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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

Šodien, 17:50 #44281

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

Tak prievuks atkal raznosā aizgājis. Varu saderēt- viņš ne kapeiku neiedos. Nu varbūt 10 eiro lai atpisos un var paziņot- redzi!!! Es ieskaitīju

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Šodien, 17:50 #44282

Kopš: 26. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 8162

Braucu ar: e39 523

24 Sep 2024, 17:48:12 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ieskaitīsi naudu?
Vai paliksi par tukšdirsi.
Esi vecis? Vai dirsējs
Tam visam ir sakars ar poweru.

Tavās acīs palikšu par dirsēju... Skarbi, bet tāds ir internets

Nop, Lafter Tev, vai Tavam mērķim es neskaitīšu nevienu centu. Bet psiholoģiskais terors ir nopietns

@SN šī nav kaut kāds rekets? :90tie:

[ Šo ziņu laboja abyss, 24 Sep 2024, 17:52:40 ]

Šodien, 17:51 #44283

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv


Tā arī zināju
Jums lielākajai daļai dirsēju viss atbalsts beidzas tieši šajā brîdī
90% gadījumu.

Kas nopietni grib ziedot. Vairāk info PM.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 24 Sep 2024, 17:52:46 ]

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Šodien, 17:55 #44284

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

24 Sep 2024, 17:50:37 @abyss rakstīja:

24 Sep 2024, 17:48:12 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ieskaitīsi naudu?
Vai paliksi par tukšdirsi.
Esi vecis? Vai dirsējs
Tam visam ir sakars ar poweru.

Tavās acīs palikšu par dirsēju... Skarbi, bet tāds ir internets

Nop, Lafter Tev, vai Tavam mērķim es neskaitīšu nevienu centu. Bet psiholoģiskais terors ir nopietns

@SN šī nav kaut kāds rekets? :90tie:

Ej uz policiju!
Ko Tu @sn sūdzies un raudi?

Te ir arī normāli čaļi
Turpini atbalstīt netā, tas Ukrainai noteikti palīdzēs
Negaidīju pat. Nopietni.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 24 Sep 2024, 18:02:41 ]

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Šodien, 18:38 #44285

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9178

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

interesanti pavērot rus ikdienas dzīvi okupācijā un vispār kā dzīvo ne maskavā. vietējie palikušie tādi bik norūpējušies

[ Šo ziņu laboja kkas, 24 Sep 2024, 18:42:27 ]

Šodien, 19:16 #44286

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 772

Braucu ar:

100p tās pašas babenes, kuras tagad gribot mieru, kuras pie sevis razruhu redz un raseja že vsjo načila, mēnešus atpakaļ teica- da beiķe eķih ukropov.
Kkāds nožēlojams iznīcības gēns tur tiem nedaļautiņiem.
Šodien, 19:23 #44287

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4273

Braucu ar:

Bleee, Sn jau nobanoja lafteru par reketu?

Šodien, 19:32 #44288

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

24 Sep 2024, 19:23:43 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Bleee, Sn jau nobanoja lafteru par reketu?


Ready for palags

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Šodien, 19:37 #44289

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

Ukrainian Poet and Rock Star Fights Near Front and Performs Behind It Serhiy Zhadan, 50, is a beloved Ukrainian poet as well as a novelist, lyricist and rock star. Furious over the invasion, he enlisted to fight even as his band still plays and his readings fill halls.

When the Ukrainian army hit a crisis of recruitment earlier this year amid rising losses on the battlefield, one of the most popular cultural personalities in the country stepped up and enlisted.

“At some point it became uncomfortable not to join up,” said Serhiy Zhadan, in an interview at a military base in July.

A beloved poet, novelist, lyricist and rock star in Ukraine, Mr. Zhadan, 50, joined a local National Guard brigade in his home city of Kharkiv in May and started a two-month stint in boot camp. By summer he was serving in an engineering unit on the second line of defense.

Many of his friends were already fighting, he said of his decision to enlist. “This feeling that someone is fighting for you, instead of you, while you are also able to join, was also important.”
Although he said he did not intend to set an example, Mr. Zhadan’s decision to join the army resonated with many, across generations and with lovers of both his words and music.

He can fill a sports hall or a Kyiv theater for poetry readings, as he did on occasions this summer, and his rock band was acclaimed for delivering the best set at the Atlas music festival, Ukraine’s largest, in July. Proceeds of his performances go toward buying medical supplies and other equipment for the soldiers.

His commanders and friends in the Khartia National Guard Brigade were happy for the morale boost and publicity his presence has brought. He has long been a supporter and fund-raiser for the brigade, and even gave it its name, which means Charter, when volunteers from Kharkiv formed it in 2022.
But his commanders are also conscious of the responsibility to keep such a national icon safe. A Russian war blogger has announced a $5,000 price on his head. Mr. Zhadan said that he was not getting special treatment, but that in breaks in his training, soldiers and instructors would ask him for selfies.
Poets have held a special place in Soviet society and its aftermath, trusted as dissidents under a brutal totalitarian system, and as moral and cultural guides in the chaotic transition after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

In his work, Mr. Zhadan has searched for meaning for what he calls the last Soviet generation, people like himself who grew up in the Soviet Union and came of age as Ukraine gained its independence, participated in years of rallies and democracy protests, and are now fighting a war.

His fans, whether of his poetry, music or both, turn to him for cultural sustenance.

“We all need food for our souls,” said Bohdan Beniuk, director of the Theater on Podil in Kyiv, as he introduced Mr. Zhadan at a poetry reading in July.

His rock concerts with his band Zhadan i Sobaky (Zhadan and the Dogs) have brought him additional popularity, especially with younger people. His songs, a mixture of punk and jazz, which he writes the lyrics for and the band sets to music, are anarchic, full of profanities and odes to drugs, alcohol and rock ‘n’ roll. But they’re also about love and freedom.
Zelensky Says Western Allies Must Allow Ukrainian Strikes Deep Into Russia
The leaders of Ukraine and Denmark said allied nations must lift restrictions on arms, increase their production and help Ukraine build weapons inside the country.
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said Tuesday that he planned to urge the leaders of the United States, Britain and France this week to allow Ukrainian forces to use weapons supplied by those nations for strikes deep into Russian territory.

Mr. Zelensky said he had yet to get permission from any of those countries, despite other NATO leaders arguing that Ukraine should be given leeway for broad use of missiles and other arms supplied by its partners. Mr. Zelensky said he would make his case in meetings with President Biden this week and in a meeting that he plans to have with Keir Starmer, the prime minister of Britain, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France.

“Our decision depends on their will,” he said in an interview with The New York Times on Tuesday morning at the United Nations with Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark. “For today, they have to give, or say that they will not give.”

Recent diplomatic debates among the three allied nations have focused on the question of allowing Ukraine to use imported weapons for long-range fire into Russia. Mr. Starmer and Mr. Macron are leaning toward giving permission, but want to coordinate a decision with Mr. Biden, who could soon decide to support Britain and France in loosening their restrictions before the United States does anything similar, U.S. officials say.

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Mr. Biden has feared an escalation into a Russia-versus-NATO war, and has only gradually given Ukraine certain weapons systems and slowly loosened some restrictions on their use.

Ms. Frederiksen said in the joint interview that the United States and Europe must prepare to support Ukraine in a war that could last for years longer, and that means loosening arms restrictions.

“I don’t think Ukraine can win with one arm on their back,” she told The Times. “So I think we need to end that discussion, to give what is needed, and actually to put it the other way around — ask Ukraine what is needed to win this war. And then we have to ensure that they will have what they need.”

Denmark, Sweden and Finland have said Ukraine can do as it wishes with military aid from those countries. Mr. Zelensky and Ukrainian commanders say they want to use Storm Shadow missiles from Britain, as well as a similar missile supplied by France, to strike deep into Russia. In May, Mr. Biden agreed to let Ukraine use American weapons for short cross-border strikes against Russia, but still banned long-range attacks.

Mr. Zelensky said on Tuesday that allies had given a lot in recent years, but never the full amount he has requested.

Both Mr. Zelensky and Ms. Frederiksen also said the United States and European nations needed to increase their capacity to produce weapons, and that allied investment in the production of arms inside Ukraine would help alleviate the shortage.

“We need to shift our mind-set,” Ms. Frederiksen said. “We still have a peacetime mind-set in the rest of Europe.”

Asked about the “victory plan” that Mr. Zelensky has said he will present to Mr. Biden and other American politicians this week, the Ukrainian president said a primary component was bolstering Ukraine’s military — “real strengthening, not slow packages.”

Both Mr. Zelensky and Ms. Frederiksen also said NATO member nations must expedite Ukraine’s entry into the security organization.

Mr. Zelensky has hinted in recent months that he could be open to eventual negotiations with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but only if Mr. Putin is sincere and only if Ukraine can talk from a position of strength. U.S. officials say they still see no indication that Mr. Putin is ready for peace talks.

Although Ukraine and Russia have been locked for years in fierce fighting along a long front line in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian forces surprised the Russian military as well as the United States and other partners when they began an offensive in Russian territory in August. Ukrainian units have seized and held land in the Kursk region of Russia, and are attempting to repel a Russian counteroffensive there. Russian forces have made slow but steady gains in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

Mr. Zelensky arrived in the United States on Sunday and visited a factory in Scranton, Pa., that makes 155-millimeter howitzer artillery shells. He thanked the workers for their efforts in supporting Ukraine. Pennsylvania is a critical swing state in the U.S. presidential election in November. The Ukrainian president said he also plans to have meetings in Washington after his United Nations visit.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, has vowed to continue the Biden administration’s policy of giving arms and humanitarian support to Ukraine. Her Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, has urged Republican lawmakers to oppose further aid and has said he would bring an end to the war, without giving details.

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Šodien, 19:42 #44290

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

Ukraine Needs to Be Realistic About Its Goals, Czech President Says President Petr Pavel, a former NATO general who has been vocal in his support for Ukraine, said Kyiv needed to accept that some territory could remain under Russian control, at least “temporarily.

President Petr Pavel of the Czech Republic, a former senior NATO general who has been one of Ukraine’s most robust backers in its war with Russia, says he thinks it is time for Ukrainians and their supporters to face what he says is reality.

With Russia-friendly populist leaders such as Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary disrupting European unity over the war and with the fatigue of 31 months of conflict “growing everywhere,” Ukraine “will have to be realistic” about its prospects of recovering territory occupied by Russia, Mr. Pavel said in an interview.

“The most probable outcome of the war,” he said, “will be that a part of Ukrainian territory will be under Russian occupation, temporarily.” But, he added, that “temporary thing,” could last years.

The Czech presidency is a largely ceremonial post but the views of Mr. Pavel, who was elected last year by a wide margin, are generally aligned with those of the country’s center-right government under Prime Minister Petr Fiala. Mr. Pavel has considerable influence on security issues as a former chief of the Czech military’s general staff and past chairman of NATO’s military committee.

Since the failure last year of Ukraine’s monthslong counteroffensive to retake territory, European officials have spoken increasingly in private about Ukraine’s slim chances of recovering much lost land. In public, they mostly recite the mantra that the shape of any future settlement with Russia is up to Kyiv to decide, not the European Union or NATO.

The question of Ukraine’s future will be a major topic at the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week, where Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, will be appealing for more military and political support when he makes a speech there on Wednesday. He will also present a “victory plan” to President Biden in Washington on Thursday before unveiling it publicly.

Neither Ukraine nor Russia, Mr. Pavel said, can expect to secure its maximalist goals. For Ukraine, that includes the recovery of all the territory, including Crimea, seized by Moscow in 2014. For Russia, it is a demand that Ukraine formally cede land claimed by Moscow, including four regions only partially controlled by Russian forces.

“To talk about a defeat of Ukraine or defeat of Russia, it will simply not happen,” Mr. Pavel said in his office at Prague Castle this past week, “So the end will be somewhere in between.”

Mr. Zelensky, who had ruled out direct talks with Russia, softened his stance over the summer, suggesting that direct talks could begin in November. But he has not backed down on demands that Russia leave all Ukrainian territory.

Whether to give up territory, Mr. Zelensky told the French newspaper Le Monde in July is a “very, very difficult” question.

Opinion polls conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion show a marked increase since last year in the share of Ukrainians ready to accept territorial concessions.

That figure rose to 32 percent in May this year, from around 8 percent to 10 percent during the first year of war. A majority of Ukrainians, however, still oppose surrendering land.
Mr. Pavel said there were “a number of examples” of territories held temporarily by Moscow. He did not specify, but experts in Eastern Europe have often pointed to the Soviet Union’s occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as something Ukraine could face if it does not restore its preinvasion borders. The Baltic nations were occupied for half a century, but they eventually recovered their independence with the collapse of communism in 1991.

After surveying public opinion in Ukraine and in 14 other European countries, the European Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank, in July reported “a profound chasm between European and Ukrainian opinion about how the war will end.” Ukrainians, it said, “want weapons in order to win, while most Europeans send weapons hoping this will help lead to an acceptable eventual settlement.”

Speaking to Ukrainian journalists on Saturday, Mr. Zelensky said that Western partners had encouraged Ukraine to open negotiations.
“All our allies, including the closest ones who are on our side and always against Russian aggression, said that Russia should be present” at settlement talks planned in November, he said. “There can be no end to war without one of the parties.”
The Czech Republic, along with Poland and the Baltic States, has been a particularly stalwart supporter of Ukraine but has faced growing public pressure to curb its aid and to push Ukraine toward a deal with Russia.

Nearly two-thirds of Czechs, according to an opinion poll conducted this summer, would support a quick end to the war in Ukraine even at the cost of some territory remaining under Russian control.

An earlier survey found that 54 percent opposed sending weapons under their country’s flagship policy on Ukraine — a multibillion dollar program known as the Czech Ammunition Initiative. The program, managed by the Czech defense ministry and funded by Germany and other European Union countries, has provided Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of artillery shells obtained by Czech arms dealers from manufacturers in Turkey and elsewhere.

Mr. Pavel dismissed as “nonsense” insistent calls by populist leaders like Mr. Orban, a critic of military aid, that Ukraine should swiftly sue for peace and stop draining resources better spent on Europe’s domestic needs.

But, he said, Ukrainians need to be “realistic about the support that they can achieve” from governments under pressure to scale back help against Russia.

“The issue is linked to populism,” Mr. Pavel said, “It’s easy to say, ‘Let’s stop providing Ukraine with weapons and ammunition and then the peace will come on its own.’”

He added that “as someone with some experience with defense and security, and with knowledge of Russia, I know that peace will not come from a declaration by Ukraine that it will stop fighting.” Russia, he said, “will not stop its military activities.”

Mr. Orban, who has repeatedly denounced his NATO allies as warmongers, called for a halt to military aid to Ukraine and sought to rally support for an ill-defined “policy of peace,” is “probably the prototype of European populism,” Mr. Pavel said.

Dismaying fellow E.U. leaders, Mr. Orban traveled to Moscow in July to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin as part of what he called a “peace mission” that also included a visit to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and to Beijing. It was the first time that a European leader had visited Russia for an official meeting with Mr. Putin since the first months after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Mr. Orban’s efforts failed to budge Mr. Putin from sweeping demands that Ukraine withdraw troops from the four regions that Moscow has declared part of Russia and drop aspirations to join NATO. But Mr. Orban’s stance has been cheered by fellow Ukraine-skeptics, such as Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia, and by Russia-friendly politicians on both the far left and far right across Europe.

“Constantly repeating that everybody else wants war, but I want peace — that would make me look much better than all the others,” Mr. Pavel said, “Unfortunately, most people do not realize that such a proposal is unrealistic.”

Andrew E. Kramer contributed reporting from Kyiv, Ukraine, Steven Erlanger from Berlin and Barbora Petrova from Prague.
Andrew Higgins is the East and Central Europe bureau chief for The Times based in Warsaw. He covers a region that stretches from the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to Kosovo, Serbia and other parts of former Yugoslavia. More about Andrew Higgins

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Šodien, 19:55 #44291

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9178

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

24 Sep 2024, 19:16:59 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:
100p tās pašas babenes, kuras tagad gribot mieru, kuras pie sevis razruhu redz un raseja že vsjo načila, mēnešus atpakaļ teica- da beiķe eķih ukropov.
Kkāds nožēlojams iznīcības gēns tur tiem nedaļautiņiem.

Vatei pajāt kurš cars. Galvenais. Amerikāņi tur varētu ieet, viņi bez ierunām asv pilsonību pieņemtu. Vispār lv vate kkāda jocīga palikusi. Ušakovs kkādu neraksturīgu kuiņu uzrakstīja kapēc nobalsojis par ukr kkādā jautajumā ES. Vietējā vates-šlesera babene kko satirsa ka, lai dodod ukr uzvarēt, ieročus un tā, jo krievi esot kkādai radiniecei māju sabumbojuši, bet beigās izdzēsa video.
Šodien, 19:57 #44292

Kopš: 17. Dec 2002

No: Zilupe

Ziņojumi: 17

Braucu ar: Sargenģeli

Džo visai žirgts

Прогуляю вашу собачку, машину, квартиру, дом и дачу!
Šodien, 19:58 #44293

Kopš: 04. Jun 2002

Ziņojumi: 6033

Braucu ar: M57TU2D30

24 Sep 2024, 19:55:10 @kkas rakstīja:

24 Sep 2024, 19:16:59 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:
100p tās pašas babenes, kuras tagad gribot mieru, kuras pie sevis razruhu redz un raseja že vsjo načila, mēnešus atpakaļ teica- da beiķe eķih ukropov.
Kkāds nožēlojams iznīcības gēns tur tiem nedaļautiņiem.

Vatei pajāt kurš cars. Galvenais. Amerikāņi tur varētu ieet, viņi bez ierunām asv pilsonību pieņemtu. Vispār lv vate kkāda jocīga palikusi. Ušakovs kkādu neraksturīgu kuiņu uzrakstīja kapēc nobalsojis par ukr kkādā jautajumā ES. Vietējā vates-šlesera babene kko satirsa ka, lai dodod ukr uzvarēt, ieročus un tā, jo krievi esot kkādai radiniecei māju sabumbojuši, bet beigās izdzēsa video.

Norges vatessūds jau tāpēc ir vatessūds, ka pajāt viņam par Latviju, Krieviju un Ukrainu, galvenais lai dzīvoklī paklājs ir pie sienas
Šodien, 20:02 #44294

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

Mana uzmanības mauķele beidzot saņēmās ielogoties
Kur tad Tu biji pazudis??

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 24 Sep 2024, 20:02:35 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Šodien, 20:05 #44295

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4273

Braucu ar:

24 Sep 2024, 19:55:10 @kkas rakstīja:
Vispār lv vate kkāda jocīga palikusi. Ušakovs kkādu neraksturīgu kuiņu uzrakstīja kapēc nobalsojis par ukr kkādā jautajumā ES. Vietējā vates-šlesera babene kko satirsa ka, lai dodod ukr uzvarēt, ieročus un tā, jo krievi esot kkādai radiniecei māju sabumbojuši, bet beigās izdzēsa video.

jā, šitas interesanti
Šodien, 20:06 #44296

Kopš: 15. Nov 2007

Ziņojumi: 16497

Braucu ar:

24 Sep 2024, 17:51:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

Tā arī zināju
Jums lielākajai daļai dirsēju viss atbalsts beidzas tieši šajā brîdī
90% gadījumu.

Kas nopietni grib ziedot. Vairāk info PM.

Lafter, neēsmu iedziļinājies par ko diskutējat, bet šoreiz attiecībā uz user @abyss Tu kļūdies. Vēl pāris dienas atpakaļ, pats mani uzrunāja un noziedoja trīsciparu skaitli. Un vēlreiz paldies viņam par to!!! Un paldies arī visiem pārējiem, kas atbalstīja un vēljoprojām to dara, pat man to neprasot. Liels paldies. Katrs jūsu eiro man palīdz ātrāk veikt man uzdotos uzdevumus. Paldiess

[ Šo ziņu laboja R_BERGS, 24 Sep 2024, 20:10:15 ]


Piedāvājam auto virsbūves krāsošanu un pulēšanu
Šodien, 20:10 #44297

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

24 Sep 2024, 20:06:37 @R_BERGS rakstīja:

24 Sep 2024, 17:51:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

Tā arī zināju
Jums lielākajai daļai dirsēju viss atbalsts beidzas tieši šajā brîdī
90% gadījumu.

Kas nopietni grib ziedot. Vairāk info PM.

Lafter, neēsmu iedziļinājies par ko diskutējat, bet šoreiz attiecībā uz user @abyss Tu kļūdies. Vēl pāris dienas atpakaļ, pars mani uzrunāja un noziedoja trīsciparu skaitli. Un vēlreiz paldies viņam par to!!! Un paldies arī visiem pārējiem, kas atbalstīja un vēljoprojām to dara, pat man to neprasot. Liels paldies. Katrs jūsu eiro man palīdz ātrāk veikt man uzdotos uzdevumus. Paldiess

Tad atvainojos publiski un ņemu visu atpakaļ. @abyss
Es Tev atvainojos par nepareizo priekštatu.
Jo man Tavas veltās cerības neiet kopā.
Tev vairāk ieteiktu lasît, ko saka valstu līderi. Un nelolot liekas cerības. Respektīvi- netērēt tam laiku.
Atvainojos! Tā turpināt

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 24 Sep 2024, 20:11:13 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
Šodien, 20:14 #44298

Kopš: 26. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 8162

Braucu ar: e39 523

Diskusija kā parasti par tēmām, kur abiem sajēga 0. Kuri uzvar, kuri zaudē, kuriem būs psc, utt. Tad pēkšņi Lafter pieprasīja, lai es viņam ziedoju naudu

Joprojām ceru un ticu, ka ukraiņi uzvarēs

Viss ok, man Tu sanāc tikpat anonīms lietotājs kā rockstar, vai hz kas vēl. Dīvaini būtu par to apvainoties. Paldies. Kamēr vien ukraiņi turpinās cīnities tikmēr iespēju robežās finansiāli mēģināšu viņiem palīdzēt. Ne mans uzdevums filozofēt, kurš uzvarēs, kurš nē.

[ Šo ziņu laboja abyss, 24 Sep 2024, 20:16:39 ]

Šodien, 20:16 #44299

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28106

Braucu ar: wv

24 Sep 2024, 20:14:33 @abyss rakstīja:
Diskusija kā parasti par tēmām, kur abiem sajēga 0. Kuri uzvar, kuri zaudē, kuriem būs psc, utt. Tad pēkšņi Lafter pieprasīja, lai es viņam ziedoju naudu

Joprojām ceru un ticu, ka ukraiņi uzvarēs

Tu trāpīji tajos 10%

Atvainojos Tev par maldīgo priekštatu.

Un atsevišķs paldies userim @sancix

Nav jābūt sajēgai- ir fakti. Paskaties kartē. Visi var solīt, ko vēlas. Taču vates zābaks iet uz priekšu. Un šobrīd tas ir fakts.

Man nav problēmu atvainoties, ja esmu kļūdījies. Manuprāt ir svarīgi atzīt, kad esi kļūdījies un atvainoties. Tam nav sakara ar internetu Tas ir normāli.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 24 Sep 2024, 20:19:49 ]

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Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo