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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

09. Jun 2024, 17:45 #43041

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

09 Jun 2024, 17:10:41 @Locis rakstīja:

09 Jun 2024, 11:37:19 @Samsasi rakstīja:

08 Jun 2024, 21:44:18 @s13 rakstīja:
Viņus apēd? Tu gribēji teikt -mūs?

Nu izklausās riebīgi, bet viņi uz kādu laiku būtu aizņemti ar Ukrainas apgūšanu un mums tomēr atkal būtu laiks sagatavoties.

Bet nu lasot viņu ziņas, liekas ka ir divas Ukrainas.

Nevajag piepisties ļaudim,kuru valstī notiek kaut kas tāds ,kas murgos tev nerādās.

ko nozīmē nevajag piepisties? atver acis.
09. Jun 2024, 17:47 #43042

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

09 Jun 2024, 17:36:20 @martins_usars rakstīja:
Man liekas tagad čura visvairāk raustas tiem, kuri lepojas ar naļiku, sakārtošanu, sarunāšanu un bez nodokļiem. Šādā garā turpinot burjats ar depo nazīti griezīs nost olas kaujās pie Knipskas Ir jāmainās un lielākā daļa pozitīvo pārmaiņu nav pozitīvas izjūtās Respektīvi pozitīvas ilgtermiņa pārmaiņas parasti nāk ar īstermiņa sāpēm Korupcija primāri eksistē, lai kupētu īstermiņa sāpes, tādējādi visu sapišot ilgtermiņā. Tas vai krievi te līdīs vai nelīdīs ir atkarīgs tikai no mums. Pietam ne jau armija, obligātais dienests vai militārās tehnikas iepirkšana, bet mūsu paradumi, uztvere pa dzīvi, spēja racionāli apspriest lietas un notikumus Par laimi Ukraina ir tālu no mums gan mentāli, gan fiziski. Un karš šoreiz ir tur tālu, un nav pie mūsu sliekšņa Par slikto ir jārunā kaut tāpēc, lai zinātu ko nedarīt mums

nu tieši tā - par slikto arī ir jārunā. tikai cilvekiem ir jāsaprot, ka bez slitkā ir arī labais. bet nu pareizējā situācija valstī nepiekā laba viņus nenovedīs.
09. Jun 2024, 17:47 #43043

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28422

Braucu ar: wv

Ukraine frustrated with US over F-16 pilot training Kyiv is increasingly frustrated by the limited training pipeline. The U.S. says it has other customers.

Ukrainian officials are pressing the U.S. and other countries to ramp up their F-16 pilot training, saying the current pipeline isn’t producing enough aviators to fly the jets that will be soon donated to Kyiv.

Ukraine says it has 30 pilots who are eligible to start training in the U.S. immediately. Yet the Biden administration has told Kyiv it lacks the school seats in its Arizona-based program to accept more than 12 pilot trainees at a time, according to three people with direct knowledge of the request. Two other facilities in Denmark and Romania have a similar issue with available training spots. It’s the latest hurdle in the drawn-out effort to get modern F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Kyiv began pushing for the aircraft in the months following Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, but was repeatedly rebuffed by the Biden administration. In May 2023, President Joe Biden greenlit other countries’ requests to send their F-16s, but logistical challenges repeatedly delayed the training. Further complicating the effort, it took months for Western countries to agree to send their own aircraft to Ukraine.
Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium plan to ship more than 60 U.S.-made F-16 jets to Kyiv this summer. Ukrainians argue that the ability to fly more F-16s will help Kyiv push back Russian forces from the frontlines in places such as Kharkiv, where Moscow has advanced in recent weeks. Yet the U.S. has said it does not expect the jets to be a game-changer on the battlefield.

This story is based on interviews with eight former and current U.S., Ukrainian and European officials and lawmakers, many of whom were granted anonymity to speak about sensitive diplomatic conversations.

In a series of meetings and calls over the last several weeks, Ukraine has officially requested the U.S. train the additional pilots at Morris Air National Guard base in Tucson, Arizona. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) and Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the leaders of the House Intelligence Committee, have also pressed the administration to approve the additional training. The pair, along with several other lawmakers, wrote the Pentagon a letter last month asking the administration to prioritize the issue. But the U.S. has told the Ukrainian military that in addition to limited space, other countries are in line for F-16 training at the base and that it cannot break its commitments to those nations.

“We understand they don’t want to break those contracts, but they could move their American pilots to a different base for training,” said Sasha Ustinova, a Ukrainian lawmaker who has advocated for the training.

The National Guard is planning to train 12 Ukrainian pilots total by the end of September at the Tucson location, according to Air Force spokesperson Laurel Falls. Aside from Arizona, the training facility in Denmark also has limited space and is preparing to shutter in November. A third program, which is located in Romania and will be run by contractors, is not yet up and running.

“Dozens” of pilots from several countries are conducting basic flight training and F-16 training in the U.S. and Europe, said Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Charlie Dietz, declining to confirm specific numbers.

“We have developed and are implementing a training plan that meets forecasted aircraft fielding timelines, which are ultimately shaped by a number of factors, including maintenance and sustainment needs, infrastructure and support equipment requirements, and aircraft sourcing timelines, as well as pilot throughput,” Dietz said. Maj. Erin Hannigan, a spokesperson for the Arizona National Guard, confirmed that space in the program is limited due to commitments to other countries’ training requests, funding and the completion by potential students of English language requirements.

“On top of the Ukrainian students, there are multiple other countries that have reserved training throughout the year,” Hannigan said. “The number of foreign student pilots and where they come from is not determined by our schoolhouse, there are many other factors that play a part in the numbers such as funding, country requests, graduation of students from English learning and allotment.”

The Air Force also trains F-16 pilots at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, and Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, but those programs also have limited spaces for international students. Those spots are typically reserved well in advance for pilots from other countries that operate the F-16. Another eight Ukrainian pilots are being trained in Denmark, according to a former DOD official involved in the program. But that facility is set to close next year and will no longer participate in the training, as Denmark’s Air Force transitions to the stealthy F-35.

Meanwhile, F-16-maker Lockheed Martin and its subcontractor, Draken, are also preparing to train pilots at a facility in Romania, but that program is expensive and also will have limited spots, according to the former official and a person familiar with the program. A Lockheed spokesperson referred questions about the Romania facility to the governments of the U.S., Romania and the Netherlands. A total of 20 Ukrainian F-16 pilots are expected to graduate by the end of this year — half of the 40 needed to operate a full squadron of 20 jets, according to the former DOD official. Eight new pilots are scheduled to begin training in Romania, and eight more will soon arrive in Tucson, the former official said. The facility in Denmark will not accept any additional pilots.

Among the training facilities, only four slots will be open for Ukrainian pilots through the remainder of the year, according to the person familiar.

Meanwhile, U.S. officials have warned for months that the F-16 will not make a huge difference on the battlefield for Ukraine.

While the jets “will give the Ukrainians an increment of capability that they don’t have right now … it’s not going to be a dramatic game-changer as far as I’m concerned for their total military capabilities,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said last year.

In the Kharkiv area, for example, one U.S. official said Ukraine will not be able to fly the jets to the border with Russia or into Russian territory, because Moscow’s air defense systems will easily spot them and shoot them down.

But officials involved in the program said the aircraft will still provide a significant advantage for Kyiv, eventually. When Ukraine initially gets its F-16s and pilots, they will likely be able to fly only limited missions, for example, against drones and cruise missiles on the front lines, the former DOD official said. Once they get a full squadron worth of aircraft and pilots, it’s “completely realistic” to fly the F-16s to the border and shoot into Russia given the jet’s radar, targeting system and missiles — all of which are superior to Ukraine’s Soviet-era fleet. But at this rate, Ukraine won’t have a full squadron of trained pilots until the end of 2025, the former official said.

Another issue is the weapons the planes will be carrying.

Ukrainians plan to use the jets to knock down Russian cruise and ballistic missiles fired toward Ukrainian infrastructure and civilian targets.

Those missions require precise air-to-air missiles that belong to the U.S. and dozens of NATO allies. Many of those countries are hesitant to part with their expensive weapons, one NATO official said.

The production capacity for the AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile, made by RTX, has increased from around 500-800 per year to over 1,000, company officials said last year, in order to keep with demand. Ukraine has already used an older version of the missile with the ground-based National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System to hit Russian missiles.

But the worry from capitals is that the new requests from Kyiv could begin to put a strain on countries’ stocks, and talks among alliance members are looking at who might be able to part with their missiles, and how many, and when, the official said.

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Spama topiks
09. Jun 2024, 17:56 #43044

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28422

Braucu ar: wv

ja taisnība

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
09. Jun 2024, 18:05 #43045

Kopš: 11. Feb 2004

Ziņojumi: 4000

Braucu ar: e53 is; Simply cleveri; Honda XL

09 Jun 2024, 17:56:07 @Lafter rakstīja:
ja taisnība

Ukraiņi laidīs savus kabus un fabus? Katrā gadījumā kautko labāku, vai es pareizi sapratu?
09. Jun 2024, 18:08 #43046

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28422

Braucu ar: wv

"While damage assessment is still occurring, it is confirmed as a direct hit,"
A Ukrainian warplane has for the first time fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia, a Ukrainian military source

The source said a "Russian command node" was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod, western Russia.

Belgorod is close to the border with northeastern Ukraine.

It was not immediately clear what type of munition was used in the attack, including whether or not it had been a Western weapon.

The United States and France recently said the Ukrainian armed forces were permitted to use their arms to strike military targets inside Russia - from where Russian forces are launching attacks against Ukraine.

Under new guidance approved by President Joe Biden, American munitions can be used on Russian soil to help defend the city of Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine.

Lord Cameron, the UK foreign secretary, has been less specific, merely saying it was up to Ukraine to decide how they use British weapons - such as Storm Shadow cruise missiles that can be fired by Ukrainian jets.'Direct hit'

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the military source told Sky News: "A Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) mission has struck a Russian command node in Belgorod.

"Whilst damage assessment is still occurring, it is confirmed as a direct hit. This is the first UAF air-delivered munition delivered against a target within Russia."

Ukraine has launched multiple drone strikes deep into Russian territory. But the use of a warplane to strike targets inside Russia could be seen by Moscow as a new escalation.

The Russian defence ministry said its forces had shot down a number of Ukrainian drones in the Belgorod region. It was not clear whether this was part of the same assault.The Ukrainian military source also said that on Saturday evening, Ukrainian forces conducted a "coordinated strike" against a Russian landing ship that had recently moved to the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea.

The vessel has become the fifth of seven Ropucha-class landing ships to be sunk or "rendered unserviceable" by Ukrainian attacks, the source said.

"This successful strike shows the Russians they cannot operate with freedom either in the Black Sea or eastward," the source added.

The Russian military uses such ships to ferry ammunition and supplies to the occupied city of Mariupol for onward transit to the frontline, according to the source.

"By thwarting Russian shipments of ammunition and key military supplies this strike will directly support Ukrainian troops in their ongoing fight," the source said.

Stealth jet targeted in separate strike 400 miles from frontline

Separately, Kyiv's main military intelligence service said its forces had hit an ultra-modern Russian warplane stationed on an air base nearly 400 miles from the frontline, the Associated Press (AP) news agency reported.

It was not immediately clear what weapons were used, but the airfield's distance from Ukraine suggests it was likely hit by drones.

If confirmed, it would mark Ukraine's first known successful strike on a Su-57 fighter plane, AP added.

That is a twin-engine stealth fighter described as Moscow's most advanced military aircraft.

The details of the latest Ukrainian strikes come after AP, quoting a US senator and a Western official, reported on Wednesday that Ukraine had used US weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days.

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Spama topiks
09. Jun 2024, 18:09 #43047

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28422

Braucu ar: wv

09 Jun 2024, 18:05:47 @e34 rakstīja:

09 Jun 2024, 17:56:07 @Lafter rakstīja:
ja taisnība

Ukraiņi laidīs savus kabus un fabus? Katrā gadījumā kautko labāku, vai es pareizi sapratu?

Pareizi saprati. Jau pēc pāris nedēļām būs ,,testi,,

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
09. Jun 2024, 18:35 #43048

Kopš: 14. Aug 2008

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 11175

Braucu ar: X5 , Jeep, Tuareg, L200, Jumper,Master ,Transit, Stralis x2, Volvo FL, Atego, Deu

09 Jun 2024, 17:45:22 @Samsasi rakstīja:

09 Jun 2024, 17:10:41 @Locis rakstīja:

09 Jun 2024, 11:37:19 @Samsasi rakstīja:

08 Jun 2024, 21:44:18 @s13 rakstīja:
Viņus apēd? Tu gribēji teikt -mūs?

Nu izklausās riebīgi, bet viņi uz kādu laiku būtu aizņemti ar Ukrainas apgūšanu un mums tomēr atkal būtu laiks sagatavoties.

Bet nu lasot viņu ziņas, liekas ka ir divas Ukrainas.

Nevajag piepisties ļaudim,kuru valstī notiek kaut kas tāds ,kas murgos tev nerādās.

ko nozīmē nevajag piepisties? atver acis.

Es vispār nesaku,ka tā nav ,uz ko tad man atvert acis ?
Es tikai tā pie sevim,padomaju ka mums ir paveicies ,ka neesam viņu vietā ,un kopsummā ar to pa kreisi notirgo dzipu un nāsi ierauto piķi,viņi tāpat ir daudz sudigaka situācija kā mēs. Man personīgi nav žēl,ja no manis saziedotā,kādam Ukrainim kaut kads vēl savs labums pie visa tā jebatorija kas viņiem tagad ir jāpiedzīvo ,tikai pie nosacījuma ,ja dēļ tā kādam kaut kas netrūkst kur tiešām vajag. Neidzilinajos sludinājuma,bet vai tur tas varētu atspoguļoties,vai no notirgota dzipa līdzekļi ,neaiziet piemeram drona iegādei? Pieņemsim ,ja viņiem kāda brīdī tie dzipi tik kritiski netrukst ka droni,neredzu neko nosodošu.
Katrā ziņā ,acis man nav jāatver ,jo kaut vai lasot šo topiku,esmu kursa par tur esošo diezgan jaudigo korupciju un zagšanu.

P.s hiluxam cena kapeikas ,+- drona vērtībā kādus Slaidiņš viņiem sūta

[ Šo ziņu laboja Locis, 09 Jun 2024, 18:37:45 ]

09. Jun 2024, 18:59 #43049

Kopš: 01. May 2023

Ziņojumi: 1026

Braucu ar: BMW 530i, VW Passat 2.0TDI, AR Giulia 2.0T

Katrs 5. sludinājums ir puse no tirgus cenas, bet tas tāpēc, lai dronu nopirktu Un hotdogus un kafijas pa ceļu uz fronti braucot. Tik nelaime, ka tie frontē visdrīzāk sēž frontē, kur nav laika braukāt atrādīt ziedotos džipus Bļe, Loci, man liekas mēs esam viena vecuma, bet tu esi tik naivs, ka prieks
09. Jun 2024, 19:00 #43050

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

Nu par to Hilux sludinājumu, ja kādam ir interese, var tak uzzvanīt un paprasīt čopačom.

Bet nu slava Ukrainai!

P.s. Loci, Dobeles vidusskolai sen jau varavīksnes logo?

[ Šo ziņu laboja Samsasi, 09 Jun 2024, 19:07:23 ]

09. Jun 2024, 20:06 #43051

Kopš: 21. Feb 2005

Ziņojumi: 3438

Braucu ar:

09 Jun 2024, 19:00:36 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu par to Hilux sludinājumu, ja kādam ir interese, var tak uzzvanīt un paprasīt čopačom.

Bet nu slava Ukrainai!

P.s. Loci, Dobeles vidusskolai sen jau varavīksnes logo?

Neceļ un arī neatzvana
09. Jun 2024, 20:28 #43052

Kopš: 01. May 2023

Ziņojumi: 1026

Braucu ar: BMW 530i, VW Passat 2.0TDI, AR Giulia 2.0T

Un huļi viņam celt kaut kādiem antiņiem ar svešiem numuriem? Un atzvanīt pa dārgo, lai tur 99% gadījumu dzirdētu rusņas draudus vai 1% gadījumu kādu reindžeri
09. Jun 2024, 21:09 #43053

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

Nu ko, krievu provokācija?
09. Jun 2024, 21:16 #43054

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

09 Jun 2024, 20:28:48 @martins_usars rakstīja:
Un huļi viņam celt kaut kādiem antiņiem ar svešiem numuriem? Un atzvanīt pa dārgo, lai tur 99% gadījumu dzirdētu rusņas draudus vai 1% gadījumu kādu reindžeri

Tu ieliec tirgot auto, arī ceļ tikai pazīstamiem numuriem?
09. Jun 2024, 21:40 #43055

Kopš: 01. May 2023

Ziņojumi: 1026

Braucu ar: BMW 530i, VW Passat 2.0TDI, AR Giulia 2.0T

09 Jun 2024, 21:16:09 @Samsasi rakstīja:

09 Jun 2024, 20:28:48 @martins_usars rakstīja:
Un huļi viņam celt kaut kādiem antiņiem ar svešiem numuriem? Un atzvanīt pa dārgo, lai tur 99% gadījumu dzirdētu rusņas draudus vai 1% gadījumu kādu reindžeri

Tu ieliec tirgot auto, arī ceļ tikai pazīstamiem numuriem?

tu dzīvo Ukrainā, valstī, kur notiek karš. tirgo auto, kurš atrodas valstī, kur norisinās aktīva karadarbība. tev zvana numurs no nārnijas. tu pacel jo...? kā pie tevis tiks pircējs? kā viņš to auto dabūs ārā no valsts? ceļ tikai ukraiņu numurus, ko pareizi dara arī appisējus interesē nauda, nevis pliki kādu uzmest par spīti vien. naudu reāli ir dabūt no vietējā ukraiņa, kurš zvanīs ar vietējo simkarti, lai par 3000 dolāru, kā 90mito filmās, turpat uz vietas skaidrā naudā savāktu pepelacu ar visiem LT numuriem. letiņš zvanīs un pisīs smadzenes, iespējams čiepstēs slafa ukraini, tā vietā, lai naudu dotu galu galā, ja valstī ar 30 miljoniem iedzīvotāju un jauniem luxury auto pašā galvaspilsētas sirdī nesanāk droniem par $3200, tad tas ir tikai laika jautājums kad karš tiks zaudēts, nevis vai. bezpreģels nav ilgtspējīgs jeb sustainable
09. Jun 2024, 21:48 #43056

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

viņš jau neteica, ka zvanīja no sava nārnijas nummura...
09. Jun 2024, 22:06 #43057

Kopš: 01. May 2023

Ziņojumi: 1026

Braucu ar: BMW 530i, VW Passat 2.0TDI, AR Giulia 2.0T

ja zvanīja no vietējā, tad visu cieņu. tur jāzvana katram mutnajam sludinājumam, jo papētot grupu esmu bišķi ahujā. B6 pastēte 2.0tdi pa 7k doļi, bet hilux pa 3? vietējiem sludinājumiem parasti ir milzīgas cenas, kamēr dāvinātajiem ir lētucis.
09. Jun 2024, 22:16 #43058

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4371

Braucu ar:

09 Jun 2024, 22:06:39 @martins_usars rakstīja:
ja zvanīja no vietējā, tad visu cieņu.

nu es tā būtu darījis...
10. Jun 2024, 00:14 #43059

Kopš: 19. Feb 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2528

Braucu ar: kuģi pa bruģi.

Полковник армии США подтвердила, что с помощью ЗРК Patriot ВСУ сбили российский ДРЛО А-50 в январе 2024

96-я бригада ПВО Украины на защите Киева, имеет на вооружении ЗРК Patriot, NASAMS, IRIS-T, С-300, С-125, Gepard и Avengers

Чтобы Patriot мог поражать баллистические ракеты, вокруг него должны быть другие системы для поражения целей

"Некоторые из них используются для защиты статических объектов критической инфраструктуры, другие перемещаются и делают некоторые действительно исторические вещи. Один из них — SAMbush - "воздушная засада", когда комплексы ПВО перемещались на самые передние края. Так был поражен первый ДРЛО А-50 в январе"

Аналогично был сбит СУ-27 вдоль российской границы в ходе одной из первых SAMbush

С украинскими военными сначала проводили тренировки. Немецкие инструкторы будили батарею посреди ночи, отдавали приказ выдвигаться на огневую позицию, вести воздушный бой и далее снова удаляться

Офицеру, сбившему первый российский "Кинжал" (по кодификации НАТО AS-24 Killjoy), было 23 года

[ Šo ziņu laboja Kasics, 10 Jun 2024, 00:16:34 ]

10. Jun 2024, 00:34 #43060

Kopš: 19. Feb 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2528

Braucu ar: kuģi pa bruģi.

08 Jun 2024, 17:26:23 @Lafter rakstīja:
Interesants raksts. Par tagadējās krievijas ,,mobilizēto,, likteņiem.

Nožēlojama tauta- ķerpilas. Drīzāk aizbrauks uz fronti nomirt vai pārgriezīs sev vēnas nekā sacelsies pret savu caru. Viņi nekad brīvi nav bijuši un nebūs.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Kasics, 10 Jun 2024, 01:32:34 ]


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