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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

Vakar, 13:53 #44641

Kopš: 02. Jan 2017

Ziņojumi: 515

Braucu ar: G20

Un ASV karavīri saņem normālas algas.

Orkiem tikai piesola piķi par došanos nomirt, bet realitātē ģimenei aizved pelmeņu paku kā kompensāciju.
Vakar, 13:55 #44642

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4368

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 10:16:43 @Lafter rakstīja:
Neizskatās, kad dotajā brīdī vatei gaļas trūktu. Verstka pētījums.

Es domāju ka gaļas jautājums 100% atbils huļi teiktajam, ka viņi pat vēl nav sākuši
Vakar, 13:56 #44643

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16090

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 13:53:40 @Output rakstīja:
Un ASV karavīri saņem normālas algas.

Orkiem tikai piesola piķi par došanos nomirt, bet realitātē ģimenei aizved pelmeņu paku kā kompensāciju.
Bet jeņķu ģenerāļi nepērk villas un jahtas pa aizsardzības ministrija līdzekļiem
Vakar, 14:25 #44644

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9249

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

17 Oct 2024, 13:53:40 @Output rakstīja:

Orkiem tikai piesola piķi par došanos nomirt, bet realitātē ģimenei aizved pelmeņu paku kā kompensāciju.

nop. tie tik tādi atsevišķi gadījumi. bez piķa tur neviens neies brīvprātīgi mirt un radinieki tad neklusētu.
sievas imho vispār starā, tiek vaļā no vardarbīgā dzērāja nekā nedarītāja un vēl kosmosa piķis ķešā.

rašisti ļoti raustās mobilizēt pa velti un mest gaļā, jo tā var ātri sākt randomā pafist iekarotās teritorijas un vēsturiski arī revolūciju var ieķert.
Vakar, 14:40 #44645

Kopš: 22. May 2016

Ziņojumi: 70

Braucu ar:

Nav jau krievija tik liela bedre un echo chamber, ka valsts varētu vairumam nemaksāt bez sekām, un tāpat vēl daudz cilvēku ietu pieteikties. Ja masveidā nemaksātu, tad jau soc tīklos aizietu un cilvēki vnk vairs nepieteiktos karošanai. Jā, protestēt viņi neietu, bet tad arī jauna gaļa vispār pazustu.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Zeip, 17 Oct 2024, 14:42:40 ]

Vakar, 16:29 #44646

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28420

Braucu ar: wv

- šīs pagaidām baumas.
18 North Korean soldiers already deserted positions by Ukraine's border, intelligence sources tell Suspilne

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Vakar, 17:09 #44647

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4368

Braucu ar:

Lafter, nav kāds palags par Ze miera plāns?
Vakar, 17:26 #44648

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13316

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

17 Oct 2024, 16:29:55 @Lafter rakstīja:
- šīs pagaidām baumas.
18 North Korean soldiers already deserted positions by Ukraine's border, intelligence sources tell Suspilne

Redzēsim, bet jābūt 10k, kā jau rakstīju.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 17 Oct 2024, 17:39:27 ]

Vakar, 17:41 #44649

Kopš: 04. Jun 2019

Ziņojumi: 1034

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 13:55:04 @Samsasi rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 10:16:43 @Lafter rakstīja:
Neizskatās, kad dotajā brīdī vatei gaļas trūktu. Verstka pētījums.

Es domāju ka gaļas jautājums 100% atbils huļi teiktajam, ka viņi pat vēl nav sākuši

Jūs rakstu izlasījāt!

Их рассуждения просты: «Я пожил, сыну щас квартиру возьмем, ну убьют — ну что теперь». В окопах мужчин старше 50 все больше, подтверждает

Сейчас мы тут вперемешку с мобиками стоим и процентов 40% старше 50 лет.

Kādi zombiji, ne cilvēki.

Nav saprašana, ka valsts varēja +- visus apgādāt ar dzīvokļiem!

По его словам, ситуация с новыми контрактниками «печальная»

[ Šo ziņu laboja kaprons2, 17 Oct 2024, 17:42:50 ]

Vakar, 17:44 #44650

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13316

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Tikko bija video vienam no jūtuberiem, par šo. Tur izglītība ir nulle. Pilnīgi deģenerāti. Dēls atbrauca no kara, pakārās, tēvs brauc, lai dēla bērniem ir nauda.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 17 Oct 2024, 17:47:15 ]

Vakar, 18:08 #44651

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9249

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

17 Oct 2024, 17:41:53 @kaprons2 rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 13:55:04 @Samsasi rakstīja:

17 Oct 2024, 10:16:43 @Lafter rakstīja:
Neizskatās, kad dotajā brīdī vatei gaļas trūktu. Verstka pētījums.

Es domāju ka gaļas jautājums 100% atbils huļi teiktajam, ka viņi pat vēl nav sākuši

Kādi zombiji, ne cilvēki.

Nav saprašana, ka valsts varēja +- visus apgādāt ar dzīvokļiem!

Nabadzība nav krievijas defekts, bet apzināts efekts.
Zomb TV, nabadzība, slikta izglītība = daudz motivētas gaļas.
Kas var būt labāks, kā iet nogalināt ''fašistus'' un vēl par to saņemt milzīgu naudu?

Vakar, 19:13 #44652

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28420

Braucu ar: wv

17 Oct 2024, 17:09:56 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Lafter, nav kāds palags par Ze miera plāns?

Ieliku iepriekš vienu.. bet ir jauni protams :stojaks:

Ready for palags

Zelensky brings Victory Plan to Brussels, but NATO invite seems out of reach
The Ukrainian president pitched his plan for ending the war with Russia, but many European and NATO leaders approached it with caution.

BRUSSELS — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tried to drum up more support for his Victory Plan in Brussels on Thursday, but a key part of it, an invitation to join the Western military NATO alliance, appears elusive.
Zelensky has presented the plan in his parliament, describing the first step as an immediate and unconditional invitation to join NATO, a suggestion sure to incense the Kremlin. But NATO officials said they did not expect an invitation to Ukraine anytime soon, especially with the United States absorbed by the last weeks of the presidential race and many European leaders watching to see how the imminent election could change the transatlantic relationship.
Zelensky has visited the United States and toured European capitals in recent weeks to seek their backing, but the visits have drawn limited public comments of support and made little apparent progress.
“It is important for us that we are strengthened, and the first step should be an invitation,” Zelensky said Thursday after presenting his plan to leaders at a European Union summit in Brussels. While actual accession “might come after the war,” he acknowledged, the sooner it starts, the better the chances for a “just peace.”
The Ukrainian president said he discussed the NATO issue with President Joe Biden, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump on his recent U.S. trip. But he noted some U.S. fears that the NATO question “has the potential of dragging the United States into the war.”
“So there are certain red lines, even in inviting Ukraine to NATO, but in my view this is not so,” he said, adding that if you’re “mentioning it in words that Ukraine is very important for European security … then words and actions should go together.”
He said Trump “agreed with my arguments” when the two spoke about a NATO invite, without elaborating on the former U.S. president’s views.
Zelensky will stop next at NATO on Thursday to meet with Secretary General Mark Rutte at the alliance’s headquarters, where his defense minister is also pushing the plan.
The Ukrainian leader’s flurry of visits has succeeded in putting the question of a NATO invitation high on the agenda, but Kyiv’s biggest Western backers have so far approached it with caution.
“We are not at the point right now where the alliance is talking about issuing an invitation in the short term,” U.S. Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith told reporters on Wednesday. “But as always, we will continue conversations with our friends in Ukraine to talk to them about ways in which they can continue to move closer to this alliance.”
In response to questions on whether he supports the victory plan, Rutte did not exactly say yes. He said Wednesday he was confident Ukraine would one day join the alliance and that he would “applaud when that day comes.” That “doesn’t mean that I here can say I support the whole plan,” he added. “That would be a bit difficult because there are many issues of course we have to understand better.”
Zelensky’s push is happening against a backdrop of not just the U.S. election but also a tense battlefield situation and a difficult winter after Russian strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure.
“Right now, there’s discussions here and there, in NATO, in the 32 countries, in Ukraine, but I don’t see a change” in the positions of major countries, including the United States, said a NATO diplomat, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.
“Some decisions will not be taken on day one of a new U.S. administration, but things might take a while until new positions are defined,” the diplomat said. “Zelensky might feel that now there’s a momentum.”
Joining NATO would give Ukraine security guarantees from the alliance in the case of future attacks. Even with an invitation, however, Ukraine could still be a long way from actually joining the alliance, with drawn-out accession talks expected.
NATO leaders agreed at their July summit in Washington to support Ukraine “on its irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership,” but even that wording took weeks of intense negotiation.
Baltic nations, staunch allies of Ukraine gripped by their own fears of becoming future targets for Russia, voiced strong support for a NATO invitation to Ukraine. Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas said it should happen now. He told reporters Thursday that an invite to Ukraine would be “a real irreversibility, a point of no return.”
Ukrainian officials are placing their hopes on the last stretch of Biden’s presidency, after the November election but before a new president takes office in January, hoping Biden might be focused more on his legacy and less on U.S. politics.
A senior NATO official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to comment on sensitive discussions, said there appeared to be more impetus around the idea of extending an invitation to NATO. But while Kyiv was hoping for a decision soon, it was unlikely because “there’s a lot of ifs and buts,” he said, and some countries remained unconvinced.
He said he would not expect Ukraine’s accession — and the security guarantees enshrined in NATO’s mutual defense clause that come with it — before the conflict ends “and whatever line of demarcation we have then is stabilized. It won’t happen before.”
Russian forces have made steady advances in the east, seeking to turn the battlefield momentum against Ukraine ahead of the winter, including taking the town of Vuhledar that Ukrainian forces fought to defend for two years. And the outcome of Ukraine’s gamble to attack Russia’s Kursk region in the summer remains unclear as Russian forces are counterattacking.
This has fueled worries that Russia’s tactical advances in Ukraine would continue and “add up,” a second NATO official said. “Optimistic is not a word I would use to describe the situation right now,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to give an assessment of the battlefield. “We know how difficult fighting conditions are in the wintertime.”
The official said the Kursk attack pushed Russia to slowly divert some additional forces to “start to retake that” and appeared to have a “morale impact” but said that it was not generating the impact Kyiv may have hoped for.
Siobhán O’Grady and Anastacia Galouchka in Kyiv and Beatriz Ríos in Brussels contributed to this report.

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Vakar, 19:18 #44653

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28420

Braucu ar: wv

Zelensky reveals ‘victory plan,’ calls for urgent NATO membership
The plan includes permission for strikes inside Russia and assistance with air defenses, but Western reaction to it has been muted so far.

KYIV — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presented a broad description of his five-point “victory plan” to Ukraine’s lawmakers on Wednesday, describing the first step as an immediate and unconditional invitation to join NATO and the last as an offer to replace U.S. troops in Europe with Ukrainian units after the war — suggestions sure to incense the Kremlin, which has long used the threat of NATO to justify its invasion.
The plan has already been shared with Ukraine’s allies but there has been limited public comment about it, making it unclear if Zelensky’s recommendations have been accepted. Being part of NATO would afford Ukraine the protection of the alliance’s other members in the case of any future attack.
The second point in the plan, Zelensky said, is a permanent strengthening of Ukraine’s security through guarantees from partners that their weapons can be used for strikes inside Russia and that Ukraine’s neighbors will conduct joint air defense operations to protect Ukraine’s skies. It will also allow for continued operations inside sovereign Russian territory to ensure buffer zones that protect Ukraine, he said.
The third is a nonnuclear deterrence plan, and the fourth guarantees economic security and protection of Ukrainian natural resources that he said will strengthen Ukraine’s partners and weaken Russia’s economy and “war machine.”
The five points include three classified sections, one of them related to the deterrence point that has already been presented to U.S., British, German, French and Italian partners, Zelensky said.
If successfully implemented, Zelensky said, this plan could end Russia’s war in Ukraine by late next year. Russian President Vladimir Putin “must see that his geopolitical calculations are doomed,” Zelensky said. “Russians must feel that their czar has lost geopolitically to the world.”
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed the plan. He said Kyiv needs to acknowledge that its policy is futile and “sober up and realize the reasons that led to this conflict.” Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, accused Zelensky of “pushing NATO into direct conflict with our country.”
“The partners of the Kyiv regime have already demonstrated how they see Ukraine in the security architecture: They see Ukraine in a coffin and Ukrainian citizens in the grave as well,” she said.
Zelensky’s presentation of the plan comes after trips to the United States, where he shared it with President Joe Biden and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and to various European capitals, where he briefed other key partners.
He has said for weeks that the success of the plan depends entirely on Ukraine’s partners. Before the visits, he said he planned to pitch it as a chance for Biden to leave office with the legacy of having helped secure a “just peace” for Ukraine.
Little public progress appears to have come out of the visits, however, and muted caution has been the general approach, with the United States absorbed by the last weeks of presidential campaigns and many in Europe waiting anxiously to see results from the November election.
Biden is expected on Friday to visit Germany, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz said they will have much to discuss. “We have to fathom how the war doesn’t continue forever,” Scholz said. “There will never be any decisions made over Ukraine’s head.”
The White House said Wednesday that Biden had connected with Zelensky in a call, and it gave an update on U.S. efforts to surge more security assistance to Ukraine. A new $425 million package for Ukraine will include air-defense weapons, antiaircraft missiles, artillery rounds, anti-armor weapons, Humvees and more, U.S. officials said in a statement.
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte told reporters Wednesday that he is “very aware of all elements of the victory plan … and we are in close contact with allies and with Ukraine to see how we can take next steps.”
“It is my firm belief that one day Ukraine will be a member of NATO, and I will applaud when that day comes. It is up to the allies to discuss among themselves how to take it forward,” he said.
Zelensky’s public presentation of the plan came as Ukraine prepares for a difficult winter. For months, Russia pummeled Ukrainian energy infrastructure, causing widespread blackouts. The country is now preparing for more such power outages as temperatures plummet and the heating season begins.
Meanwhile, Russian forces are advancing on the eastern cities of Pokrovsk, where most civilians have evacuated, and Toretsk, where nonstop Russian attacks have leveled most of the city.
The results of Ukraine’s gamble to attack Russia’s Kursk region in August remain unclear. Although Ukraine still controls significant land there, some have questioned Kyiv’s decision to direct troops there rather than the besieged cities inside the country.
Ukrainian lawmaker Solomiia Bobrovska, a member of Holos, a liberal opposition party, said Zelensky’s plan showed what Ukraine’s allies need to do, but she expressed doubt about their reaction.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think the U.S. is very receptive of this plan,” she said, pointing to a sense of political paralysis ahead of the presidential election next month. “Biden could make a real historical decision with long-range weapons and the invitation.”
Lawmaker Oleksiy Goncharenko of the opposition European Solidarity party wrote on X that it wasn’t a plan so much as just Zelensky’s desires. “A plan needs to be realistic. Tell me, what in it is realistic?”
The partners do not appear poised to take the actions the president described, he added.
Roman Kostenko of Holos told The Washington Post that he expected Zelensky’s remarks to more specifically address Ukrainians “about their motivation and role in this plan.”
“Strategically correct things were voiced, and we need to move in that direction,” he said, adding that he cannot offer a full assessment until he has reviewed the classified material.
A senior NATO official said Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov will “shed some more light on the victory plan” at a dinner with NATO defense ministers on Thursday.
Kyiv is hoping for a decision before next summer over NATO membership, but it is unlikely to come with an outgoing U.S. administration, the official said, adding: “I won’t bet a bottle of wine” on a NATO invitation anytime soon. “A lot will depend on what the new American administration thinks about this, but I see that the field is shifting a bit, so there’s more serious talk.”
The official added that NATO membership is the main point of the plan because Zelensky knows it is the only way Ukraine can be safe, “which is also complicated because Putin has started this war to prevent that from happening.”
Ellen Francis in Brussels, Kate Brady in Berlin and Dan Lamothe in Washington contributed to this report.

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Vakar, 20:50 #44654

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28420

Braucu ar: wv

UMPK astes iekšas.
Bet nu viņu precizitāte pēdējà laikā pàrsteidz
Var teikt visos video- precīzi. Gan jau ir daudz, kur arī nomāzē. Taču agrā tik daudz video nebija ar pipec precīziem triecieniem

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Vakar, 21:02 #44655

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9249

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

Nu bet loģiski. Viņi arī mācās un attīstās. UKR vēl joprojām nav fpv ar optisko šķiedru. Lancet tipa arī praktiski nav.
Vakar, 21:36 #44656

Kopš: 24. Jan 2021

Ziņojumi: 138

Braucu ar:

17 Oct 2024, 21:02:24 @kkas rakstīja:
Nu bet loģiski. Viņi arī mācās un attīstās. UKR vēl joprojām nav fpv ar optisko šķiedru. Lancet tipa arī praktiski nav.

Neesmu ļoti pētījis, bet, kas tajos RUS Lancetos ir tāds, kas nav UKR dronos/kamikadzēs?
Esmu dzirdējis, ka pat UKR kopē tos Lancetus un ražo ko līdzīgu.

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo