ekonometrs. Pieslēdzot mašīnu pie kompja tika konstatēts, ka problēma ir ABS devējā, kurš tika nomainīts un ar to arī augstāk minētās problēmas atrisinātas | Offline | | |
SEMIGALL | | Kopš: 10. Apr 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4693
Braucu ar: 3.2DID
| piemēram e 46 mēdz būt šādas kļūdas
MODELS AFFECTED: 3 series (E 46), vehicles produced up to 9/98
FAULT: The ASC and/or ABS warning lamps are on, with fault code 31 or 41(rear wheel speed sensor) set
in memory.
CAUSE: Faulty rear wheel speed sensor.
SOLUTION: Replace the wheel speed sensor with a sensor with production date 22/08 or later.
MODELS AFFECTED: E38(7 series), E39 (5 series) with M62, or M73 engine.
FAULT: The ASC lamp is on and no fault codes are stored. If the under hood diagnostic connector is
removed the ASC lamp goes off.
CAUSE: Incorrect under hood OBD cap fitted.
SOLUTION: Install correct OBD connector cap (part number 12 52 1 703 202).The part number is inscribed
into the OBD cap moulding | Offline | | |
SEMIGALL | | Kopš: 10. Apr 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4693
Braucu ar: 3.2DID
25 Mar 2008, 12:19:06 oskars11 rakstīja:
hmm, nesaprotu ,kaads sakars stures lenka devejam(un kaapec vinjsh vispar vajadzigs) ar ASC.Un kadelj vinsh ir sajuugts vispar vienaa sistemaa ar asc.
tiek ņemti(nolasīti) dažādi parametri,lai attiecīgi kompis varētu aprēķināt kurā brīdī ,kuram ritenim piedot griezi un kuru atkal piebremzēt
lai kaut ,kādas darbības veiktu tur jābūt priekštatam par situāciju
tā tas ir DSC sistēmai vienkāršiem vārdiem
| Offline | | |
SEMIGALL | | Kopš: 10. Apr 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4693
Braucu ar: 3.2DID
| ķlūdas
MODELS AFFECTED: 5 Series(E34), 7 series(E32), 8 series(E31) all equipped with ACS.
FAULT: Under certain specific conditions an apparent engine misfire or bucking may occur. This is not
an engine misfire.
CAUSE: Short (less than 100 milliseconds) fuel injection cut-off, as a result of MSR (engine drag torque
control) regulation. This is a normal ASC function that may occur under these conditions:
-The vehicle is equipped with ASC
-Vehicle speed between 45 and 60 MPH
-A rough road surface (e.g. potholes, railroad tracks)
-Light throttle(accelerator pedal only depressed 1/
-ASC not switched off.
SOLUTION: Replace the ASC control unit. no further diagnosis of the ABS/ASC system should be
MODELS AFFECTED: 3 series (E36) and Z3 produced up to 5/96
FAULT: The ABS warning lamp is on in the instrument cluster, and fault code 145 (pump inoperable)
stored in the ABS control module memory.
CAUSE: Faulty relays produced prior to may 1996.
SOLUTION: Use the DIS tester to confirm that fault code 145 is set in the ABS control unit. Work
through test instructions in DIS confirm that the fault is not caused by any other components. Then
replace the gray ABS pump motor relay, witch is located in the power distribution box, rear left side
of engine compartment.
MODELS AFFECTED: 7series(E32)-vehicles produced 06/91 and later, equipped with M30 engine.
5 series (E34)-vehicles produced 9/91 and later.
FAULT: Increasing number of uC-ABS control units are being returned for showing internal defect during
troubleshooting and readout of the fault memory. In most cases the fault is erroneous.
CAUSE: If the ignition is switched on with the cap of the D100 diagnostic connector removed, the erroneous
fault can be set by a low voltage condition on the TTD lead to this control unit.
-Erase the fault in the uC-ABS fault memory, while the diagnostic module is still connected and the
ignition is switched on.
-Before disconnecting the diagnostic cable, switch off the ignition
-Reconnect the cap for the D100 diagnostic connector, then switch on
the ignition again.
-Do not replace control unit.
MODELS AFFECTED: 3 series (E 46), vehicles produced up to 9/98
FAULT: The ASC and/or ABS warning lamps are on, with fault code 31 or 41(rear wheel speed sensor) set
in memory.
CAUSE: Faulty rear wheel speed sensor.
SOLUTION: Replace the wheel speed sensor with a sensor with production date 22/08 or later.
MODELS AFFECTED: E38(7 series), E39 (5 series) with M62, or M73 engine.
FAULT: The ASC lamp is on and no fault codes are stored. If the under hood diagnostic connector is
removed the ASC lamp goes off.
CAUSE: Incorrect under hood OBD cap fitted.
SOLUTION: Install correct OBD connector cap (part number 12 52 1 703 202).The part number is inscribed
into the OBD cap moulding
FAULT: ABS warning light comes on intermittently. Normal troubleshooting procedures find no defect.
CAUSE: If cars have recently had two new tires, or snow tires put on. Sometimes when the car is driven
over 50 MPH.
SOLUTION: Check all four tires on the car, make sure they are the same brand, style, and size. Check if
any of the new tires have substantially more tread than the rest. These differences may cause enough
variance in rolling diameters to confuse the ABS control unit, which intern gives a false signal to the ABS
warning light.
MODELS AFFECTED: 3 series (E 36)-vehicles produced 1/96 to 3/96 without ASC.
FAULT: On rare instances the ABS warning may glow slightly after other electrical consumers have been
switched on. No fault is stored in the ABS control module fault memory.
CAUSE: Hardware fault in the ABS control module.
SOLUTION: If this is encountered replace the ABS control module.
MODELS AFFECTED: All models equipped with ABS,ASC OR ASC+T
FAULT: Any of the ABS ASC and ASC+T systems inoperative, intermittently inoperative, or illuminating
the warning lamp.
CAUSE: All BMW'S with slip control systems use 4 wheel speed sensors which monitor each wheels
speed of rotation with a high accuracy. The system control unit uses this information to calculate a
vehicle speed. In this way it detects wheel speed variation. If the inputs vary from each other by a certain
amount, the control unit is not able to do the calculation reliably (plausibility fault) and takes its self
off-line as a safety precaution(fail-safe).This can be because the wheels and tires are non-approved parts
and therefore do not agree with the system.
SOLUTION: Make sure the vehicle is fitted with BMW approved wheels and tires. Then do further
diagnostic testing to check if fault is resolved.
MODELS AFFECTED: 3 series (E 36)- four door models only
FAULT: A noise(described as a rattle, groan or growl) occurs only after the engine is started and the
vehicle is put into motion. The noise is heard in the first 30 feet and only last a second.
CAUSE: Most of the time the noise is from the pump activation portion of the ABS self-test.
SOLUTION: The self test noise cannot be eliminated, can only be reduced, and even then not in all cases.
One way is to install insulated brake lines (only on vehicles produced before 03/92).
MODELS AFFECTED: E38(7 series)
FAULTS: The wire harness can get damaged. ABS, ASC/DSC ECM faults show:
- 66 wheel sensor signal supply voltage
- 67 intermittent interference
- 5,6,7 wheel speed (plausibility)
- 30 left rear wheel sensor
CAUSE: The sharp edges on the tilt sensor(NAG) bracket damage the wire. The leak diagnosis pump(LDP)
and the wire harness from the left rear wheel sensor is routed through the slot in the tilt sensor(NAG)
SOLUTION: Remove the tilt(NAG) sensor, located behind the wheel arch in the left side of the trunk. Tape
the sharp edges of the tilt sensor bracket with electrical tape to prevent further damage to the wire harness.
Repair the wire harness and reinstall the tilt sensor. Using the DIS tester clear the fault codes.
MODELS AFFECTED: E46 and four door models produced prior to 10/99.
FAULT: Steering vibration when breaking, usually in the 50 to 60 MPH range.
CAUSE: The front axle on some cars is extremely sensitive.
SOLUTION: Remove front brake rotors and pads, also replace steering coupling and torx bolts with new
parts. Make sure the front wheel assemblies are balanced before re-installing. If the vehicle has dampened
hydraulic lines they need to be removed and replaced with original lines.
MODELS AFFECTED: E46 not equipped with DSC.
FAULT: When the steering wheel is held very lightly with one hand and the brakes given a quick tap, it
may twitch slightly once. There is no disruption of stability of the car and doesn't pull to either side.
CAUSE: Could be from having unequal amounts of toe-in on each front wheel or because of a very slight time
difference in the build up of pressure in each front brake caliper.
SOLUTION: If the alignment has been corrected, you can install a dampener to modify the brake pressure
build up curve.(If the vehicle is equipped with DSC a dampener can't be installed because it will affect the DSC
MODELS AFFECTED: 3series (E36)- 1992 models
FAULT: After diagnosis of a ABS system using the BMW service tester the following faults may be set:
- 84 or 88 wheel speed sensor missing or defective, left rear/right rear.
- 100 or 104 wheel speed signal not plausible, left rear/right rear.
CAUSE: The ABS wheel speed sensor at either rear wheel have poor solder connections at the coil connections.
SOLUTION: The solder connections were improved in production from date code 0811(81st day 1991). If the
date code of the failed sensor is 0801 or lower, both rear wheel speed sensors need replacing.
MODELS AFFECTED: 1993 318 is, 1993 325is, 1994 345 ic.
FAULT: It's possible that during the assembly of the ABS hydraulic units of these vehicles, the six bolts which
fasten the bottom cover of the unit to the housing were not tightened properly.
SOLUTION: All affected vehicles(identified by the DCS inquiry) hydraulic units need to be checked by torquing
one bolt on the bottom cover to 15 Nm. If it turns the unit must be replaced | Offline | | |
Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, dust, kolhozs, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo