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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

16. Oct 2024, 20:55 #9981

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13316

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

16 Oct 2024, 20:39:18 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:
Gruzija uz Maskavas naža asmens

Iesaku neuztraukties par gruziju, raškas kloāka.
16. Oct 2024, 21:17 #9982

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

Izskatās- toč zālēdàji startēs

Ple… tas gan, nepavisam nav labi. Ko Rietumi taisàs darīt ar to visu

For North Korea, War in Ukraine Is a Coveted Chance for Military Practice Helping Russia in the war is an opportunity for North Korea to test its new weapons, and Ukrainian officials say the North’s troops are also gaining direct battle experience.

The war in Ukraine is providing North Korea’s military with something it has long hoped for: opportunities to test its new weapons and its officers’ preparedness for modern warfare, analysts and officials in South Korea said on Wednesday.

In recent weeks, Ukrainian officials, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, have said that in addition to providing large shipments of artillery shells and ballistic missiles for Russia, North Korea has been sending military engineers and soldiers to fight alongside Russian troops. Last week, Kim Yong-hyun, South Korea’s defense minister, called it “highly likely” that several North Korean soldiers had already been killed in the fighting, and that North Korea would send more troops to help Russia.

Moscow helped North Korea fight the Korean War seven decades ago by supplying weapons and pilots. Now, the North’s aid to Russia in a distant war is turning history back on itself. It is also, analysts said, strengthening its military preparedness on the Korean Peninsula at a time of growing tensions with South Korea​.

Since the Korean War, North Korea has not fought another major conflict. But it has sought opportunities to sell weapons and other military assistance to friendly countries. It sent pilots to aid North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Its pilots also flew for Egypt in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. North Korea also sent missile technicians and, according to Tass, the Russian state news agency, two small units of combat troops to fight for the Assad regime during Syria’s civil war in 2016.

“It has been a pattern: When North Korea has sold weapons to countries at war, they sent personnel not only to help those countries use the weapons, but often also to fight there themselves,” said Yang Uk, a military expert at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul. “They don’t seem to like missing opportunities to fight in a war and gain experience.”

If North Korea sent ground troops to Ukraine, it would be “their first major war in decades, an opportunity where their officers could get a sample of how modern war is fought, including the use of drones,” Mr. Yang added. “They will study how the knowledge they gain there can be translated into the Korean theater.”
Neither Ukraine nor South Korea has presented evidence of North Korean troops. NATO’s secretary general, Mark Rutte, said Wednesday that the alliance did not have definitive information on that possibility.

American intelligence and military officials expressed some skepticism at the Ukrainian claims that North Korean mercenaries were now fighting, in significant numbers, against Ukrainian forces. But they said that they had little doubt that North Korean engineers and observers are in Russia and parts of Ukraine, in part to construct and operate the North Korean-made ballistic missiles that Russia has purchased.

There have been unconfirmed reports of North Koreans killed in Ukrainian attacks. But the American officials said that they were recruits. One official said they would not be surprised if North Korea sends troops — to train and perhaps to fight — but they did not yet have evidence.

Washington has repeatedly warned of growing military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, providing photographic evidence that weapons from North Korea, especially its KN-23 short-range ballistic missiles, have been used against Ukraine.

The KN-23 is one of a series of nuclear-capable short-range ballistic missiles North Korea has developed and tested in recent years. It would be one of the main weapons North Korea would use against South Korea should war break out on the Korean Peninsula, military experts said.
“From the battlefield use, North Korea will collect valuable data to improve its missiles’ effectiveness — data it can also use to help sell the missiles to foreign buyers,” said Yang Moo-jin, the president of the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.

Analysts in South Korea said that North Korea’s main personnel contribution to Russia’s war would be engineers and weapons advisers to help the Russian military operate its weapons, observe defects and collect data from their battlefield use. Many of the North Korean artillery shells and missiles are said to be of poor quality, turning out to be duds.

Some analysts doubted that North Korea would commit a large number of troops to the war in Ukraine anytime soon.

“That kind of operation requires extensive preparations by both sides, like those annual military exercises South Korea and the United States conduct,” said Park Won-gon, a political scientist at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.

North Korea is believed to have shipped thousands of shipping containers of artillery shells, missiles and other weapons to Russia since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, United States and South Korean officials say. In return, North Korea may seek Russia’s technological help for its nuclear and space programs, as well as opportunities to send its workers to help rebuild Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine and bring home urgently needed income, they said.

Under United Nations Security Council resolutions, countries are banned from employing North Korean workers or engaging in arms trade with the North.
Both Moscow ​and Pyongyang have denied ​engaging in arms shipments from North Korea. Russia also called reports that North Korean troops were fighting alongside ​its troops “another fake news story.” In recent weeks, Ukrainian officials and news media have increasingly reported such accusations, without providing photographic or other evidence.
“We see an increasing alliance between Russia and regimes like North Korea,” Mr. Zelensky said on Sunday. “It is no longer just about transferring weapons. It is actually about transferring people from North Korea to the occupying military forces.”

As North Korea has fueled its partnership with Russia, it has also turned increasingly hostile toward South Korea, demolishing all railway and road links between the two Koreas with dynamites this week in a symbolic gesture of declaring the South as an enemy state.

“The sense of being allied with Russia can embolden North Korea to become more aggressive toward South Korea,” Mr. Park said.

David E. Sanger contributed reporting from Washington.
Choe Sang-Hun is the lead reporter for The Times in Seoul, covering South and North Korea. More about Choe Sang-Hun

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16. Oct 2024, 21:32 #9983

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6675

Braucu ar: E34

Aldžazēra vēstīja, ka 1.4 mio brīvprātīgas gaļas vēlas karot. Laikam jau viņus var saprast
16. Oct 2024, 21:41 #9984

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

Lēnu gāzīti sāk ost pēc pulvera.
Vēl ratificēs to militārās un stratēģiskās sadarbības līgumu…

Neticu- Ķīna vai ko tādu atļaus.
Kaut gan.. te jau huj sapratīsi. Sajūta- visi vienkàrši prātā sajukuši

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 16 Oct 2024, 21:42:14 ]

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16. Oct 2024, 22:03 #9985

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

Miera plāna piemais punkts, laikam nebūs..

The North Atlantic Alliance has once again made it clear to the Kyiv authorities that they should not hope to receive an invitation to join the bloc anytime soon. Thus, the US Permanent Representative to NATO Julian Smith stated that the current situation does not favor inviting Ukraine.

Apparently, this statement was a response to the Ukrainian ambassador to the bloc, who called on President Joe Biden to invite Ukraine to the alliance before the end of his presidential term. According to Natalia Galibarenko, this would be the legacy of the current American leader's administration.

It is worth noting that Ukraine’s accession to the North Atlantic Alliance even before the end of the conflict is one of the key points of Zelensky’s so-called “victory plan”.

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16. Oct 2024, 22:56 #9986

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3542

Braucu ar: kruīzu

Tak līdz 5. Novembra vakaram ASV var negaidīt vispār nekādus komentārus vai lēmumus, kas jebkādā veidā mainītu situāciju saistībā ar Ukrainu.
16. Oct 2024, 23:04 #9987

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

16 Oct 2024, 22:56:07 @RaL rakstīja:
Tak līdz 5. Novembra vakaram ASV var negaidīt vispār nekādus komentārus vai lēmumus, kas jebkādā veidā mainītu situāciju saistībā ar Ukrainu.

Jāpiekrīt. Tā viņš ir.

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16. Oct 2024, 23:22 #9988

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6068

Braucu ar:

Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
16. Oct 2024, 23:40 #9989

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

16 Oct 2024, 23:22:20 @Mizx rakstīja:
Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
Es saprotu- runa nav, par iestāšanos. Runa ir par uzaicinājumu. Kura arī ir tā pirmā formalitāte.

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Vakar, 00:05 #9990

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6068

Braucu ar:

16 Oct 2024, 23:40:05 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:22:20 @Mizx rakstīja:
Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
Es saprotu- runa nav, par iestāšanos. Runa ir par uzaicinājumu. Kura arī ir tā pirmā formalitāte.
Nē, uzaicinājums uz NATO ir viens no pēdējiem soļiem procesā. Latvijai tas bija pēdējais solis — uzaicināja 2002. gada beigās, pēc mazāk kā pustra gada tika uzņemta. Visus iepriekšējos gadus tikai centās, bet nekāda uzaicinājuma vai konkrētu solījumu nebija. Ukrainai arī nebūs.
Vakar, 00:47 #9991

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13679

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 00:05:24 @Mizx rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:40:05 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:22:20 @Mizx rakstīja:
Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
Es saprotu- runa nav, par iestāšanos. Runa ir par uzaicinājumu. Kura arī ir tā pirmā formalitāte.
Nē, uzaicinājums uz NATO ir viens no pēdējiem soļiem procesā. Latvijai tas bija pēdējais solis — uzaicināja 2002. gada beigās, pēc mazāk kā pustra gada tika uzņemta. Visus iepriekšējos gadus tikai centās, bet nekāda uzaicinājuma vai konkrētu solījumu nebija. Ukrainai arī nebūs.

jautājums vai NATO vispār vajag to Ukrainu? ja vajadzētu, sen jau to virzītu. pirms 2022
Vakar, 01:22 #9992

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6068

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 00:47:43 @user rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 00:05:24 @Mizx rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:40:05 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:22:20 @Mizx rakstīja:
Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
Es saprotu- runa nav, par iestāšanos. Runa ir par uzaicinājumu. Kura arī ir tā pirmā formalitāte.
Nē, uzaicinājums uz NATO ir viens no pēdējiem soļiem procesā. Latvijai tas bija pēdējais solis — uzaicināja 2002. gada beigās, pēc mazāk kā pustra gada tika uzņemta. Visus iepriekšējos gadus tikai centās, bet nekāda uzaicinājuma vai konkrētu solījumu nebija. Ukrainai arī nebūs.

jautājums vai NATO vispār vajag to Ukrainu? ja vajadzētu, sen jau to virzītu. pirms 2022
Pirmkārt jau pašiem jāgrib un tad var ilgus gadus uz to iet. Ukraina negāja. Uzaicinājums no NATO nāk tikai tad, kad valsts jau ir gatava un grib.
Jautājuma otra puse — vai NATO to vajag. Redz, viņi nav paranoiķi kā Putins, kam vajag ap sevi maksimāli neitrālas teritorijas, lai tikai nav tieša robeža ar NATO. Uzņem bariņā visas valstis ar savietojamu domāšanu un attieksmēm, tak pat Turciju ar visām tās dīvainībām un korupciju ir paņēmuši. Bet neņems arī valsti, kurā bail nosēdināt savu iznīcinātāju, lai to pa nakti nesadala reizinātājos un nenodod ienaidniekam. Nekā daudz cita jau NATO nav — vienošanās par vienotām vērtībām un attieksmi pret pasauli. $ nav jādala un kā daži te mēģina atkal un atkal norādīt pat tās saistības pārējo valstu priekšā esot diskutējamas.
Vakar, 07:42 #9993

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9250

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

vatainu UKR ņemt NATO? Pirms Zeļenska tur vispār bija bez piecām min Krievija.
Vakar, 10:10 #9994

Kopš: 01. Sep 2017

Ziņojumi: 40

Braucu ar: behu

17 Oct 2024, 07:42:49 @kkas rakstīja:
vatainu UKR ņemt NATO? Pirms Zeļenska tur vispār bija bez piecām min Krievija.

preciizi. Zelenskis saaka savu politisko kampanju ar lozungiem par mieru un draudziibu, par NATO tur neviens pat nerunaaja.
tikai peec tam kad ASV departaments chali uzseedinaaja uz koka saakaas cita dziesma.
Vakar, 10:20 #9995

Kopš: 01. Sep 2017

Ziņojumi: 40

Braucu ar: behu

17 Oct 2024, 01:22:06 @Mizx rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 00:47:43 @user rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 00:05:24 @Mizx rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:40:05 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Oct 2024, 23:22:20 @Mizx rakstīja:
Tas tak politikas small talk — reizi mēnesī jāpajautā jautājums, uz kuru atbilde jau iepriekš ir zināma. Kur tas laiks kā pateica, ka uzreiz iestāties nevarēs. Latvija tak arī gandrīz 10 gadus stājās NATO, kamēr iestājās, visādi posmi bija jāiziet. Tas viss jau nav atcelts.
Es saprotu- runa nav, par iestāšanos. Runa ir par uzaicinājumu. Kura arī ir tā pirmā formalitāte.
Nē, uzaicinājums uz NATO ir viens no pēdējiem soļiem procesā. Latvijai tas bija pēdējais solis — uzaicināja 2002. gada beigās, pēc mazāk kā pustra gada tika uzņemta. Visus iepriekšējos gadus tikai centās, bet nekāda uzaicinājuma vai konkrētu solījumu nebija. Ukrainai arī nebūs.

jautājums vai NATO vispār vajag to Ukrainu? ja vajadzētu, sen jau to virzītu. pirms 2022
Pirmkārt jau pašiem jāgrib un tad var ilgus gadus uz to iet. Ukraina negāja. Uzaicinājums no NATO nāk tikai tad, kad valsts jau ir gatava un grib.
Jautājuma otra puse — vai NATO to vajag. Redz, viņi nav paranoiķi kā Putins, kam vajag ap sevi maksimāli neitrālas teritorijas, lai tikai nav tieša robeža ar NATO. Uzņem bariņā visas valstis ar savietojamu domāšanu un attieksmēm, tak pat Turciju ar visām tās dīvainībām un korupciju ir paņēmuši. Bet neņems arī valsti, kurā bail nosēdināt savu iznīcinātāju, lai to pa nakti nesadala reizinātājos un nenodod ienaidniekam. Nekā daudz cita jau NATO nav — vienošanās par vienotām vērtībām un attieksmi pret pasauli. $ nav jādala un kā daži te mēģina atkal un atkal norādīt pat tās saistības pārējo valstu priekšā esot diskutējamas.

nee, pirmkaart pienaakas liriska atkaape jo beerna praataa esoshajiem pacientiem ir jaasaprot, ka NATO nav briivpraatiigo organziaacija lai cik ljoti tas taa vareetu izskatiities ierindas powera vientiesim. taa ir militaari strateegjiska alianse kura darbojas kaa instruments globaalo lielvaru rokaas. un vinjus pilniigi nepis gribi tur vai negibi buut NATO sastaavaa. ja lielie globaalistu chiekuri izlems ka tev jaagrib tad tu gribeesi - presee, televiizijaa internetaa visur peekshnji buus rakstiits ka tu baigi gribi NATO. un vinjus nepis ko tu tur patiesiibaa gribi.
Vakar, 10:25 #9996

Kopš: 14. Aug 2008

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 11175

Braucu ar: X5 , Jeep, Tuareg, L200, Jumper,Master ,Transit, Stralis x2, Volvo FL, Atego, Deu

Vakar, 10:28 #9997

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv


Turciju paņēma tajā laikà, kad viñu kritiski vajadzēja. Tikai tāpēc lai izvietotu tur raķetes. Turcija nekad nav tikusi uztverta, kā pilntiesīga NATO locekle. Viņa ir un viņas nav. Nevienu neizteresēja, kā viņi dzîvo un ko vèlas par pārējo- tak visu laiku saku. Nevienu nejàj kkada Ukraina vai Baltija. Ja vajag buferi- tad būs- buferis
Respektīvi sūdu gadījumā- Ukrainas variants. Karot svešà zemē, lai posta tur visu. Kamēr Hans sūks aliņu pie Tv, vai John USA pie skābekļa aparāta rijot burgeri skatàs ,,šovu,, un jūtas droši.
Ukrainu dotajà brīdî no NATO un no EU gajag turēt šàviena attālumā. Tas nu ir skaidrs.

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Vakar, 12:01 #9998

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9250

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

kontekstā, ka NATO vs krievi gadījumā, viss būs rožaini skaisti, jo tak moderni ieroči un tā.
"A Houthis anti-ship ballistic missile or other missile arrived at a very shallow trajectory, with minimal warning, without a chance for interception, and splashing down 200 meters from US Navy aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower."
Vakar, 17:16 #9999

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13316

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Par moderniem ieročiem. US pielietoja 40gadīgu ļopeni, pret Jemenu, kurai nav konkurentu, joprojām.

Tas pimpis ar šņukuru var atsūkāt bomzim, labākajā gadījumā.

lafter, tu ar viņu vēl diskutē tādus jāmērcē viņu pašu sūdos.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 17 Oct 2024, 17:24:23 ]

Vakar, 19:24 #10000

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28421

Braucu ar: wv

Here are the latest developments.

The Israeli military said on Thursday that it was assessing whether Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas and an architect of last year’s Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel, had been killed. Eliminating Mr. Sinwar has been a major goal of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza, and his death would be a watershed in almost 13 months of fighting that have reshaped the Middle East.

The military released no further details. But four Israeli officials said the military was taking the body of a slain militant to a laboratory in Israel in order to assess whether its DNA matches that of Mr. Sinwar, who is in his early 60s. Three of the officials said the militant had been killed on Wednesday in a firefight with Israeli soldiers.

Fingerprints and dental records will also be examined by Israeli officials to determine if the militant is Mr. Sinwar, officials told The Times. That determination could come before DNA testing is complete, the officials said. Israel has the Hamas leader’s medical records from his decades in Israeli detention.

For months, Mr. Sinwar has escaped Israeli efforts to find and kill him, even as many of his top allies — including much of the leadership of Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s former political leader — have been assassinated.

Mr. Sinwar’s death, if confirmed, could raise hopes for an end to the conflict in Gaza, by encouraging Hamas to agree to Israeli demands or by providing Israel with a victory that could push Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to ease its negotiating stance. Hamas and the Israeli government have remained far apart on key issues during months of negotiations over a truce.

U.S. officials said that Israel had told the United States that its soldiers may have killed Mr. Sinwar. All the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss a sensitive matter. Hamas made no immediate comment.

Here’s what else to know:

Fighting in Gaza: An Israeli strike on a school building in northern Gaza killed at least 24 people, according to the Palestinian Civil Defense, an emergency service. Israel’s military said that it had attacked the site, in Jabaliya, because dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants had been meeting there at the time.

Extreme hunger: The risk of famine hangs over nearly all 2.2 million people in Gaza amid Israel’s yearlong offensive, but is most severe for people in the north, according to a report released on Thursday by the United Nations-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification global initiative. It said about 133,000 people faced a catastrophic lack of food, and many Gazan children under 5 were acutely malnourished.

American warning: The Biden administration warned Israel this week that the United States could cut off military assistance if more humanitarian aid were not allowed to enter northern Gaza, where an estimated 400,000 people are trapped by escalating Israeli military operations. In a rare moment of unity, every member of the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday agreed that Israel must consistently allow aid into the north of the enclave.

Targeting Iran’s proxies: American stealth bombers struck weapon facilities overnight in areas of Yemen controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militia, an attack that could serve as a warning to Tehran. The strikes in Yemen on Wednesday followed the U.S. deployment to Israel this month of an advanced missile defense system — and the 100 troops needed to operate it — after an Iranian missile attack on Oct. 1. On Thursday, the Houthis vowed in a statement: “The American aggression will not pass without a response.”

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