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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

28. Jul 2024, 11:49 #9461

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv



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28. Jul 2024, 12:05 #9462

Kopš: 09. Dec 2008

Ziņojumi: 1396

Braucu ar:

27 Jul 2024, 04:18:31 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 15:34:36 @Output rakstīja:
2. Pēc tava teiktā varētu domāt, ka pēdējos 30 gadus viņa dod visiem pēc kārtas lai tikai dabūtu pretī labākus amatus. Kaut gan realitātē viņa 90tajos salaida veccāku džeku, kurš ar saviem kontaktiem palīdzēja veiksmīgāk uzsākt karjeru. Tas nav gluži ētiski, bet nu nav arī nekas krimināls.

Aha tev taa tikai liekas ka tur nav nekas kriminaals, reaali Wiliie Brown iestuua savu maukjeli Kamalu par district attorney un arii peec tam par general prosecutor ne jau tikai pateiciibaa par to ka vinja labi suukaa bet taapeec lai vinja piesegtu vinja paarkaapumus, visas lietas kas tika ierosinaatas pret Willie Brown kautkur tika noraktas un kaa tu domaa kas pielika rocinju lai taa notiktu? Taa ka nav taa nekaada nevainiiga paliidziiba vinjai uzsaakt karjeru, te ir absoluuti skaidri redzams kriminaals..


Kā Tavuprāt politikā notiek? Izsludina konkursu trīs kārtās?
99% gadījumos kāds 'aizliek vārdu' un parasti nenostājas pret cilvēkiem, kuri tev ir palīdzējuši nokļūt tur ,kur esi.
Katram savs skelets skapī un man pilnīgi pajāt vai sūkā, vai pēcpusi griež, vai vispār nedod, galvenais lai ir adekvāts cilvēks, spējīgs pieņemt ātrus,racionālus lēmumus padomājot par sekām savai nācijai un pasaulē.
Un manuprāt ne Baidens,ne Trumps nav šajā sarakstā.
28. Jul 2024, 12:12 #9463

Kopš: 07. Mar 2023

Ziņojumi: 409

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2024, 20:46:58 @kexxx rakstīja:
kāpēc kāds izdzēsa manu atbildi pelmeņu someljē?

Vai nevarētu būt tā, ka tavā atbildē nebija nekā par
Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.
bet bija tikai kārtējais jēlais mēģinājums uzdirst man

Es skatos, tevi tā pelmeņu tēma nopietni satrauc, še tev, papriecājies

P.S. godīgi saku - brīnos par moderu toleranci. Jebkurā citā forumā, kur moderu nosaultu par mīzalu utt, sekotu bans automātiski


27 Jul 2024, 16:43:38 @mrCage rakstīja:

Ja demokrāti ,tā vietā ,lai zākātu Trampu visus 4 gadus ,būtu tomēr kritiski paskatijušies paši uz sevi un to ,ka ''karalis ir kails un Baidens vecs'' un būtu jau laicīgi gatavojušies ,tad varbūt situācija šobrīd nebūtu tik nenoteikta un saspringta.

Man liekas, ka šodienas problēma sākās senāk.
Trumpa pirmajā hodkā demi redzēja Doniju kā vieglu mērķi (un pēc Obamas tā arī bija) un palaida viņam pretī vājāko iespējamo, toties max ambiciozu, power kreizī bič - Hilariju.
Iestājās nepatīkams realitī čeks un no aizkrāsnes izvilka spēcīgu veterānu

Trump, protams, ir baigais mērglis, bet tas kas viņam pretī stāv ir vnk cirks ar klauniem un zirgiem

[ Šo ziņu laboja treshaa_josla, 28 Jul 2024, 12:15:07 ]

28. Jul 2024, 12:21 #9464

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12094

Braucu ar:

28 Jul 2024, 12:12:18 @treshaa_josla rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 20:46:58 @kexxx rakstīja:
kāpēc kāds izdzēsa manu atbildi pelmeņu someljē?

Vai nevarētu būt tā, ka tavā atbildē nebija nekā par
Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.
bet bija tikai kārtējais jēlais mēģinājums uzdirst man

Es skatos, tevi tā pelmeņu tēma nopietni satrauc, še tev, papriecājies

P.S. godīgi saku - brīnos par moderu toleranci. Jebkurā citā forumā, kur moderu nosaultu par mīzalu utt, sekotu bans automātiski


27 Jul 2024, 16:43:38 @mrCage rakstīja:

Ja demokrāti ,tā vietā ,lai zākātu Trampu visus 4 gadus ,būtu tomēr kritiski paskatijušies paši uz sevi un to ,ka ''karalis ir kails un Baidens vecs'' un būtu jau laicīgi gatavojušies ,tad varbūt situācija šobrīd nebūtu tik nenoteikta un saspringta.

Man liekas, ka šodienas problēma sākās senāk.
Trumpa pirmajā hodkā demi redzēja Doniju kā vieglu mērķi (un pēc Obamas tā arī bija) un palaida viņam pretī vājāko iespējamo, toties max ambiciozu, power kreizī bič - Hilariju.
Iestājās nepatīkams realitī čeks un no aizkrāsnes izvilka spēcīgu veterānu

Trump, protams, ir baigais mērglis, bet tas kas viņam pretī stāv ir vnk cirks ar klauniem un zirgiem

dillītes no pelmeņu bļodas pārostījies esi? uz sevi paskaties- tieši tavam postam pirmām kārtām nebija nekāda sakara ar topika tēmu, tikai truls mēģinājums uzdirst
tikai to gan nez kāpēc neviens nedzēsa.
esi kādam ieziepējies, deguns brūns?

p.s. anonīmi dzēst postu, kurā nav nekāda noteikumu pārkāpuma un nepaskaidrot iemeslu IR mīzalu taktika. vēl jo vairāk tāpēc, ka pelmeņpuika pats sāka offtopiku ar uzbraucieniem

[ Šo ziņu laboja kexxx, 28 Jul 2024, 12:24:02 ]

28. Jul 2024, 12:28 #9465

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

Tinaties uz spamu attiecības risināt.
Ja jau moderi savajadzējās

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
28. Jul 2024, 12:34 #9466

Kopš: 07. Mar 2023

Ziņojumi: 409

Braucu ar:

28 Jul 2024, 12:21:24 @kexxx rakstīja:

dillītes no pelmeņu bļodas pārostījies esi? uz sevi paskaties- tieši tavam postam pirmām kārtām nebija nekāda sakara ar topika tēmu, tikai truls mēģinājums uzdirst
tikai to gan nez kāpēc neviens nedzēsa.
esi kādam ieziepējies, deguns brūns?

p.s. anonīmi dzēst postu, kurā nav nekāda noteikumu pārkāpuma un nepaskaidrot iemeslu IR mīzalu taktika. vēl jo vairāk tāpēc, ka pelmeņpuika pats sāka offtopiku ar uzbraucieniem

Dārgumiņ, ja atgriežamies atpakaļ. Tu mēģināji apgalvot, ka Trump ir establišment.
Es tev norādiju, ka tu smagi maldies, tā nevar būt pēc DeFInīcIjaS

Kur tu saskati beztēmu, novirzīšanos no tēmas ?

P.S. katru reizi, kad tu raksti "pelmenis", tu sāpini manas jūtas ļoti. lūdzu nedari tā, labi, ja


27 Jul 2024, 16:49:34 @kexxx rakstīja:
lai gan nepatika pret Trampu man šķiet saprotama kaut vai viņa izskata, runas manieres un izturēšanās dēļ

Ja es rakstītu, ka man nepatīk kā Kamilla izskatās, nu pārāk nosauļojusies un tā, vai tas ir ok ?
28. Jul 2024, 12:34 #9467

Kopš: 07. Mar 2023

Ziņojumi: 409

Braucu ar:

28 Jul 2024, 12:28:54 @Lafter rakstīja:
Tinaties uz spamu attiecības risināt.
Ja jau moderi savajadzējās

Man ar kekseli nav attiecību

Bet ok
28. Jul 2024, 12:35 #9468

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12094

Braucu ar:

labs i, nav ko uz to trolli klaviatūru deldēt, vnk pats sāk ar offtopiku un uzbraucienu un tad tēlo svēto nevainību- es neko, mani apbižo
28. Jul 2024, 12:37 #9469

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12094

Braucu ar:

28 Jul 2024, 12:34:03 @treshaa_josla rakstīja:

28 Jul 2024, 12:21:24 @kexxx rakstīja:

dillītes no pelmeņu bļodas pārostījies esi? uz sevi paskaties- tieši tavam postam pirmām kārtām nebija nekāda sakara ar topika tēmu, tikai truls mēģinājums uzdirst
tikai to gan nez kāpēc neviens nedzēsa.
esi kādam ieziepējies, deguns brūns?

p.s. anonīmi dzēst postu, kurā nav nekāda noteikumu pārkāpuma un nepaskaidrot iemeslu IR mīzalu taktika. vēl jo vairāk tāpēc, ka pelmeņpuika pats sāka offtopiku ar uzbraucieniem

Dārgumiņ, ja atgriežamies atpakaļ. Tu mēģināji apgalvot, ka Trump ir establišment.
Es tev norādiju, ka tu smagi maldies, tā nevar būt pēc DeFInīcIjaS

Kur tu saskati beztēmu, novirzīšanos no tēmas ?

P.S. katru reizi, kad tu raksti "pelmenis", tu sāpini manas jūtas ļoti. lūdzu nedari tā, labi, ja


27 Jul 2024, 16:49:34 @kexxx rakstīja:
lai gan nepatika pret Trampu man šķiet saprotama kaut vai viņa izskata, runas manieres un izturēšanās dēļ

Ja es rakstītu, ka man nepatīk kā Kamilla izskatās, nu pārāk nosauļojusies un tā, vai tas ir ok ?

establishment defEnīciju iemeti? nē?
argumentu nav, tups uzdirsiens. PN
29. Jul 2024, 09:21 #9470

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

Klausies- ej uz spamu/ alternatīvās realitātes topic. Es nopietni. Var būt viedoklis katram. Un katram uz to ir tiesības- taču piedirst topiku visu laiku ar tēmàm, kuras ir saistošas nedaudz prātā vājiem un cilvēkiem ar iq zemāku par gliemezīti- tos tematus tur.
Pat vairāk iedziļināties nevēlos. Vienkārši šito sūdu izdzēsīšu. Tik vienkārši.
Vispār Tava temata vieta ir sazvērestību topic. Jo pret Trump ir kas?
Sazvērestības visu laiku!
Tāpēc izmanto tam lūdzu atbildošu topic.
Paldies par sapratni!

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
29. Jul 2024, 09:26 #9471

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

Lūdzu- topic.
Trump topic
Šis nav apbižotā trump topic. Nedaudz nodalīsim postus par tēmu, ar Tevis izvērstā spama. Es atkārtoju- es dzēsīšu Xfile versijas. Tam visam ir tiesu sistēma, prokuratūra. Arguments no tēmas - viena tante teica, ir spams. Tāpēc ej uz paralēlās realitātes, savu vai spama topic. Par šodienas notikumiem- droši. Par to, ar ko gulējusi Kamala pirms 30 gadiem- to citos topic

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 29 Jul 2024, 09:47:05 ]

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Spama topiks
29. Jul 2024, 09:52 #9472

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12094

Braucu ar:

Lafter, apbrīnoju Tavu pacietību- par to pēdējo izdzēsto postu no jebkura cita modera cūķis būtu stabili atrāvies banu
29. Jul 2024, 10:30 #9473

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4153

Braucu ar:

Somijā nogāzts mobilo sakaru tornis... Dēļ bojātām atsaitēm. Tb kāds nogāzis torņi.

Un francijā optikas bojātas....

[ Šo ziņu laboja Samsasi, 29 Jul 2024, 16:12:55 ]

29. Jul 2024, 15:55 #9474

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

29 Jul 2024, 09:52:01 @kexxx rakstīja:
Lafter, apbrīnoju Tavu pacietību- par to pēdējo izdzēsto postu no jebkura cita modera cūķis būtu stabili atrāvies banu

Es uzskatu - bans ir galējs līdzeklis. Baigi neatbalstu. Man tak nav grūti atķeksèt un nospiest- dzēst atzīmētos ziņokumus

Tas tracina vairāk

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
29. Jul 2024, 16:51 #9475

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

29 Jul 2024, 16:11:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Ruksi, bet kāpēc tev tas ir tik svarīgi?

Antivaxeriem, vateņiem, Jaunlatvijas cēlējiem, follijgalvām, prievēm utt ir ļoti svarīgi. Viņi aizmigt nevar. Tu viņam saki- OK. Labi. Neinteresē. Bet viņš skrien no pakaļas ar savu huiņu un bāžas. Kaut pizģî viņus- bet gulēt viñi nevar, ja neskrien pakaļ.
Kā sūdā kurā iekāpis esi. Notîri- bet smird.
Tas par paralēlàs pasaules dogmām. Pa retam pat ko jēdzîgu izspļauj. Bet ļoti reti
Viñi jûtas labāk- jo ir atšķirīgi un vienoti fanātiskà idejā. Viens otru uzkurina un mauc.

Ready for palags?

Middle East Crisis Israel’s Security Cabinet Approves Military Response to Rocket Attack From Lebanon
Heights.Credit...Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times
Tensions were running high on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border on Monday in anticipation of an escalation in hostilities, after Israel’s security cabinet authorized its leaders to decide on the nature and timing of an Israeli military response to a deadly rocket attack from Lebanon last weekend.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, received the authorization from the cabinet members in a meeting on Sunday night, according to a statement from the prime minister’s office.

Israeli politicians have been vocal about the need for a significant military blow in retaliation for the rocket strike, which killed 12 children and teenagers on Saturday in the Druse Arab village of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. The Iran-backed militia group Hezbollah, which has been sending rockets into Israel for months, denied responsibility for the attack, but Israel and the United States have blamed the group.

Since the strike, there have been continued exchanges across the border, but they have seemed to fall within the bounds of the routine tit-for-tat of the past few months. The Israeli military said overnight that its aerial defense systems successfully intercepted an unmanned aircraft that crossed from Lebanon into northwestern Israel.

On Monday morning a drone strike in southern Lebanon killed two people and injured three others, including a child, according to Lebanon’s state-run news agency. The strike targeted a vehicle on the road between two border villages, according to Lebanese media reports.

At least two towns were also hit overnight by Israeli airstrikes, the agency reported. The Israeli military did not immediately comment on those attacks.

Hezbollah began firing across Israel’s northern border nearly 10 months ago in solidarity with Hamas in Gaza, though the strikes and Israel’s responses have been mostly small scale. In the wake of the attack on Saturday, Western diplomats have been scrambling to try to prevent any major Israeli retaliation and Hezbollah counter-response from spiraling into an all-out war, even as the fighting between Israel and Hamas continues in the south.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, in a call from Tokyo on Monday with Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog, “reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iranian-backed terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah.” But he also emphasized “the importance of preventing escalation of the conflict and discussed efforts to reach a diplomatic solution” to the hostilities, according to Matthew Miller, a State Department spokesman.

Hezbollah has denied responsibility for the rocket attack Saturday that struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams. But the Israeli military said the type of rocket used in the attack is Iranian-made and carries more than 50 kilograms (110 pounds) of explosives. Hezbollah is the only group in Lebanon that possesses such rockets, the military said.

And on Sunday, Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. National Security Council, said in a statement that Hezbollah had organized the attack. “It was their rocket, and launched from an area they control,” the statement said.

Mr. Gallant, Israel’s defense minister, described Hezbollah’s denials as “ridiculous” after a visit to the Israeli military’s northern command headquarters on Sunday. He warned that Hezbollah would pay “a heavy price” for the strike.

After a restless night, many in Lebanon woke up relieved on Monday to find there had been no major Israeli retaliation overnight. Children made their way to school. Bakeries fired up their ovens and the roads were clogged with traffic as people went about their daily commute.

But fears continued to linger in Lebanon as the country awaited the expected Israeli response. “It was cool to wake up and find that I was alive,” said Mohamed Awada, 52, a taxi driver and father of two who lives in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

Some airlines, including the Lufthansa Group, have suspended or adjusted their flight schedules in Lebanon amid the heightened tensions. Middle East Airlines, Lebanon’s national carrier, cited “insurance risks” as a reason for rescheduling overnight flights arriving in Beirut, according to a statement.

Embassies in Lebanon reissued warnings against travel to the country, and have urged foreign citizens to leave while flights are still available.
For nearly 10 months, Israel and Hezbollah, an Iran-backed militia that dominates southern Lebanon, have fought a low-level conflict that has edged closer to an all-out war. Since October, both sides have fired thousands of missiles across the Israel-Lebanon border, wrecking towns, killing hundreds, displacing hundreds of thousands and leading both to threaten to invade the other.

The rocket strike from Lebanon on Saturday that killed at least 12 people in the Golan Heights was the deadliest attack so far on Israeli-controlled territory during the conflict. Israel blamed Hezbollah, which has denied it was responsible. It was the kind of strike that has long been feared in the conflict, one that could tip the balance toward war.

Despite their retaliatory strikes and public rhetoric, both Israel and Hezbollah have recently appeared to be privately looking for an offramp that would allow them to de-escalate without losing face. Amos Hochstein, a U.S. envoy, and top French officials have shuttled between the two countries in recent months, trying to coax each side toward an informal truce.

The sides last fought a major land war in 2006, in a monthlong conflict in which Israel devastated large parts of southern Beirut, the Lebanese capital, and southern Lebanon. The scale of the destruction led Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, to subsequently concede that his group would not have kidnapped and killed several Israeli soldiers at the time had it known it would set off such a strong response.

Another big war would be far more damaging for both sides. Nearly two decades later, Hezbollah is considered one of the world’s most heavily armed nonstate actors. U.S. government experts estimate that Hezbollah has a stockpile of more than 150,000 rockets, drones and missiles.

Roughly 100,000 people in Lebanon and 60,000 in Israel have been displaced by the conflict since October, with scores of schools and health centers shuttered in both countries.

The chances of a miscalculation have risen in recent weeks as both sides have tested each other with particularly provocative attacks and statements.

Since the start of June, the Israeli military has killed two senior Hezbollah commanders and said it had finalized plans for an “offensive” in Lebanon. Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, said last month that the country was “very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against Hezbollah and Lebanon.”

Iran, Hezbollah’s patron, also fears a major war that could damage its biggest regional proxy, analysts and officials say. But publicly, Iran has ramped up its rhetoric. In June, it threatened an “obliterating war” if Israel launched a full-scale attack in Lebanon and said that “all options,” including the involvement of Iran-backed armed groups across the Middle East, “are on the table.”

In Israel, the government needs a pretext to return tens of thousands of civilians who evacuated the area bordering Lebanon in October.

A bigger war with Hezbollah could eventually provide that pretext: By invading Lebanon, the Israeli government could tell domestic audiences that it had pushed Hezbollah away from the border, even if analysts are skeptical that such an outcome is possible.

But that approach is a big gamble. Top Israeli generals privately believe that their forces, though capable of fighting a larger war, are not in an optimal state for one. They are running low on some munitions and spare parts, while fewer reservists are reporting for duty.

An ally of Hamas, Hezbollah has said it will stop firing rockets if Israel halts its war with Hamas in Gaza. If that were to happen, both Israel and Hezbollah signaled to interlocutors before the strike on Saturday that they would be prepared to begin negotiations for a formal truce, according to three Western officials briefed on the sides’ positions and an Israeli official.

— Patrick Kingsley and Euan Ward reporting from Jerusalem and Beirut

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 29 Jul 2024, 16:54:57 ]

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Spama topiks
29. Jul 2024, 18:21 #9476

Kopš: 02. Jan 2017

Ziņojumi: 500

Braucu ar: G20

29 Jul 2024, 16:51:50 @Lafter rakstīja:

29 Jul 2024, 16:11:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Ruksi, bet kāpēc tev tas ir tik svarīgi?

Antivaxeriem, vateņiem, Jaunlatvijas cēlējiem, follijgalvām, prievēm utt ir ļoti svarīgi. Viņi aizmigt nevar. Tu viņam saki- OK. Labi. Neinteresē. Bet viņš skrien no pakaļas ar savu huiņu un bāžas. Kaut pizģî viņus- bet gulēt viñi nevar, ja neskrien pakaļ.

Kaut kā šitā?

29. Jul 2024, 18:29 #9477

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

Tieši pa pîzdu ne ko pielikt, ne ko noņemt.

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
29. Jul 2024, 21:13 #9478

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27812

Braucu ar: wv

Ready for palags?

Gunman at Trump Rally Was Often a Step Ahead of the Secret Service Text messages, obtained exclusively by The Times, indicate that some law enforcement officers were aware of Thomas Crooks earlier than previously known. And he was aware of them.

July 28, 2024
Nearly 100 minutes before former President Donald J. Trump took the stage in Butler, Pa., a local countersniper who was part of the broader security detail let his colleagues know his shift was ending.

“Guys I am out. Be safe,” he texted to a group of colleagues at 4:19 p.m. on July 13. He exited the second floor of a warehouse that overlooked the campaign rally site, leaving two other countersnipers behind.

Outside, the officer noticed a young man with long stringy hair sitting on a picnic table near the warehouse. So at 4:26 p.m., he texted his colleagues about the man, who was outside the fenced area of the Butler Fair Show grounds where Mr. Trump was to appear. He said that the person would have seen him come out with his rifle and “knows you guys are up there.”

The countersniper who sent the texts confirmed to The New York Times that the individual he saw was later identified as the gunman.

By 5:10 p.m., the young man was no longer on the picnic table. He was right below the countersnipers, who were upstairs in a warehouse owned by AGR International. One of the countersnipers took pictures of him, according to a law enforcement after-action report, which along with the texts from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit was provided to The Times by the office of Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa. The text messages were independently verified by The Times.

At 5:38 p.m., the photos were shared in a group chat, and another text went out among the officers, saying they should inform the Secret Service. “Kid learning around building we are in. AGR I believe it is. I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS snipers to look out. I lost sight of him.”

A screenshot of text messages among local law enforcement officers.
At 5:38 p.m., another countersniper sent photographs of Mr. Crooks outside the AGR International building to a group of local law enforcement officers.Credit...Beaver County E.S.U., via Senator Charles E. Grassley

By 6:11 p.m., the “kid” would be dead on the roof of a warehouse connected to the one the countersnipers were stationed in, after having been shot by the Secret Service for trying to kill a former president.

Taken together, the text messages provide the most detailed picture yet of the hours before the assassination attempt. They reveal that the gunman, later identified as Thomas Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa., aroused police suspicion more than 90 minutes before the shooting, rather than about 60 minutes, as has been previously discussed in congressional hearings.

The messages also add to the evidence that the would-be assassin was often one step ahead of security forces, and in particular the Secret Service.

Mr. Crooks scoped out the rally site a day before the Secret Service did. He used a drone to survey the site while the Secret Service did not seek permission to use one for the rally. He researched how far Lee Harvey Oswald was from John F. Kennedy when he fatally shot the president in 1963 — the answer is about 265 feet — and managed to climb onto a roof that was about 400 feet from Mr. Trump at its closest point. The Secret Service left that roof unmanned.

And while countersnipers were assigned to surveil the rally, Mr. Crooks was also in a position to watch them.

Even after the episode ended, the police seemed confused about what Mr. Crooks had done and how.

“So, on TV, they’re saying Trump was shot at, and he got hit, but I don’t believe that,” one local police officer said to another 17 minutes after the shooting, in a conversation captured on a body-worn camera.

As the officers in the video walk toward the warehouse on which Mr. Crooks’s lifeless body lay, one can be heard saying, “I’m trying to figure out how this guy got here.”

Investigators are still trying to determine Mr. Crooks’s motivations and his actions in the days before the rally, in part from what they have found on his personal devices. But the texts and footage, combined with interviews by The Times and public testimony by investigators, have filled in some of the answers.

Mr. Crooks already had the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle he brought to the rally. He purchased it in October from his father, who had acquired it legally in 2013.

He began to receive packages at his house in the Pittsburgh suburbs, including fertilizer pellets and radio devices. He would later use some of this material to build rudimentary bombs, two of which were found in his vehicle after the shooting and another in his home.

Mr. Crooks had started searching online for information on famous people, including the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, President Biden and Mr. Trump. He also looked up “major depressive disorder.”
On July 3, Mr. Trump’s campaign announced the rally in Butler for 10 days later, and Mr. Crooks narrowed his focus to the former president — and to past assassinations.

On July 6, Mr. Crooks typed in an ominous phrase.

“He did a Google search for ‘How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?’” Mr. Wray told a congressional committee last week.
The next day, Mr. Crooks drove to the farm show grounds, about an hour from his home. He spent 20 minutes there, investigators said. He also registered to attend the rally.

Secret Service agents would not hold their first walk-through until the following day, July 8, joined by law enforcement officials from several local and state agencies.

It was then that the Secret Service decided to exclude the entire warehouse complex owned by AGR, including Building No. 6, which Mr. Crooks would later use, from its inner security perimeter. This meant that on the day of the rally, Mr. Crooks was able to approach the building without passing through security screening.

There is still confusion about which agency was supposed to oversee the roof. Kimberly A. Cheatle, then the director of the Secret Service, told a House committee on Monday that she did not know whose job that was. She resigned the next day.

After their walk-through, the Secret Service had asked local agencies to provide more help. Text messages show that Beaver County struggled to find enough volunteers to cover the 12-hour shift. A leader says that one of the available snipers could arrive at 8 a.m. but would need to leave by 4 p.m.

“That works,” another leader responded in the texts.

On Thursday, July 11, the Secret Service returned to the site for a final walk-through with its local partners.

The next day, Mr. Crooks made his own final preparations. He went to a shooting range, the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, around 2:30 p.m., and practiced with his AR-15-style rifle.

On Saturday morning, July 13, the timelines of the security personnel and the would-be assassin converged.

Officers from several local law enforcement agencies were scheduled for a briefing at 9 a.m. at the Brady Paul Lodge in Butler, according to a plan shown in the text messages. The after-action report indicates the Secret Service was not in attendance.

At the same time, Mr. Crooks was at the Home Depot in Bethel Park purchasing a ladder. A bloody receipt, found in the shooter’s pocket after he was killed, showed he bought it around 9:30 a.m.

Then Mr. Crooks drove to the rally site, reaching the show grounds by around 10 a.m. and staying about 70 minutes — even as the local countersnipers were arriving.

When Mr. Crooks left, he drove back to his hometown and bought 50 rounds of ammunition at Allegheny Arms & Gun Works. Then he returned to Butler, arriving at the farm show grounds in his Hyundai Sonata at about 3:35 p.m., according to geolocation information from one of his cellphones. About 15 minutes later, he flew his drone over the site for 11 minutes, including in a path about 200 yards from Mr. Trump’s podium.

He finished using his drone and sat at the picnic table, where the countersniper spotted him.

Mr. Crooks walked to his car, left the drone inside and was soon hanging around the warehouse complex.

Unlike the other visitors, he was not trying to enter the rally site through the security checkpoints, a fact that attracted the attention of the local countersnipers inside the warehouse. One of them took photos of him at 5:14 p.m.

Col. Christopher Paris, the Pennsylvania State Police commissioner, testified in a congressional hearing on Tuesday that officers were busy that day, responding to more than 100 heat-related emergencies. There were also other suspicious people whom security officials were trying to assess at the rally, which is not unusual for such events, Colonel Paris said.

But then, Mr. Crooks did something that alarmed the police. They saw him using the range finder.

A Beaver County countersniper shared two photos of Mr. Crooks with his colleagues at 5:38 p.m., which were then relayed to the Secret Service, through a series of steps in the command center.

One of the two remaining countersnipers “ran out of the building attempting to keep eyes on Crooks until other law enforcement arrived,” according to a statement by Richard Goldinger, the Butler County district attorney, who supervises some of the law enforcement units.

But Mr. Crooks ran off, taking a backpack with him, Mr. Goldinger said. When the officer was unable to find Mr. Crooks, he returned to his post.

Four Butler Township police officers who had been directing traffic joined the manhunt.

At 6 p.m., one officer in the group texts guessed that Mr. Crooks was moving toward the back of the complex of AGR buildings, “away from the event.” Instead, Mr. Crooks clambered onto the low-slung building in the complex closest to the stage.

Mr. Trump took the podium at 6:03 p.m., to a roaring crowd.

Six minutes later, rally attendees began pointing to someone on the roof of the warehouse. Either through luck or preparation, Mr. Crooks had found a place on the roof that let him see Mr. Trump clearly, but also seemed to keep him somewhat hidden from the Secret Service countersnipers.

Though Mr. Crooks did not bring his newly purchased ladder, he managed to climb onto the roof and walk across a complex of interconnected roofs, Mr. Wray testified.

The Butler Township officers had no ladder themselves, so one officer boosted up another, who grabbed the roof and pulled himself up — to find Mr. Crooks pointing a gun at him. With no hands left to pull his own gun, the officer dropped.

At 6:11 p.m., Mr. Crooks let loose his first rounds.

In the end, Mr. Trump was spared not by the vast law-enforcement contingent protecting him, but by chance. He turned his head, and Mr. Crooks’s first bullet whizzed by close enough to graze his ear.

The former president dived to the ground, and Mr. Crooks sent off another round. The second Secret Service sniper team fired back, and killed Mr. Crooks.
The body-camera footage shows officers climbing a ladder to find Mr. Crooks lying dead on the roof: a slight man, wearing black sneakers, a T-shirt and cargo shorts. His backpack and rifle lay nearby. A long trail of blood ran from his body down to the roof’s gutter.

“Looks like, what, at least eight,” one of them says, counting shell casings around him. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. At least eight.”

Campbell Robertson, Jeanna Smialek, Malachy Browne and Glenn Thrush contributed reporting.
Haley Willis is a Times reporter with the Visual Investigations team, covering conflict, corruption and human rights. More about Haley Willis

Aric Toler is a reporter on the Visual Investigations team at The Times where he uses emerging techniques of discovery to analyze open source information. More about Aric Toler

David A. Fahrenthold is an investigative reporter writing about nonprofit organizations. He has been a reporter for two decades. More about David A. Fahrenthold

Adam Goldman writes about the F.B.I. and national security. He has been a journalist for mo

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