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21. Jul 2024, 21:03 #9341

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race, Bowing to Intense Pressure From Democrats President Biden wrote on social media that he was ending his campaign for re-election. He did not name a preferred replacement on the ticket.

Former President Donald J. Trump, fresh off his nominating convention and all of the exposure that came with it, held a boisterous rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Saturday, the first with his new running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, and his first since an assassination attempt against him just over a week ago.

President Biden spent the day sequestered at his beach house in Delaware, sidelined by Covid at perhaps the most crucial moment of his embattled re-election campaign, dismissing calls for him to step aside and contemplating the best path forward.

At his rally in Michigan on Saturday, Mr. Trump appeared to leave behind his call for national unity that came after the assassination attempt, hurling insults at Mr. Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He also jeered at the Democratic Party’s infighting over Mr. Biden’s candidacy.

In recent days, Mr. Trump has projected himself as a president-in-waiting, speaking by phone with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine on Friday and using an image of the White House as a backdrop for his convention speech on Thursday. He has another rally scheduled for Wednesday in North Carolina.

At the same time, Mr. Biden continues to grapple with a slow drip of calls from Democrats to leave the race. His team has rebuffed those entreaties, saying that his skeptics constitute a small group and that Mr. Biden is eyeing his return to the campaign once he gets the “green light” from his doctors. The White House released an update on his condition on Saturday, saying that he had a “cough and hoarseness” but that “his symptoms continue to improve steadily.”

Here is what else to know:

Calls to drop out: Representative Mark Takano of California on Saturday joined the list of Democrats asking for President Biden to end his campaign, adding that he would support Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, a vulnerable Democrat who would be one of the most affected candidates should Mr. Biden be defeated decisively in the fall, became on Friday the fourth senator to call on the president to drop out of the race. He was joined that day by Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico and nine more House Democrats.

Anxious donors: Vice President Harris participated in a campaign fund-raiser on Saturday afternoon in Provincetown, Mass., at a time when donations to the campaign from major donors have slowed. She tried to buck up the Democratic Party’s biggest donors on Friday, telling about 300 of them that there was little to worry about in Mr. Biden’s campaign. But several listeners said they had found the meeting overall to be of little value and even, at times, condescending, believing that the message ignored donors’ legitimate concerns about the Biden-led ticket.
Biden’s decision throws the 2024 race into disarray. Here’s the latest.

President Biden, 81, abandoned his bid for re-election and threw the 2024 presidential contest into chaos on Sunday, caving to relentless pressure from his closest allies to drop out of the race amid deep concerns that he is too old and frail to defeat former President Donald J. Trump.

After three weeks of often angry refusals to step aside, Mr. Biden finally yielded to a torrent of devastating polls, urgent pleas from Democratic lawmakers and clear signs that donors were no longer willing to pay for him to continue.

Mr. Biden’s decision abruptly ends one political crisis that began when the president delivered a calamitous debate performance against Mr. Trump on June 27. But for the Democratic Party, Mr. Biden’s withdrawal triggers a second crisis: who to replace him with, and specifically whether to rally around Vice President Kamala Harris or kick off a rapid effort to find someone else to be the party’s nominee.

The announcement by Mr. Biden, who is isolating with Covid, came just three days after Mr. Trump delivered an incendiary, insult-laden speech accepting his party’s nomination for a chance to return to the White House for a second term. Mr. Trump, who has been preparing for a rematch with Mr. Biden for years, will now face a different — and as yet, unknown — Democratic opponent, with only 110 days left until Election Day.

Here’s what to know:

Staying in office: Mr. Biden said he will not resign the presidency, and intends to finish out his term even as he leaves it to others to try and defeat Mr. Trump. Over the next several months, the president faces the ongoing war in Ukraine and the increasingly desperate efforts to reach a negotiated deal to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

A political first: No sitting American president has dropped out of a race so late in the election cycle. The Democratic National Convention, where Mr. Biden was to have been formally nominated by 3,939 delegates, is scheduled to begin Aug. 19 in Chicago. That leaves less than a month for Democrats to decide who should replace Mr. Biden on the ticket and just under four months for that person to mount a campaign against Mr. Trump.

Spotlight on Harris: The president’s decision puts the vice president under renewed scrutiny, with some Democrats arguing that she is the only person who can effectively challenge Mr. Trump this late in the election. And they say the party will fracture if Democratic leaders are seen as passing over the first Black vice president. But others argue that the Democratic Party should avoid a coronation, especially given Ms. Harris’s political weaknesses over the last three-and-a-half years.

Age a chief concern: Mr. Biden’s re-election bid was brought down by longstanding concerns about his age and whether he remains physically and mentally capable of performing the job. Even before the debate, polls consistently showed that people thought he was too old, and majorities — even of Democrats — wanted someone younger to be president. Mr. Biden was born during World War II and was first elected to the Senate in 1972, before two-thirds of today’s Americans were even born. Mr. Biden would have been 86 at the end of a second term.

The debate moment: The White House and aides closest to Mr. Biden denied for years that his age was having any impact on his ability to do his job. But the debate with Mr. Trump in late June, which was watched by more than 50 million people, put his limitations clearly on display. He appeared frail, hesitant, confused and diminished, and was unable to make the case against Mr. Trump, a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last presidential election.

While Biden’s age has been a major point of focus, another issue dogging his candidacy has been inflation. Prices increased rapidly in 2022 and 2023, leaving price levels much higher than they were just a few years ago and undermining economic confidence among voters. Although inflation was global, many households have at least partly blamed the administration for the hit to their wallets.

Nicholas Nehamas
July 21, 2024, 2:04 p.m. ET2 minutes ago
2 minutes ago
Nicholas Nehamas

Democrats are now in uncharted territory, with their nominee having dropped out of the race less than four months away from the general election. For months, top Republicans have said that the Democrats would replace President Biden with a younger candidate, saying that Biden’s age and frequent verbal stumbles would disqualify him in the eyes of voters.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 21 Jul 2024, 21:07:09 ]

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21. Jul 2024, 21:26 #9342

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

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21. Jul 2024, 21:30 #9343

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

Donors supportive of Vice President Kamala Harris immediately began making the case for her nomination. “The protocols, politics, and electoral strategy all dictate that the party should rally behind the vice president to be the standard bearer this fall,” Steve Phillips, a San Francisco lawyer and major Democratic donor, said in a text message. “Harris will energize and excite voters of color whose dissatisfaction with Biden was what was weighing down his numbers.”

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21. Jul 2024, 22:00 #9344

Kopš: 12. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2192

Braucu ar: Grand Scenic, X5

Bik par vēlu...
21. Jul 2024, 23:31 #9345

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

Vice President Kamala Harris said she was honored to have the President’s endorsement and her intention is to earn and win this nomination.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times
On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country. His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many Presidents who have served two terms in office.

It is a profound honor to serve as his Vice President, and I am deeply grateful to the President, Dr. Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as Attorneys General of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his Dad. The kind of father — and the kind of man — he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe’s leadership as President: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people.

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21. Jul 2024, 23:51 #9346

Kopš: 27. Jun 2005

Ziņojumi: 8409

Braucu ar: Braucu ar

Tur būs "jautri"

..If I could be anyone, what would I choose to be for everyone?..
21. Jul 2024, 23:59 #9347

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13253

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Galvenaiz nemīzt.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 22 Jul 2024, 00:00:56 ]

22. Jul 2024, 00:51 #9348

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6632

Braucu ar: E34

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
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Tas lai paliek viņu pārziņā, bet cik x tu tādu kamalu esi redzējis medijos. Salīdzinot ar Trampa kādreizējo vice Pensu, necik. Domāju, daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti
22. Jul 2024, 12:27 #9349

Kopš: 02. Jan 2017

Ziņojumi: 505

Braucu ar: G20

22 Jul 2024, 00:51:19 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
Bik par vēlu...

daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti

Eiropiešiem varbūt jā
22. Jul 2024, 12:47 #9350

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

22 Jul 2024, 12:27:26 @Output rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 00:51:19 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
Bik par vēlu...

daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti

Eiropiešiem varbūt jā

Kamala USA ir samērā populāra. USA cilvēki domāju diezgan balsis viņai iedos. Var arī būt pārsteigums. Tieši tas pats ar J.D.Vance. Ļoti kruts čalis un neietekmējams. Ar pautiem smagiem. Paskatoties viņa dzīves gājumu- visu cieņu. No nabadzīga rajona white trash. Bez tēva audzis. 18 gados iestājies jūras kājiniekos, karojis. Sācis no ierindnieka, tālāk par valsts naudu aizsardzības akadēmija, pabeidza ar izcilību, tālāk Ohaio universitāte, Jēla jurisprudence- abas pabeidzis ar izcilību. Izveidojis biznesu, ticis pamanīts un samērā jauns līdz viceprezidenta kandidatūrai! Visu cieņu! Tas nav čalis ar bagātiem radiem, vai bagātas ģimenes pēctecis. Tas čalis ir var teikt no ielas un pats ar savu darbu smagu visu sasniedzis. Ar viņu īpaši nepamanipulēsi. Tas čalis ir izēdis tonnu sūdu ar tējkaroti. Es var teikt esmu pàrliecināts par viņa sēdèšanu ovālajā kabinetā pēc laika. Un domāju tādu cilvēku vajag pie ragiem USA.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 22 Jul 2024, 14:02:55 ]

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Spama topiks
22. Jul 2024, 14:33 #9351

Kopš: 21. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5247

Braucu ar: ♛ ♛

Par J.D. Vance - vai tad viņš nebija tas čalis, kurš nesen vēl riktīgi nolika Trampu? "Lielākais Trampa kritiķis", ja es nekļūdos kaut kur dzirdot par viņu. Ļoti biezi maina viedokļus.

Tas tjipa tā tāda politiskā viltība, jo man baigi nesakrīt ar "neietekmējamību" tad.?
22. Jul 2024, 14:56 #9352

Kopš: 02. Jan 2017

Ziņojumi: 505

Braucu ar: G20

22 Jul 2024, 12:47:18 @Lafter rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 12:27:26 @Output rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 00:51:19 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
Bik par vēlu...

daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti

Eiropiešiem varbūt jā

Kamala USA ir samērā populāra. USA cilvēki domāju diezgan balsis viņai iedos. Var arī būt pārsteigums. Tieši tas pats ar J.D.Vance. Ļoti kruts čalis un neietekmējams. Ar pautiem smagiem. Paskatoties viņa dzīves gājumu- visu cieņu. No nabadzīga rajona white trash. Bez tēva audzis. 18 gados iestājies jūras kājiniekos, karojis. Sācis no ierindnieka, tālāk par valsts naudu aizsardzības akadēmija, pabeidza ar izcilību, tālāk Ohaio universitāte, Jēla jurisprudence- abas pabeidzis ar izcilību. Izveidojis biznesu, ticis pamanīts un samērā jauns līdz viceprezidenta kandidatūrai! Visu cieņu! Tas nav čalis ar bagātiem radiem, vai bagātas ģimenes pēctecis. Tas čalis ir var teikt no ielas un pats ar savu darbu smagu visu sasniedzis. Ar viņu īpaši nepamanipulēsi. Tas čalis ir izēdis tonnu sūdu ar tējkaroti. Es var teikt esmu pàrliecināts par viņa sēdèšanu ovālajā kabinetā pēc laika. Un domāju tādu cilvēku vajag pie ragiem USA.

Par Kamalu tieši to arī biju domājis, ka mēs te Eiropā par viņu mazāk zinām.
Bet lasiju pat dažu republikāņu viedokļus, ka viņai varētu būt labākas izredzes nekā Baidenam. Faktors, kas uz daudziem nostrādās arī - melnā sieviete. Būtībi absolūti anit-Tramps. Bet nu labi, vēl jau nav nominēta

Par Vancu vienīgi viņam tur tādi jokaini izteikumi par Ukrainas atbalstu
22. Jul 2024, 15:01 #9353

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5088

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

22 Jul 2024, 14:33:54 @ATB rakstīja:
Par J.D. Vance - vai tad viņš nebija tas čalis, kurš nesen vēl riktīgi nolika Trampu? "Lielākais Trampa kritiķis", ja es nekļūdos kaut kur dzirdot par viņu. Ļoti biezi maina viedokļus.

Tas tjipa tā tāda politiskā viltība, jo man baigi nesakrīt ar "neietekmējamību" tad.?

Ir tas pats.. un "neietekmējams" nenozīmē nepērkams.
22. Jul 2024, 15:12 #9354

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4229

Braucu ar:

22 Jul 2024, 15:01:54 @Indo rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 14:33:54 @ATB rakstīja:
Par J.D. Vance - vai tad viņš nebija tas čalis, kurš nesen vēl riktīgi nolika Trampu? "Lielākais Trampa kritiķis", ja es nekļūdos kaut kur dzirdot par viņu. Ļoti biezi maina viedokļus.

Tas tjipa tā tāda politiskā viltība, jo man baigi nesakrīt ar "neietekmējamību" tad.?

Ir tas pats.. un "neietekmējams" nenozīmē nepērkams.

hvz, par viņu skan pretēji viedokļi.
22. Jul 2024, 15:15 #9355

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

22 Jul 2024, 15:01:54 @Indo rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 14:33:54 @ATB rakstīja:
Par J.D. Vance - vai tad viņš nebija tas čalis, kurš nesen vēl riktīgi nolika Trampu? "Lielākais Trampa kritiķis", ja es nekļūdos kaut kur dzirdot par viņu. Ļoti biezi maina viedokļus.

Tas tjipa tā tāda politiskā viltība, jo man baigi nesakrīt ar "neietekmējamību" tad.?

Ir tas pats.. un "neietekmējams" nenozīmē nepērkams.

Mainīt viedokli nav aizliegts. Un protams… tajā līmenī nav neietekmējamu cilvēku. Es vairāk par citu- par raksturu, mērķtiecību, gudrību, drosmi kas viņam piemīt. Tādi tomēr ir ar pautiem un tik viegli nelokās. Tādus ir ļoti grūti salocît. Tas čalis ir ierakumos pats sēdējis, nevis zvaigznītes statusa dēļ dabujis. Tāds ir mans personīgais viedoklis. Neticu par pērkamību- viņš pats ir milijonàrs. Nedomāju viņu moka naudas trūkums.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 22 Jul 2024, 15:20:06 ]

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Spama topiks
22. Jul 2024, 15:28 #9356

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27988

Braucu ar: wv

The Promise, and Risks, in Turning to Kamala Harris
In a sprint of a race, Ms. Harris is poised to attack Donald Trump on his felonies and, in a 2024 twist, his age, but Republicans will be galvanized to fight her, too.

Vice President Kamala Harris swiftly established herself as the Democratic front-runner to take on Donald J. Trump within hours of President Biden’s exit on Sunday, fundamentally rewiring the presidential contest at warp speed.

Now the race has been transformed into an abbreviated 106-day sprint that more closely resembles the snap elections of Europe than the drawn-out American contests. The tight timeline will magnify any missteps Ms. Harris might make but also minimize the chances for a stumble.

And in a race that Mr. Trump had been on a trajectory to win, Ms. Harris immediately becomes the ultimate X-factor.

Mr. Biden quickly endorsed Ms. Harris, who would be a barrier-breaking nominee as the first woman, the first Black woman and the first person of South Asian descent ever to serve as president. As the Democratic Party rallies behind her — the loudest voices of dissent were simply those not publicly endorsing her — here are six ways her candidacy holds both promise and peril.She inverts the age argument.
During the Republican primaries, Nikki Haley had warned everyone who would listen that the first party to swap out its octogenarian candidate — Mr. Trump will turn 80 while in office if elected to a second term — would win. She was making the argument for herself but the logic applies to Ms. Harris, too.

Unlike the 81-year-old Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, 59, is not old — and just that fact neutralizes what has been one of the most potent Trump lines of attack.

Within minutes of Mr. Biden’s quitting, Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans were questioning Mr. Trump’s capacity to govern into his 80s, a daring attempt to reframe an age debate that has been so damaging to Democrats.

“She can make the issue of age and fitness a liability for Trump,” Erin Wilson, Ms. Harris’s deputy chief of staff, said on a call on Sunday with the group Win With Black Women.Polls have consistently shown that voters have not been overly concerned with the 78-year-old Mr. Trump’s age. But simply taking the issue off the table may be enough of a victory for Democrats. They were facing the stiff headwinds of three-quarters of Americans thinking Mr. Biden was too old — a view shared widely even before his doddering debate.

Ms. Harris is also expected to give Democrats a far more vigorous campaigner. Her day job is not nearly as demanding as Mr. Biden’s, and she can barnstorm the country at a pace far faster than Mr. Trump has undertaken.
She’s a former prosecutor. Trump’s a convicted felon.
Ms. Harris has often been at her best politically when she has taken on the role of prosecutor-in-chief, whether on the debate stage when she first bore into Mr. Biden in June 2019 over busing or as a senator on the Judiciary Committee where her intensive cross-examinations went viral.When she ran for president, among her tag lines — and her struggling campaign cycled through a few catchphrases — was that she was best positioned to “prosecute the case” against Mr. Trump.

Now she will have the chance to do so in the same year in which an actual prosecutor in New York scored 34 felony convictions against him and Mr. Trump still faces more than one future criminal trial.

People who have worked with Ms. Harris believe that framework could allow her to play to some of her strengths — and expose some of Mr. Trump’s weaknesses. Polls have shown a noteworthy share of voters think Mr. Trump has committed crimes yet were still planning to vote for him.

Biden was ‘Scranton Joe.’ Harris will be tagged a California liberal.
If Mr. Biden was widely seen as too elderly to lead, he had other advantages built up over 50 years in the public spotlight. Namely, he has long been viewed as a more moderate Democrat who pushed back against the more extreme elements of his party. It helped him appeal to the political middle.“Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?” he fumed at one point in the 2020 race. His image was such that at times Republicans opted to attack him by suggesting he was being directed by other forces.

Ms. Harris does not have that advantage.

Instead, Ms. Harris got her start in politics as the district attorney of one of the nation’s most famously liberal cities, San Francisco, before winning statewide in one of the nation’s most famously liberal states, California. (Mr. Trump, notably, was among her donors then.)

And while Ms. Harris did not carve out a reputation in California as an outspoken progressive — her tagline as D.A. was about being “smart on crime” — when she ran for president in 2020 she regularly staked out positions to Mr. Biden’s left, including embracing a “Medicare for all” system that he had avoided.

As Mr. Biden’s partner for the last three-and-a-half years, Ms. Harris faces the added burden of supporting the agenda of a president who has become deeply unpopular.The Trump team has already signaled they plan to attack her on immigration in particular. The question is whether Ms. Harris can successfully find a way to campaign on some of the Biden-Harris administration’s most popular accomplishments without the current unpopularity of the man who previously led the ticket.
She gives Democrats a much-needed jolt of momentum.
Mr. Trump and his advisers were not looking to shake up a race he was winning by almost every metric. As Republicans gathered last week in Milwaukee, they were downright jubilant about the direction of 2024, seeing Mr. Trump as almost a candidate of destiny days after he had survived an assassination attempt.

Now his team must shift to run a very different race against a very different candidate. Ms. Harris has the ability to potentially energize the Democratic base — especially some of the core constituencies who had felt alienated — in ways Mr. Biden no longer seemed capable of. The president had struggled, relative to his 2020 performance, among Black voters and younger voters in particular, constituencies that Ms. Harris’s historic potential candidacy would seem poised to improve upon.

In an early sign of the Democratic appetite for a change, donors contributed more than $60 million online on Sunday — the third biggest day in the history of ActBlue.

It was also notable that Mr. Trump cast doubt on a future debate with Ms. Harris after he had so eagerly sought to share a stage with Mr. Biden, suggesting a venue change from ABC to Fox News.
Her gender could galvanize Democrats — and also Republicans.
In the 2020 primary, Democratic voters wrestled for months with the question of who would be the strongest candidate against Mr. Trump. They wondered, often aloud, about the idea of nominating a woman.

Mr. Trump, after all, had just defied expectations and defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016. The party ultimately selected an older white man in Mr. Biden.

For much of the Trump presidency and beyond, Democrats have benefited from a gender gap. Women voted for Democrats by a bigger margin than men favored Republicans. But Mr. Trump has swelled his advantage so much among men of late that the gender gap has been suddenly favoring the G.O.P.

Ms. Harris has a chance to reverse that and has already proved herself a far more compelling messenger than Mr. Biden on the issue that Democrats believe can win them the 2024 race. Mr. Biden rarely would say the word abortion; Ms. Harris visited an abortion clinic.

Ms. Harris faces other distinctive challenges as a Black candidate and a woman, in a country and a political system where both groups are often held to different standards. And in Mr. Trump, she faces an opponent with a history of exploiting stereotypes for his own advantage.

She can be transcendent, but also tentative.
One of the notable facts of Ms. Harris’s speedy rise to the pinnacle of Democratic politics in a little more than a decade is how few loyalists have been along for the full ride.

If Mr. Biden surrounded himself with a small, sometimes insular, coterie of advisers — a recent Biden inner-circle addition could have served him for a decade — Ms. Harris has relatively few similarly long-standing aides. Early on as vice president, her staff turned over significantly.

She has few advisers dating back even to her days in the Senate, let alone her time as attorney general of California. She parted ways with a swath of the senior team on her 2020 presidential primary run, which was wracked with infighting.

Those who have worked both for and against her say she has few equivalents when she nails a big speech, or delivers an acerbic line on the debate stage or a committee hearing. But they also say she can get in her own head, retreat back to canned comments and make tentative, self-inflicted mistakes.

Now she is inheriting Mr. Biden’s enormous campaign apparatus. And she has little more than 100 days to capture both the Democratic nomination and the presidency.

Reid J. Epstein contributed reporting.
Shane Goldmacher is a national political correspondent, covering the 2024 campaign and the major developments, trends and forces shaping American politics.

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Spama topiks
22. Jul 2024, 15:28 #9357

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3503

Braucu ar: kruīzu

22 Jul 2024, 12:47:18 @Lafter rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 12:27:26 @Output rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 00:51:19 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
Bik par vēlu...

daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti

Eiropiešiem varbūt jā

Kamala USA ir samērā populāra. USA cilvēki domāju diezgan balsis viņai iedos. Var arī būt pārsteigums. Tieši tas pats ar J.D.Vance. Ļoti kruts čalis un neietekmējams. Ar pautiem smagiem. Paskatoties viņa dzīves gājumu- visu cieņu. No nabadzīga rajona white trash. Bez tēva audzis. 18 gados iestājies jūras kājiniekos, karojis. Sācis no ierindnieka, tālāk par valsts naudu aizsardzības akadēmija, pabeidza ar izcilību, tālāk Ohaio universitāte, Jēla jurisprudence- abas pabeidzis ar izcilību. Izveidojis biznesu, ticis pamanīts un samērā jauns līdz viceprezidenta kandidatūrai! Visu cieņu! Tas nav čalis ar bagātiem radiem, vai bagātas ģimenes pēctecis. Tas čalis ir var teikt no ielas un pats ar savu darbu smagu visu sasniedzis. Ar viņu īpaši nepamanipulēsi. Tas čalis ir izēdis tonnu sūdu ar tējkaroti. Es var teikt esmu pàrliecināts par viņa sēdèšanu ovālajā kabinetā pēc laika. Un domāju tādu cilvēku vajag pie ragiem USA.

pag, pag, neietekmējams
Viņš ir pasaules haosa atbalstītāja Elona Maska apmaksātais pārstāvis...
Viņa studijas augstskola un reklāmas kampaņu, lai tiktu senātā apmaksāja cilvēks, kas kopā ar Masku nodibināja Paypal.

Un, vismaz izteikumos, viņš ir konkrēts Ukrainas noliedzējs, viens no galvenajiem MAGAs pārstāvjiem, kas uzskata, ka Ukrainai atbalsts ir uzreiz jāpārtrauc.

22. Jul 2024, 16:10 #9358

Kopš: 04. Jun 2019

Ziņojumi: 1028

Braucu ar:

22 Jul 2024, 15:28:30 @RaL rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 12:47:18 @Lafter rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 12:27:26 @Output rakstīja:

22 Jul 2024, 00:51:19 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

21 Jul 2024, 22:00:30 @aep_det rakstīja:
Bik par vēlu...

daudziem būs pirmā dzirdēšana par tādu prezidenta kandidāti

Eiropiešiem varbūt jā

Kamala USA ir samērā populāra. USA cilvēki domāju diezgan balsis viņai iedos. Var arī būt pārsteigums. Tieši tas pats ar J.D.Vance. Ļoti kruts čalis un neietekmējams. Ar pautiem smagiem. Paskatoties viņa dzīves gājumu- visu cieņu. No nabadzīga rajona white trash. Bez tēva audzis. 18 gados iestājies jūras kājiniekos, karojis. Sācis no ierindnieka, tālāk par valsts naudu aizsardzības akadēmija, pabeidza ar izcilību, tālāk Ohaio universitāte, Jēla jurisprudence- abas pabeidzis ar izcilību. Izveidojis biznesu, ticis pamanīts un samērā jauns līdz viceprezidenta kandidatūrai! Visu cieņu! Tas nav čalis ar bagātiem radiem, vai bagātas ģimenes pēctecis. Tas čalis ir var teikt no ielas un pats ar savu darbu smagu visu sasniedzis. Ar viņu īpaši nepamanipulēsi. Tas čalis ir izēdis tonnu sūdu ar tējkaroti. Es var teikt esmu pàrliecināts par viņa sēdèšanu ovālajā kabinetā pēc laika. Un domāju tādu cilvēku vajag pie ragiem USA.

pag, pag, neietekmējams
Viņš ir pasaules haosa atbalstītāja Elona Maska apmaksātais pārstāvis...
Viņa studijas augstskola un reklāmas kampaņu, lai tiktu senātā apmaksāja cilvēks, kas kopā ar Masku nodibināja Paypal.

Un, vismaz izteikumos, viņš ir konkrēts Ukrainas noliedzējs, viens no galvenajiem MAGAs pārstāvjiem, kas uzskata, ka Ukrainai atbalsts ir uzreiz jāpārtrauc.

Kāds atbalsts bija Baidena laikā?

Iebruka Ukrainā un tagad pusgadu neko nedeva!

Ukraina no otras puses- nav darījusi pietiekami, lai samobilizētu visus cilvēkus aizstāvībai, valsts attīstībai(tāpat kā GDP- 2% visām valstīm- ko pieprasīja Tramps)

Turklāt ASV nav nekāda labdarības iestāde.

Demokrātu laikā- Ukrainai atņēma kodolieročus, tagad atļauj iebrukt Ukrainē, bet vainīgi republikāņi?

Kodolieroči, Krima, tagad iebrukums(visur pie varas demokrāti)!

[ Šo ziņu laboja kaprons2, 22 Jul 2024, 16:13:38 ]

22. Jul 2024, 21:02 #9359

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5088

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

22 Jul 2024, 15:12:29 @Samsasi rakstīja:

hvz, par viņu skan pretēji viedokļi.

Tur jau tā lieta!

Bļāviens! Ja Tu kādu nosauc par "Mūsdienu Hitleru", tam jau ir kāds pamats. Ne tā?!

Bet tagad, pēkšņi, topošais vicepreczidents maina savu viedokli. Piekam, ne tikai maina, bet arī publiski atvainojās (kādu sprīdi atpakaļ) Trampampiņam par saviem izteikumiem. - Sakritībā? - Nedomāju..

[ Šo ziņu laboja Indo, 22 Jul 2024, 21:03:41 ]

22. Jul 2024, 21:09 #9360

Kopš: 21. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5247

Braucu ar: ♛ ♛

Nav gadījumā tā, ka pat pats Tramps iebilst pret atbalstu Ukrainai veidā kā tas ir tagad - kā dāvinājums, kas nav jāatdod? Viņš grib atbalstu Ukrainai dot, bet dot uz parāda - kas pēc tam būtu jāatdod. Nu tas ko visi sākumā bļāva par lend-lease... To likumu pieņēma, ka ukrainai var dot uz lendlīzē visu, bet tā arī viss noklusa ...

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo