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Tēma: Veselīga dzīve - kā?

07. Mar 2008, 13:42 #501

Kopš: 01. Nov 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2202

Braucu ar: Radziņu

Palasot te, liekās, ka man jāpārtrauc iet uz trenniņiem, jo viss ir galigā pakaļā un lai nesačakarētu sev veselību
Jautājums Depo: Ja tu aktīvo trenniņu - 2 veidu muskuļu grupas + presite vari paspēt 40 min, tad vai nu Tu bez atelpas skrien, vai arī Tev ir tukša zāle un Tu tiec klāt trenažieriem klāt bez rindas
Man ir 10 min skriešana, aktīvais trenniņš + 20 min skrējiens pēc trenniņa 1,5 h
07. Mar 2008, 13:51 #502

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Jautājums Depo: Ja tu aktīvo trenniņu - 2 veidu muskuļu grupas + presite vari paspēt 40 min, tad vai nu Tu bez atelpas skrien, vai arī Tev ir tukša zāle un Tu tiec klāt trenažieriem klāt bez rindas
Man ir 10 min skriešana, aktīvais trenniņš + 20 min skrējiens pēc trenniņa 1,5 h

Bet es nesaprotu kaa var treneet 2 muskulju grupas vairaak par 40 min
A kas tu peec katra piegaajiena atelpojies? Tjipa staavi 5 min un atpuuties?
Un iesildiities vajag 20 min skrienot
07. Mar 2008, 13:53 #503

Kopš: 01. Nov 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2202

Braucu ar: Radziņu

2008-03-07 13:51, depo rakstīja:

Jautājums Depo: Ja tu aktīvo trenniņu - 2 veidu muskuļu grupas + presite vari paspēt 40 min, tad vai nu Tu bez atelpas skrien, vai arī Tev ir tukša zāle un Tu tiec klāt trenažieriem klāt bez rindas
Man ir 10 min skriešana, aktīvais trenniņš + 20 min skrējiens pēc trenniņa 1,5 h

Bet es nesaprotu kaa var treneet 2 muskulju grupas vairaak par 40 min
A kas tu peec katra piegaajiena atelpojies? Tjipa staavi 5 min un atpuuties?
Un iesildiities vajag 20 min skrienot

It kā nē, padzeros, uzlieku lielāku svaru un aiziet, tas viss 1 - 2 min ietvaros, dažreiz mazāk.
07. Mar 2008, 13:54 #504

Kopš: 05. Sep 2006

Ziņojumi: 20315

Braucu ar: nošautu musaru bagāžniekā

2008-03-07 13:42, bepino rakstīja:
Palasot te, liekās, ka man jāpārtrauc iet uz trenniņiem, jo viss ir galigā pakaļā un lai nesačakarētu sev veselību
Jautājums Depo: Ja tu aktīvo trenniņu - 2 veidu muskuļu grupas + presite vari paspēt 40 min, tad vai nu Tu bez atelpas skrien, vai arī Tev ir tukša zāle un Tu tiec klāt trenažieriem klāt bez rindas
Man ir 10 min skriešana, aktīvais trenniņš + 20 min skrējiens pēc trenniņa 1,5 h
tāpēc arī jākačājas mežā " border="0" style="cursor: pointer;" onClick=" getImgSize(this.src);">
kā čaks noriss vai rembo
07. Mar 2008, 14:11 #505

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

tavaa gadiijumaa apreekjins buutu shaads:
2 muskulju grupas pa 3 vingrojumi,3 piegaajieni,8 atkaartojumi.

Piegaajienu njemam pa maximumu, 1 min.

Kopaa ir 18 piegaajieni=18 min
Starp katru piegaajienu njemam pa max 2min.atelpa=36 min.

18+36=54 min.

+/- veel kaadas 10 min jo aiznjemts stienis utt.
skrienam 20 min iesildamies.

Kopaa 54+20+10=apmeram 1h 25 min

huh,matemaatika man nava stipraa puse
07. Mar 2008, 14:23 #506

Kopš: 14. Nov 2003

Ziņojumi: 2430

Braucu ar:

Tā arī ir, normāls treniņš ilgst 40min-1h, trenējot kājas gan nesanāk iekļauties (nedaudz vairāk atelpas vajag)
07. Mar 2008, 15:09 #507

Kopš: 01. Nov 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1480

Braucu ar: Biturbo OPC

starp piegājieniem max 30-40 sek = muskuļi tiek atslābināti līdz 70%, lai varētu tālāk turpināt tos noslogot.... ja vairāk par šo laiku, tad muskuļi pilnībā tiek atjaunoti un prokachkas efekts būs mazāks... svari būs protams mazāki, bet pēc treniņa rokas nepacelt

starp vingrinājumiem 1-2 min

vismaz tāda ir mana treniņa kārtība:
- 20 min skrienu
- 40-50 min nodarbības (2 muskuļu grupas+prese)

[ This message was edited by: mj_muzilla on 2008-03-07 15:10 ]

07. Mar 2008, 15:13 #508

Kopš: 25. Nov 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1407

Braucu ar: Japāņu ņivu

Ta ko jus tur pljutat. Katram vajadzigs savs trenins atkaribaa no personigas fiziologijas.

Drosi var atpusties un vajag atpusties lidz 5 min, ja tiek taisiti speka trenini 1-4 atkartojumi piegajiena.

Jo atkartojumu skaits lielaks, jo mazaka atputas pauze starp piegajieniem!
07. Mar 2008, 15:16 #509

Kopš: 01. Nov 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1480

Braucu ar: Biturbo OPC

2008-03-07 15:13, didzinators rakstīja:
Ta ko jus tur pljutat. Katram vajadzigs savs trenins atkaribaa no personigas fiziologijas.

Drosi var atpusties un vajag atpusties lidz 5 min, ja tiek taisiti speka trenini 1-4 atkartojumi piegajiena.

Jo atkartojumu skaits lielaks, jo mazaka atputas pauze starp piegajieniem!

man sanāk pa 15 atkārtojumiem piegājienā,
bet kā jau teicu - tas bija mans grafiks... bet katram var būt individuāls piegājiens pie šīs lietas

07. Mar 2008, 15:34 #510

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

1-6 atkaartojumi uz speeku.
No 6 liidz 12 - uz massu/izskatu.
18. Mar 2008, 19:41 #511

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

ko domājat par šo rakstu??

ir kas saka, ka labākais ko lasījuši par atjaunošanos utt
18. Mar 2008, 19:42 #512

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

reku tas raksts angliski caur automātisko tulkotāju

Physiology recovery

Myth and Reality

At present, neither is no secret (at least for readers of the magazine IRONMAN) that the muscular training workout itself is starting an impetus to the growth of muscle mass and strength in all its manifestations. After adequate power intensive work in the body recovery and run supervosstanovleniya, with optimal protekanii those which occur most cherished increase muscle mass and strength, why go to the gym, thousands of fans iron game. In popular literature bodibilderskoy there is a huge number of recommendations to optimize their recovery, and, often, the most controversial nature, which in itself was confusing in the minds of millions of readers, in no way sheds light on the true picture taking place in the body of metabolic processes, and does not suggest possible ways of regulation. The absence of a clear scientific basis of such recommendations, as well as manipulation of abstruse terms of carbohydrate and protein "windows", without explaining their physiological fact, and as a result - the lack of clear practical advice, with an extremely clear and precise explanation of their physiological meaning, literally reduces to zero practical the value of such articles, and do not have any help athletes by making only doubt in their souls. The reasons for the existence of this state of affairs is incomprehensible. Incomprehensible because, in spite of the huge number of gaps in the theory and methodology of the power of sport, the restoration of power after intense pressures thoroughly examined and tested in practice prominent national and international sporting GI, Tkachenko and Methodists. In this article we will try to give your attention to the most accessible form of the knowledge on the issue of reconstruction and supervosstanovleniya, who for many years owned a sports science. In the process of rebuilding sports physiology identifies four phases: a rapid recovery, delayed recovery, superkompensatsiya (sverhvosstanovlenie) and otstavlennoe or a deferred recovery. And during recovery processes characterized geterohronnostyu (raznovremennostyu) during restorative responses, as well as a strict sequence of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The first and second phases describe the dynamics of recovery to achieve energy and plastic characteristics of the organism predtrenirovochnogo level, the third phase of growth rezultiruet functional and morphological characteristics of the organism athlete, and the fourth phase marks a return to dotrenirovochnomu level, in the absence of adequate re-load for some time. The practical meaning of all of the above is: during and immediately after intense physical exertion occurs primarily reducing ATF and other macroergic phosphate in muscle, and there is some exhaustion of reserves of glycogen in the liver and muscles, a certain organism oxygen debt, so as energy intensive power of work going on in anaerobic mode. There is also a certain destruction of muscle protein structures, primarily - myxozoan elements (myocytes), as a result of physiological wear, as well as spending a number of hormones, enzymes and other bioactive substances. Therefore leakage recovery begins with the elimination of the oxygen debt and restore primarily energy homeostasis (the operation of the internal environment) of muscle spindles breached during power training. During the first minutes and hours after training organism seeks to restore the level of phosphates and macroergic ATF in the cell, primarily through the activation of oxidative processes. Also during the first 12-48 hours after training occurs resintez glycogen in the liver and muscles, more energy potential increases muscle cells and the organism as a whole. And until the body can not restore the level of ATP in the muscle tissue protein synthesis processes, ie anabolizma not start. This means that the increased demand in a plastic body material - namely, in the egg-white - there is no earlier than 24-48 hours of intensive training, and active loading protein immediately after training will benefit your only supplier of protein supplements.

It is therefore not increase the number of protein in the first 12-24 hours after training above that which is necessary to sustain life functions of your body that will mean for the athlete about 25% of daily caloric value. True, all of the above does not apply to individual amino acids, such as acids and digestible, which directly increase direct or indirect energy potential of muscle cells. Thus, the active protein synthesis in muscle subjected to the impact of the power intensive training begins 12-24 hours later in the optimal case, but after a long workout heavy ATF and the nucleotide level remains underweight for 48-72 hours, that is anabolic gets even later . I energotraty any significant in the first and second phases of the restoration phase precedence over superkompensatsii at unpredictable times. Summing up the above, it is possible to recommend the admission of high quantities of carbohydrates and substances that increase the level of ATP and accelerate resinteza nucleotides, such as acids, creatine, ribose, glutamine (perhaps progormony) with moderate consumption of protein in the first 24 hours after training. Given that speed resinteza glycogen in the liver and muscles of athletes at an average of 25 grams per hour, while taking 600 grams of carbohydrates in the first 24 hours after training, you can count on full compensation reserves of glycogen in the body during the first days after the training. Certainly, these 600 grams of carbohydrates taken longer than the number of carbohydrates that you accept consisting of the daily ration for compensation energotrat. The above figure is a relative, and marks the upper limit posletrenirovochnoy carbohydrate loading. Only after that goes to the forefront of protein. It would be rational to build its training and diet in such a way as to make maximum use of opportunities superkompensatsionnye organism and how to obtain higher gain muscle mass and strength from each training conducted. Of course, this is true only if you are interested primarily the result of, not only the process of working with weights. Consider whether to load protein protein "window" within the first hour after training, if your body's increased demand in the (protein), there is no sooner than a day after an intensive workout? Restore using protein glycogen reserves - is the same as cash assignatsiyami топить stove. I need you daily workout, if after one intensive exercises your muscles grow another 3 days? Conclusions: 1. To optimize recovery immediately after training take 5 grams of creatine, 3-5 grams ribozy, 6-10 grams of glutamine and 3-6 grams VSAA. 2. During the first days after training accept an increased number of carbohydrates at the rate of 25 grams per hour, and a moderate amount of protein legkousvoyaemogo. 3. In the interval of 24 to 72 hours after training increase the dose of protein in their diet to 35-40% of daily caloric value. 4. Try to maximize the growth of muscle mass and strength from each conducted training for optimum recovery and guarantees maximum superkompensatsii not perform daily training, as well as intensive training time limit 40-50 minutes - more is not always better. 5. These dosage are not universal but are given as illustration for the restoration of the fortification fairly high level athlete, whose muscular weight is 90-100 kg at the subcutaneous fat percentage higher than 12%. Of course, in each case loads and modes of muscle, and procedures, optimizing recovery and sverhvosstanovlenie, can be developed and professional and customised fit each individual athlete. But we felt duty-bound to give the general principles can be said, "the rules of the game" for our readers.

Michael Khlestov.
18. Mar 2008, 20:04 #513

Kopš: 27. Oct 2005

Ziņojumi: 18897

Braucu ar: Braucu ar

20min velo brauciens peec treninja un atkal juuties dziivs
22. Mar 2008, 19:55 #514

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Intereses peec - vai kaads ir shii topika iespaidaa kautko mainiijis savaa ikdienaa/eeshanas paradumos/saacis kusteeties,sportot?
22. Mar 2008, 19:57 #515

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 24385

Braucu ar: Daimler Super V8, BMW 528iA, Audi A3 Sportback 2.0TFSI quattro

Vienā pasācienā kaut kas teica, ka palasījies šito topiku un tagad čāpo uz kačalku Bet neatceros kurš
22. Mar 2008, 20:00 #516

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Ja kautvai viens cilveeks ir saacis mainiit savu dziivi uz veseliigaaku,tas jau ir patiikami
22. Mar 2008, 20:07 #517

Kopš: 13. Jun 2003

Ziņojumi: 4113

Braucu ar: F15 M50D

sāksies sezona - zālītes būs pārpildītas, bet būs jau par vēlu
...cheers - tikko no treniņa un svaigi 600ml proteīna kokteiļa glāzi rokās
22. Mar 2008, 20:20 #518

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

22 Mar 2008, 20:07:26 Ga4a rakstīja:
sāksies sezona - zālītes būs pārpildītas, bet būs jau par vēlu

es arii gaidu siltaaku laiku un kad buus briivaa laika vairaak,shobriid nevareetu sistemaatiski treneeties.
22. Mar 2008, 20:35 #519

Kopš: 15. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 10080

Braucu ar: F30 ‘19

22 Mar 2008, 19:55:43 depo rakstīja:
Intereses peec - vai kaads ir shii topika iespaidaa kautko mainiijis savaa ikdienaa/eeshanas paradumos/saacis kusteeties,sportot?

Ar pārtikas lietām vēl neesmu sācis ņemties, bet overall tomēr piedomāju, ko labāk neest
Bet kačalkā viss notiek
22. Mar 2008, 20:37 #520

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Ar pārtikas lietām vēl neesmu sācis ņemties, bet overall tomēr piedomāju, ko labāk neest
Bet kačalkā viss notiek

Nav viegli izmainiit lietas pie kuraam esi pieradis muuzha garumaa.
protams vienaa dienaa nevar izmainiit savas eeshanas mienieres un sisteemu.Saac vnk leenaam.Piemeeram no riitdienas brokastiis eest vairaak ogljhidraatus.Pierodi taa eest,peec meenesha panjem naakosho siikumu un izmaini.Peec gada skaties tu eediisi kaa no graamatas un jutiisies cits cilveeks

Personiigi man visgruutaak gaaja ar porciju skaldiishanu,no 3 eedienreizeem uz 5. Ciiniijos ilgi,vairaak kaa meenesi. Apeedu druscinj un peec stundas jau atkal gribaas eest.Bet peec tam organisms pierada un smaguma sajuutas kaa agraak peec lielaam porcijaam bija svesha lieta

[ Šo ziņu laboja depo, 22 Mar 2008, 20:41:25 ]


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