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Tēma: E46 īpašnieku topiks II

27. Dec 2010, 21:47 #4301

Kopš: 12. Apr 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 59

Braucu ar: E46 330ci 00" / E36 316ti 00" / E53 06"

27 Dec 2010, 21:30:03 zhuupa rakstīja:
Kas par triku varētu būt, ka vibrē stūre pie maziem ātrumiem pēc iedarbināšanas, pēc tam nekas nav līdz nākamajai reizei O-o

Gan jau ka diski piedzīti ar sniegu un normals atsvars sasalis ta pate problema, jākasa ārā.
27. Dec 2010, 21:53 #4302

Kopš: 28. Sep 2010

No: Viļāni

Ziņojumi: 2295

Braucu ar: Fiat Multipla

Oki, gaidām atkusni vai pavasari
27. Dec 2010, 23:46 #4303

Kopš: 15. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 10080

Braucu ar: F30 ‘19

ja diski pilni ar sniegu/ledu un savas siltas garāžas nav, tad jābrauc uz Stokamana stāvvietu un pašam uz kino jāiet. pa to laiku atkusīs viss
28. Dec 2010, 18:24 #4304

Kopš: 11. Jun 2010

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: foršu bembuku

* kapēc tahometrs, kad pat atslēga nav aizdedzē, rāda apm 0,6 apgriezienus?

* kas pie vainas, ka citreiz no 4 loga apšļakstītājiem tikai 1 šļaksta vai neviens nešļaksta, bet, kad pārstartē/pa jaunam piedarbina mašīnu, atkal visi 4 strādā
28. Dec 2010, 21:12 #4305

Kopš: 17. Sep 2010

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 98

Braucu ar: 320D 2004 Tourings

27 Dec 2010, 18:07:47 Fermeris rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 17:39:20 user rakstīja:

ticamākais, ka nestrādā tie dačiki. Ieslēdzot auto lampas paceļas, bet nolaižas uz avarijas režīmu, tobiš uz zemi.

vot man tā pati huiņa.. kad uznāca ziema sākās!! - tuvie baigi zemē skatās.. vienreiz jau mainīju dačiku, kas priekšā pielabā rata.. moš atkal

Kads var pateikt kur tas dačiks tieši atrodas? Un varbūt kāds zin tā dačika kodu?

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fermeris, 28 Dec 2010, 21:12:48 ]

28. Dec 2010, 21:19 #4306

Kopš: 18. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6582

Braucu ar: M6 f13

27 Dec 2010, 18:07:47 Fermeris rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 17:39:20 user rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 13:10:26 Horacijs_Keins rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 12:45:38 labaiss rakstīja:
Kas varetu but par lietu,ka tuvas un talas gaismas, respektivi,prieksejie lukturi skataas zemee. Visu laiku viss bija normali, bet kaut kad konstateju,ka vairs nav taa kaa agraak. Nekadas darbibas ap lukturiem, un citam lietam neesmu veicis. Automatiskais korektors arii straadaa (to var redzet iesledzot lukturus) . Luktiri ar ksenonu. gads 04'...
Kads var dot kadu padomu..?

ticamākais, ka nestrādā tie dačiki. Ieslēdzot auto lampas paceļas, bet nolaižas uz avarijas režīmu, tobiš uz zemi.

vot man tā pati huiņa.. kad uznāca ziema sākās!! - tuvie baigi zemē skatās.. vienreiz jau mainīju dačiku, kas priekšā pielabā rata.. moš atkal

bļēdj, man tas pats
ir kaut kadi 3 gab tie dat4iki lietoti pa 20ls
30. Dec 2010, 11:48 #4307

Kopš: 03. Jan 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2790

Braucu ar: A220, 135iS, X5, Z4

ir kads ,kurs ir skatijies tas apsleptas funkcijas un saprot ko var ar 15. funkciju izdariit?
15 Status cluster I/O-ports (bit codes) 0=low; 1=high
1st-belt contact, seat belt fastened=0; 2) ignition lock contact, key inserted=0; 3) door contact, door open=0; 4) clock button pressed=0; 5) SI reset=0, for reset=0; 6) EGS transmission failure=0
Status Digital Outputs (bits) 0=inactive, 1=active
1) Gong output; 2) Brake warning lamp; 3) Low fuel warning lamp; 4) EGA lamp; 5) seat belt lamp; 6) manipulation dot
16 Not used
30. Dec 2010, 12:02 #4308

Kopš: 02. Mar 2004

Ziņojumi: 40692

Braucu ar: E46 M3 / C5X

27 Dec 2010, 17:48:13 user rakstīja:
bet ziemā vismaz var padriftēt - vasarai bloķi vajag un vismaz m3 motoru

Vajag macet, ar to pasu vienriteni un 3.0 var tiiri labi pagazet. To pasu 333 no vienas vietas gandriz.. tikai ne taisnos gabalos, jo nu entos parmetienus uztaisit ir loti gruuti, lai neteiktu ka pat nereali.

Ja netici, pavasari nodemonstresu

Un tur pat 3.0 nevajag.. ar to pasu 2.5 pietiks.
30. Dec 2010, 12:21 #4309

Kopš: 14. May 2002

Ziņojumi: 13585

Braucu ar:

28 Dec 2010, 21:19:21 MAXixt rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 18:07:47 Fermeris rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 17:39:20 user rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 13:10:26 Horacijs_Keins rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 12:45:38 labaiss rakstīja:
Kas varetu but par lietu,ka tuvas un talas gaismas, respektivi,prieksejie lukturi skataas zemee. Visu laiku viss bija normali, bet kaut kad konstateju,ka vairs nav taa kaa agraak. Nekadas darbibas ap lukturiem, un citam lietam neesmu veicis. Automatiskais korektors arii straadaa (to var redzet iesledzot lukturus) . Luktiri ar ksenonu. gads 04'...
Kads var dot kadu padomu..?

ticamākais, ka nestrādā tie dačiki. Ieslēdzot auto lampas paceļas, bet nolaižas uz avarijas režīmu, tobiš uz zemi.

vot man tā pati huiņa.. kad uznāca ziema sākās!! - tuvie baigi zemē skatās.. vienreiz jau mainīju dačiku, kas priekšā pielabā rata.. moš atkal

bļēdj, man tas pats
ir kaut kadi 3 gab tie dat4iki lietoti pa 20ls

Manā gadījumā visi datčiki bija ok, bet lukturi rādīja zemē, ejot tehnisko palaimējās labs inspektors, kas pats mehāniski noregulēja (pagriežot reg skrūvī)
30. Dec 2010, 12:24 #4310

Kopš: 03. Jan 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2790

Braucu ar: A220, 135iS, X5, Z4

30 Dec 2010, 12:21:24 Bosnija rakstīja:

28 Dec 2010, 21:19:21 MAXixt rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 18:07:47 Fermeris rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 17:39:20 user rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 13:10:26 Horacijs_Keins rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 12:45:38 labaiss rakstīja:
Kas varetu but par lietu,ka tuvas un talas gaismas, respektivi,prieksejie lukturi skataas zemee. Visu laiku viss bija normali, bet kaut kad konstateju,ka vairs nav taa kaa agraak. Nekadas darbibas ap lukturiem, un citam lietam neesmu veicis. Automatiskais korektors arii straadaa (to var redzet iesledzot lukturus) . Luktiri ar ksenonu. gads 04'...
Kads var dot kadu padomu..?

ticamākais, ka nestrādā tie dačiki. Ieslēdzot auto lampas paceļas, bet nolaižas uz avarijas režīmu, tobiš uz zemi.

vot man tā pati huiņa.. kad uznāca ziema sākās!! - tuvie baigi zemē skatās.. vienreiz jau mainīju dačiku, kas priekšā pielabā rata.. moš atkal

bļēdj, man tas pats
ir kaut kadi 3 gab tie dat4iki lietoti pa 20ls

Manā gadījumā visi datčiki bija ok, bet lukturi rādīja zemē, ejot tehnisko palaimējās labs inspektors, kas pats mehāniski noregulēja (pagriežot reg skrūvī)

Tur tak nav nekas mehaniski jaregulee! tie regulejas elektroniski.!! Pirms mainīt to deveju, vajag zinat kapec tas nestraadaa? Kur tiesi vini atrodas? kada saistiba tam ir ar ziemu? Man ari tiesi sakoties ziemai tie lukturi ari saaka skatities zemee. Nez sniegs tos kaut kaa var aizķert?

[ Šo ziņu laboja labaiss, 30 Dec 2010, 12:25:18 ]

30. Dec 2010, 13:45 #4311

Kopš: 02. Aug 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2194

Braucu ar: TFSI

arī ksenona lukturiem regulējas augstums manuāli! atveriet motora pārsegus un palūriet
30. Dec 2010, 13:55 #4312

Kopš: 18. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6582

Braucu ar: M6 f13

30 Dec 2010, 12:24:07 labaiss rakstīja:

30 Dec 2010, 12:21:24 Bosnija rakstīja:

28 Dec 2010, 21:19:21 MAXixt rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 18:07:47 Fermeris rakstīja:

27 Dec 2010, 17:39:20 user rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 13:10:26 Horacijs_Keins rakstīja:

23 Dec 2010, 12:45:38 labaiss rakstīja:
Kas varetu but par lietu,ka tuvas un talas gaismas, respektivi,prieksejie lukturi skataas zemee. Visu laiku viss bija normali, bet kaut kad konstateju,ka vairs nav taa kaa agraak. Nekadas darbibas ap lukturiem, un citam lietam neesmu veicis. Automatiskais korektors arii straadaa (to var redzet iesledzot lukturus) . Luktiri ar ksenonu. gads 04'...
Kads var dot kadu padomu..?

ticamākais, ka nestrādā tie dačiki. Ieslēdzot auto lampas paceļas, bet nolaižas uz avarijas režīmu, tobiš uz zemi.

vot man tā pati huiņa.. kad uznāca ziema sākās!! - tuvie baigi zemē skatās.. vienreiz jau mainīju dačiku, kas priekšā pielabā rata.. moš atkal

bļēdj, man tas pats
ir kaut kadi 3 gab tie dat4iki lietoti pa 20ls

Manā gadījumā visi datčiki bija ok, bet lukturi rādīja zemē, ejot tehnisko palaimējās labs inspektors, kas pats mehāniski noregulēja (pagriežot reg skrūvī)

Tur tak nav nekas mehaniski jaregulee! tie regulejas elektroniski.!! Pirms mainīt to deveju, vajag zinat kapec tas nestraadaa? Kur tiesi vini atrodas? kada saistiba tam ir ar ziemu? Man ari tiesi sakoties ziemai tie lukturi ari saaka skatities zemee. Nez sniegs tos kaut kaa var aizķert?
uz. pr plaukta kreisaja puse, brauc uz diagnostiku un zinasi kas un ko ps ja ieksh e46 kaut kas elektronisks nestrada vispirms jaubrauc uz diagnostiku!
30. Dec 2010, 15:40 #4313

Kopš: 06. Dec 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1002

Braucu ar:

cik jums sanak biezi mainit puteklu aizsarggumijas amisiem? man gads nav pagajis un jau jamaina atkal
30. Dec 2010, 17:05 #4314

Kopš: 24. May 2002

No: Sigulda

Ziņojumi: 3104

Braucu ar: Puf-puf

30 Dec 2010, 11:48:46 labaiss rakstīja:
ir kads ,kurs ir skatijies tas apsleptas funkcijas un saprot ko var ar 15. funkciju izdariit?

Izdarīt tur neko nevar, var tikai apskatīties vērtības pa bitiem.

30. Dec 2010, 17:54 #4315

Kopš: 19. Apr 2007

Ziņojumi: 268

Braucu ar: nav ar ko

30 Dec 2010, 12:02:31 Deivid rakstīja:

Vajag macet, ar to pasu vienriteni un 3.0 var tiiri labi pagazet. To pasu 333 no vienas vietas gandriz.. tikai ne taisnos gabalos, jo nu entos parmetienus uztaisit ir loti gruuti, lai neteiktu ka pat nereali.

Ja netici, pavasari nodemonstresu

Un tur pat 3.0 nevajag.. ar to pasu 2.5 pietiks.

vot sito gan es gribeetu redzeet es tev veel bendzu ielieshu
30. Dec 2010, 17:55 #4316

Kopš: 19. Feb 2007

Ziņojumi: 15715

Braucu ar:

kas pa funkcijam????

30. Dec 2010, 18:30 #4317

Kopš: 03. Jan 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2790

Braucu ar: A220, 135iS, X5, Z4

30 Dec 2010, 17:55:36 6500 rakstīja:
kas pa funkcijam????

1. When the temperature drops below 37 F degrees, the car beeps to let you know to watch out for icy roads. Also, the rear defroster comes on.
2. You can read the odometer with the car off; all you have to do is press the needle on the left.
3. When car is off, hit the volume knob on the radio the radio turns on (it only works with 02 decks)
4. There is a "secret" compartment underneath my car's armrest and a Coin box in center console.
5. There is a trunk release right above the hood release (not on all cars)
6. There is an exterior trunk release above the license plate and under the ledge.
7. There is flashlight in the glove box.
8. There are amber lights that shine on the center console.
9. You can change radio station on the steering wheel by holding up/down button longer to scan to next station rather than preset ones.
Interior lights can be turn off when you open/close door or shut the engine down.
10. The two knobs on the center control panel are to reset the short trip mileage and the other one is for changing the time on the clock and changing the time from army time (24 hour time) to normal time. And you could also switch the temperature display both on the dash and on the climate control between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
11. You may be able to auto-roll down of windows from the remote control. Another way is to put the key in the door handle and turn to the unlock position and hold it there. This will also open and close the moon roof or put a convertible top down.
12. If you push the unlock button on the remote once it will unlock the driver door, for ‘02s if you push the unlock button on the remote twice it will unlock all the doors…then once all that is done.... push and hold the unlock button on the remote the windows will start to roll down... then the sunroof will open too.
13. If you hit the 'counter reset button' with the ignition in position 2 (or very quickly when you start your car), then it will show you when you are due to change your brake fluid!
14. There is also a first aid kit under the passengers seat.
15. There is a compartment by your leg when you are in the drivers seat. The compartment is on your left if in a LHD, and on your right if in RHD (located next to your knee).
16. The safety strip along each window and sunroof that detects obstructions and retracts them. (Along with a timer that prevents the motors from burning out if in use too long).
17. The OEM side mirrors are designed with slats and ridges to reduce wind noise.
18. The airbag system is 2 stage deployable depending on if the seat belts are latched. If there is no passenger, that front airbag wont even go off to save repair costs. (Along with the explosive seatbelt tensioners).
19. The radio, sunroof, and other "ignition" triggered accessories are available for a period of time after the car is turned off until a door is opened.
20. The fact that the car goes into "sleep" mode after 16 minutes of inactivity to reduce battery drain and eliminate dead batteries from "left on" accessories (lights, etc).
21. The suspension is designed to limit body dive under hard braking, instead the entire chassis dives evenly for stability.
22. The A/C compressor has a variable displacement thrust plate to eliminate the shock load of compressor cycling and use varies depending on need and load.
23. Flashing the high beams after ignition is turned off will leave the headlamps on for a preset amount of time for security while parking the vehicle.
24. The Keyless Entry system utilizes antennae in the rear window, change key codes every time, will deactivate keys if a key is pressed too many times without response from the car, the key recharges while in the ignition switch, and they store all sorts of presets, from seat positions to IHKA control settings.
25. The radio remembers the settings separate for each input. (E.g., CD input can have the bass/treble/balance/fade settings different from the F.M. radio)
26. Left Side Mirror will tilt in reverse (check to make sure your mirror selection switch is in center or left position to use this feature)
Door locks that engage when you go 8 Miles per hour (Dealer need to turn this feature on).

27. As some of you may know, the BMW On-Board Computer (OBC) holds more functions than is documented, including a very nice instrument panel test. I managed to get a lot of this information from the web, but it was far from complete. Subsequently I asked my dealer for the missing info, but they could not provide the complete list either. Following is a list for the items I could find, they work in my car (E46 323i). I gather most of them also work in the E36 models. Who can tell what the missing entries represent (especially functions
9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 which are very mysterious)?

Instructions to access the hidden OBC functions:
1. Hold Trip Reset while turning ignition key to on position
2. OBC should show "Test"
3. Use Trip Reset to select function 19.0 that unlocks all the features
3. Wait for display to show "Off"
4. Depress Trip Reset for 1/4 second and release it
5. With no delay press Trip Reset several times to select one of the following function s

BMW E46 On-Board Computer (OBC) Hidden Codes
nr example description
1 Car Engine and cluster data
1.0 46nnn Chassis nr/VIN serial number (last 5 digits)
1.1 4nnn K-number
1.2 690236 Cluster Part #
1.3 045210 Coding (04)/diagnosis (52)/bus index (10)
1.4 1200 Week (12)/year of manufacture (2000)
1.5 09_160 Hardware (09) and software # (16.0) of cluster
1.6 Not used
1.7 04__44 CAN-version (04) KI-revision index (44)
2 (test) Cluster System Test - Activates the gauge drivers,
indicators and LEDs to confirm function
3 SI Data
3.0 1098 Used fuel in liters since last SI (Service Inspection)
3.1 0231 Periodic inspection days; elapsed days (since last SI)
4 Momentary Consumption
4.0 0145+ Instant fuel consumption - 0145=14.5 liters/100km
4.1 0018 Instant fuel consumption - 0018=1.8 l/Hour
5 Distance Gone Consumption
5.0 082 Average mileage; 082=8.2 liters/100km
5.1 0536 Calc. km to refuel (momentary distance to go)
6 Fuel Level sensor inputs in liters
6.0 109330+ Fuel level averaged; Left half sensor input=10.9 liters; Right sensor input=33.0 liters
6.1 0439+ Total tank level averaged; vlgs 6.0: 10.9+33.0=43.9 liters
6.2 0442+ Indicated value (44.2) and tank phase
7 Temperature and Speed
7.0 021+ Coolant/Engine temperature (2.1C)
7.1 130 Ambient/Outside temperature - chg met 5 pts. 125/130/135
7.2 + Engine speed / Current RPMs 1/min
7.3 + Vehicle speed / Current Speed in km/hour
8 Input value in HEX form
8.0 1d0+ System voltage ADC-Value Hex code
8.1 26C33C+ ADC Values HG left/HG right
8.2 0000 ADC Value brake degradation sensor (000=o.k.)
8.3 18C ADC Value outside temperature
9 Battery
9.0 140 Battery Voltage - 140 = UB 14.0v
9.1 242013+?
9.2 074_78+?
9.3 0011+?
10 Not used
11 Not used
12 Not used
13 GonG Gong Test
14 Not used
15 Status cluster I/O-ports (bit codes) 0=low; 1=high
1st-belt contact, seat belt fastened=0; 2) ignition lock contact, key inserted=0; 3) door contact, door open=0; 4) clock button pressed=0; 5) SI reset=0, for reset=0; 6) EGS transmission failure=0
Status Digital Outputs (bits) 0=inactive, 1=active
1) Gong output; 2) Brake warning lamp; 3) Low fuel warning lamp; 4) EGA lamp; 5) seat belt lamp; 6) manipulation dot
16 Not used
17 Not used
18 Not used
19 Lock Status; unlocks functions in range 3-18
19.0 L-On/L-Off Unlock: press button when "L-Off"
20 Not used
21 Software Reset; reset OBC settings
00 End of test

28. Put your turn signal either on the left or right position, with no key in the ignition, close the door and walk away. What you will see is the front blinker, and rear turn signal stay lit. From what I read, it's supposed to be a feature to for people to see your car when it's parked at night in those really tight streets in Europe. This way no one accidentally drives into your car.
29. If you look on your roof, there will be two flaps on each side that are plastic and body colors. You can remove them and there is a little hole in each one that accepts the BMW Roof Rack.
30. Hold down the PTY button (this works, to my knowledge, on cars w/nav) and you will turn on AUTOPTY--it'll display the type of music station if the data is present. I think this works for RDS too.... that way, you don't have to keep pressing it when you switch to radio or change stations etc.
31. Change the Speed Sensitive Volume Ratio - E46 Business CD Head Unit:
Turn the radio off then on again. Don’t touch any button except the &#39;m&#39; button - the button you use to tune the radio frequency manually. Press and hold the &#39;m&#39; button for TEN seconds or until the display changes. It will then show the serial number of the unit. Normally when you press &#39;m&#39;, the display will reflect that by replacing &#39;ST&#39; (stereo tuning) with &#39;m&#39;. When holding the &#39;m&#39; button for this procedure, the display should not do this - you will continue to see &#39;ST&#39; for the ten seconds. Now if the display has changed, you are in a configure mode on the radio. If you press the &#39;>&#39; or &#39;<&#39; button you change modes. The mode you want will display as "GAL (1-6)". This mode allows you to adjust the speed-sensitive volume control. Use the radio preset buttons 1-6 to set the amount of volume change you want at speed. Setting 1 is the smallest change, 6 is the highest. I use 1 with the windows closed, and 5 when it&#39;s a nice enough day to drive with the windows open, which makes for a lot of ambient noise at speed. The car is so quiet with the windows closed that setting 1 is fine. Then turn the radio OFF to save the settings. Turn it back on; go for a drive to test it. The other semi-useful test mode will tell you the signal strength of any given station from 0 to 15 (highest). Use the preset buttons to change stations in the mode. This capability is probably used in the automatic tuning function in the radio.
32. The multiple &#39;auto heater/AC combinations at start-up&#39; memory options are nifty.
33. If you want to leave your windows down but have the alarm set, but not have to worry about the motion detector go off, you can arm you alarm by hitting the lock button, and then wait a second and hit the button again. You&#39;ll see the clown nose light up for a second, which means the motion detector is deactivated
34. If you flicker your high beams when the car is off, your xenons go on for 30 seconds to give u a lighted path to walk
35. If you have auto wipers, the headlights go on when the wipers activate, if on auto.
36. Where the spare tire is, next to the portable jack there is a wheel chock&#33;&#33;
37. In Euro delivery cars, there is a warning triangle in a blue plastic case that bolts to the left rear of the trunk and a first aid kit under the passenger seat.
38. Apparently "there&#39;s a cheat code in the software running the BMW M3&#39;s sequential manual gearbox (SMG). Press the right buttons in the right order and the car will launch you from a stop after revving the engine to 5,000 rpm". "But there is a catch. In Europe, where the feature isn&#39;t so hush-hush, doing more than 15 launches voids the car&#39;s warranty. Federal laws prohibit such stipulations here, so BMW has turned down the which. US-spec cars are programmed to wind to only 2,500 rpm. That&#39;s why you have to ask your dealer to install the European software. Most will happily oblige"

"For lucky drivers of this hot car, here&#39;s how: Switch of the stability system and select shift program six. Switch the engine to sport mode. With the hand shifter in drive, hold it in the downshift position and press the has pedal. The engine will rev to the preprogrammed rpm and hold. Now release the shifter. The car will launch forward violently and the engine&#39;s revs will climb quickly, so be prepared to up shift"
39. When you have your wipers on fast and medium (don’t know what you call it) Anyways if you come to a stop it&#39;ll go to intermittent
40. Want to know your odometer reading but no key... no problem. Just press the computer toggle button at the end of the turn signal lever. The computer read-out lights up with the odometer reading.
41. Everyone knows that the screwdriver in the tool kit is reversible.
42. When windshield wipers are going, and the a/c is on, regardless of the temp, warm air is coming out of the windshield defrost vent.
43. Holding down the DSC button to completely turn it off.
30. Dec 2010, 18:33 #4318

Kopš: 18. May 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6582

Braucu ar: M6 f13

30 Dec 2010, 15:40:19 archers330 rakstīja:
cik jums sanak biezi mainit puteklu aizsarggumijas amisiem? man gads nav pagajis un jau jamaina atkal
aizmugure ja mashina sedinata ar stok ammishiem var mainit 1 reizi nedela tapat ar beigtam ammishiem
30. Dec 2010, 22:57 #4319

Kopš: 03. Jan 2008

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2790

Braucu ar: A220, 135iS, X5, Z4

30 Dec 2010, 18:33:49 MAXixt rakstīja:

30 Dec 2010, 15:40:19 archers330 rakstīja:
cik jums sanak biezi mainit puteklu aizsarggumijas amisiem? man gads nav pagajis un jau jamaina atkal
aizmugure ja mashina sedinata ar stok ammishiem var mainit 1 reizi nedela tapat ar beigtam ammishiem

par kuru detalu iet runa?
30. Dec 2010, 23:01 #4320

Kopš: 20. Dec 2003

Ziņojumi: 64882

Braucu ar: Cincīti tumsā pa sausu tuneli


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