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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

26. Jul 2024, 13:46 #9441

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12105

Braucu ar:

Adjiku reāli bombī
26. Jul 2024, 13:54 #9442

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4203

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2024, 13:43:22 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 13:39:33 @Samsasi rakstīja:
cik es pa diagonāli atceros, tad viņa ir bijusi Cali generālprokurore... nez vai maukas tādos amatos liek?

tak paskaties video..

jop nu tak... pats paskaties. jāsak kā Lafteram - kur ir fakti?

bet nu labi, iesākumam izlasi viņas wiki
26. Jul 2024, 14:04 #9443

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27887

Braucu ar: wv

Mēs gaidam tad to patiesības faktu, resursu, rakstu. Nu kaut ko.
Ok- wiki labo, tas ir fakts.
Dod linku kur var iedziļināties patiesībā.

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26. Jul 2024, 14:05 #9444

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 15995

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2024, 14:04:14 @Lafter rakstīja:
Mēs gaidam tad to patiesības faktu, resursu, rakstu. Nu kaut ko.
Ok- wiki labo, tas ir fakts.
Dod linku kur var iedziļināties patiesībā.

No poģīša kur tantes stāsta patiesību,nevar ielikt linku,būs jātic ruksītim uz vārda
26. Jul 2024, 14:07 #9445

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 15995

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2024, 14:05:21 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 13:59:39 @Lafter rakstīja:

Tu nāc ar saviem faktiem. Tad sagaidi argumentus.
Pagaidām visi Tavi teksti ir no sērijas- viena tante teica.
Ja viņa apgalvo bez faktiem publiski lietas, un Tu tām tici, papildus vēl sludini. Tas kāpēc es nevarētu apgalvot savu sūdu un sludināt. Man taču nekas nav jāpierāda.
Tava loģika

Es nevaru nevienu linku te ielikt. Viss ir twiterii youtubee tiek tiiriits aaraa es tos te video samekleeju lai vismaz ir kkas lai gan tur ne tuvu ir viss.

ā tu noskatijies jūtbē un sorosīti uzreiz izdzēsa Blā kā tev neiet,ar tiem faktiem
26. Jul 2024, 14:12 #9446

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27887

Braucu ar: wv

26 Jul 2024, 14:02:30 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 13:54:33 @Samsasi rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 13:43:22 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 13:39:33 @Samsasi rakstīja:
cik es pa diagonāli atceros, tad viņa ir bijusi Cali generālprokurore... nez vai maukas tādos amatos liek?

tak paskaties video..

jop nu tak... pats paskaties. jāsak kā Lafteram - kur ir fakti?

bet nu labi, iesākumam izlasi viņas wiki


jaa jaa lasi vairaak to wiki, tur jau viss pielabots taa kaa demokraatiem vajag

jaa jaa lasi vairaak wiki.. tur jau viss ir izlabots taa kaa demokraatiem vajag:


Jā, jā. Lasi, lasi. Varbūt beidz lasīt fake news un izplatît to sūdu powerā?

The Fact-Checkers’ Pratfall on ‘Border Czar

No, Harris never held the formal title of “border czar,” because in this context “czar” is a colloquial or shorthand term for “person in charge of something.”

Why Republicans Keep Calling Kamala Harris the ‘Border Czar’
As Democrats tangle over the re-election prospects of President Biden, Republicans at their national convention this week have trained some of their most intense criticism on Vice President Kamala Harris.

They have tied her to an administration that they say has led to increases in crime and inflation. They have cast her an enabler of an aging and ineffective president. They have blamed her for record levels of migrant crossings at the border.

But perhaps no phrase has been deployed more than this one: “border czar.”

“Kamala Harris isn’t able to do any job. She was appointed border czar,” said Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida on Wednesday to a couple of snickers in the audience. “Appointing Kamala Harris to oversee the border is like appointing Bernie Madoff to oversee your retirement plan.”

But Ms. Harris was not, in fact, appointed border czar, nor was she tasked with addressing the broader problems plaguing the border itself, where minors have at times slept on the floors of overcrowded facilities for days beyond the legal limit. Rather she was deputized by President Biden with the diplomatic mission of solving the “root causes” of migration from countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, tackling the issues that spur people to flee in the first place, like drug violence and lack of economic opportunity.

It was the same politically unsavory task that former President Barack Obama delegated to Mr. Biden when he served as Mr. Obama’s vice president. And it’s a task that has only become harder — and more politically polarized — since then, becoming perhaps the thorniest issue facing the Biden-Harris administration.
Brian Fallon, campaign spokesman for Ms. Harris, said former President Donald J. Trump and his party have “resorted to lying about the vice president’s record,” after Mr. Trump tanked a bipartisan border deal earlier this year.

“As a former district attorney and attorney general, she has stood up to fraudsters and felons like Trump her entire career,” he said. “Trump’s lies won’t stop her from continuing to prosecute the case against him on the biggest issues in this race.”

But attacking Ms. Harris serves several functions, Republican and Democratic strategists said. Republicans see her as a possible alternative to lead the Democratic ticket if Mr. Biden steps aside, with his campaign under pressure over concerns about his re-election bid. And if that does not happen, as Mr. Biden has vowed to stay in the race, she remains a powerful figure with the potential to energize the parts of the coalition seen as up for grabs: women, young people and voters of color.

Some speakers like Nikki Haley, Mr. Trump’s one-time presidential rival, have long sought to convince Republicans that a vote for Mr. Biden will be a vote for Ms. Harris, arguing that Mr. Biden is too old to finish his second term even if he is re-elected.

“You never want to miss an opportunity to lay out the case that the Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster,” said Dave Carney, a Republican political strategist at the convention.

So the calls of “border czar” from the stage have continued.

On Monday, Bob Unanue, the president of Goya Foods and chairman of the Hispanic Leadership Coalition, insulted Ms. Harris by riffing on the pronunciation of her name in Spanish to denigrate her as ineffective. “Our border czar, ‘Que-mala’ Harris — that means ‘so bad’ — and we have enough bad, we need some goodness — was missing in action,” he said.

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26. Jul 2024, 15:25 #9447

Kopš: 13. Jan 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1665

Braucu ar: 81

Aģiks kā vienmēr spridzina - drīz atkal būs ģenerāļi, kuģi ar armiju pie ASV krastiem, krakens, un pārējās lietas

Tramps laikam tiešām ir pierādījums, ka pat nepareizs pulkstenis rāda pareizi, jeb uz pasaules atradīsies kāds, kam sakrīt zvaigznes - viņš taču visu mūžu ir kritis augšup caur visdažādākajiem neveiksmīgiem biznesa projektiem, līdz sapratis, ka tas, kas padodas vislabāk, ir būt par klaunu (lasi - realitātes TV-zvaigzni); beigās ieslēdzoties vecuma marasmam tam visam klāt pieslēdzies rasisms (ko būmeri ar savu vecuma marasmu ļoti labi sagremo) un bezkompleksu melošana.

Smieklīgākais tajā visā ir tas, ka republikāņu vēlētāji izdomāja, ka vislabākais konservatīvo (kristīgo) ģimenes vērtību pārstāvis ir cilvēks, kas trīsreiz precējies un ar neskaitāmām ārpuslaulības afērām; un labākais cīnītājs par taisnību visiem un pret korupciju ir notiesāts noziedzinieks, kurš ir slavens ar savu izvairīšanos no nodokļiem un citu uzmešanu

To visu vislabāk raksturo šis citāts:

Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.
26. Jul 2024, 15:34 #9448

Kopš: 02. Jan 2017

Ziņojumi: 502

Braucu ar: G20

26 Jul 2024, 13:33:54 @ruksis rakstīja:

26 Jul 2024, 12:44:28 @Lafter rakstīja:
Bet smieklīgākais, kā nenoveicās Trump. Viņam kampaņas uzsvars bija, kad pretī ir vecs marazmātiķis Baidens kurš nevar būt prezidents. Tikko, kā bija nominēts- pēkšņi viņš pats ir vecs marazmātiķis pret jaunu nosacīti, enerģisku sievieti. Kura vēl nāk no minoritātēm, ja tā var teikt. Viņa plāns tagad strādā pret pašu.
Politiķa slapjais sapnis

Ak energeejiska saki? Varbuut energjeetiska gultaa jo nu citaadi nevar izskaidrot kaapeec 4 gadus buudama VP bija klusa kaa pele neviens pat nezin ko vinja dariija!
Visa vinjas politiskaa karjera ir taapec ka vinja bija padauzinja augstaam aprindaam.

Noskatitojos to tavu video.
1. Kāpēc šiem patiesības sludinātāju kanāliem (piemēram arī InfoWars) ir tik jokaini sponsori?

2. Pēc tava teiktā varētu domāt, ka pēdējos 30 gadus viņa dod visiem pēc kārtas lai tikai dabūtu pretī labākus amatus. Kaut gan realitātē viņa 90tajos salaida veccāku džeku, kurš ar saviem kontaktiem palīdzēja veiksmīgāk uzsākt karjeru. Tas nav gluži ētiski, bet nu nav arī nekas krimināls.
26. Jul 2024, 16:10 #9449

Kopš: 11. Dec 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3627

Braucu ar:

Ar jums manipulē kā ar izbadējušiem sunīšiem. Vienalga kurš būs prezidents - establišments ieliks vajadzīgo. Ko es jums varu pateikt, ka Latvijai slikti būs jebkurā gadījumā.
26. Jul 2024, 17:00 #9450

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12105

Braucu ar:

miljonārs Tramps, nācus no miljonāru dzimtas, nu pilnīgi noteikti nav pieskaitāms pie establišmenta
26. Jul 2024, 17:43 #9451

Kopš: 07. Mar 2023

Ziņojumi: 413

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2024, 17:00:08 @kexxx rakstīja:
miljonārs Tramps, nācus no miljonāru dzimtas, nu pilnīgi noteikti nav pieskaitāms pie establišmenta

Tu vispār zini, kas ir establishments ?
Nu defenīciju ?

Ka tik kaut ko padirst :depo_pvn:
26. Jul 2024, 18:57 #9452

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6625

Braucu ar: E34

Atkal neliek mieru rudajam večukam, kas viņš jums gulēt neļauj
Tak normāls pipar, miljardu nopelnījis, modeles, maukas izdarbinājis, no nāvi nesošas lodes izvairījies, tagad gatavojas dzīves pēdējam šovam.
Ja kas, kautkur man arī Kariņš patīk - notrieca miljonu, izbrīnīts izbolīja acis un, čau Rasma
Es varu saprast vācu politiķus, kuriem Tramps uzdzen drudzi, jo liks pašiem aizstāvēt savu zemi un Eiropu.
Kas un kā būs, mūsu Amerikas eksperts visu izstāstīja tā ka gaidam
26. Jul 2024, 20:46 #9453

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12105

Braucu ar:

kāpēc kāds izdzēsa manu atbildi pelmeņu someljē?
26. Jul 2024, 21:46 #9454

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27887

Braucu ar: wv

26 Jul 2024, 20:46:58 @kexxx rakstīja:
kāpēc kāds izdzēsa manu atbildi pelmeņu someljē?

Kas tur bija? sen nēsmu neko dzēsis. Un ja dzēšu- lielāko ties pasaku.

Ready for palags?

With Long Hours and a No-Fail Mission, the Secret Service Tries to Make Do The agency charged with protecting presidents and foreign leaders has its largest ever budget but employees say it is still unable to recruit and retain enough people to carry the load.
Over the years, whenever the United States Secret Service’s lack of resources has been an issue, agents invoke a tongue-in-cheek motto: We do more with less.

It’s a sentiment that might no longer apply.

An assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump at a campaign rally on July 13 in Butler, Pa., has exposed weaknesses in the Secret Service’s make-do approach to security for the country’s highest elected officials, their families, and visiting foreign leaders.

Kimberly A. Cheatle, the then-Secret Service director, told a congressional committee on Monday that the shooting — which left the former president’s ear bloodied and injured three other spectators, one fatally — “is the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service in decades.” She resigned the day after the hearing.

The agency’s security lapses in Butler have spurred numerous investigations and prompted debate as to whether the Secret Service, which is operating with its largest-ever budget, has adequate resources to fulfill its critical mandate and is using its funds in the most effective manner.
“The Secret Service is conducting a top-to-bottom review of all of our operational security policies and procedures to see where we may need to request additional resources to bolster our protective mission,” a spokesman for the Secret Service said in a statement to The New York Times.

Interviews with current and former Secret Service agents reveal an agency that wears down its employees, risking their sharpness. They portray an organization that spends so much money on physical protection that there are few funds left to stay abreast of the latest law enforcement training and technologies.

The Secret Service currently looks after 36 protectees, down from 42 during Mr. Trump’s presidency. This year, the service, which employs more than 8,000 people, received $3.1 billion in Congressional funding, more than the $3 billion President Biden had originally requested.

By comparison, the U.S. Marshals Service which tasks its 5,600 employees with protecting federal judges and courts and transporting prisoners, received less than $2 billion. But the Secret Service’s unusual dual mandate of both protecting officials and combating financial crimes like counterfeiting makes good analogies elusive.Polarized politics and heightened rhetoric in this election season have raised the need for robust security for candidates and their families. After the July 13 shooting, the Secret Service bolstered protections for Mr. Trump and added Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running for president as an independent, to the protectee list, stretching the agency’s resources even thinner. It is a job in which mistakes can be disastrous but successes are rarely acknowledged.Mike Matranga, a former secret service agent who helped protect former President Barack Obama, said he was disappointed that Ms. Cheatle did not stress the importance of resources in her comments before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

“I saw that testimony as a major opportunity for her to go in there and say: ‘Listen, we’ve been severely understaffed for over a decade and, yes, you’ve given us increases in budget, but it’s not enough,’” he said.

Ms. Cheatle did say on Monday that “we are still striving towards a number of 9,500 employees, approximately, in order to be able to meet future and emerging needs.”

In a recent interview on CNN, House Speaker Mike Johnson said it was the Department of Homeland Security’s responsibility to provide more funding, with the White House’s involvement. “The buck ultimately stops in the Oval Office,” he said.

But a Homeland Security official said the agency has limited flexibility to provide additional resources beyond what it is approved to allot to the Secret Service.

Current and former Secret Service agents who worked both in the agency’s dozens of field offices and at the White House described a culture of workaholism, driven by a single-minded focus to protect their charges, but one that risked burnout.

Former agents recalled working for weeks on end, sometimes in foreign countries, often with frequent and unexpected extensions to their travel schedules. To keep their clothes fresh, they steamed their uniforms on hotel ironing boards in the middle of the night or ran to Walmart for extra underwear. Their homes and pets were watched by neighbors.

A 2022 Government Accountability Office report found that while the Secret Service had streamlined some of its hiring efforts and taken steps toward improving work-life balance for employees, additional improvement was needed in staffing and retention. And a law enacted in February to allow for extra overtime pay recommended that the Secret Service hire additional personnel to reduce overtime in the future. The starting base pay is about $50,000.

The Secret Service’s work grew more complex in the Trump administration, which drew in a large first family spread out over multiple states. The service secured tens of millions of dollars to outfit Trump Tower in New York City for agency use, only to find that the president spent much of his time away from Washington in Florida and New Jersey. One former agent estimated that the Secret Service guards thousands of sites per year, ranging from the White House to personal residences and even playgrounds.

And foreign dignitary visits, which the service is also tasked with handling, can sometimes occur with little advance warning, prompting a last-minute scramble.As an agent in the New York field office in the late 2000s, “we’d get a call on Friday night from American Airlines saying, ‘Just so you know, the Bahamian prime minister just boarded a flight to New York. Is anyone aware of that?’” remembered Jonathan Wackrow, who left the agency in 2014.

Current and former employees also noted that for a variety of reasons, including federal pay caps on the Secret Service, agents weren’t always able to collect overtime pay. Congress has passed temporary extensions to waive the caps.

Many former agents said that, despite the stress, they loved the work.

But “because there’s not a deep bench,” said Donald Mihalek, who worked for the service for two decades before retiring in 2019, “you’re going to the same pool every time, which then, you’re wearing out your people.”

A 2023 survey of government employees by the nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service on the best places to work in government rated the Secret Service No. 413 out of 459 agencies.

Fighting exhaustion and demoralization to stay sharp, said former agents, was part of the job. The mentality of the typical Secret Service agent, said Mr. Wackrow, is that “no matter what the obstacles are intrinsically — because of manpower and staffing and resources — they still never waver on the focus of the mission.”

The time-intensive nature of the dual responsibilities — protecting charges and investigating financial fraud — means the vast majority of the service’s funding gets chewed up by personnel costs.

Last year, 88 percent of the agency’s funding went to operations and support, including protection and field operations, according to budget documents. That left just $84 million for procurement, construction and other improvements and $4 million for research and development, including weapons testing and innovations in information technology.

Both independent and congressional reviews over the years have asked for a more clearly defined budget. Jason Chaffetz, the former Utah Republican Representative whose House committee published a scathing report on the service in 2015, said in an interview that he was astonished when agency leaders could not estimate for him the annual cost of protecting a president.

But agents say the financial murkiness is unavoidable. Guarding the president on a single foreign trip can cost millions of dollars, estimated one. If a protectee traveling abroad lodges at a costly Four Seasons Hotel, so must the Secret Service team.

The agency has been unable to win funding for even some top priorities. It has never secured the $8 million or more it would need to build a White House replica on the service’s Beltsville, Md. training grounds — despite pushing for nearly a decade to avoid having their agents train on an empty field.“You wouldn’t ask your Super Bowl champs to go out and train in a parking lot,” said Ms. Cheatle, who tried to renew the push for a replica, in an interview in May.

Instead, dozens of agents settled for a series of visits to movie producer Tyler Perry’s studio in Atlanta, which is a model of the White House.

One gap in Secret Service resources was laid bare when Mr. Trump’s would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was found to have used a drone to surveil the July 13 rally site. But the Federal Aviation Administration has said a drone authorization for the Secret Service — which would have been required — was never sought.

Several agents interviewed said that with so much time and energy being poured into staffing the protective mission, areas like drone oversight and weapons innovation were easily overlooked. Mr. Wackrow said that to his knowledge, drones were only used at huge national events like presidential inauguration parades. Simply evolving the agency’s long gun program to focus on ArmaLite Rifles, or AR, models, he recalled, took about a decade. AR style guns have become the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

Some former agents shrugged off the equipment shortages, saying the importance of their mission was enough to keep them going.

“Yes, there were times when we didn’t have exactly what we needed,” recalled Beth Celestini, who also worked on Mr. Obama’s detail before retiring in 2021. “We could turn around and get 1,000 new people, or 5,000 new people, and get unlimited funds, but it’s still going to take time.”

Hamed Aleazizcontributed reporting. Kitty Bennett contributed research.
Kate Kelly covers money, policy and influence for The Times. More about Kate Kelly

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27. Jul 2024, 08:35 #9455

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12105

Braucu ar:

Adjik, tev pie galvas daktera jāiet, nopietni šitā maniakāli cepties un stumt kkādas apsēstās idejas ir vnk slimi
27. Jul 2024, 10:43 #9456

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 15995

Braucu ar:

Fakti pa Kamilu nebūs cik es saprotu??
Tad te mazliet fakti par trampu Links
27. Jul 2024, 11:58 #9457

Kopš: 18. May 2022

Ziņojumi: 237

Braucu ar:

27 Jul 2024, 08:35:36 @kexxx rakstīja:
Adjik, tev pie galvas daktera jāiet, nopietni šitā maniakāli cepties un stumt kkādas apsēstās idejas ir vnk slimi

Īstenībā ļoti daudziem cilvēkiem IRL ir mentālas problēmas, bet, protams, v этом вашем интернете хуй поймешь кто прикалывается, а кто реально долбоеб.
Zinu tikai, ka ārsti saka, ka dažreiz rakstīšana kopā ar terapiju var palīdzēt.
Bet dažreiz rakstīšana noved vēl dziļākā bedrē, ja tu dzīvo pats savā atbalss kambarī un pats sev visu laiku apstiprini savas domas.
Tā ka iesaku visiem iziet ārā un pieskarties zālei.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Xrk, 27 Jul 2024, 11:59:29 ]

27. Jul 2024, 16:43 #9458

Kopš: 03. Apr 2021

Ziņojumi: 1953

Braucu ar:

27 Jul 2024, 08:35:36 @kexxx rakstīja:
Adjik, tev pie galvas daktera jāiet, nopietni šitā maniakāli cepties un stumt kkādas apsēstās idejas ir vnk slimi

Jāsaka gan ,ka daudzi tikpat maniakāli cepās par (pret) Trampu ,un ir apsēsti ar domu ,ka Trampa ievēlēšana būs pasaules gals.Tā kā tur deg no abiem galiem.

Ja demokrāti ,tā vietā ,lai zākātu Trampu visus 4 gadus ,būtu tomēr kritiski paskatijušies paši uz sevi un to ,ka ''karalis ir kails un Baidens vecs'' un būtu jau laicīgi gatavojušies ,tad varbūt situācija šobrīd nebūtu tik nenoteikta un saspringta.

Bet ja jūra ir līdz ceļiem ar pārliecību ,ka visi ,kas nav ar mums ir rasisti ,fašisti,ksenofobi un homofobi bet mēs esam gaismas nesēji ,tad vienā bŗidī var iestāties paģiras.

27. Jul 2024, 16:49 #9459

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12105

Braucu ar:

27 Jul 2024, 16:43:38 @mrCage rakstīja:

27 Jul 2024, 08:35:36 @kexxx rakstīja:
Adjik, tev pie galvas daktera jāiet, nopietni šitā maniakāli cepties un stumt kkādas apsēstās idejas ir vnk slimi

Jāsaka gan ,ka daudzi tikpat maniakāli cepās par (pret) Trampu ,un ir apsēsti ar domu ,ka Trampa ievēlēšana būs pasaules gals.Tā kā tur deg no abiem galiem.

Ja demokrāti ,tā vietā ,lai zākātu Trampu visus 4 gadus ,būtu tomēr kritiski paskatijušies paši uz sevi un to ,ka ''karalis ir kails un Baidens vecs'' un būtu jau laicīgi gatavojušies ,tad varbūt situācija šobrīd nebūtu tik nenoteikta un saspringta.

Bet ja jūra ir līdz ceļiem ar pārliecību ,ka visi ,kas nav ar mums ir rasisti ,fašisti,ksenofobi un homofobi bet mēs esam gaismas nesēji ,tad vienā bŗidī var iestāties paģiras.

kur tu redzi te kādu nonstopā drukājot sūdu par Trampu?
p.s. lai gan nepatika pret Trampu man šķiet saprotama kaut vai viņa izskata, runas manieres un izturēšanās dēļ
28. Jul 2024, 10:35 #9460

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4203

Braucu ar:

Tikmēr labas ziņas no Āfrikas.... -80 orki...a la vagnerieši. Tuaregi esot iedevuši piepīpet

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