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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

25. Sep 2024, 23:58 #44321

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

Kā jums jaunā vatastānas kodolieroču pielietošanas doktorīnas maiņa?

NATO gatavo mācības liela skaita ievainoto karavīru trasportēšanai.

Jenķi pārsviež taktiskos

Ķīnas paziñojums?

Es maucu pakał griķiem un konserviem

Joks protams..

Latvijā uzturoties man 1000% tagad būtu skaidrs, kad jābūt plānam B.
Nedaudz sarkasms. Taču …..

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 00:10:51 ]

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Vakar, 00:08 #44322

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6640

Braucu ar: E34

25 Sep 2024, 23:58:21 @Lafter rakstīja:
Kā jums jaunā vatastānas kodolieroču pielietošanas doktorīnas maiņa?

NATO gatavo mācības liela skaita ievainoto karavīru trasportēšanai.

Jenķi pārsviež taktiskos

Ķīnas paziñojums?

Es maucu pakał griķiem un konserviem

Joks protams..

Tev jau sen bija jāprihvatizē kāda troļļu ala dziļi klintī. Jāpieved pilnu ar kaltētiem briežiem un lašiem
Vakar, 00:16 #44323

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

26 Sep 2024, 00:08:26 @bum_bumz rakstīja:

25 Sep 2024, 23:58:21 @Lafter rakstīja:
Kā jums jaunā vatastānas kodolieroču pielietošanas doktorīnas maiņa?

NATO gatavo mācības liela skaita ievainoto karavīru trasportēšanai.

Jenķi pārsviež taktiskos

Ķīnas paziñojums?

Es maucu pakał griķiem un konserviem

Joks protams..

Tev jau sen bija jāprihvatizē kāda troļļu ala dziļi klintī. Jāpieved pilnu ar kaltētiem briežiem un lašiem

Man ir.
Bet šoreiz es netroļļoju un pilnīgi bez sarkasma.
Tur iet uz visu banku. Ko piņam zaudēt? Tāpat viņam pāri 70 jau.
Es viņa vietā darîtu identiski. Īstenībà, kamer rietumi vibrēja un nesaprata ko darīt- es piņas vietā iejātu ar taktisko. Es pieņemu viņš tagad nožēlo, ka neiejāja. Jo tagad ir lielāki sūdi. Ja man bûtu 70. Es piņas vietā to pašu darîtu. A ko viņam zaudēt? Viņam vairs atpakaļ ceła nav. Cietumā pūt? Viņs to nedarīs tad labāk lai sadeg viss ar viñu. Un pilnībā loģisks lēmums. Viņam mirušam būs pajāt uz atstātajiem sūdiem.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 00:45:19 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Vakar, 00:20 #44324

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

Oo aizgāja jenķos arī. Pirms minūtes-
Kā vienmēr ar svaigiem palagiem
Ready for palags?

U.N. Live Updates: As Zelensky Calls for Global Focus on Ukraine, Putin Rattles Nuclear Sabers Hours after the Ukrainian president appealed for the West’s continued support, Russia’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir V. Putin, moved to significantly ease the circumstances under which his country might counter with nuclear weapons.
Here is the latest on the U.N. meeting.

Hours after President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine exhorted the world to stay focused on his country’s grueling war against Russia’s invasion, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia escalated his threats against the West, asserting that his country should be able to deploy nuclear weapons if it was attacked by a nation supported by a nuclear power.

Mr. Zelensky, who spoke Wednesday at the U.N. General Assembly, has been lobbying heavily for permission to use Western weapons to penetrate deeper into Russian territory.

Although Mr. Putin did not mention specific countries, his remarks seemed to suggest that he considered any Western support for a conventional attack by Ukraine of Russia as a joint attack that would, under certain circumstances, merit a nuclear response.

Seeking to rally support after more than two years of war, Mr. Zelensky on Wednesday cast Russia as a threat to nations far beyond Ukraine. Despite Russia’s size, he said, it “still wants even more land — more land, which is insane, and is seizing it day by day while wanting to destroy its neighbor.”

Every neighboring country in Europe and Central Asia, he said, “feels that the war could come for them as well,” he said.

Mr. Zelensky stressed the dangers of a nuclear disaster posed by the war, noting that Russian troops still occupied one of Ukraine’s plants and warning that such a catastrophe would “not respect state borders.”

But he also argued that Ukraine was the bulwark against aggression from Russia. “It is the Ukrainian people who feel the full pain of this war,” he said. “It is Ukrainian children who are learning to distinguish the signs of different types of artillery and drones because of Russia’s war.”

And although Mr. Zelensky asked for support “from all nations” to help end the war, he highlighted two countries, North Korea and Iran, that have grown closer to the Kremlin. “A telling choice of friends,” Mr. Zelensky said.

Sasaukta drošības padomes sēde jenķos.

Vēl kādam šķiet pizģošs tas viss? @kidd?
Nav iemesla panikai ne? Tāpat viņiem nekas nav funkcionējošs

Panikai tiešàm nav iemesla. Taču reāli sāk iet uz WWIII… neviens pat netaisās piekāpties. Un nav arī nekādu manevra iespēju vairs. Vai nu sitās un noskaidro, kurš krutāks. Un uzvarētājs dabū visu. Vai kāda no pusēm piekāpjas un atzîst par uzvarētāju otru. Un es šeit nerunāju par Ukrainu.
Bet gan NATO vs vatastāna.

Manuprāt signāls ir skaidrs. Vai nu atdodat Ukrainu saplosīšanai. Vai hujàrīsimies visi! Un pa nopietno…
Viedoklis personīgi mans.
Aizmirsu linku
NATO Plans for Large-Scale Transport of Wounded Troops in Case of Russia War

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 00:53:14 ]

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Vakar, 01:00 #44325

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

What Is Zelensky’s ‘Victory Plan’ for Ukraine’s War With Russia? The Ukrainian leader aims to present President Biden with a strategy to improve his country’s position ahead of any peace negotiations with Russia.

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is visiting the United States this week for the United Nations General Assembly, where he will deliver a speech on Wednesday. Beyond the formal addresses, he has one primary objective: selling what he calls his “victory plan” to Western allies, especially President Biden.

The stakes are high for the Ukrainian leader. Faced with waning Western support for his country’s defense against Russia’s invasion, now in its third year, Mr. Zelensky aims to improve his country’s negotiating position ahead of any possible talks with Moscow. For now, that means reversing the dynamic on the battlefield, where Kyiv’s forces have been steadily losing ground to Russian troops this year.
Moscow’s troops have retaken a few villages in a border area that Kyiv’s forces invaded last month and are also advancing steadily in eastern Ukraine.
A month and a half into its offensive into Russia’s western Kursk region, the Ukrainian Army faces difficult decisions over where best to commit its limited forces.

Moscow’s troops have begun counterattacking in the area, reclaiming a few villages and threatening Ukraine’s ability to hold onto the territory it has seized. At the same time, Russian soldiers in Ukraine have continued advancing on other parts of the front there, which Kyiv had hoped to stabilize by prompting a diversion of Russian units back home to defend Kursk.

Ukraine and Russia are also engaged in air assaults, targeting each other’s military bases and energy infrastructure as each side tries to degrade the other’s capacity to sustain the war effort. In addition, Russia continues to regularly hit civilian areas in devastating attacks that cause frequent casualties.

Here’s a closer look at the current situation on the battlefield.

Russia has begun to counterattack in Kursk.
In the past few weeks, the front line had been somewhat stable in the Kursk region, which Ukraine first invaded on Aug. 6. As Moscow sent in more troops to reinforce its defenses in the area — as many as 30,000, according to Ukrainian officials — the Ukrainian advance largely stopped and Kyiv has moved to fortify its positions along the more than 500 square miles of territory that it controlled.
But the front line has moved again in the past few days, after Moscow began a concerted counterattack last week in the area. Maps of the battlefield compiled by independent groups based on satellite images and battlefield footage show that Russian troops have regained some territory around the bulge of land seized by Ukraine.
In particular, Russian forces have driven a small wedge into the western edge of the Ukrainian bulge, recapturing at least one village, Snagost, and several other settlements. Videos posted on social media and verified by The New York Times showed Russian troops raising the Russian flag in Snagost and moving freely through and clearing homes in Krasnooktyabr’skoe, a nearby settlement.

Ukrainian forces, too, have been on the move in recent days, pushing through another section of the border near the settlement of Novyi Put’, to the southwest of the main area of the Russian counterattack.

Verified videos posted on Thursday showed a Ukrainian engineering vehicle plowing through fortifications along the border, allowing other Ukrainian military vehicles to pass through. The next day, videos showed Ukrainian forces advancing into Russia from the point where they breached the border toward Veseloe, a village about two miles from the border.

Analysts say this may be an attempt to hamper the Russian counterattack by opening a new front on its flank, but it remains unclear whether Ukrainian troops have held onto any territory there.
Kyrylo Sazonov, a Ukrainian soldier fighting in the Kursk region, said the situation on the battlefield was shifting by the hour.

“By the time we discuss an event, the situation has likely already changed,” he told Ukrainian television on Sunday. “There’s no fixed line of contact here. For instance, some of our troops moved in with mortars to support others but walked into an ambush from three sides.”

“Both our side and the Russians are acting unpredictably,” he added.
Ukrainian troops are on the backfoot in the east.
Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi, Ukraine’s top general, said last month that one goal of Ukraine’s cross-border assault into Kursk was to compel Moscow to divert troops from the front line in Ukraine to reinforce its own border region, thus relieving pressure on Kyiv’s troops fighting in Ukraine.
But so far, Russia has withdrawn only a limited number of experienced units from the Ukrainian battlefield, according to military analysts and Western officials.

Instead, it has sought to defend its territory and launch counterattacks with combat units largely drawn from within Russia, keeping the bulk of its forces in Ukraine to press ahead with assaults, particularly in the eastern Donetsk region, which Moscow already partly controls.
That has been particularly true near Pokrovsk, a strategic eastern Ukrainian city that Russian forces have been steadily closing in on in the past few weeks despite Ukraine’s own offensive into Russia.
With water and electricity supplies cut off in Pokrovsk as the fighting gets closer, the local authorities have urged residents to evacuate immediately. The city’s population has now dwindled to 16,000 from about 62,000 in early August, according to the local authorities.

Russian advances toward Pokrovsk have slowed somewhat recently as Moscow’s troops try to break through the main Ukrainian defensive lines protecting the city. Emil Kastehelmi, an analyst from the Finland-based Black Bird Group, said those consisted of a network of trenches, anti-tank obstacles and troops on favorable terrain.
At the same time, as the Russian forces have run up against the Ukrainian defenses around Pokrovsk, they have advanced in an area farther south, toward the town of Kurakhove, from different sides.

“Russia will likely push aggressively as long as possible, as any significant gains in Donetsk have been very difficult to achieve quickly,” Mr. Kastehelmi said. “The window of opportunity is open, and they will try to exploit the recently appeared cracks in the Ukrainian defenses.”

Air assaults have intensified.
Russia is pressing ahead with its air campaign against energy infrastructure in Ukraine, with the latest attack on Tuesday targeting power plants in the northeastern Sumy region, according to the local authorities. Ukraine’s energy network has been so damaged by months of attacks that experts and officials have warned that power cuts will be unavoidable this winter.

Russia has also ramped up its air attacks on urban centers across Ukraine in recent weeks. Cities such as Kyiv, the capital, and Kharkiv, Kryvyi Rih and Poltava have been targeted in often devastating air assaults that have hit apartment buildings and a military academy.

Outgunned and outnumbered on the battlefield, the Ukrainian authorities have argued for months that one way to unsettle Russian military operations is to conduct airstrikes on military bases deep inside Russia, from where attacks are launched or prepared.

In recent weeks, Ukraine has hit oil refineries, power plants, airfields and military factories in an attempt to disrupt the logistics of the Russian military. Some attacks have also targeted urban centers, such as the Moscow area last week.
The Ukrainian forces have so far used only homemade weapons, mostly drones, to conduct aerial attacks deep inside Russia. But they have pressed their allies to let them use Western-supplied long-range and more powerful missiles to target Russia more effectively.

“We have already explained to all our partners why Ukraine truly needs sufficient long-range capabilities,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly address on Sunday.

Enter the “victory plan,” which Mr. Zelensky has described in news media interviews as a bridge to a future peace settlement — a strategy aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s position on the battlefield enough to force Russia to the negotiating table.

Mr. Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have been tight-lipped about the specifics of the plan until it is formally presented to Mr. Biden later this week, but its general outline has begun to emerge. In statements before traveling to the United States, Mr. Zelensky said the plan includes enhancing Western security guarantees for Ukraine, increasing military aid and securing further financial support.
Military experts say one of the key demands is for Western allies that have supplied powerful missiles to allow Ukraine to fire them into Russia, an authorization that has yet to be granted despite intense lobbying.

Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, said on Tuesday that the plan also included a formal invitation from NATO for Ukraine to join the military alliance.

Neither of those two demands is new, and it is unclear how the plan differs from what Ukraine has long been calling for. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said last week that she had seen the plan and that it “can work.”

It remains unclear to what extent Mr. Biden would endorse any plan that would involve increased U.S. financial aid for Ukraine. A recent Pew Research Center poll revealed a divided American public: about a third believe the United States gives too much support to Ukraine, while a quarter think the current level is sufficient, and another quarter feel the U.S. is not doing enough.
In an interview with The New Yorker published on Sunday, Mr. Zelensky said Mr. Biden refusing to endorse the plan is “a horrible thought.”

“It would mean that Biden doesn’t want to end the war in any way that denies Russia a victory,” he said in the interview. “We would end up with a very long war — an impossible, exhausting situation that would kill a tremendous number of people.”

Constant Méheut reports on the war in Ukraine, including battlefield developments, attacks on civilian centers and how the war is affecting its people. More about Constant Méheut

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 01:03:28 ]

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Vakar, 01:05 #44326

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

Usa vēlas sākt dialogu par situācijas normalizēšanu…..
Piņa saka- sūkājat līko… ar pilniem vaigiem.
Nē- es palēnām sākšu iepirkt konservus
Jāpiesit visas saldētavas ar zivīm utt. Lidakas, foreles.
Nu ja nopietni. Es sāku par to aizdomāties. Pilnīgi bez troļļošanas.
Sajūta, kad esam atpakaļ pagātnē. 38/39 gads apmeram. Tad palasot avīzes. - starp citu iesaku palasīt. Arhīvos brīvi pieejamas.
Daudziem arī bija tādi pajāt teksti. Kas sākās 41, laikam visi zin. Tāda de javu sajūta.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 01:15:41 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
Vakar, 11:32 #44327

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2022

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

Slinkums meklēt,bet kuri te bija Trampa fani?
Vakar, 11:35 #44328

Kopš: 02. May 2006

Ziņojumi: 21932

Braucu ar: VAZ 2101 80'

26 Sep 2024, 11:32:42 @michals1 rakstīja:
Slinkums meklēt,bet kuri te bija Trampa fani?


Sen jau neesmu viņa fans

Vakar, 11:35 #44329

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13591

Braucu ar:

26 Sep 2024, 01:05:27 @Lafter rakstīja:
Sajūta, kad esam atpakaļ pagātnē. 38/39 gads apmeram. Tad palasot avīzes. - starp citu iesaku palasīt. Arhīvos brīvi pieejamas.
Daudziem arī bija tādi pajāt teksti. Kas sākās 41, laikam visi zin. Tāda de javu sajūta.

reizēm labāk nelasīt un normāli dzīvot
Vakar, 11:47 #44330

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9186

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

es visu vasaru nelasu par ukr, tik cik te Lafter iemet. daudz labāk miegs nāk.

escalate to de escalate.
kādi nah konservi? no ņūka nav jābaidās, jābaidās no rietumu piekāpšanās.
ja rietumi atdos ukr, tad nākamie būsim mēs un tā līdz robežai kad visi sēž atkal ierakumos 3 pk.
imho putleram vnk labi neiet, bet pie sarunu galda sēsties negribās, tapēc max labas kārtis spiež ārā. + īstais brīdis, jo ASV vēlēšanas pēc mēneša.

palasiet kā sovjeti bloķēja rietumberlīni pēc 2pk, lai dabūt vēl sev gabalu no Vācijas. tur arī abas puses gāja all in, beigās sovjeti atmetās.
Vakar, 12:00 #44331

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13591

Braucu ar:

26 Sep 2024, 11:32:42 @michals1 rakstīja:
Slinkums meklēt,bet kuri te bija Trampa fani?

ja ziņa ir krieviski, tad tai jābūt arī angliski. šī frāze rēcīga

Said Trump, “It's something we have to have a quick discussion about because the president of Ukraine is in our country and he’s making little nasty aspersions toward your favorite president, me ."

[ Šo ziņu laboja user, 26 Sep 2024, 12:00:36 ]

Vakar, 12:18 #44332

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2022

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

Galīgi neesmu Trampa fans,tomēr šoreiz sliecos viņam piekrist.Rietumu palīdzība UKR neļaus uzvarēt,jo ir ierobežojumi.Va Bank rietumi neies,neviens negrib 3 pasaules karu.Pēdējā cerība,kad varēja mainīties kremļa režīms,izgaisa ar Prigožina neveiksmīgo gājienu. Kas tālāk?
Visticamāk ka UKR tiks nosēdināta pie sarunu galda.Savas teritorijas,kurās kremlis okupēja,tai vairs neredzēt kā savas ausis,jo tas jau ierakstītas krievu konstitūcija un kartē. Man kā ierindas pilsonim uz visu to būtu pa lielam dziļi poo,tomēr ir viens BET.
Nākošie būsim mēs,agrāk vai vēlāk. Un to es ļoti negribu.
Vakar, 12:32 #44333

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9186

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

atdosi mazo pirkstiņu, paņems visu roku. tieši tik vienkārši.

imho ASV visu bremzē, jo daudzi ieroči/komponentes tāpat ir ASV. citām Eiropas valstīm tāpat jāprasa ASV atļauja.
dod tik daudz, lai putlers nāktu pie sarunu galda. ne vairāk, ne mazāk.
kapēc hvz? vairāk liekas ka Bidens kā klasisks pensionārs, vnk atsēž savu atlikušo darba laiku. asuma vairs nav, tapēc arī radikālus lēmumus nevar pieņemt. Eiropai vnk nekā baigi daudz nav militāri un arī tik daudz lēmumu pieņēmēji ar dažādiem uzskatiem un vēl pēc katrām vēlēšanām mainās.

par šito krievi čīkst, ka demokrātija neder, jo visu laiku rietumos politķi mainās un neko sarunāt ilgtermiņā nevar. katrs jaunais nāk ar savām idejām.
Vakar, 12:45 #44334

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

USA bremzè jo viņi vairākas reizes ir norādījuši- viņuem nav vajadzīga vates uzvara mūsu izpratnē. Vai vēl vairàk. Ekstrēmo ,,patriotu,, izpratnē.

Tiešām šķiet nevēlas nekādi ,,pazemot,, putinu un atrast tādu izeju, lai putins nejustos zaudējis. Par Ukrainu tur neviens nerunā- tas ir instruments vienkāršs.
Man tāds iespaids rodas. Viņiem galvenais lai Vilks paēdis un kaza tā, +\- pie sistēmas pieslēgta eksistē. Kad vilks būs apmierināts, tad domās, ko ar to sūda kazu darīt.
Skarbi, taču patiesi man šķiet.

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Vakar, 13:05 #44335

Kopš: 12. Nov 2008

No: Liepāja

Ziņojumi: 1091

Braucu ar:

26 Sep 2024, 12:45:22 @Lafter rakstīja:
USA bremzè jo viņi vairākas reizes ir norādījuši- viņuem nav vajadzīga vates uzvara mūsu izpratnē. Vai vēl vairàk. Ekstrēmo ,,patriotu,, izpratnē.

Tiešām šķiet nevēlas nekādi ,,pazemot,, putinu un atrast tādu izeju, lai putins nejustos zaudējis. Par Ukrainu tur neviens nerunā- tas ir instruments vienkāršs.
Man tāds iespaids rodas. Viņiem galvenais lai Vilks paēdis un kaza tā, +\- pie sistēmas pieslēgta eksistē. Kad vilks būs apmierināts, tad domās, ko ar to sūda kazu darīt.
Skarbi, taču patiesi man šķiet.

Pagaišgad jau nebija izdomājuši, ko ar `kazu` darīt?

Šie cik zināms parasti nepērk nekustamo vai rūpnīcu, nopērk uzreiz pusvalsti -
Vakar, 13:09 #44336

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

Ir izveidoti neskaitāmi fondi, visādas koalīcijas. Lielāko ties parakstīti NODOMU! Protokoli.
Avīzēs un Tv viss pa skaisto izskatās.
Dabā nedaudz savādāk.
Latvija ko atdeva angļiem vadību pār dronu koalīciju? WTF? Tādi solījumi utt. Un pa kluso angļiem atdeva iepirkuma izvēles tiesības utt.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 13:12:39 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Vakar, 13:24 #44337

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16037

Braucu ar:

26 Sep 2024, 13:09:57 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ir izveidoti neskaitāmi fondi, visādas koalīcijas. Lielāko ties parakstīti NODOMU! Protokoli.
Avīzēs un Tv viss pa skaisto izskatās.
Dabā nedaudz savādāk.
Latvija ko atdeva angļiem vadību pār dronu koalīciju? WTF? Tādi solījumi utt. Un pa kluso angļiem atdeva iepirkuma izvēles tiesības utt.

Lendlīzi ar pieņēma,bet nepalaida
Vakar, 13:26 #44338

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28162

Braucu ar: wv

26 Sep 2024, 13:24:08 @uldens1 rakstīja:

26 Sep 2024, 13:09:57 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ir izveidoti neskaitāmi fondi, visādas koalīcijas. Lielāko ties parakstīti NODOMU! Protokoli.
Avīzēs un Tv viss pa skaisto izskatās.
Dabā nedaudz savādāk.
Latvija ko atdeva angļiem vadību pār dronu koalīciju? WTF? Tādi solījumi utt. Un pa kluso angļiem atdeva iepirkuma izvēles tiesības utt.

Lendlīzi ar pieņēma,bet nepalaida

Lielisks piemērs. Pat man bija pàrliecība, ja jau lendlīze!! Tad ir cerība.

Un ?
Kur ir tā lendlīze? visa žūst tuksnesī un pat netaisās atkonservēt.
Pat nerunā vairs par to. Kāpèc neviens nejautā?
,,Klau Bidon. Ar tādu pompu kamerās parasktīji dokumentu. Skaļi vàrdi utt,, mister Bidon? Kur lendlīze?

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 26 Sep 2024, 13:34:54 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Vakar, 13:56 #44339

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3518

Braucu ar: kruīzu

26 Sep 2024, 13:26:45 @Lafter rakstīja:

26 Sep 2024, 13:24:08 @uldens1 rakstīja:

26 Sep 2024, 13:09:57 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ir izveidoti neskaitāmi fondi, visādas koalīcijas. Lielāko ties parakstīti NODOMU! Protokoli.
Avīzēs un Tv viss pa skaisto izskatās.
Dabā nedaudz savādāk.
Latvija ko atdeva angļiem vadību pār dronu koalīciju? WTF? Tādi solījumi utt. Un pa kluso angļiem atdeva iepirkuma izvēles tiesības utt.

Lendlīzi ar pieņēma,bet nepalaida

Lielisks piemērs. Pat man bija pàrliecība, ja jau lendlīze!! Tad ir cerība.

Un ?
Kur ir tā lendlīze? visa žūst tuksnesī un pat netaisās atkonservēt.
Pat nerunā vairs par to. Kāpèc neviens nejautā?
,,Klau Bidon. Ar tādu pompu kamerās parasktīji dokumentu. Skaļi vàrdi utt,, mister Bidon? Kur lendlīze?

tas mani visvairāk pārsteidz.

Lendlīzi parakstīja, nekas tā arī nenotika. Vēl tur visādas atbalsta programmas paraksta, arī tagad 60 miljardi paredzēti, izkladzināts visur, ka nu tik būs, bet tūliņ gads beigsies, bet liela daļa tā arī nav izmantota

vai kaut vai Čehu artilērijas lādiņu iepirkums. Kad jau par to runāja, kad jau viss sāka notikt, bet lādiņi sāka ieraties tikai pirms 2 (?) mēnešiem. Un arī no sākotnējā plāna līdz gada beigām par trešdaļu atpaliek... Un tā ar daudzām palīdzības paketēm - izziņo, nu tik būs, bet vešana kavējas, ved mazāk vai vispār neaizved..

[ Šo ziņu laboja RaL, 26 Sep 2024, 13:59:44 ]

Vakar, 14:04 #44340

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9186

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

daļa tāpat ir slepena, daļai piegāde pēc x gadiem un otrs, rietumi arī info karo, jo krievi publiski arī jāmaldina. kkā daudzi 1:1 tic rietumu info biezpienam.

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo