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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

22. Oct 2024, 15:01 #44741

Kopš: 09. Dec 2018

Ziņojumi: 145

Braucu ar: Honda Accord X USA ver. / Tesla M3 LR Boost, USA ver.
Iespējama atbilde no D.Korejas
22. Oct 2024, 16:36 #44742

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28480

Braucu ar: wv

Kāds sakars budžetam ar stratēģiju?

Drîz nonāksim - info nav aktuāls. Jo es vēl gribu zinàt cik co2 saraźoja lemjot.

Tevis teiktais- pēc atmiņas.
Baltais nams nav vienādības zīme ar rietumiem.
Amerika ir small talk
NATO neko nelemj (Arī sammita reizi gadā publicētais plāns ir kaķim zem astes)
Karu speciāli velk lēni, kas ir sen izplānota stratēģija.
Viss iet pēc rietumu plāna- krievi psiho, ukraiņi sēž ierakumos..
To es sapratu.
Mans jautājums ir joprojām.

Kurš lemj un kàds ir tas plāns??
Ja reiz viss iet pēc plāna rietumiem? (Tavs apgalvojums nevis mans) Un ja USA ir otršķirīgs. Un NATO neko nelemj. Tavi vārdi pat neizraujot īpaši no konteksta.
Es to vēlos zināt. Kāds ir plāns un kurš lemj? Ne par budžetiem, ne par sammitiem, ne par smilškastēm. Ne par ko citu.
Tikai to. Un viss. Nāksies sist Stoltenbergam sms. Kas par wtf tur notiek.
Un otrs. Kāpēc ir pārliecība- par to, ka vispār ir plāns? Varbūt tas jāliek augšpusē.
Es riskēšu apgalvot, nekāda plāna nav. Un viņi visi ir ahujā. Vate viņus apspēlēja, kā bērnus ar visiem superdàrgajiem ieročiem. Novilka līdz savam līmenim un sakāva ar pieredzi.
Sakāva būtu skaļš teiciens- taču łengano normāli aiz vaiga ielika. Un čāpstina joprojām šie rīstīdamies. BRICs Ķīna ar Indiju panākušas izlîgumu. Indija atbalsta Ķīnas miera plānu. Tāpat Brazīlija utt. Tas gan vairāk nato topic- Bet cik bīstams ir tas BRICs? Te laikam vajag ekAnomista komentāru. Mediji raksta- kad diezgan bīstams pasākums rietumiem.

Why North Korea is sending soldiers to the Russian front lines
South Korea has urged Russia to take “immediate” action to withdraw North Korean troops, as Kim Jong Un seeks to strengthen the alliance between Moscow and Pyongyang.
SEOUL — South Korean and Ukrainian officials are raising the alarm about reports of North Korean troops supporting Russians inside Ukraine, warning that the alliance between Moscow and Pyongyang is growing stronger and evolving beyond transferring weapons.
South Korea on Monday urged Russia to take “immediate” action to withdraw North Korean troops. Last week, South Korea’s spy agency had reported that at least 1,500 North Korean Special Forces troops were training in Russia.
A Ukrainian military intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive security matter, this month told The Washington Post that “several thousand” North Korean infantry soldiers are undergoing training in Russia now and could be deployed to the front line in Ukraine by the end of this year. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed reports of North Koreans training alongside the Russians.
The Kremlin has dismissed the assertion as a “hoax.”
The Pentagon said it could not confirm or corroborate reports “on potential North Korean forces going to Russia or Ukraine.”
“We see that the alliance between Russia and such regimes as the North Korean one is getting stronger,” Zelensky said in his Oct. 13 video address. “This is not just about the transfer of weapons, this is in fact about the transfer of people from North Korea to the armed forces of the occupiers.”
Why is North Korea sending its citizens to support Russia?
​North Korea has pledged ‘full’ support for Russia
North Korea has been one of the most vocal backers of Russia’s war in Ukraine, with leader Kim Jong Un pledging “full” support for President Vladimir Putin’s “sacred war for regional peace and international justice.” In March 2022, a month after the invasion, North Korea was one of just four countries that joined Moscow to vote against a United Nations resolution condemning the aggression.
Since then, Pyongyang has been helping Putin by sending the old Soviet-era munitions that Russia desperately needs, according to U.S., Ukrainian and South Korean officials. U.S. officials say those shipments have included artillery shells and other weapons, and in return, North Korea may be receiving Russian help to advance its own weapons program.
North Korea’s military ties with Moscow date back to the Soviet Union era, when Soviet leaders supported the North’s invasion of the South, which sparked the 1950-53 Korean War. The war halted in a cease-fire, and both Koreas have maintained a stockpile of ammunition and weapons in case conflict resumes. As the conflict in Ukraine drags on, Russia is apparently turning to North Korea for those old shells and weapons.
Both Pyongyang and Moscow have denied the allegations.
​Why would Pyongyang send military officers to the conflict?
Now there are reports that North Koreans may be sending military personnel to the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory of Donbas. Some military officers may already have been killed and injured, according to reports that surfaced last week on Telegram channels and in the Ukrainian press.
The Ukrainian military intelligence official said that while there were North Korean combat troops in Russia, none were in the Donbas region and the officers who were killed did not directly participate in combat.
South Korean experts say it’s plausible that Pyongyang would send military personnel to Russia, especially technical advisers to supervise the use of North Korean weapons on the ground.
Given reports that many of North Korea’s shells are duds, and other issues with the weaponry that Pyongyang sent, it would make sense for North Korea to dispatch personnel to help with maintenance, management and evaluation of their weapons, said Lee Ho-ryung, North Korean military expert at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul.
“It is completely feasible that North Korea is dispatching not only military supplies but also engineers,” Lee said.
This comes after Putin and Kim signed a mutual defense pact this summer, vowing to expand their military cooperation.
Sending personnel to help Russians use North Korean weapons could be a sign that the military cooperation between the two countries is deepening, experts say.
The Ukrainian official said Putin may have asked North Korea for help with manpower to avoid a new wave of mobilization to replenish his troops. North Korean troops could free up reserve troops who are currently within Russia, which could have “a significant impact” in certain areas on the front lines, the official said.
​What’s in it for North Korea?
North Koreans may already be in Russia aiding with reconstruction efforts in Ukraine’s Donbas region, according to Daily NK, a Seoul-based monitoring group with informants inside North Korea. Citing unnamed sources in North Korea and Russia, the outlet reported in April that Pyongyang sent about 150 new laborers there to help with rebuilding efforts.
As far back as 2022, Russian officials were publicly welcoming North Koreans helping mitigate the labor shortage caused by the war. “[North] Korean builders will be an asset in the serious task of restoring social, infrastructural and industrial facilities” in Donbas, Russia’s ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matsegora, told the pro-Kremlin daily Izvestia in the first year of the war.
Alexei Kolmakov, construction minister of Novosibirsk Oblast in Siberia, said last year that the region had requested to bring about 2,000 North Korean workers to address construction labor shortages in Siberia and the breakaway republic of Luhansk.
North Korea has a long history of sending workers — mainly lumberjacks and builders — to Russia to earn money for the cash-strapped regime.
Kim is especially desperate for cash after the pandemic, which forced him to close his borders even to China, cutting off the trade that keeps his economy afloat.
North Korea was already facing mounting international sanctions before covid, and its economy shrank from 2020 to 2023, according to South Korea’s central bank. While trade with China has resumed since Kim began reopening borders in 2023, it has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels.
These workers provide a stream of valuable foreign currency that helps Kim and his rule. They often work long hours in dangerous conditions with little safety training or gear. The vast majority are men whose passports are confiscated once they enter Russia and whose wives and children must remain in North Korea to deter the men from trying to escape while abroad.
Last month, the Telegram-based Russian outlet Mash claimed that a North Korean construction worker in Khimki, in Moscow Oblast, fell off a scaffolding. The worker’s supervisor transported him under a bridge and left him there to die, Mash reported.
​But didn’t the U.N. ban North Korean labor exports?
North Koreans have continued to work in Russia and elsewhere despite a United Nations prohibition on governments issuing new work permits to North Koreans and requiring countries to repatriate all laborers by the end of 2019.
The U.N. Security Council targeted the worker program, which has long subsidized Kim’s nuclear ambitions, as a part of sanctions placed on Pyongyang after its sixth nuclear test. Russia criticized the sanctions but agreed to adhere to them.
But North Koreans remained in Russia, including those who could not return home after North Korea’s borders were closed in 2020, The Post found.
After the U.N. ban, North Koreans continued to enter Russia with tourist or student visas and work for Russian companies, according to the South Korean Unification Ministry’s 2024 report based on escapees’ testimonies.
Kostiantyn Khudov in Kyiv contributed to this report.

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Spama topiks
22. Oct 2024, 20:29 #44743

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28480

Braucu ar: wv

Turkey blocks exports of military-linked goods to Russia after US warning Customs system no longer allows exporters to proceed with sensitive shipments

Turkey has secretly barred exports to Russia of US military-linked hardware after Washington warned Ankara of “consequences” if it did not halt the trade.

Ankara has in recent weeks adjusted its customs systems to block exports of more than four dozen categories of US-origin goods that Washington and its western allies view as vital to Moscow’s war effort in Ukraine, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter.

Turkey’s electronic customs system no longer allows exporters to proceed with sending shipments of the so-called “battlefield goods” to Russia, one of the people said, having previously enabled them to be transported there. Similar goods originating from the EU were blocked earlier and remain so, two of the people said.

The trade curbs, which affect civilian parts such as microchips and remote control systems that western allies say are being used in weaponry, were not publicly announced because of “political sensitivities”, one of the people said.

Turkey’s trade ministry and Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin, did not respond to requests for comment.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has positioned himself as a potential peacemaker in the Ukraine war while retaining warm relations with Putin. The two men are due to meet at this week’s Brics summit in Kazan on Wednesday.

The quiet bans on military-linked exports to Russia, however, are the latest sign that Turkey is stepping back from the role as a lifeline from western sanctions that it embraced earlier in the war.

Turkish banks sharply cut back their business with Russian counterparties this year after the US issued an executive order threatening sanctions against lenders processing transactions for the Kremlin’s war machine.

Turkey’s trade curbs come as the US is seeking to staunch Russia’s access to western technology that is being used in Moscow’s military systems more than two years after Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The banned goods are taken from a list of 50 “high-priority” western-made items that the US, UK, EU and Japan have identified as crucial to Russia’s imports for its arms industry.

They include advanced electronics that regularly turn up in missiles and drones downed in Ukraine, such as processors and memory cards, as well as machine tools and other equipment used to produce weapons.

Washington has long harboured concerns that Turkey is being used as an intermediary through which Russia is accessing military-linked goods, a suspicion that has tarnished relations between the two allies.

The Biden administration has dispatched top officials to Turkey in a bid to press Erdoğan’s government to take action, while also hitting Turkish companies with sanctions for taking part in the trade with Russia.

Turkish exports of these goods surged in the aftermath of the full-scale invasion, increasing from about $3mn a month at the start of the war to a peak of about $38mn in December 2022, according to official Turkish government statistics. They registered about $4.1mn in August this year, the most recent figures available.

The more recent fall in direct trade is thought to be partly attributable to a shift in some battlefield goods being exported from Turkey to intermediaries such as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, before ultimately reaching Russia. The new Turkish trade curbs do not affect exports to these countries.

Matthew Axelrod, the assistant commerce secretary leading US efforts to keep sensitive technology out of the hands of America’s adversaries, in August met Turkish officials and executives in Ankara and Istanbul. At that time, he warned that Turkey would face “consequences” if it did not take steps to stop dealings with Russia in battlefield goods.

Axelrod is a senior official at the Bureau of Industry and Security, which has broad powers to apply damaging export controls.

“We believe the Turkish government heard and understands our concerns. We’re optimistic we’ll see increased co-operation going forward,” Axelrod told the Financial Times in response to queries about signs that Turkey is moving away from the trade in battlefield goods.

The most significant supplier of these high-priority goods remains China, which shipped $377mn to Russia in July 2024.

India’s exports to Russia have surged to almost $100mn per month, almost entirely driven by a sudden rise in the flow of computers and computing components, including Chinese-assembled Apple computers and high-end servers intended for use in artificial intelligence-focused data centres.

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Spama topiks
Vakar, 14:40 #44744

Kopš: 06. Jul 2004

Ziņojumi: 4691

Braucu ar:

F16 pilotu nav, pilotu nav, psc ilgi jāgatavo, nav kur utt. un te pēkšņi šodien 200 pilotiem izlaidums UK
Eksāmens varēja būt tajā brix pasākumā
Vakar, 17:26 #44745

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16101

Braucu ar:

23 Oct 2024, 14:40:23 @viagris rakstīja:
F16 pilotu nav, pilotu nav, psc ilgi jāgatavo, nav kur utt. un te pēkšņi šodien 200 pilotiem izlaidums UK
Eksāmens varēja būt tajā brix pasākumā
franči ar sola gada sākumā mirāžus,laikam 6 gab.
Vakar, 18:55 #44746

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28480

Braucu ar: wv

23 Oct 2024, 14:40:23 @viagris rakstīja:
F16 pilotu nav, pilotu nav, psc ilgi jāgatavo, nav kur utt. un te pēkšņi šodien 200 pilotiem izlaidums UK
Eksāmens varēja būt tajā brix pasākumā

Šie manuprāt, par kuriem ferbruārī rakstīja.
Neko jau nepareizu nepateica. Pilotu nav dotajā brīdī pietiekami un viņi ļoti trūkst. Tāpat kā tehniskais personāls, uzpildes personāls utt., taču viņus gatavo. Viņi visi ir jāmāca no nulles. Nav runa tikai par pilotiem. Skaitu utt protams nevuens neteiks palēnām salasīsies..

Ja par tēmu- runā kad zālēdāji piešpricēs katru mènesi pàrdesmit K biorobotu
Avots nav īpaši uzticams gan.. taču psc.. ja tā būs. Pagaidām ziņās utt klusums

Pāris dienas vecs. Tacu ja kāds nav redzējis..
Ja kas, razstrel

Cerams tā arî notiks
Появление войск специального назначения Северной Кореи в Украине может стать новым водоразделом. Страна-изгой, которая находится под всевозможными санкциями и при этом участвует в крупном международном конфликте на стороне одной из воюющих стран — это то, чего Пхеньян не предпринимал на протяжении десятилетий.

Карл Шустер, бывший директор операций Объединенного разведывательного центра Тихоокеанского командования США, подчеркивает, что Ким Чен Ын предоставляет войска России, чтобы получить от нее ресурсы, необходимые для поддержки своего режима и извлечения уроков, которые могут применяться, если на полуострове начнется острая фаза конфликта.

Чон Ин-бум, бывший генерал-лейтенант южнокорейской армии, добавляет, что у русских появится дополнительная живая сила, которой им сейчас не хватает, а у северокорейцев — деньги, технологии и опыт. Северокорейские подразделения, которые вливаются в ряды ВС РФ, представляют собой не обычные войска, а специальные "элитные" подразделения.

Отмечается, что если северокорейцы будут действовать успешно на передовой в Украине, то получат не только непосредственный боевой опыт, но и международное признание. Соглашусь с такой оценкой и добавлю, что да, победителей и дерзких все любят. Именно поэтому украинцам нужно не просто побить северокорейцев, а сделать это демонстративно и максимально унизительно.


Komentētājs bomba

Runā- Z-korejas virsnieki. Kgan man pēc tūristiem izskatās

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 23 Oct 2024, 20:02:22 ]

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Spama topiks
Šodien, 00:01 #44747

Kopš: 14. Aug 2008

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 11190

Braucu ar: X5 , Jeep, Tuareg, L200, Jumper,Master ,Transit, Stralis x2, Volvo FL, Atego, Deu

Interesanti diez,kā reaģētu zkoreja,ja ar rietumu tehniku slānitu viņu karavīrus ?

Pieņemot ,ka rietumi saka-jus redline pārkāpt,mēs dodam vairāk ieroči un drīkstēt šaut visur.

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo