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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

14. Oct 2024, 21:06 #44501

Kopš: 25. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 569

Braucu ar: tavu mammu

Godiigi sakot es pat gribeetu, lai Zkorejieshi iesaistaas ... speejat vispaar iedomaaties to bardaku, kas dariisies, kaa vispaar komunicees un krievi tieshaam spees pa iistam izprast ko noziimee "friendly fire" jau naakamajaa liimenii ...
14. Oct 2024, 23:20 #44502

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

Rise of the Dragons: Fire-Breathing Drones Duel in Ukraine Drones are getting another new twist: Soldiers attach canisters to them to create weapons capable of spitting out molten metal that burns at 4,400 degrees.

It was a familiar and vexing problem: Russian soldiers were using the dense cover of tree lines to prepare to storm the Ukrainian trenches.

“We used a lot of resources to try and drive them out and destroy them,” said Capt. Viacheslav, 30, the commander of the 68th Separate Jaeger Brigade’s strike drone company known as “Dovbush’s Hornets.”

But they could not do so, he said in an interview last month.

So they gave a new weapon a newer twist, attaching thermite-spewing canisters to drones and creating a weapon capable of spitting out molten metal that burns at 4,400 degrees Fahrenheit. Soldiers call them “dragon drones.”

Thermite — which was developed a century ago to weld railroad tracks — is a mixture of aluminum and iron oxide. When ignited, it produces a self-sustaining reaction that makes it almost impossible to extinguish.
It was used to devastating effect in both world wars. In Ukraine, it has been used primarily in artillery shells and hand grenades.

Now it is being attached to drones that sweep over Russian defensive positions, raining burning metal over the enemy before crashing. The flames ignite the vegetation that Russian troops use for cover and burn it out, exposing them and their equipment to direct attack.
The dragon drones are yet one more step in the revolution of drone warfare that has transformed the battlefield. Its role as a laboratory for improvisation and adaptation has become a hallmark of this war.

“It worked quite well,” Captain Viacheslav said. Speaking on the condition that only his first name be used in accordance with military protocol, he shared videos of his pilots testing the drones and using them in combat outside Pokrovsk, in eastern Ukraine.

In recent weeks, as more and more of these drones filled the skies across the front, Ukrainian soldiers began posting dozens of videos of the attacks on social media, hoping to spark fear along with fire.

It did not take long for the Russians to begin producing dragon drones of their own.

Andrey Medvedev, a Moscow politician, posted a video on Telegram last month showing Russian troops using drones to pour fire on Ukrainian soldiers. He included a quote from “Game of Thrones”: “Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”

The use of thermite is not barred under international law, but the use of such incendiary weapons in civilian areas is prohibited under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Cold War-era guidance issued under the auspices of the United Nations.
There has been no significant criticism of dragon drones, which are known to have been used only against military targets, not against civilians
The dragon drones represent only a tiny fraction of the rapidly expanding fleets being employed by both armies as they engage in an urgent arms race to innovate and mass produce drones that fly faster and farther, while becoming ever deadlier.

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said early this month that his country was on pace to produce 1.5 million drones this year, and he wants to ramp up production to four million annually.

Earlier this year, Ukraine created the Unmanned Systems Force, the world’s first military branch dedicated to drone warfare.

Russia, for its part, has effectively turned its economy to supporting its military industrial complex, recently announcing a proposed budget for next year with a 25 percent increase in military spending, to more than $145 billion.

As a result, it is able to churn out drones at an extraordinary pace.

“They’ve taken it to a more official level, and their supply seems much better,” Captain Viacheslav said.
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia met with the Russian Military-Industrial Commission in September to highlight efforts to expand drone production. While Russian companies delivered only about 140,000 drones last year, the Russian leader said they increased production tenfold to 1.4 million drones in 2024.
Marina Miron, a researcher in the war studies department at King’s College London, said that the Russians had been “quite slow at the beginning” but that they were now spending a vast sum on research and development and could scale new innovations at greater speed than the Ukrainians.

“They moved quickly,” she said.

Russia has also received a significant boost from Iran, which American officials say has been sending drones to Moscow for use in Ukraine.

There are dozens of types of drones in production.

Surveillance drones flying high in the sky help artillery crews and missileers identify targets. Maritime drones have been employed by Ukraine to devastating effect, helping drive the Russian Navy from a large part of the Black Sea. And both sides regularly deploy long-range attack drones guided by satellite navigation to hit targets hundreds of miles away.

Closer to the ground, the skies are filled with relatively cheap expendable attack drones, known as F.P.V.s, for first-person view. They are guided by a pilot wearing a headset that shows livestreaming video from the drone, and can now hit targets more than 10 miles from the operator.

Some fly directly into a target and explode. Others are reusable and can hover over a target, dropping bomblets or grenades on enemy forces.
Captain Viacheslav scrolled through a video catalog of recent attacks he keeps on his cellphone, where images of death and destruction were jarringly interspersed with videos of friends and family.

“This is called ‘White Heat,’” he said. “With over 10 kilograms of explosives, it burns through everything. This one is called ‘Dementor,’ like in ‘Harry Potter.’ It’s black, and it’s a 120-mm mortar. We just repurpose it. This is ‘Kardonitik’ — the guys really like it.”

The list went on and on.

Since his unit arrived in the Pokrovsk area in April, Captain Viacheslav said, it has killed more than 3,000 Russian soldiers. “This is just my unit,” he said. It is not possible to verify his claims independently.

He also shared videos showing the effectiveness of Russian drones.
“One of our soldiers had 40 percent of his skin burned off,” he said, replaying a video of the wounded man being evacuated from the front. “I was the one driving him in the car.”

While both sides are on course to produce millions of drones, he said, skilled pilots become even more valuable and far harder to replace.

“Pilots are like specialists — worth their weight in gold — and it’s crucial to protect them,” Captain Viacheslav said. “Once located, the enemy spares no resources in destroying the position.”

Liubov Sholudko contributed reporting from eastern Ukraine, and John Ismay from Washington.
Marc Santora has been reporting from Ukraine since the beginning of the war with Russia. He was previously based in London as an international news editor focused on breaking news events and earlier the bureau chief for East and Central Europe, based in Warsaw. He has also reported extensively from Iraq and Africa. More about Marc Santora

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14. Oct 2024, 23:27 #44503

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13302

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

14 Oct 2024, 21:06:58 @mtx rakstīja:
Godiigi sakot es pat gribeetu, lai Zkorejieshi iesaistaas ... speejat vispaar iedomaaties to bardaku, kas dariisies, kaa vispaar komunicees un krievi tieshaam spees pa iistam izprast ko noziimee "friendly fire" jau naakamajaa liimenii ...

Cik saprotu 10k zkorejiešu jau gatavi frontei.
14. Oct 2024, 23:28 #44504

Kopš: 06. Apr 2003

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3957

Braucu ar: BITURBO

Man dronu sakarā ir šāds jautajums, vai LA un visā NATO tiek darīts pietiekami daudz, lai attīstītu šāda veida spēkus un arī nodrošinātos ar pietiekamu apjomu pretlīdzekļiem?
14. Oct 2024, 23:31 #44505

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

14 Oct 2024, 23:28:36 @Sandis_UR rakstīja:
Man dronu sakarā ir šāds jautajums, vai LA un visā NATO tiek darīts pietiekami daudz, lai attīstītu šāda veida spēkus un arī nodrošinātos ar pietiekamu apjomu pretlīdzekļiem?

Protams. Tagad sāk nākt ārā daudz jaunumu. Šodien pat žīdi vienu prezentēja. Usa, Poļi, utt, utjp to dara.

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Spama topiks
14. Oct 2024, 23:32 #44506

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13674

Braucu ar:

14 Oct 2024, 23:27:20 @Fandulis rakstīja:

14 Oct 2024, 21:06:58 @mtx rakstīja:
Godiigi sakot es pat gribeetu, lai Zkorejieshi iesaistaas ... speejat vispaar iedomaaties to bardaku, kas dariisies, kaa vispaar komunicees un krievi tieshaam spees pa iistam izprast ko noziimee "friendly fire" jau naakamajaa liimenii ...

Cik saprotu 10k zkorejiešu jau gatavi frontei.

Zkorejai labi - mazāk jābaro
14. Oct 2024, 23:36 #44507

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

14 Oct 2024, 23:27:20 @Fandulis rakstīja:

14 Oct 2024, 21:06:58 @mtx rakstīja:
Godiigi sakot es pat gribeetu, lai Zkorejieshi iesaistaas ... speejat vispaar iedomaaties to bardaku, kas dariisies, kaa vispaar komunicees un krievi tieshaam spees pa iistam izprast ko noziimee "friendly fire" jau naakamajaa liimenii ...

Cik saprotu 10k zkorejiešu jau gatavi frontei.

Viss ir iespējams. Kaut gan, tādu baru būtu grūti izolēt mūsdienās. Kad katram ir kamera kabatā. Taču kims reāli uzvilcies. Ar D-koreju kasās. Žīdu galā izskatās vajag tikai mazu dzirksteli, lai visa šī huiņa globāli aizietu pa pīzdu

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Spama topiks
14. Oct 2024, 23:48 #44508

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13674

Braucu ar:

viss ko zinu es ir tas, ka Lafter ir maniaks ja kāds ko reāli grib zināt, kas notiek Ukrainā - prasiet Lafter - visi Slaidiņi un Rajevi var atsūkāt viņam un tas ir fakts!
14. Oct 2024, 23:56 #44509

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

North Korean forces are backing Russia inside Ukraine, officials say Kim Jong Un has pledged “full support” for Russia’s Putin in his fight against Ukraine. Seoul and Kyiv say he’s now doing that by sending in military personnel.

By Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Kostiantyn Khudov and Isabelle Khurshudyan
October 11, 2024 at 1:17 p.m. EDT
SEOUL — North Korean soldiers are supporting Russian troops on the ground, and some may have already been killed and injured, South Korean and Ukrainian officials said this week, raising questions about whether the military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow has advanced to a new stage.
A Ukrainian military intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive security matter, said “several thousand” North Korean infantry soldiers are undergoing training in Russia now and could be deployed to the front line in Ukraine by the end of this year.
The official said North Korean officers are already on the ground in Russia-occupied Ukraine to observe Russian forces and study the battlefield, but Kyiv hasn’t seen any North Korean units fighting yet.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday dismissed claims of Pyongyang sending military personnel to fight in Ukraine as a “hoax.”
Reports of North Korean soldiers supporting Russians in the Russia-occupied territory of Donbas surfaced on Telegram channels and in the Ukrainian press last week.

This comes after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a mutual defense pact this summer, with Kim pledging “full” support for Putin in his fight against Ukraine.
The pact underscored the way the outcast leaders of these two heavily sanctioned states have deepened their partnership against a Western-led global order since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine at the start of 2022.

Moscow first turned to Pyongyang for weapons support. The United States says North Korea has sent large amounts of munitions, including artillery shells, to Russia. Both North Korea and Russia have denied the allegations.
Now, apparently, Pyongyang is sending soldiers.
South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun called the reports of North Korean troops helping Russians “highly likely” during a National Assembly meeting on Tuesday, adding that Seoul expects Pyongyang to send more personnel to support Russia’s war effort.
“Russia and North Korea have an agreement that is basically a military alliance, so it is highly likely that North Korea would send additional troops,” Kim told lawmakers. “That’s how we’re assessing it, and we will definitely prepare for it.”

Ukraine claims that Pyongyang sent military personnel to supervise the use of North Korean ammunition and ballistic missiles, and some have been killed in the line of fire.
Andriy Kovalenko, the head of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation, which is a part of the national security and defense council, posted on Telegram later on Tuesday saying that Pyongyang had already sent troops, including military engineers supervising the use of weapons, and “some have already died.”
The Ukrainian military intelligence official said that it’s unclear where the combat units that are training in Russia would be deployed on the Ukraine front. Moscow could use them in Russian border regions, freeing up Russian troops to fight in Ukraine, the official said.

“It could have a significant impact. Especially if we’re talking about freeing up reserves within the territory of the Russian Federation itself,” the official said.
Some South Korean experts say it’s a feasible scenario.
In 2022, the two nations appeared to discuss the possibility of North Korean laborers being sent to Russia-occupied eastern Ukraine to help with reconstruction efforts. Russian officials publicly welcomed the prospect of North Korean laborers, and some workers appear to have been dispatched to Ukraine’s Donbas region, according to Daily NK, a Seoul-based monitoring group with informants inside North Korea. Citing unnamed sources in North Korea and Russia, Daily NK reported in April that Pyongyang sent about 150 new laborers there to help with rebuilding efforts.

North Korea has a long history of sending workers — mainly lumberjacks and builders — to Russia to earn money for the cash-strapped regime, despite a United Nations prohibition on governments issuing new work permits to North Koreans.
While weapons from Pyongyang are based on old Soviet-era technology, North Koreans have made modifications that would require in-person guidance and supervision, said Cha Du-hyeogn, a former South Korean intelligence adviser who is now a North Korea analyst at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul.
“The front line is where these weapons are being used, so of course North Koreans

Cha added that the presence of technical advisers could be a sign that Pyongyang is not only providing artillery shells that can be easily inserted into Russian weapons, but also more advanced weapons such as armored vehicles, missiles and multiple rocket launchers that need in-person guidance.
Reports of North Koreans on the front lines began circulating when an anonymous Russian Telegram channel, the Kremlin Snuffbox, posted that a Ukrainian missile strike on the Russian-occupied territory of Donetsk killed more than 20 soldiers, including six North Korean military officers.
Citing Russian Defense Ministry sources, it claimed that three other North Koreans were injured and that the North Koreans had arrived on an “exchange of experience” on the front lines. The Ukrainian military official confirmed that the Oct. 3 Ukrainian missile strike resulted in the death of North Korean officers who “did not directly participate in combat, but they were military personnel already integrated” with Russian forces.

Although foreign intervention by North Korea is rare, it has previously sent military personnel to help with weapons use and technology. In 2016, North Korean missile technicians traveled to Damascus and reportedly stayed at Syrian military facilities, and helped operate chemical and missile factories in Barzah, Adra and Hama, according to a U.N. panel of experts that had monitored North Korea’s sanctions-busting activities.
North Korea also used military assistance, including weapons and training, to strengthen bilateral relations with other developing countries, including in Africa. And during the Vietnam War, North Korea sent pilots to help defend North Vietnam against U.S. air attacks, according to Vietnamese records.
Khudov and Khurshudyan reported from Kyiv. Natalia Abbakumova in Riga, Latvia, contributed to this report.

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Vakar, 00:01 #44510

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

14 Oct 2024, 23:48:02 @user rakstīja:
viss ko zinu es ir tas, ka Lafter ir maniaks ja kāds ko reāli grib zināt, kas notiek Ukrainā - prasiet Lafter - visi Slaidiņi un Rajevi var atsūkāt viņam un tas ir fakts!

Jā.. Slaidiņš arī pāris reizes ir smagi sadirsis

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Vakar, 02:25 #44511

Kopš: 02. Sep 2009

No: Viļāni

Ziņojumi: 915

Braucu ar: Zālespļāvēju.

Kaadas ir domas par to, ka rusnjas ekonomika iet uz beigam? uz papiira vel izskatas labi jo cik sapratu hujilam bija ap 300B sakraati, tagat atlicis 40B , pietiks vel gadam apmeram. Pec tam reali vnk pikjis beigies? itkaa varetu izsludinaat lielaas teevijas karu v2 un vnk saakt masu mobilizaaciju un nemaksaat karaviriem, bet nedomaju ka vinjiem palicis gear vairak? aiznjemies vinji arii nevarot jo koreja ir bomaari, bet ja kjiina iedos tad automatiski bus sankcijas vinjai arii, un vinji negrib smeereties. Reali vinjiem varetu but kkaada melnaa nauda ko neviens nezin
Vakar, 08:49 #44512

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 822

Braucu ar:

15 Oct 2024, 02:25:08 @KABACIS rakstīja:
Kaadas ir domas par to, ka rusnjas ekonomika iet uz beigam? uz papiira vel izskatas labi jo cik sapratu hujilam bija ap 300B sakraati, tagat atlicis 40B , pietiks vel gadam apmeram. Pec tam reali vnk pikjis beigies? itkaa varetu izsludinaat lielaas teevijas karu v2 un vnk saakt masu mobilizaaciju un nemaksaat karaviriem, bet nedomaju ka vinjiem palicis gear vairak? aiznjemies vinji arii nevarot jo koreja ir bomaari, bet ja kjiina iedos tad automatiski bus sankcijas vinjai arii, un vinji negrib smeereties. Reali vinjiem varetu but kkaada melnaa nauda ko neviens nezin
16 jūtūberi teiks pesda, 16, ka neceriet, raša iz stronger as ever.
Tikai laiks rādīs, jo šodienas ekonomisti neatšķiras no aizvakardienas dievnama mācītājiem
Vakar, 08:56 #44513

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9244

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

Kamēr naftas cenas ir ok, nekas tur nebūs.
Kamēr rietumi pavasarī papīkstēja, ka varētu ukr palīdzēt ukr "aizmugurē" tikmēr putlers rīkojas.
tā turpinot mīkstoties rietumi beigās attapsies ierakumos, bet jau uz savas zemes
Vakar, 09:00 #44514

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

15 Oct 2024, 08:49:37 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:

15 Oct 2024, 02:25:08 @KABACIS rakstīja:
Kaadas ir domas par to, ka rusnjas ekonomika iet uz beigam? uz papiira vel izskatas labi jo cik sapratu hujilam bija ap 300B sakraati, tagat atlicis 40B , pietiks vel gadam apmeram. Pec tam reali vnk pikjis beigies? itkaa varetu izsludinaat lielaas teevijas karu v2 un vnk saakt masu mobilizaaciju un nemaksaat karaviriem, bet nedomaju ka vinjiem palicis gear vairak? aiznjemies vinji arii nevarot jo koreja ir bomaari, bet ja kjiina iedos tad automatiski bus sankcijas vinjai arii, un vinji negrib smeereties. Reali vinjiem varetu but kkaada melnaa nauda ko neviens nezin
16 jūtūberi teiks pesda, 16, ka neceriet, raša iz stronger as ever.
Tikai laiks rādīs, jo šodienas ekonomisti neatšķiras no aizvakardienas dievnama mācītājiem


Var būt būs pizda vatei. Varbūt rietumiem
Skatoties, kā sāk buksēt Vàcija utt.
Vatei resursu tirzniecība sāk pieaugt. Gāzi pa 14% vairāk eskportē. Caur Indiju un Ķīnu šie dabū visu. Viņiem neslikti sanāk pārlikt fokusu uz citiem tirgiem. To neviens nevar pateikt, kā būs. Daļai to ,,garantēto,, ekspertu un apgalvotājiem var ieteikt striķī nosvērties. Jēga būtu lielāka sabiedrībai.

SEOUL, Oct. 15 (Yonhap) -- North Korea blew up parts of its roads connected to South Korea on Tuesday, the military said, after vowing to cut off the roads and railways once seen as symbols of inter-Korean cooperation.

Zālēdāji izskatàs ar uzvilkušies.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 15 Oct 2024, 09:04:28 ]

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Vakar, 09:02 #44515

Kopš: 08. Apr 2003

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 4569

Braucu ar: studentu variantu

15 Oct 2024, 02:25:08 @KABACIS rakstīja:
Kaadas ir domas par to, ka rusnjas ekonomika iet uz beigam? uz papiira vel izskatas labi jo cik sapratu hujilam bija ap 300B sakraati, tagat atlicis 40B , pietiks vel gadam apmeram. Pec tam reali vnk pikjis beigies? itkaa varetu izsludinaat lielaas teevijas karu v2 un vnk saakt masu mobilizaaciju un nemaksaat karaviriem, bet nedomaju ka vinjiem palicis gear vairak? aiznjemies vinji arii nevarot jo koreja ir bomaari, bet ja kjiina iedos tad automatiski bus sankcijas vinjai arii, un vinji negrib smeereties. Reali vinjiem varetu but kkaada melnaa nauda ko neviens nezin

Es daudz naudas uz šo laikam gan neliktu. Leģendas par to, ka "vot parīt, nu tag gan toč defaults un bankrats", ir bijušas desmitiem, bet pienāk parīts, un ne vēsts no defaultiem un bankratiem.

Jā, nauda tur aiztek, un, šitā turpinot, nauda beigsies arī krievsiem, BET nauda aiztek visiem, ne tikai krievijai, + ir pietiekami daudz vīru ar elastīgiem principiem, kam interesē labi nopelnīt, taisot bizīti ar krieviju arī tagad. Nav tā, ka nauda tek tikai projām.

Neinformēta dīvānpirdēja viedoklis, protams, bet man neizskatās, ka krievija varētu gribēt beigt karu, ekonomisku apsvērumu vadīta. Ja es kļūdos, tad šī ir tā reize, kad ar prieku atzīšu savu kļūdīšanos, pat gaidu to
Vakar, 09:07 #44516

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28401

Braucu ar: wv

Vācija lec nost. Taču USA, Eu arī nauda lido. Un skaties, kad drīzām mēs nesajūtam ātrāk, tā sūta sekas, kā vate.
Arī tāda iespēja pastāv. Tango dejo divi- kā Trump teica. Nevis viens
Krievi pat netaisās beigt. Viņi pat neatkāpjas no saviem uzstādījumiem. Vate pretēji ,,garantētām,, prognozēm ir spiedusi gadu!! No vietas, ko pēdējos 500 gadus reti kura armija ir spējusi. Bez raķetēm, bez munīcijas, bez karavīriem - tā teorētiski bija jābūt.

Ar vien vairak runā, kad vate jau gatavojas karam ar NATO. To viñi var un putina vietā es ar tā darītu. Armija uzkačāta. Pieredzējusi. Pašam 70+

Ja iet, tad ar salūtu.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 15 Oct 2024, 09:17:27 ]

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Vakar, 09:24 #44517

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 822

Braucu ar:

Bla Lafter, tu protams analītisks eksperts ar 36h materiāla apguvi 24h, bet ko nozīmē "armija uzkačāta", gatavošanās karam ar Nato. Par ko tajā visā savārstījumā runā, kad šie ar Ukrainas kumosu mokās gadu, sūta medmāsas uz kara lauku.. Nu ir jā ir ar ko šaut un gaļu stumt, redzam, redzam, bet pat kādu nopietnu karotāju tu šos te uzstādi, ja acīm redzami, kā tu teiktu, punkts viens- viņi 2 gadus ukrainas stūrīti kož nost. Tipa, ja būtu ar nato jāsitās, tad gan parādītu?! Kāpēc tagad neparāda? Tipa pretinieks par vāju, tāpēc nesasparojas?
Vakar, 09:49 #44518

Kopš: 25. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 569

Braucu ar: tavu mammu


Ar vien vairak runā, kad vate jau gatavojas karam ar NATO. To viñi var un putina vietā es ar tā darītu. Armija uzkačāta. Pieredzējusi. Pašam 70+

Ja iet, tad ar salūtu.

Ja šitas nebija kā joks, tad ir pašvaki ar izpratni ...

Armija uzkačāta? Principā ja 60to gadu tanki tiek jau atkonservēti un uz fronti sūtīti, tad drīzāk tā ir "izputlerēta" nevis uzkačāta ... bļins tai armijai 90% saziņa Telegramā notiek

Armija pieredzējusi ... Pieredzējusi tieši ko Pieredzējusi pagājušā gadsimta kaujas metodēs, kur artilērija ir noteicošā stāvoklī? Sorry čalīt, bet NATO tādā manierē nekaros, kā to šobrīd dara abas viduslaiku armijas Ukrainā, tur principā, ja uz pilnu jaudu, tad debesis būs tumšas no trafika + vel luksafori būs jāsaliek, lai savējās ļočenes pašas savā starpā nesaskrienas ...
Vakar, 09:50 #44519

Kopš: 18. May 2009

Ziņojumi: 8198

Braucu ar: 400Zs

14 Oct 2024, 21:06:58 @mtx rakstīja:
Godiigi sakot es pat gribeetu, lai Zkorejieshi iesaistaas ... speejat vispaar iedomaaties to bardaku, kas dariisies, kaa vispaar komunicees un krievi tieshaam spees pa iistam izprast ko noziimee "friendly fire" jau naakamajaa liimenii ...

tipa sūtīšot artilērijas pulku, jo jamie tur esot uber alles. Bet, itkā, uz 500 purniem vajagot 15-20 tulkotājus uz rusņas valodu = kuri neesot. tā kā - hvz kas tur par rosolu varētu būt
Vakar, 09:56 #44520

Kopš: 06. Jul 2004

Ziņojumi: 4689

Braucu ar:

15 Oct 2024, 09:49:52 @mtx rakstīja:


Ar vien vairak runā, kad vate jau gatavojas karam ar NATO. To viñi var un putina vietā es ar tā darītu. Armija uzkačāta. Pieredzējusi. Pašam 70+

Ja iet, tad ar salūtu.

Ja šitas nebija kā joks, tad ir pašvaki ar izpratni ...

Armija uzkačāta? Principā ja 60to gadu tanki tiek jau atkonservēti un uz fronti sūtīti, tad drīzāk tā ir "izputlerēta" nevis uzkačāta ... bļins tai armijai 90% saziņa Telegramā notiek

Armija pieredzējusi ... Pieredzējusi tieši ko Pieredzējusi pagājušā gadsimta kaujas metodēs, kur artilērija ir noteicošā stāvoklī? Sorry čalīt, bet NATO tādā manierē nekaros, kā to šobrīd dara abas viduslaiku armijas Ukrainā, tur principā, ja uz pilnu jaudu, tad debesis būs tumšas no trafika + vel luksafori būs jāsaliek, lai savējās ļočenes pašas savā starpā nesaskrienas ...

Kā saka, ir tikai nianse, ja ievēl trampampiņu, tad šis, piemēram, pasaka, ka huj varat pindosu tehmoloģiju izmantot un tagad dienas jautājums - vai Eiropā ir vispār bez tām vācu raķetēm kādi ieroči, kuriem nav jāsaņem pindosu vai žīdu atļauja tos vispār pielādēt
Es atkārtošos, bet domāju, ka vw nevis jāver ciet rūpnīcas, bet jāsāk štancēt simtiem tūkstošu šaran dronu, kurus nepieciešamības gadījumā maukt 24/7 na parašu.

[ Šo ziņu laboja viagris, 15 Oct 2024, 10:01:41 ]


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