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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

18. Aug 2024, 22:12 #43801

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Joprojām turpina degt rostovas naftas bāze. Jau diennakti

Zolīdi piedāvāja uzsmēķēt

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18. Aug 2024, 22:20 #43802

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Ukraine Destroys Key Russian Bridge as It Presses On With Offensive The bridge’s destruction is a setback for Russian supply lines as Ukraine seeks to consolidate its territorial gains in the Kursk region of western Russia.
Ukraine has destroyed a critical bridge and appears to have targeted at least one more in Russia’s western Kursk region as it tries to sever Russian supply lines and consolidate its territorial gains, a dozen days into its startling cross-border offensive.

Analysts say the destruction of the bridge — which spanned the Seym River near the town of Glushkovo, about 10 miles northwest of the battle zone in Kursk — could hamper Russia’s response to the Ukrainian attack by making it harder to move troops and materiel, although there are alternative routes.

Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk, the commander of Ukraine’s Air Force, posted a video on social media late Friday showing the bridge’s destruction. The video captured a large explosion tearing the bridge in two near a river embankment.

“Ukrainian pilots are conducting precision strikes on enemy strongholds, equipment concentrations, as well as on enemy logistics centers and supply routes,” General Oleshchuk said.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry acknowledged the destruction of the bridge, which it said had disrupted the evacuation of civilians. It also said that volunteers assisting evacuees had been killed in the attack. Those claims could not be independently verified.

Analysts say the destruction of the Glushkovo bridge points to a commitment by Ukraine to a sustained fight in western Russia. By trying to disrupt Moscow’s logistical lines, they say, Ukraine may be preparing for a prolonged campaign to strengthen and possibly expand its positions in the area.

Ukraine’s incursion into Russia began early last week with a surprise cross-border assault that many believed would be short-lived. But after Ukrainian forces swiftly pushed through Russian defenses and captured several villages, Kyiv poured more forces into the operation, transforming it into a full-scale offensive and effectively opening a new front in western Russia. The Ukrainian Army said on Thursday that it now controlled more than 80 Russian settlements in the Kursk region, including Sudzha, a town of 6,000. The claims could not be independently verified, although analysts say that Sudzha is highly likely to be under full Ukrainian control.
Yet as Ukraine’s offensive presses on, military experts say that greater challenges lie ahead. Seizing more land will become harder as Russian reinforcements arrive and Ukraine’s supply lines are stretched, and holding on to captured territory could expose fixed Ukrainian positions to potentially devastating Russian airstrikes.

Thibault Fouillet, the deputy director of the Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies, a French research center, said that Ukraine would need to bring in air defense and artillery weapons, organize logistical lines and replace soldiers at the new front.
“It’s not easy to open a new front and hold it,” he said.

Ukraine’s advance in the Kursk region has slowed in recent days, according to open-source maps of the battlefield based on combat footage and satellite images. The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, said on Friday that Ukraine continued to make marginal advances and that its forces were now inside Borki, a village about eight miles to the southeast of Sudzha.

Military analysts and U.S. officials said the Russian command had so far brought in reinforcements mainly from within Russia so as not to deplete its units on the Ukrainian battlefield, in what they described as a disorganized effort that has slowed Russia’s response.

“Russia is still pulling together its reaction,” Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, NATO’s top military commander, said during a talk at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Thursday. He described the Russian response as having been “fairly slow and scattered” as the authorities sorted out which military and security forces should take the lead.
Mr. Fouillet said Russia’s disjointed response had prompted Ukraine to strengthen and expand its positions, after an initial attack involving about 1,000 troops. A German Army general estimated this past week that Kyiv had since committed up to 6,000 troops to the operation and up to 4,000 more in support roles across the border in Ukraine.

“It started as a raid,” Mr. Fouillet said of Kyiv’s initial attack. “But the objectives have changed as success came.”

The Ukrainians have also taken steps to disrupt the arrival of Russian reinforcements, striking a column of military vehicles carrying troops a week ago and, on Friday, destroying the Glushkovo bridge.

Moscow said late Friday that Ukraine had destroyed the bridge using Western rockets, possibly American HIMARS, a ground-launched rocket system. The claim could not be independently confirmed, and Ukraine instead suggested that it had used fighter jets.

Emil Kastehelmi, a military analyst for the Finland-based Black Bird Group, which analyzes footage from the battlefield, said Ukraine had also damaged other bridges over the Seym River, although their location was unclear. “If the three bridges over Seym get completely destroyed, it could cause the Russians significant logistical issues,” he wrote on social media.

Beyond the disruption to Moscow’s military operation, the destruction of the Glushkovo bridge could also hamper the evacuation of Russian civilians by cutting off villages from roads out of the combat zone.
Another aim in destroying the bridge, which is about six miles from the Ukrainian border, could be to ease Ukrainian forces’ path into nearby territory, analysts say. In recent days, Ukrainian troops have pushed both north and south, with the apparent goal of extending their control not deeper into Russia, but rather along the Ukrainian border.

Analysts say the Russian border area was relatively lightly fortified and sparsely defended, whereas pushing west into Russia would mean passing through more urban centers, which can be difficult to seize, and encountering new lines of trenches and anti-tank ditches that Moscow has begun to dig about 30 miles from the Ukrainian border.

Mr. Kastehelmi said attacking the town of Glushkovo “could be a logical next step, if Ukraine wants to continue the offensive in new directions” and grab more land relatively easily.

Whether Russia would let that happen remains to be seen. Mr. Kastehelmi said that Russian forces had already built at least one additional temporary bridge over the Seym.

Mr. Fouillet said, “The coming week will be decisive: We’re going to assess the strength of the Russian counterattack and its effect on the Ukrainians.”

Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington.
Constant Méheut reports on the war in Ukraine, including battlefield developments, attacks on civilian centers and how the war is affecting its people. More about Constant Méheut

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18. Aug 2024, 22:54 #43803

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13490

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Pārrunas bija gatavotas Katarā, par infrastruktūras neiiznīcināšanu. Tas arī viss, kas bija plānots. Raška tagad atteicās.

Par operācijas plānošanu nebūs tik ilgi jāgaida, nav nekāda padomija.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 19 Aug 2024, 00:45:57 ]

19. Aug 2024, 09:41 #43804

Kopš: 25. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 598

Braucu ar: tavu mammu

Navajag iecikleeties,.ka tagad kaut kaadas mega paarrunas ir norautas podaa ... "lielaakas vai mazaakas" neoficiaalaas paarrunas notiek visu laiku, taas nav prezidenta liimenja, bet taapat izluukdienesti visu laiku sazinaas par guusteknju apmainju, par to pashu graudu eksportu klusaam novienojaas, taapat ir skaidrs, ka pat brigaades un nodalju liimenja paarrunas ar tuvumaa esosho pretinieku notiek kaut vai par kritusho savaakshanas koridoriem uz mirkli, taapat tiek pa kanaalirm pieklaajiigi piedaavaats padoties, tiek pieklaajiigi atbildeets pšļ nhj, tad vel ir visaadi klusie starpnieciibas meegjinaajumi utt utt tā, ka komunikaacija ir kopš pirmās dienas, bet tas netraucee ikdienas "darbu"
19. Aug 2024, 10:47 #43805

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4665

Braucu ar:

Neviens nav ieciklejies, vnk kautkādas info skrandās plivinās par dogovorņičaku... Bet nu lab, agri vai vēlu nāks gaismā.
19. Aug 2024, 14:41 #43806

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9399

Braucu ar: Alfu

par graudiem neviens neko nevienojās. ukr vnk nogremdēja visu kas varēja kontrolēt kuģu kustību un jebkādi mēģinājumi no krievu puses nav vairs iespējami.
vienīgais krievi varēja pāris civilos kuģus nogremdēt, lai nebūtu kustības vispār, bet to viņi neizdarīja.
putlers pēc darījuma izjukšanas ostas un graudus bombardēja gandrīz mēnesi.
19. Aug 2024, 19:16 #43807

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

18 Aug 2024, 22:12:26 @Lafter rakstīja:
Joprojām turpina degt rostovas naftas bāze. Jau diennakti

Kurās joprojām

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19. Aug 2024, 21:38 #43808

Kopš: 02. Sep 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1408

Braucu ar:

Interesanti zinàt cik % tā naftes bāze ir zaudēta. Un cik ilgā laikā tādu. Ar atjaunot? Kāds tam impact uz attiecīgo reğionu?
19. Aug 2024, 22:04 #43809

Kopš: 11. Nov 2005

Ziņojumi: 5681

Braucu ar: NS7

18 Aug 2024, 20:13:54 @Karavs rakstīja:
Kādas patiesās saknes operācijai, kurš bija visam tam tēvs uc detaļas, tauta uzzinās, varbūt pēc gadiem 10, varbūt tikai 50. Labākais, kas noticis kopš Prigožina puča....

Es vēl par čalu motivāciju padomāju, pavēles pavēlēm, bet ja 2 gadus nodzīvo "zemē" laikam jebkas cits vairs neliekas neinteresants...visu cieņu : slava:

Tradicionāli - vīrietis ar sievieti - auto ar iekšdedzes dzinēju!
19. Aug 2024, 22:53 #43810

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16307

Braucu ar:

19 Aug 2024, 21:38:39 @Ksneps rakstīja:
Interesanti zinàt cik % tā naftes bāze ir zaudēta. Un cik ilgā laikā tādu. Ar atjaunot? Kāds tam impact uz attiecīgo reğionu?
Diezgan ātri atjauno,bet var iepist atkal,kaut kādas bāzes jau atrāvušas otreiz
19. Aug 2024, 23:17 #43811

Kopš: 27. Jun 2005

Ziņojumi: 8466

Braucu ar: Braucu ar

"Viens no Ukrainas bruņoto spēku operācijas mērķiem Kurskas apgabalā ir "buferzonas" izveide Krievijas teritorijā, ikdienas video uzrunā paziņoja Ukrainas prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis."
19. Aug 2024, 23:39 #43812

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Vate nāca pie prāta un izmeta lieko.

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20. Aug 2024, 12:18 #43813

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Trešā diennakts. Kurās

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20. Aug 2024, 12:22 #43814

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9399

Braucu ar: Alfu

Kurās labi eko aktīvistus gan neredz tur
20. Aug 2024, 12:39 #43815

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 929

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20 Aug 2024, 12:18:32 @Lafter rakstīja:
Trešā diennakts. Kurās
Tūnbergu jāaizsūta, lai izdala maskas un ievieš komendantstundu
20. Aug 2024, 13:17 #43816

Kopš: 12. May 2020

Ziņojumi: 13852

Braucu ar:

20 Aug 2024, 12:39:09 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:

20 Aug 2024, 12:18:32 @Lafter rakstīja:
Trešā diennakts. Kurās
Tūnbergu jāaizsūta, lai izdala maskas un ievieš komendantstundu

kāpēc viņa? Kariņš labāks
20. Aug 2024, 13:53 #43817

Kopš: 29. Aug 2012

No: Liepāja

Ziņojumi: 2301

Braucu ar: vienu radzi

20 Aug 2024, 12:39:09 @Arsm3ns rakstīja:

20 Aug 2024, 12:18:32 @Lafter rakstīja:
Trešā diennakts. Kurās
Tūnbergu jāaizsūta, lai izdala maskas un ievieš komendantstundu

blakus esošajā veikalā salatiņus likt savā trauciņā un izmantot papīra salmiņu ūdenītim, un padomāt, vai to maisiņu vajag. 2reiz padomāt.
20. Aug 2024, 14:00 #43818

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Ukrainai savas planējošās aizgāja.

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20. Aug 2024, 14:12 #43819

Kopš: 27. Oct 2023

Ziņojumi: 929

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20 Aug 2024, 14:00:36 @Lafter rakstīja:
Ukrainai savas planējošās aizgāja.
kas kur pa kurieni?
20. Aug 2024, 15:53 #43820

Kopš: 30. Oct 2008

No: Tukums

Ziņojumi: 2902

Braucu ar: Golfu

19 Aug 2024, 23:39:01 @Lafter rakstīja:
Vate nāca pie prāta un izmeta lieko.

šo gan nesaprotu, dēļ viena pussprāguša miroņa izlieto granātu , bet skats labs

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