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Tēma: Veselīga dzīve - kā?

30. Aug 2011, 17:57 #5201

Kopš: 27. Apr 2006

Ziņojumi: 10587

Braucu ar: pumpi uz mežu

Atlikt spamu! Labāk pastāstiet, vai kāds no klātesošajiem ir mēģinājis BODYPUMP® @VF ?

p.s. rudens klāt, laiks ķerties pie darba
30. Aug 2011, 18:00 #5202

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

Jā, sezona ir atsākusies, pirmās 2-3 nedēļas pēc pārtraukuma bija ar tādu spēka kritumu, bet nu jau atpakaļ pie ieradtajiem svariem.
30. Aug 2011, 18:01 #5203

Kopš: 26. Jun 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3387

Braucu ar: dyzelinas

30 Aug 2011, 16:24:53 ROLEXX rakstīja:
Kāds var pakomentēt kko par klenbuterolu (Clenbuterol) lasos netā, bet vieni saka vienu, citi citu. Varbūt kādam praktiska pieredze ir bijusi?

Kaut kas līdzīgs efedrīnam. Labāk sākumā pamēģini ECA stacku, kas ir efedrīns + kofeīns + aspirīns. Ja varēsi paciest, tad domā par clenu.

Ja ir dajebkādas kaut mazākās problēmas ar sirdi vai asinsspiedienu - pat nesapņo par termogēniskajām zālēm. Tādā gadījumā pat pre-workout stimulantus nedrīkst lietot, kur nu vēl clenu vai ECA.

Bez kārtīgas literatūras izpētes neskaries klāt ne vienam, ne otram un ja tauku procentāža ir virs 10% no kopējās masas, tad it īpaši. Clenu lieto, lai bez pārāk sāpīgas muskuļu sadedzināšanas dabūtu uz sezonu zem 8% tauciņus, jo dabiski tas ir ļoti grūti. Literatūras pilns internets.

Lai ko arī kāds teiktu, clens IR steroīds.

p.s. neesmu lietojis, sirds neļauj.

30. Aug 2011, 18:29 #5204

Kopš: 19. Dec 2003

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5138

Braucu ar: trafic

30 Aug 2011, 18:01:47 SCHNITZEL rakstīja:
Lai ko arī kāds teiktu, clens IR steroīds.

30. Aug 2011, 19:30 #5205

Kopš: 20. Feb 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 9366

Braucu ar: 330i, YZ250

30 Aug 2011, 17:38:09 daplis rakstīja:

30 Aug 2011, 17:37:12 xjs_4 rakstīja:

30 Aug 2011, 17:15:51 ROLEXX rakstīja:

30 Aug 2011, 16:47:38 Tomzs rakstīja:
Klens? Speķi dzinošais AAS?

EDIT. Tfu, sajaucu ar Trenu

ķipa sportistiem viņš aizliegts. ātri samazina tauku masu ķermenī, bet vienlaicīgi audzē muskuļu masu, dod papildus enerģiju un tā. it kā neesot tik kaitīgs kā tur anaboliķi utt

Peerku to briinumliidzekli ... legaali nelegaali pofig ...

psc, apnika, ka visi par resno tunci saukaa?

Starpcitu, pēdējo x kad viņu satiku likās tāds tievāks
30. Aug 2011, 20:28 #5206

Kopš: 06. Jan 2009

No: Liepāja

Ziņojumi: 3523

Braucu ar: VS & 29

Par Clenu runājot:
CLENBUTEROL FAQ 1.0 by Nick Bockwinkle

1.What is Clenbuterol and how does it work?
Simply put, Clenbuterol hydrochloride (the full chemical name for Clenbuterol)
is a beta-2-adrenergic agonist, and was initially used to treat asthma in
humans. Other such drugs in this class are albuterol (I believe this is brand
named as Ventolin, the blue inhaler commonly seen), pirbuterol, terbutaline and

Clenbuterol has two secondary effects that are beneficial to athletes and
bodybuilders. The first is a strong anti-catabolic effect, which means it
decreases the rate at which protein is used up in the muscle cells, consequently
causing hypertrophy of muscle cells (with proper training, of course). Clen
accomplishes this by the stimulation of both type 2 and 3 beta-receptors.
3-beta receptors are more abundant in livestock than in humans. This explains
the pronounced anabolic effects on livestock as opposed to humans.

Secondly, Clen has a wonderful thermogenic effect. This is the main reason that
is included in nearly every cutting cycle in some form or fashion. This means
that it slightly raises the body temperature of the person taking it. When the
body's temperature rises it burns fat more productively. When stacked with an
LT-3 hormone such as Cytomel, the body turns into the fiery pits of hell and
burns fat like a stripper scoops up dollar bills on a Friday night.

Clenbuterol is known by the following brand names:
Broncodil, Broncoterol, Cesbron, Clenasma, Clenbuter.Pharmachim, Contrasmina,
Contraspasmina, Monores, Novegam, Oxyflux, Prontovent, Spiropent, Ventolase, and
Ventapulmin It is generally available in 10 - 20 mcg tablets, although syrup,
injectables and "Super Clen" (x20 the normal dosage of normal tabs) are also
somewhat popular.

2. Will Clenbuterol help me if I am on AS?
Yes, particularly at the end of a cycle to keep gains. Bodybuilders use
Clenbuterol after steroid cycles to balance the resulting catabolic phase
following a cycle and to retain strength and muscle mass. Also, as a result of
the higher body temperatures, Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of
anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simultaneously, since the protein processing
is increased. °2

(Taken from "When these agonists bind to beta-2 adrenoceptors,
they activate adenyl cyclase which leads to an increase in the intracellular
concentration of the second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and
activation of protein kinase A (PKA). In the tracheobronchial tree, beta-2
agonists, cAMP and PKA inhibit smooth muscle contraction by opening K+ channels
and by down-regulation of myosin light chain kinase activity." °1

In the airways, beta-2 adrenoceptors are not restricted to smooth muscle. They
also occur on epithelium, inflammatory cells, and the vasculature. When
epithelial beta adrenoceptors are activated, cilliary beat frequency increases.
The effect on mucus secretion is less consistent, but the weight of opinion
indicates that beta-2 agonists increase mucocillary clearance. Activation of
beta-2 adrenoceptors on inflammatory cells reduces the release of inflammatory
mediators, and activation of those in vasculature can inhibit the permeability
increase that occurs in inflammation. Thus making it easier to breath.

3. Will Clenbuterol help me burn fat?
Hell yes and no. The yes is stated above--Clen is a strong thermogenic. Diet
and cardio are most important in this process (of course), as is a good weight
training regimen. If one keeps a clean diet, does regular cardio (3-4+ times a
week) then Clenbuterol will greatly assist in fat loss. If one sits around the
couch all day, eats empty calories like sugars and simple carbs, Clenbuterol
will be as useful as a sugar pill.

4. What is the recommended dosage for Clenbuterol?
This has become a matter of controversy among the Bodybuilding community. Due
to erroneous assumptions based on livestock dosing based on the types of
receptors that humans and livestock have , 2 days on-2 days off was thought to
be the proper dosage. Given Clenbuterols half-life of about 10 hours, with a
2-days on/2-days off cycle you never have time to get enough of the clenbuterol
out of your system for this to be an effective cycle. In actuality, it probably
hasn't even dropped to 50% of your peak concentration before one is taking the
drug again. With this all taken into account, there is no reason to think that
this cycling would significantly reduce the problem of receptor desensitization.
2-weeks on/2-weeks off is a better cycle, with ECA stacked in between.

At a dosage of around 5-7 tablets or 100-140 mcg per day for men over a period
of 8-10 weeks. In females, dosages of 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient.
For fat loss, clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then its
thermogenic properties seem to subside. This is noticed when the body
temperature drops back to normal. Its anabolic properties subside much quicker,
somewhere around 18 days. Also keep in mind that anything over 140 mcg a day is
useless since the beta receptors can only handle so much. °

4. Should I taper Clenbuterol on and off?
Yes. With ANY thermogenic, the side effects can be pronounced and a shock to
the system. To lessen these, here is an optimal pill count for a two-week
cycle. (assuming standard Clen dosages of 20mcg such as Spriopent).

Week 1: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6
Week 2: 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Weeks 3 and 4: ECA (Hydroxycut, Xenadrine, Stacker, etc.)
The ECA stacks in between will help prevent against the inevitable crash when
taking Clen.

5. What are some of Clenbuterol's side effects?
Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor
(involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased perspiration, insomnia,
possible muscle spasms, increased blood pres-sure, and nausea. Note that these
side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days,
despite continuation of the product.


Q: Can I substitute Ventolase or another asthma medication for Clenbuterol since
they are the same category?
A: No. Remember that the only reason the FDA banned Clenbuterol was because of
the long half-life. Well approved asthma medications have very short
half-lives. Therefore, the effective dosage period is very low.

Q: Will Clenbuterol give me gyno, masculinization, shrinkage of the boys or any
steroid-like side effect?
A: No. Clenbuterol has no steroid-like side-effects as the mechanisms are
totally different. This also means that you do not have to take Clomid or any
anti-estrogen during a Clenbuterol cycle.

Q: Will Clenbuterol show up on a drug test?
A: Only if you are being tested by a body that bans it. This is generally
international competition such as the Olympics. Employment, doctors physicals,
military does NOT test for this. The NCAA is reputed not to, however this is
unknown. It is best to get a prescription from a doctor for asthma medication.
Ventolin, Albuterol and the like trigger the same tests as Clenbuterol. With a
doctors prescription for one of these similar products, the Clen will be seen
as a false positive.

Q: I've read that the best way to gauge Clenbuterol's effectiveness is to watch
for a rise in temperature. Is this true?
A: Although this will show when Clenbuterol is working, it is not the best way
to gauge effective dosage, as everyone's body will react differently. This
reaction is sometimes independent of an effective dosage and is not a good way
to gauge if your current dose is effective. The above cycle is based on a
175-lb man. If you are below that, you may want to slightly decrease the dosage
if you find the shakes to be unbearable after 4-5 days.
31. Aug 2011, 23:06 #5207

Kopš: 04. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 793

Braucu ar: Diesel power

31 Aug 2011, 23:04:18 Statement rakstīja:

29 Aug 2011, 12:40:16 VMR rakstīja:
Pļac, ko var darīt ar 50 kg hanteli?

Piemēram "hanteles vilkšanā pie sāna ar vienu roku", tipa spārniem... tur parasti lieli cipari iet. Visādi Colemani gan jau kā spiež arī uz grudaka,bet nu es pa mirstīgajiem cilvēkiem

- Power Muay Thai -
31. Aug 2011, 23:12 #5208

Kopš: 07. Feb 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1938

Braucu ar: Q7, V70

31 Aug 2011, 23:06:23 Statement rakstīja:

31 Aug 2011, 23:04:18 Statement rakstīja:

29 Aug 2011, 12:40:16 VMR rakstīja:
Pļac, ko var darīt ar 50 kg hanteli?

Piemēram "hanteles vilkšanā pie sāna ar vienu roku", tipa spārniem... tur parasti lieli cipari iet. Visādi Colemani gan jau kā spiež arī uz grudaka,bet nu es pa mirstīgajiem cilvēkiem

Šito arī var taisīt ar 50kg hanteli neesot Coleman
31. Aug 2011, 23:24 #5209

Kopš: 05. Sep 2006

Ziņojumi: 20315

Braucu ar: nošautu musaru bagāžniekā

noliekšanās sānus ar hanteli arī vēdera muskuļiem
02. Sep 2011, 21:32 #5210

Kopš: 06. Dec 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1002

Braucu ar:

vajag palietot vitamīnus, ko iesakat? labāk kompleksos.
ko sakat par SPApak?

[ Šo ziņu laboja archers330, 02 Sep 2011, 21:33:03 ]

02. Sep 2011, 21:34 #5211

Kopš: 07. Feb 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1938

Braucu ar: Q7, V70

02 Sep 2011, 21:32:37 archers330 rakstīja:
vajag palietot vitamīnus, ko iesakat? labāk kompleksos.
ko sakat par SPApak?

Controlled Labs: Orange Triad
02. Sep 2011, 21:40 #5212

Kopš: 06. Dec 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1002

Braucu ar:

02 Sep 2011, 21:34:29 Es10 rakstīja:

02 Sep 2011, 21:32:37 archers330 rakstīja:
vajag palietot vitamīnus, ko iesakat? labāk kompleksos.
ko sakat par SPApak?

Controlled Labs: Orange Triad

kur var iegadaties?
02. Sep 2011, 21:43 #5213

Kopš: 14. May 2007

No: Talsi

Ziņojumi: 3829

Braucu ar: bmw

02 Sep 2011, 21:34:29 Es10 rakstīja:

02 Sep 2011, 21:32:37 archers330 rakstīja:
vajag palietot vitamīnus, ko iesakat? labāk kompleksos.
ko sakat par SPApak?

Controlled Labs: Orange Triad

par šiem hvz.. it ka tas locītavu kompleks kas klāt strāda, bet ka vitamīni man labāk likās Now Foods - Adam.
02. Sep 2011, 21:43 #5214

Kopš: 14. May 2007

No: Talsi

Ziņojumi: 3829

Braucu ar: bmw

02 Sep 2011, 21:40:32 archers330 rakstīja:

02 Sep 2011, 21:34:29 Es10 rakstīja:

02 Sep 2011, 21:32:37 archers330 rakstīja:
vajag palietot vitamīnus, ko iesakat? labāk kompleksos.
ko sakat par SPApak?

Controlled Labs: Orange Triad

kur var iegadaties?
06. Sep 2011, 11:16 #5215

Kopš: 03. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 14305

Braucu ar:

Kā ir PAREIZI iesildīties pirms treniņa, cik ilgi?!

5min eju, 10min skrienu, 5min eju - ir ok?!
06. Sep 2011, 11:35 #5216

Kopš: 14. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 2241

Braucu ar: EK

manuprāt, pa daudz pietiktu ar kādām 10 min lēna skriešana, iešana
06. Sep 2011, 11:47 #5217

Kopš: 14. May 2007

No: Talsi

Ziņojumi: 3829

Braucu ar: bmw

Es parasti pirmstreniņa 10min, bet ar kadiem 2x 2min sprintinju uz max cik tas celiņš iet.. lai sirdij biskii iedod iekšā
06. Sep 2011, 11:50 #5218

Kopš: 03. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 14305

Braucu ar:

06 Sep 2011, 11:47:18 Jureks rakstīja:
Es parasti pirmstreniņa 10min, bet ar kadiem 2x 2min sprintinju uz max cik tas celiņš iet.. lai sirdij biskii iedod iekšā

a cik viņš max iet? nekas neesmu mēģinājis - bail
06. Sep 2011, 11:54 #5219

Kopš: 14. May 2007

No: Talsi

Ziņojumi: 3829

Braucu ar: bmw

06 Sep 2011, 11:50:54 Kalnz rakstīja:

06 Sep 2011, 11:47:18 Jureks rakstīja:
Es parasti pirmstreniņa 10min, bet ar kadiem 2x 2min sprintinju uz max cik tas celiņš iet.. lai sirdij biskii iedod iekšā

a cik viņš max iet? nekas neesmu mēģinājis - bail

es nemaz nezinu spiežu + līdz galam.. man liekas ka cipari uz viena skrejceliņa bija 18 uz vienu citu pari pa 20.. baigi neiedziļinos
06. Sep 2011, 11:55 #5220

Kopš: 03. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 14305

Braucu ar:

06 Sep 2011, 11:54:35 Jureks rakstīja:

06 Sep 2011, 11:50:54 Kalnz rakstīja:

06 Sep 2011, 11:47:18 Jureks rakstīja:
Es parasti pirmstreniņa 10min, bet ar kadiem 2x 2min sprintinju uz max cik tas celiņš iet.. lai sirdij biskii iedod iekšā

a cik viņš max iet? nekas neesmu mēģinājis - bail

es nemaz nezinu spiežu + līdz galam.. man liekas ka cipari uz viena skrejceliņa bija 18 uz vienu citu pari pa 20.. baigi neiedziļinos

tipa 20km/h?

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo