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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

14. Jul 2024, 15:31 #9221

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12111

Braucu ar:

14 Jul 2024, 15:10:19 @mrCage rakstīja:

14 Jul 2024, 14:54:13 @kexxx rakstīja:
un tad parādījās info, ka šāvējs ir reģistrēts kā republikānis un mugurā tam bija kkāda ieroču kluba t-krekls

Pirmkārt tas nekādi nemaina manus uzskatus par antifa un viņu piesegšanu .

Bez tam nekas neliedz antifa līdzjutējam reģistrēties kā republikānim . Tas pat būtu loģiski.

Vienlaikus nenoliedzu ,ka debīli idioti ir visur ,arī republikāņu vidū.
Tas ,ka Tramps ir vienīgais ,ko republikāņi varēja sameklēt savā vidū ,ka prezidenta kandidātu neko labu par republikāņiem neliecina. Tāpat kā par demokrātiem ,kuriem tāds pats ''brežņevs'' par kandidātu.

tavus uzskatus kāds mēģina mainīt?
14. Jul 2024, 15:47 #9222

Kopš: 08. Oct 2020

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 1067

Braucu ar: Hibrīdu

Republikāņi tagad piesedz antifa, jo šie paziņoja, ka tas ir viņu reģistrēts biedrs, lai noslēptu sakaru ar antifa.
14. Jul 2024, 16:19 #9223

Kopš: 04. Jun 2019

Ziņojumi: 1028

Braucu ar:

Nedēļas sākums- ASV prezidentu neuztver nopietni.
Nedēļas beigas- ASV prezidentu uztver ļoti nopietni.

1. ASV vienmēr uzvar, ja neuzvar, tad skaties pirmo punktu.

[ Šo ziņu laboja kaprons2, 14 Jul 2024, 16:19:57 ]

14. Jul 2024, 16:23 #9224

Kopš: 15. Nov 2016

Ziņojumi: 3747

Braucu ar: 41

pisec powers pārvērties par sojas lates dzērāju klubiņu

varat čīkstēt cik gribas par trampu, bet viņa laikā kara nebija, vēsturi paši zinat. Tā te visi pārmīzuši un negrib labprātīgi pievienoties krievijai, bet trampu kā prezidentu arī negrib. Nu ebal
14. Jul 2024, 16:55 #9225

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5086

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

Bet šāvējs ir reāls dalbis! Kā ar AR15 var netrāpīt arbūzā no 130m?! Kā? Un po, ka tas bija .223 kalibrs - TIE IR 130m, KARL!..

Beigto un ievainotos gan zēl..

14. Jul 2024, 17:30 #9226

Kopš: 09. Jul 2014

Ziņojumi: 111

Braucu ar:

14 Jul 2024, 16:55:50 @Indo rakstīja:
Bet šāvējs ir reāls dalbis! Kā ar AR15 var netrāpīt arbūzā no 130m?! Kā? Un po, ka tas bija .223 kalibrs - TIE IR 130m, KARL!..

Beigto un ievainotos gan zēl..

Cienu prof killera viedokli bet mērkis tomēr nav pliknis modelis mākslas akadēmijā - tas kustās!
14. Jul 2024, 17:42 #9227

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5086

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

14 Jul 2024, 17:30:51 @hirsch72 rakstīja:

Cienu prof killera viedokli bet mērkis tomēr nav pliknis modelis mākslas akadēmijā - tas kustās!

Bet šeit es vairāk par to, ka šāvējs bija vienkārši diletants.
14. Jul 2024, 17:44 #9228

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16005

Braucu ar:

14 Jul 2024, 17:42:13 @Indo rakstīja:

14 Jul 2024, 17:30:51 @hirsch72 rakstīja:

Cienu prof killera viedokli bet mērkis tomēr nav pliknis modelis mākslas akadēmijā - tas kustās!

Bet šeit es vairāk par to, ka šāvējs bija vienkārši diletants.
nē,sazvērestību teorētiķi apgalvo ka organizēts pasākums,tātad pro
14. Jul 2024, 17:46 #9229

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5086

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

14. Jul 2024, 17:57 #9230

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6630

Braucu ar: E34

14 Jul 2024, 15:10:19 @mrCage rakstīja:

Tas ,ka Tramps ir vienīgais ,ko republikāņi varēja sameklēt savā vidū ,ka prezidenta kandidātu neko labu par republikāņiem neliecina. Tāpat kā par demokrātiem ,kuriem tāds pats ''brežņevs'' par kandidātu.

Izbeidz, konkurenti bij pat veseli 2. Par to frau neko nezinu, bet kungs ir Floridas gubernators.
14. Jul 2024, 18:02 #9231

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6630

Braucu ar: E34

14 Jul 2024, 17:42:13 @Indo rakstīja:

14 Jul 2024, 17:30:51 @hirsch72 rakstīja:

Cienu prof killera viedokli bet mērkis tomēr nav pliknis modelis mākslas akadēmijā - tas kustās!

Bet šeit es vairāk par to, ka šāvējs bija vienkārši diletants.

Ko jūs, maskējies profesionālis kā lattes strēbējs, kuram laidē vairs nav vietas, kur strīpiņu iegriezt. Pamēģini trāpīt pa ausi no 5 metriem
14. Jul 2024, 18:03 #9232

Kopš: 09. Jul 2014

Ziņojumi: 111

Braucu ar:

Man tikko radās teorija - atentāts neizdevās jo kāds trampa fans nomainīja offset lodes pret bruņusitošām - attiecīgi ausi perforēja bet kā bija plānots pa papēdi laukā neiznāca
14. Jul 2024, 18:09 #9233

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5086

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

14 Jul 2024, 18:02:05 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

Ko jūs, maskējies profesionālis kā lattes strēbējs, kuram laidē vairs nav vietas, kur strīpiņu iegriezt. Pamēģini trāpīt pa ausi no 5 metriem

Pa ausi es varu uzšaut no 1+m, ne jau no pieciem. Tik garas rokas man nav.
14. Jul 2024, 18:41 #9234

Kopš: 18. Aug 2008

Ziņojumi: 2386

Braucu ar: gc8 type-ra Honda crx

Skatoties bildes un video, kur šāvējs iekārtojas uz jumta lai paņemtu Trampu uz grauda, liekas nenormāls feils visam drošības dienestam.
14. Jul 2024, 18:57 #9235

Kopš: 02. May 2006

No: Baloži

Ziņojumi: 21904

Braucu ar: VAZ 2101 80'

Nu Tramps arī nav prezidents, bet kandidāts. Tādi drošības pasākumi jau nav kā Baidenam

14. Jul 2024, 19:12 #9236

Kopš: 14. Aug 2008

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 11082

Braucu ar: X5 , Jeep, Tuareg, L200, Jumper,Master ,Transit, Stralis x2, Volvo FL, Atego, Deu

Kas ir globālisti? FB bieži pie rakstiem kaut kāda dīvaina tante viena un tā pati rakstīja par kaut kādiem globalistiem ,vēl tas Aivis nūģis dīvainais,bet tā baigi citur nav dzirdēts
14. Jul 2024, 19:26 #9237

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12111

Braucu ar:

14 Jul 2024, 19:23:45 @Briize rakstīja:

14 Jul 2024, 19:12:38 @Locis rakstīja:
Kas ir globālisti? FB bieži pie rakstiem kaut kāda dīvaina tante viena un tā pati rakstīja par kaut kādiem globalistiem ,vēl tas Aivis nūģis dīvainais,bet tā baigi citur nav dzirdēts

Globāla elite Locīt ir - visādi milijardieri, filantropi, koorporāciju īpašnieki, monarhi utt., kuri ir apvienojušies un uzskata sevi par šīs pasaules un 7 milijardu iedzīvotāju likteņa lēmējiem, Dieviem un kungiem, kuru kalpi viņuprāt ir visi tie 7 milijardi zemeslodes iedzīvotāju.
Piemēram: Rokfelleru un Rotšildu dzimtas klani, anglijas karaļnams (anglosakši), Billijs tas kurš Geits, Bezoss, Cukenbergs, nacistu opīts Švābiņš tā tik sīka saujiņa un redzamākais globaļugu gals, tur protams ir visi pasaules jaudīgākie biznesa milijardieri, parējie karaļnami Spānijas, Zviedrijas utt., kā arī ietekmīgakie (bagātākie) pasaules politiķi, specdienestu pārstāvji utt.

nu bet pats tramps- miljardieris- no miljardieru dzimtas, taču izcili atbilst globālista aprakstam
14. Jul 2024, 19:28 #9238

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16005

Braucu ar:

14 Jul 2024, 19:23:45 @Briize rakstīja:

14 Jul 2024, 19:12:38 @Locis rakstīja:
Kas ir globālisti? FB bieži pie rakstiem kaut kāda dīvaina tante viena un tā pati rakstīja par kaut kādiem globalistiem ,vēl tas Aivis nūģis dīvainais,bet tā baigi citur nav dzirdēts

Globāla elite Locīt ir - visādi milijardieri, filantropi, koorporāciju īpašnieki, monarhi utt., kuri ir apvienojušies un uzskata sevi par šīs pasaules un 7 milijardu iedzīvotāju likteņa lēmējiem, Dieviem un kungiem, kuru kalpi viņuprāt ir visi tie 7 milijardi zemeslodes iedzīvotāju.
Piemēram: Rokfelleru un Rotšildu dzimtas klani, anglijas karaļnams (anglosakši), Billijs tas kurš Geits, Bezoss, Cukenbergs, nacistu opīts Švābiņš tā tik sīka saujiņa un redzamākais globaļugu gals, tur protams ir visi pasaules jaudīgākie biznesa milijardieri, parējie karaļnami Spānijas, Zviedrijas utt., kā arī ietekmīgakie (bagātākie) pasaules politiķi, specdienestu pārstāvji utt.
O jā,šo pa rusņa TV visu laiku skandina,skaidrs kur tu tās gudrības smelies:vatesgalva:
14. Jul 2024, 19:31 #9239

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27962

Braucu ar: wv

Tikai tagad uzzināju jaunumus. Kamer sieva stūrē- palags

Live Updates: F.B.I. Investigating Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

The authorities identified the gunman, who was killed, and said they were working “tirelessly” to investigate the attack on former President Donald J. Trump at a political rally in Pennsylvania. Two explosive devices were said to have been found in the gunman’s car and a possible third at his residence.

Here’s the latest.

Former President Donald J. Trump vowed to remain “defiant in the face of wickedness” on Sunday as authorities discovered two explosive devices in a car belonging to a would-be assassin who shot at Mr. Trump at a Saturday rally, further roiling the 2024 presidential election.

Federal law enforcement officials were working feverishly to understand how Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old from Bethel Park, Pa., was able to get within firing range of the presumptive Republican nominee, injuring Mr. Trump, killing one member of the audience and critically wounding two others.

Law enforcement officials found two explosive devices in Mr. Crooks’s car and believe they have may have found a third in at his residence, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation. An AR-15-type semiautomatic rifle found next to Mr. Crooks’s body was purchased by a family member, possibly his father, according to an official briefed on the investigation.

Authorities have given no indication that they have a motive for the shooting. Early on Sunday morning, law enforcement officers closed down all roads leading toward the home of the suspect’s family in Bethel Park, about an hour’s drive from the site of the rally.

Mr. Crooks was killed by a member of the Secret Service, according to a spokesman for the agency, just before Mr. Trump, with blood on his face, was rushed off the stage, raising his fist in defiance. He later said on social media that a bullet had pierced his right ear, but he was able to walk off his plane unaided when it landed in New Jersey hours later.

President Biden was scheduled to receive a briefing from homeland security and law enforcement officials at the White House as questions remained about a motive, potential security failures and the Secret Service’s preparations for the rally. The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability said it would be investigating the assassination attempt and had asked Kimberly A. Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, to testify at a hearing on July 22.

It was not immediately clear how the attack might affect the 2024 presidential race. Mr. Trump was set to be formally nominated as his party’s candidate at the Republican National Convention, which begins in Milwaukee on Monday. His campaign and R.N.C. officials said in a statement that the convention would proceed as planned — and Mr. Trump said early Sunday that he looked forward to speaking to the nation this week from Wisconsin.

Here’s what we know:

The gunman: The shooter fired multiple times toward the stage during Mr. Trump’s rally before he was killed by the Secret Service, officials said. An AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle, a common weapon in mass shootings, was recovered from the scene. The authorities did not address his motive. A New York Times analysis of videos from the event suggests that the gunman fired eight shots from a small building that sat a few hundred feet from the stage where Mr. Trump was speaking.

The response: The shooting recalled assassinations that roiled U.S. presidential campaigns in the 1960s and early 1970s. It prompted condemnations from President Biden, other world leaders and politicians from both major U.S. political parties — along with a flood of unsubstantiated claims on social media about what took place. Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, issued a statement on social media, calling the shooter a “monster” and calling for Americans to remember their commonalities, saying that “beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together.”

Firsthand accounts: New York Times journalists were at the rally when shots rang out. A reporter and a photographer each described their experience. One image by the photographer, Doug Mills, appeared to capture a bullet streaking past Mr. Trump’s head.

Trump supporters: Some prominent Trump backers, including Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, said that inflammatory language by Democrats was to blame for the violence. A few of the former president’s supporters gathered at Trump Tower in Manhattan overnight.

Campaign security: Mr. Trump’s campaign managers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, sent a memo to staff members telling them to avoid their offices while they were being assessed for security. In the memo, which was viewed by The New York Times, they urged staff not to comment publicly on the shooting and said that they “will not tolerate dangerous rhetoric on social media.”

Donald J. Trump was back on his feet. He had just been shot at, his white shirt was undone and his red hat was no longer on his head. Blood streaked across his face as riflemen patrolled the perimeter of the stage. A pack of Secret Service agents pressed their bodies against his. “We’ve got to move, we’ve got to move,” one pleaded.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait,” the former president instructed, his voice a harried — but startlingly clear — command. Reluctantly, they halted. He peered out into the crowd.

And then his arm reached toward the sky, and he began punching the air.

The crowd started to chant — “U-S-A! U-S-A!” — as the agents inched Mr. Trump toward the stairs. When they reached the top step, they paused once more, so Mr. Trump could lift his arm a little higher, and pump his fist a little faster. The crowd roared a little louder.

It’s difficult to imagine a moment that more fully epitomizes Mr. Trump’s visceral connection with his supporters, and his mastery of the modern media age. Mr. Trump would not leave the stage without signaling to his fans that he was OK — even as some were still wailing in fear. And he did not just wave or nod, he raised his fist in defiance above his bloodied face — making an image history will not forget.

He has always been highly conscious of how he looks in big moments, practicing his Clint Eastwood squint and preparing for his mean mug-shot grimace. But there was no time to prepare for this.

This was instinct.

As the agents coaxed him onto his feet, he stammered, “Let me get my shoes on, let me get my shoes on.”

“I got you, sir, I got you, sir,” an agent replied. Mr. Trump rose, his voice uneven at first, still repeating himself: “Let me get my shoes on.”

“Hold that on your head,” an agent told him, “it’s bloody.”

“Sir, we’ve got to move to the cars,” another said.

“Let me get my shoes on,” Mr. Trump said again.

Fierce one moment, he looked drained and stricken the next.

After the agents managed to hustle him off the stage, they led him toward an idling Chevrolet Suburban. He began to clamber inside, but before the door could close, he turned back toward the crowd again. His head appeared more blood-soaked than before. He raised his fist one more time.

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Spama topiks
14. Jul 2024, 19:39 #9240

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12111

Braucu ar:

mja, ja 20gadīgs čalis ar brīvi nopērkamu bisi var vnk uzkāpt uz šķūnīša un tikpat kā nobliezt bijušo prezidentu un pašreizējo prezidenta kandidātu uzrunas laikā, tad laikam kkas nebija īsti kārtībā ar drošības pasākumiem

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo