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Tēma: Bokss / Kik-Bokss / Karate / Muay-Thai u.c. tuvcīņas

16. Feb 2011, 12:44 #441

Kopš: 30. Dec 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5564

Braucu ar: zirgu

16 Feb 2011, 02:43:45 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 00:57:47 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 00:46:10 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:
Sestdien notik "SUPER FIGHT"


Super fight notiks aiz Rigai kaut kada pilseta, no galva izkrita kadaa!

Vot isuma kadas cinjas bus! --->




Domaju jebkursh vares atbraukp paskatiit sinjas, ieeja bus vai 0.5Ls vai 1Ls!

Cinjas notiks Kandavaa!

Sakums 11:00! Iieeja bezmaksas! Rit uzrakstishu precizako adresu kur tas viss notiks!
16. Feb 2011, 14:24 #442

Kopš: 03. Apr 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1679

Braucu ar: 400h

16 Feb 2011, 00:23:24 Say10 rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 00:20:31 fubuz rakstīja:
cik ilgi jau no vietas dzer?

čut vairāk pa mēnesi, tagad no viena čoma dabūju mazliet savādā tikuntā nav ticība viņiem!

kreatīns ir laba štelle, tikai izlasi kārtīgi lietošanas instrukciju. Cilājot svarus ļoti labi var just ka muskulis daudz ātrāk atpūsās pēc katra vingrinājuma, daudz labāk skābeklis nonāk muskulim, labāk apasiņojās vingrinājuma laikā.
16. Feb 2011, 16:27 #443

Kopš: 11. Aug 2006

Ziņojumi: 366

Braucu ar:

Ja kas, tad parastais kreatīna monohidrāts ir vienīgais, kas ir vērts to, cik par viņu prasa pārdevēji. Visi pārējie ir izdomāti lielāka piķa nokāšanai un efekts ir tieši tāds pats...
16. Feb 2011, 16:47 #444

Kopš: 02. May 2006

Ziņojumi: 21949

Braucu ar: VAZ 2101 80'

sūda ķīmijas dzērāji, patstāvīgi treniņi un biežas ēdienreizes un viss ir kārtībā.
3.5 gadu laikā man ir 25kg masas pieaugums.

a to kreatīnu utt, uzbarotā masa pazūd uzreiz pēc to lietošanas beigām.


RT Translations
16. Feb 2011, 18:35 #445

Kopš: 11. Aug 2006

Ziņojumi: 366

Braucu ar:

16 Feb 2011, 16:47:30 Elviss rakstīja:
sūda ķīmijas dzērāji, patstāvīgi treniņi un biežas ēdienreizes un viss ir kārtībā.
3.5 gadu laikā man ir 25kg masas pieaugums.

a to kreatīnu utt, uzbarotā masa pazūd uzreiz pēc to lietošanas beigām.

Nu nu - knigu ne cetal, no mnenie imeju!
Nerunā muļķības. Nekur tā masa nepazūd, ja normāli barojies un trenējies tālāk. Kreatīns primāri ir spēka, eksplozivitātes palielināšanai, nevis masas audzētājs. Tās ir 2 dažādas lietas. Ar kreatīna palīdzību muskuļi var strādāt vairāk un ilgāk, kā arī atjaunojas labāk - sanāk efektīvāks treniņš. To lieto visi prof. sportisti, jo tas ir lēts, efektīvs, un nenodara ļaunumu veselībai. Nejaukt ar dopingu utt. Ja paklausās tevi, tad jau arī mākslīgie multivitamīni ir ķīmijas rīšana.
Rekur ir top 3 lietas, ko komplektā ar pareizu ēsanu un treniņiem iesaka cīņu sportā.
The Top 3 Performance Supplements for Combat Athletes
By David Barr
The original text can be found at Raise the Barr, here.

Combat athletes (CA’s) are unlike any other. Some sports force you into focusing on strength and size, while others emphasize endurance, power, and quickness. Of course the typical CA would laugh at this because it’s the only sport where you have to have all characteristics simply in order to compete. Throw in the ability to think quickly while your head is buzzing from that left hook you didn’t see coming, or the choke-induced absence of blood to your brain, and you’ve got an impressive diverse athlete.

It is with this diversity in mind I’ve decided to outline the Top 3 Supplements Series for combat athletes (the Core supplements can be found HERE). This is the second article in the series and is by no means a comprehensive or exclusive list –it merely covers those products that have been proven both in the field and in the lab (rare qualities indeed!). In short, it’s meant to answer the question: “Here I am, what do I use??”.Let’s get to it.

Disclaimer: This is intended to be an introductory guide to performance and as such is definitively limited in scope. Each supplement has many sub-articles to answer your specific questions, and there are always numerous Forum members who are willing to help you out. This is meant to be the second article in the supplement series, and these products are generally only used after the supplements in the Top 3 Core Supplements are in use. As always, proper diet and training are paramount, and only when these parameters are in place will the following supplements be optimally efficacious.

1. Creatine Monohydrate

What Does It Do? The archetypical performance supplement, creatine is likely the most impressive product to come out in the last 30 years. In addition to increasing muscle size, there’s an accompanying strength increase. Add on top of that the improvement in our ability to perform repeated maximal efforts, and you have one damn effective supplement. Creatine is also known to stimulate the process of muscle growth and repair (think recovery), which is why it scores so highly on The Anabolic Index scoring system.

Which Kind Should I Use?

There are different “types” of creatine on the market with rather fantastic claims about each of them. In spite of these claims, creatine monohydrate is the only creatine worth considering.

Does It Hurt My Kidneys/Liver?

Here are a lot of myths surrounding the safety of this supplement, which has been tested safe in several studies to date. For more information see: Creatine Controversy (FAQ)

Other Benefits

In addition to its performance enhancing benefits, creatine is also cheap, legal, and ubiquitously available. As if that weren’t enough, creatine may also possess health benefits, and even increase intelligence! Lastly, creatine supplementation may protect against the damage induced by concussions, as well as against dehydration.

How Is It Used?

Creatine is stored in muscles during a phase known as ‘loading’. This time of elevated creatine intake continues until muscles are maximally loaded, called saturation. Once saturation occurs, 3-5g are taken after training. The optional loading phase usually lasts ~10 days, and consists of 2, 5g doses a day.

Although some people prefer to cycle creatine (i.e. occasionally take a break from creatine supplementation for 2 months) there is no scientific evidence that this has any benefit. Of course, cycling doesn’t really hurt and some people swear by it.

Quick Tip: Research suggests that adding a little sodium and chloride to your creatine drink may enhance its uptake. The beauty is that this is easy enough to do with just a pinch of table salt! For more information about Creatine, see the following:

Creatine Controversy

Sherdog Creatine FAQ Thread

2. Beta Alanine

What Is It?

Beta Alanine (BA) is an amino acid supplement used by intensely-training athletes for enhanced performance.

What Does It Do?

BA allows us to maintain high levels of performance, even under conditions of prolonged intense activity. This not only means greater performance during competition, but it allows us to train harder thus inducing a greater stimulus for improvement. Although it is commonly felt that this exclusively helps our cardiovascular endurance, it can also help prolong both our muscular endurance and strength endurance. In other words, we can use our muscles more effectively by staving off fatigue.

How Does It Work?

By buffering (a.k.a. soaking up) acid that our muscles produce during intense activity, it allows our muscle to perform optimally for longer. It is this acid that is our major cause of fatigue –not an actual decrease in the amount of energy we have, as is commonly thought. It is worth noting that BA does not cause these adaptations by itself. Rather it combines with another amino acid to form a natural substance called carnosine in our muscles. It is these elevated carnosine levels that help our performance.

Do I Need Carnosine Or The Other Amino Acid?

It is far less expensive and just as efficacious to supplement with BA over carnosine. Also, studies show that additional amino acid supplementation is unnecessary for optimal BA effect.

What Else Can It Do?

Beta alanine may help with sleep when it is taken before bed. Additionally, BA may induce a tingling sensation in the extremities (hands, feet) when taken. In addition to many people enjoying this feeling, it is also a sign that the supplement is initially working.

How Do I Use It?

Like creatine monohydrate, BA is loaded for a period of weeks before decreasing to a maintenance dose. Commonly a total of 8g is used in divided doses for ~20 days. Once saturation is reached, 6g is used in divided doses.

Sherdog Exclusive Beta Alanine Article

3. Carnitine

What Is It?

Carnitine is a naturally occurring substance that has traditionally been marketed as a fat loss agent in the form of Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

What Does It Do?

Due to equivocal results, most people don’t generally use carnitine for fat loss anymore. Fortunately recent data have shown this supplement to potentially help with muscle growth, strength, and recovery.

How Does It Work?

Carntine has been shown to increase the number of receptors (aka docking sites) for the hormone testosterone in our muscle. Testosterone is an incredibly anabolic hormone, and more docking sites means that more of its signal can get into our cells. This means greater muscle growth/repair and strength through a completely natural means.

What Else Can It Do?

There is also potential for Carnitine to enhance recovery through improved muscle blood flow and neural recovery. Other possible benefits include aggression, acid buffering, and boosting natural testosterone levels, but detailing these impressive effects is beyond the scope of this article.

What Kind Should I Use?

There are several kinds of carnitine on the market although research shows that Carnitine-L-Tartrate (CLT) is the most bioavailable. This is also the kind that has been used exclusively in the testosterone receptor studies.

How Do I Use It?

CLT usually comes in capsule form and is widely available. A total of 1g is generally used in 2 divided doses throughout the day with carbohydrate-containing meals.

FAQ Shouldn’t [supplement x] be presented in this article?

The supplement you are looking for may be included in another part of this series. Otherwise…This series is limited to supplements with a proven track record through scientific evidence as well as “in the gym” testing. Although athletic supplements are ubiquitous, their efficacy is not.

About the Author

David Barr is widely recognized as an industry innovator, most recently for his work on developing The Anabolic Index. As a strength coach and scientist, he brings a unique perspective to the areas of diet, supplementation, and training. His research experience includes work for NASA at the Johnson Space Center, as well as studying the effect of protein on muscle growth. He holds certifications with the NSCA as well as USA Track and Field, and can be contacted through his website: Raise The Barr
18. Feb 2011, 16:08 #446

Kopš: 30. Dec 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5564

Braucu ar: zirgu

16 Feb 2011, 12:44:05 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 02:43:45 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 00:57:47 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:

16 Feb 2011, 00:46:10 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:
Sestdien notik "SUPER FIGHT"


Super fight notiks aiz Rigai kaut kada pilseta, no galva izkrita kadaa!

Vot isuma kadas cinjas bus! --->




Domaju jebkursh vares atbraukp paskatiit sinjas, ieeja bus vai 0.5Ls vai 1Ls!

Cinjas notiks Kandavaa!

Sakums 11:00! Iieeja bezmaksas! Rit uzrakstishu precizako adresu kur tas viss notiks!

Viss notiks:

Talsu iela 18, Kandava.

Sakums 11:00
18. Feb 2011, 16:17 #447

Kopš: 03. Apr 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1679

Braucu ar: 400h

16 Feb 2011, 16:47:30 Elviss rakstīja:
sūda ķīmijas dzērāji, patstāvīgi treniņi un biežas ēdienreizes un viss ir kārtībā.
3.5 gadu laikā man ir 25kg masas pieaugums.

a to kreatīnu utt, uzbarotā masa pazūd uzreiz pēc to lietošanas beigām.

nedzer to ķīmiju, neko nezini par to ķīmiju, bet viedoklis ir..
19. Feb 2011, 23:16 #448

Kopš: 30. Dec 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5564

Braucu ar: zirgu

Sodienas KYOKUSHIN cinjas!

1) "KYOKUSHIN" Vs "ASHIHARA-KARATE Imanta (zila josla)"

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

2) KYOKUSHIN Vs KYOKUSHIN 16-17 gadu kategorija liidz 70kg

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

veelak vel ieplaudeshi izlikshu!
21. Feb 2011, 13:45 #449

Kopš: 04. Dec 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7247

Braucu ar: Prāmi B-)

Ķiveres tur ir lai aiz matiem nevar plēst?

21. Feb 2011, 13:48 #450

Kopš: 05. Sep 2006

Ziņojumi: 20315

Braucu ar: nošautu musaru bagāžniekā

21 Feb 2011, 13:45:35 Didzis rakstīja:
Ķiveres tur ir lai aiz matiem nevar plēst?
agrāk ķiveres bija obligātas sacensībās līdz 18 gadiem un/vai pilna kontakta cīņās, kau kā tā neatceros

[ Šo ziņu laboja Amaru, 21 Feb 2011, 13:49:49 ]

21. Feb 2011, 13:53 #451

Kopš: 14. Jul 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3531

Braucu ar: w163; w639; w203

Ataman, aiz kameras stāvi?

viņiem tur izvairīties no lodēm arī māca?

vai vismaz "atņemt un iebāzt" ieroci, kā pieņemts rakstīt?
21. Feb 2011, 13:54 #452

Kopš: 04. Dec 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7247

Braucu ar: Prāmi B-)

21 Feb 2011, 13:48:40 Amaru rakstīja:

21 Feb 2011, 13:45:35 Didzis rakstīja:
Ķiveres tur ir lai aiz matiem nevar plēst?
agrāk ķiveres bija obligātas sacensībās līdz 18 gadiem un/vai pilna kontakta cīņās, kau kā tā neatceros

Tas bij sarkasms par sporta veidu

Rokas var viņiem arī amputēt

21. Feb 2011, 14:21 #453

Kopš: 12. May 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6472

Braucu ar: V8 TwinTurbo AR-5900 & Moskvič 412 VS-412 Motormuzejā

19 Feb 2011, 23:16:13 -ATAMAH- rakstīja:
Sodienas KYOKUSHIN cinjas!


veelak vel ieplaudeshi izlikshu!

Varbūt tāpēc,ka jauni džeki,bet izskatījās diezgan švaki un nesmuki.
27. Feb 2011, 23:08 #454

Kopš: 31. Jul 2009

No: Jelgava

Ziņojumi: 172

Braucu ar: Kia Sportage, YZF 750 R

Kadam nav kaadas pazinas kas organizee, vajadzeetu atlaidi kkur sadabuut !
28. Feb 2011, 14:45 #455

Kopš: 09. Sep 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5407

Braucu ar: BMW

Shitas ir viens kaartiigs atsaldenis

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

Piedāvāju jaunas auto daļas, eļļas, riepas, piekares daļas utt...
28. Feb 2011, 15:04 #456

Kopš: 07. Feb 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1938

Braucu ar: Q7, V70

03. Mar 2011, 21:36 #457

Kopš: 04. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 793

Braucu ar: Diesel power

Tailandietis izpildās laaaaps :shura_high_kick:

- Power Muay Thai -
05. Mar 2011, 13:19 #458

Kopš: 07. Feb 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 23

Braucu ar:

27 Feb 2011, 23:08:50 GT rakstīja:

Kadam nav kaadas pazinas kas organizee, vajadzeetu atlaidi kkur sadabuut !

Pazīstu organizatorus, bet atlaides nav un nebūs nevienam, 5ls par biļeti jau nav tik traki...
05. Mar 2011, 13:29 #459

Kopš: 07. Feb 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 23

Braucu ar:

28 Feb 2011, 14:45:57 DOPING rakstīja:
Shitas ir viens kaartiigs atsaldenis

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

Man liekas ka šitas ir tas čalis kuru iemeta psihenē, visi ārsti baidījās no viņa, beigās rižais izmuka
05. Mar 2011, 14:10 #460

Kopš: 10. Oct 2008

Ziņojumi: 83

Braucu ar:

14 oz cimdi

iespēja kādam jaunam censonim tikt pie lietotiem,bet normālā stāvoklī cimdiem 14 OZ sarkani, ja pareizā motivācija, tad FOR FREE!


Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo