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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

30. Jul 2024, 23:17 #9541

Kopš: 04. Aug 2003

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 4625

Braucu ar: BMW E90 330i

Jordānā laikam tie mēģināja apvērsumu uztaisīt

[ Šo ziņu laboja HiJaCKeR, 30 Jul 2024, 23:19:36 ]

31. Jul 2024, 01:02 #9542

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13253

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Ēģipte pilnībā atbalsta palestīnu, tikai pie sevis nelaiž.

Vienkārši uzmīž saviem ticības brāļiem, kur tas dolbis narkomāns klimovičs? Nahuj mums to vajag? Pagāniem, kuriem pie dirsas tā huiņa?

Viņam tak pie baltkrievijas robežas ar paklājiem jāstāv, tur visam jābūt noklātam ar paklājiem. Čota nemanīju granātābolu dzertuves pierobežā.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 31 Jul 2024, 01:10:02 ]

31. Jul 2024, 08:52 #9543

Kopš: 02. May 2006

No: Baloži

Ziņojumi: 21904

Braucu ar: VAZ 2101 80'

Tas UK dūrējs skaidrs, dzimis UK, bet nekur tomēr par viņa ticību nav rakstīts. Nav tā, ka tomēr babajs?

31. Jul 2024, 09:17 #9544

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 760

Braucu ar:

31 Jul 2024, 08:52:00 @Elviss rakstīja:
Tas UK dūrējs skaidrs, dzimis UK, bet nekur tomēr par viņa ticību nav rakstīts. Nav tā, ka tomēr babajs?
šobrīd fakt checkeri jau saka ka iepriekš cirkulējošais vārds ali al šakati ir feiks, bet lai to atspēkotu, nekur nenosauc īsto vārdu, jo tā nedrīkst Notiesāts nav, tā ka kas to lai zin vai šis sadūra
31. Jul 2024, 11:14 #9545

Kopš: 08. Jul 2015

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 230

Braucu ar: BMW 320d (E46)

30 Jul 2024, 23:11:13 @treshaa_josla rakstīja:

30 Jul 2024, 22:58:13 @Joachims rakstīja:

30 Jul 2024, 22:36:09 @treshaa_josla rakstīja:
Širmīt, paskaties arābu skaita dinamiku izraēlā. Pateikšu priekšā - 20 gadu laikā arābu skaits ir dubultojies. genocīds, ja ?

kaut kad arafata laikos taču žīdi saliecās, bija gatavi arābiem atdot 95 % no tās teritorijas, ko viņi prasija.
Tie 5 % bija židiem kaut kāda ultramega-svarīgās svētvietas. žīdi piedāvāja, ņemiet tos 95 %, par tiem 5 % TAGAD nerunājam, kaut kad vēlāk varēsim izdomāt - dalītā piekļuve vai kaut kā tā. Bet risinam vēlāk, pēc 5 .. 10 gadiem
arābi varēja ņemt teritoriju, varu un sākt darboties.
Protams, tas nozīmētu donoru keš plūsmas izsīkšanu, nu gribiet būt lieli puikas, paši tad arī stūrējiet savu valsti. Kas, starp citu, būtu pilnībā reāli. Tūrismam tur ir nereāls potenciāls

nu un šodien dvieļi ir tur kur ir - frīfrīpalestain, giv me maņī, litl boj killed


manā izpratnē tur nav ar ko runāt, viņi (dvieļi) vienkārši ir jāizklapē, kamēr pāri palikušie nāk pie sajēgas

Nu bet Gazā taču 2005.gadā judi aizgāja prom. Lūdzu, attīstiet savu teritoriju. Bet tie lohi teroristus ievēlēja. Pēc 7.10. tagad ēd pilnām karotēm. Gazā tāds piķis no pasaules lohiem katru gadu nāca iekšā... Jauni emirāti varēja tur būt, bet tā vietā būvēja tuneļus, iepirka ieročus.

es precīzi neatceros, bet manuprāt, tas ko es aprakstiju, bija vēl pirms 2005.

arābi precīzi saprata, ka pieņemot to piedāvājumu viņi izkrīt no cietēju kastas un būs jāsāk pašiem strādāt

dvieļiem bija vairākas iespējas. bet te nu mēs esam

Pie kam, viņi [palestain čurkas] ir sadirsuši vairākas pirms tam relatīvi normālas valstis. Kā piemēram Libānu. Ne velti tagad pat Ēģipte viņus neņem pretī

Jordānija arī paņēma cietējus, bet pašiem par laimi atjēdzās un izsvieda laukā, jo sāka uzvesties kā Libānā un Gazā. Lieki piebilst, ka tie mežoņi nevienam nav vajadzīgi.
31. Jul 2024, 11:16 #9546

Kopš: 08. Jul 2015

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 230

Braucu ar: BMW 320d (E46)

31 Jul 2024, 09:17:20 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:

31 Jul 2024, 08:52:00 @Elviss rakstīja:
Tas UK dūrējs skaidrs, dzimis UK, bet nekur tomēr par viņa ticību nav rakstīts. Nav tā, ka tomēr babajs?
šobrīd fakt checkeri jau saka ka iepriekš cirkulējošais vārds ali al šakati ir feiks, bet lai to atspēkotu, nekur nenosauc īsto vārdu, jo tā nedrīkst Notiesāts nav, tā ka kas to lai zin vai šis sadūra

UK likumdošana neļauj nosaukt vārdu, ja nav sasniegts 18 gadu slieksnis.
31. Jul 2024, 14:03 #9547

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12111

Braucu ar:
31. Jul 2024, 14:13 #9548

Kopš: 13. Dec 2014

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6834

Braucu ar: G31/E53/E46/E39/E36/F31

Rīgā arī skaists skats bija 13tajā janvārī

RSAWorkshop-BMW remonts un apkope
31. Jul 2024, 14:33 #9549

Kopš: 26. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 8126

Braucu ar: e39 523

31 Jul 2024, 14:13:03 @RSAWorkshop rakstīja:
Rīgā arī skaists skats bija 13tajā janvārī

Piekrītu, īpaši, kad to pidarasu sašņorēja un iesēdināja
31. Jul 2024, 15:22 #9550

Kopš: 13. Dec 2014

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6834

Braucu ar: G31/E53/E46/E39/E36/F31

Tur daudzus sašņorēja Bet viens video arī dabuja friendly fire un piemetās Kuldīgas ļenganais un no kadra aiz kājām izvilka ārā

RSAWorkshop-BMW remonts un apkope
31. Jul 2024, 19:36 #9551

Kopš: 09. Dec 2018

Ziņojumi: 134

Braucu ar: Honda Accord X USA ver. / Tesla M3 LR Boost, USA ver.

Nu ko.. Izraēla baigi labi pareklamēja F35. Tāds trekns rezultats

[ Šo ziņu laboja fxquadro, 31 Jul 2024, 19:43:33 ]

31. Jul 2024, 19:44 #9552

Kopš: 04. Aug 2003

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 4625

Braucu ar: BMW E90 330i

da, Irānai pisaks pa olām
31. Jul 2024, 20:46 #9553

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4219

Braucu ar:

31 Jul 2024, 19:36:48 @fxquadro rakstīja:
Nu ko.. Izraēla baigi labi pareklamēja F35. Tāds trekns rezultats

Jus par to mediatoru, kuru visi apraud tagad?
31. Jul 2024, 20:56 #9554

Kopš: 09. Dec 2018

Ziņojumi: 134

Braucu ar: Honda Accord X USA ver. / Tesla M3 LR Boost, USA ver.

31 Jul 2024, 20:46:03 @Samsasi rakstīja:

31 Jul 2024, 19:36:48 @fxquadro rakstīja:
Nu ko.. Izraēla baigi labi pareklamēja F35. Tāds trekns rezultats

Jus par to mediatoru, kuru visi apraud tagad?

01. Aug 2024, 00:12 #9555

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27962

Braucu ar: wv

31 Jul 2024, 19:36:48 @fxquadro rakstīja:
Nu ko.. Izraēla baigi labi pareklamēja F35. Tāds trekns rezultats

Beidz… šis ir sūds. Reklāma sen jau bija. Kad nonesa Irānai pretgaisa aizsardzības modernāko un lielāko radaru. 1 f35 ar vienu raķeti. Pielidoja, uzlaida visu gaisā un mierīgi aizlidoja. Laikam nav jāmin- neviens radars viņu neredzēja. Persi tàdà ahujà bija, ka pat aizmirsa piedraudēt žīdiem par obratku.

Bet nu žīdi malači. Tie nediskutē daudz. Pateica visi zem zemes būs- tātad būs. Punkts. Pirms tam viñam abus dèlus novāca. Nu- malači! Irānai normàli aiz vaiga iedeva.
F-35 lūk tam analogof ņet. Kā krievi mîl teikt. Lūk ko nozīmē piektàs paaudzes aparāts
Tādus 200 uz vatastānu palaist- viena misija un nekas daudz tur pàri nepaliktu no viñu analogiem. Jo viņiem pielektu tikai tad, kad sàktu spràgt.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 01 Aug 2024, 00:14:29 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
01. Aug 2024, 01:21 #9556

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27962

Braucu ar: wv

Tieši ,,the luģi,, reportāža no libānas un palestīnas nometnes. EEEJ DIIIRST! KAS TUR DARÀS. Bērniem rētas un ievainojumus grimmē
Tur kur šodien to mūdzi nožmiedza

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 01 Aug 2024, 01:51:02 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
01. Aug 2024, 08:20 #9557

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12111

Braucu ar:

01 Aug 2024, 01:21:22 @Lafter rakstīja:
Tieši ,,the luģi,, reportāža no libānas un palestīnas nometnes. EEEJ DIIIRST! KAS TUR DARÀS. Bērniem rētas un ievainojumus grimmē
Tur kur šodien to mūdzi nožmiedza

pag, Hamas līderi taču likvidēja Irānā, bet reportāža ir par nometni Libānā
vai Tu par kkādu citu mūdzi?
01. Aug 2024, 08:34 #9558

Kopš: 09. Dec 2018

Ziņojumi: 134

Braucu ar: Honda Accord X USA ver. / Tesla M3 LR Boost, USA ver.

01 Aug 2024, 08:20:23 @kexxx rakstīja:

01 Aug 2024, 01:21:22 @Lafter rakstīja:
Tieši ,,the luģi,, reportāža no libānas un palestīnas nometnes. EEEJ DIIIRST! KAS TUR DARÀS. Bērniem rētas un ievainojumus grimmē
Tur kur šodien to mūdzi nožmiedza

pag, Hamas līderi taču likvidēja Irānā, bet reportāža ir par nometni Libānā
vai Tu par kkādu citu mūdzi?

Izraēla iznicināja divus augsta ranga pārstāvjus vienā dienā. Pirmo (no Hesbalas, persona Nr2 / nr 3 organizacijā) Libanā, otro Irānā (Hamās).

[ Šo ziņu laboja fxquadro, 01 Aug 2024, 08:41:44 ]

01. Aug 2024, 11:01 #9559

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27962

Braucu ar: wv

01 Aug 2024, 08:20:23 @kexxx rakstīja:

01 Aug 2024, 01:21:22 @Lafter rakstīja:
Tieši ,,the luģi,, reportāža no libānas un palestīnas nometnes. EEEJ DIIIRST! KAS TUR DARÀS. Bērniem rētas un ievainojumus grimmē
Tur kur šodien to mūdzi nožmiedza

pag, Hamas līderi taču likvidēja Irānā, bet reportāža ir par nometni Libānā
vai Tu par kkādu citu mūdzi?

Tak divi stīvi.


Es pārèjiem ieteiktu aizdomāties

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
01. Aug 2024, 18:39 #9560

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27962

Braucu ar: wv

Bomb Smuggled Into Tehran Guesthouse Months Ago Killed Hamas Leader
Ismail Haniyeh, a top leader of Hamas, was assassinated on Wednesday by an explosive device covertly smuggled into the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying, according to seven Middle Eastern officials, including two Iranians, and an American official.

The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse, according to five of the Middle Eastern officials. The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound, known as Neshat, in an upscale neighborhood of northern Tehran.

Mr. Haniyeh was in Iran’s capital for the presidential inauguration. The bomb was detonated remotely, the five officials said, once it was confirmed that he was inside his room at the guesthouse. The blast also killed a bodyguard.

The explosion shook the building, shattered some windows and caused the partial collapse of an exterior wall, according to the two Iranian officials, members of the Revolutionary Guards briefed on the incident. Such damage was also evident in a photograph of the building shared with The New York Times.

Mr. Haniyeh, who had led Hamas’s political office in Qatar, had stayed at the guesthouse several times when visiting Tehran, according to the Middle Eastern officials. All of the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to share sensitive details about the assassination.
Iranian officials and Hamas said Wednesday that Israel was responsible for the assassination, an assessment also reached by several U.S. officials who requested anonymity. The assassination threatened to unleash another wave of violence in the Middle East and upend the ongoing negotiations to end the war in Gaza. Mr. Haniyeh had been a top negotiator in the cease-fire talks.

Israel has not publicly acknowledged responsibility for the killing, but Israeli intelligence officials briefed the United States and other Western governments on the details of the operation in the immediate aftermath, according to the five Middle Eastern officials.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken said that the United States had received no advance knowledge of the assassination plot.

In the hours after the killing, speculation immediately focused on the possibility that Israel had killed Mr. Haniyeh with a missile strike, possibly fired from a drone or a plane, similar to how Israel had launched a missile on a military base in Isfahan in April.

That missile theory raised questions about how Israel might have been able to evade Iranian air defense systems again to execute such a brazen airstrike in the capital.As it turns out, the assassins were able to exploit a different kind of gap in Iran’s defenses: a lapse in the security of a supposedly tightly guarded compound that allowed a bomb to be planted and to remain hidden for many weeks before it would eventually be triggered.Such a breach, three Iranian officials said, was a catastrophic failure of intelligence and security for Iran and a tremendous embarrassment for the Guards, which uses the compound for retreats, secret meetings and housing prominent guests like Mr. Haniyeh.

How the bomb was stashed in the guesthouse remained unclear. The Middle Eastern officials said that the planning for the assassination took months and required extensive surveillance of the compound. The two Iranian officials who described the nature of the assassination said they did not know how or when the explosives were planted in the room.

Israel decided to carry out the assassination outside Qatar, where Mr. Haniyeh and other senior members of Hamas’s political leadership live. The Qatari government has been mediating the negotiations between Israel and Hamas over a cease-fire in Gaza.The deadly blast early Wednesday shattered windows and collapsed a portion of the wall of the compound, photographs showed and the Iranian officials said. It appeared to do minimal damage beyond the building itself, as a missile probably would have done.

At around 2 a.m. local time, the device exploded, according to the Middle Eastern officials, including the Iranians. Startled building staff members, the officials said, ran to find the source of the tremendous noise, leading them to the room where Mr. Haniyeh was staying with a bodyguard.The compound is staffed with a medical team which rushed to the room immediately after the explosion. The team declared that Mr. Haniyeh had died immediately. The team tried to revive the bodyguard, but he, too, was dead.The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, was staying next door, two of the Iranian officials said. His room was not badly damaged, suggesting precise planning in the targeting of Mr. Haniyeh.

Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy commander of Hamas in the Gaza Strip who was also in Tehran, arrived at the scene and saw his colleague’s body, according to the five Middle Eastern officials.

Among the people immediately notified, said the three Iranian officials, was Gen. Ismail Ghaani, the commander in chief of the Quds Force, the overseas arm of the Revolutionary Guards, which works closely with Iranian allies in the region, including Hamas and Hezbollah. He notified Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in the middle of the night, waking him up, the officials said.

Four hours after the blast, the Revolutionary Guards issued a statement that Mr. Haniyeh had been killed. By 7 a.m., Mr. Khamenei had summoned the members of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council to his compound for an emergency meeting, at which he issued an order to strike Israel in retaliation, according to the three Iranian officials.

Tehran had already been under heightened security because of the inauguration of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian, with senior government officials, military commanders and dignitaries from 86 countries gathering at Parliament in central Tehran for the ceremony.

Mr. Haniyeh had looked cheerful and triumphant on Tuesday during the swearing in, hugging the new president after he delivered his inaugural speech, and the two men raised their hands together, making the victory sign.In Iran, the method of assassination was the subject of rumor and dispute. The Tasnim News Agency, the media outlet for the Guards, reported that witnesses said an object like a missile had hit the window of Mr. Haniyeh’s room and exploded.

But the two Iranian officials, the members of the Guards briefed on the attack, confirmed that the explosion had taken place inside Mr. Haniyeh’s room, and said that an initial investigation showed that the explosives had been placed there sometime in advance.

They described the attack’s precision and sophistication as similar in tactic to the remote controlled A.I. robot weapon that Israel used to assassinate Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in 2020.

Israeli assassination operations outside of the country are primarily carried out by Mossad, the country’s foreign intelligence service. David Barnea, the head of Mossad, said in January that his service was “obliged” to hunt down the leaders of Hamas, the group behind the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel.

“It will take time, as it took after the massacre in Munich, but our hands will catch them wherever they are,” Mr. Barnea said, referring to the killing of Israeli athletes by terrorists at the 1972 Olympics.

Ronen Bergman is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, based in Tel Aviv. His latest book is “Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations,” published by Random House. More about Ronen Bergman

Mark Mazzetti is an investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C., focusing on national security, intelligence, and foreign affairs. He has written a book about the C.I.A. More about Mark Mazzetti

Farnaz Fassihi is the United Nations bureau chief for The Times, leading coverage of the organization, and also covers Iran and the shadow war between Iran and Israel. She is based in New York. More about Farnaz Fassihi

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 01 Aug 2024, 18:48:44 ]

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Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo