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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

14. Nov 2023, 21:02 #38561

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 16016

Braucu ar:
14. Nov 2023, 21:18 #38562

Kopš: 08. Jul 2015

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 230

Braucu ar: BMW 320d (E46)

14 Nov 2023, 19:23:55 @Lafter rakstīja:

14 Nov 2023, 17:38:10 @foobar rakstīja:


Nedaudz sagrozîts. Sit par narkatu. Divi bija ievilkuši- pārējie ,,pamēģinājušī,,
Sāli ple. Par to slāna. Ir divi video- šis ir viens no

Kas tad tur ar to 1.rotu, kura daudzi krita, jo racēji un 2 sitamie izrādīja gļēvulību?
14. Nov 2023, 21:22 #38563

Kopš: 20. Jan 2018

No: Salacgrīva

Ziņojumi: 5247

Braucu ar: Ātrumu, kas nogalina...

Ww2 spirtu arī pa kluso pirka frontes točkās pa naļiku
14. Nov 2023, 21:50 #38564

Kopš: 04. Jun 2002

Ziņojumi: 6032

Braucu ar: M57TU2D30

Nu tas, ka tāpat vien nesit ir skaidrs

Parasti jau ir otrādāk, alkohols, narkotikas (amfetamīns, hvz kas ir tas sāls ) padara kareivjus drosmīgākus...
14. Nov 2023, 22:04 #38565

Kopš: 29. Jun 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 9264

Braucu ar: Tenere 700 un Procaliber

aizvietoju karogus ar [valsts]
I imagine this may go unnoticed outside Poland, so I`d like to give heads up to all of you interested in the rather never officially undisclosed/confirmed circumstances around the beginning of the full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine from Polish perspective (mainly).

Just recently a book came out titled "Polska na wojnie" (eng. Poland at war) which is a mash up of interviews that the author (journalist Zbigniew Parafianowicz) made with several high ranking members of Polish government and presidential office, as well as army/special service officers, with some additional comments from their Ukrainian counterparts. They all remain anonymous, from obvious reasons, but the story checks out with what we`ve learned in the past.

Anyway, it surely made a splash here ([Poland]), because it's full of spicy details (for a Polish and possibly Ukrainian readers) but there are some, that may be interesting for everybody else.

The talk is about the onset of coming war and the following months and gives some very interesting insight into the backstage, and especially - Polish-Ukrainian relations and cooperation. Below a couple of quotes from the book as reference (throw it into google translator), but I`ll give you some of the interesting snippets:

1. [Poland]government was seriously concerned that Lukashenka will join the war, and was preparing a scenario in which anti-regime diversion groups would be sent to the [Belarus]army rear to wreck havoc. In the end, Lukashenka was so afraid himself, that through various channels made inquires to Warsaw, if they`d let him pass the border and then to fly away from the closest airport. He knew if things went south for him, Russians would not let him lift into his own airspace.

2. Polish special forces were securing Ukrainian delegates that were attending negotiations in Belarus (March 2022). They were escorting them in helicopters that landed on Belarusian soil and took them out when they were done. Also, by a coincidence (they were training [Ukraine]specials), Polish commando forces were present at the facility in Brovary (Kiyv suburbs), when the war erupted. They stayed on longer, gathering intel. A British unit is also reported doing the same.

3. Despite Russian propaganda, while Poland never even thought about using the opportunity to reclaim Lviv (Lwów), it remained a concern for Ukrainians. Warsaw told their partners - we will be with you till the end, as long as you keep on fighting. Together with the unconditional help that was immediately provided on many levels, it convinced Ukrainians about the sincerity of Polish intentions. As a side note: Dmytro Kuleba with his whole family (and dog) was received by his [Poland]counterpart - Zbigniew Rau at his private home, where they could wait out the critical time period. Similar proposals were made to [Ukraine]Danilov and Sybiha.

4. On the 25th of March brand new [Poland]Boeing 737-800 NG had an emergency landing while on the way to Jasionka (Rzeszów) to a meeting with president Biden. President Duda and gen. Andrzejczak were on board. The cause of near-death experience (how passengers described it) was a faulty trimmer which malfunctioned forcing the pilots to fight with the steering handles. Luckily the plane landed safely and the delegation quickly changed their plane to another one, continuing the trip. Nevertheless, at the time possible sabotage or assassination attempt was one of the probable causes that were being investigated.

5. Americans were convinced that Kyiv will fall within 3 days and prepared to evacuate 40k people, presumably apart from own [US]citizens, also whole Ukrainian political elite and establishment. Jake Sullivan was the most skeptical about Ukraine's chances, and argued about that with Jakub Kumoch (presidential secretary) who was convinced UA will prevail. Later on, from the same reasons US remained reluctant to provide additional help in the form of heavy equipment. Washington agreed for providing tanks after Biden-Duda meeting, which Warsaw insisted on doing asap (a batch of T72's followed soon afterwards paving the way), but they were still sending mixed signals about transfer of fighter jets. Warsaw wanted US on board, as it need it to be an allied effort in order to shield Poland from possible Russian retaliation.

In the end, Warsaw got tired US indecision and reluctance, and acted independently. Dismantled around 10 [Poland]MIG-29 fighter jets and left them in parts, in a forest belt near the border. Kyiv was notified about "ownerless" parts, which were then picked up and quickly assembled on the Ukrainian side of the border. That happened months(!) before the official transfer of jets in a larger international coalition.


There is more. A trip of Roman Abramovich through Poland and then to Turkey, that was supposed to be an attempt of reaching out to Russians through unofficial channels, or how Poland used specially created private companies to bypass bureaucracy when transferring military goods. It also has a significant chapter about why Polish-Ukrainian relations on the governmental level blossomed for a year, but then started to wither due to European power-politics, personal ego-trips and internal affairs in both countries. Particulary, chancellor Scholz and president Zelensky receive a bit of a whipping for their behavior.

Edit: Ah yes, I forgot the topic of rocket that fell on polish village of Przewodow, killing 2. All the gathered material (the rocket parts itself) indicate that it was indeed of Ukrainian origin. The stubborness with which Kiyv insisted it was [orki], despite no evidence was provided became one of the reasons why the relations cooled down.

But I will leave that and the rest of the book for you to find out.

[ Šo ziņu laboja DeeCee, 14 Nov 2023, 22:05:24 ]

16. Nov 2023, 12:37 #38566

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2017

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

Diezgan objektīvi.
16. Nov 2023, 12:48 #38567

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12115

Braucu ar:

16 Nov 2023, 12:37:13 @michals1 rakstīja:

Diezgan objektīvi.

diezgan huiņa "anonīmi avoti ziņo" stilā
16. Nov 2023, 13:27 #38568

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2017

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

16 Nov 2023, 12:48:38 @kexxx rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 12:37:13 @michals1 rakstīja:

Diezgan objektīvi.

diezgan huiņa "anonīmi avoti ziņo" stilā

Kas tieši ir huiņa?
16. Nov 2023, 13:31 #38569

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12115

Braucu ar:

16 Nov 2023, 13:27:02 @michals1 rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 12:48:38 @kexxx rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 12:37:13 @michals1 rakstīja:

Diezgan objektīvi.

diezgan huiņa "anonīmi avoti ziņo" stilā

Kas tieši ir huiņa?

teksts starp raksta virsrakstu un punktu tā beigās
jau pusotru gadu raksta, kā puķins tūlīt tūlīt nisprāgs un krievija nupat nupat sabruks, raķetes tūliņ tūliņ aptrūksies
un te līdzīgi, par kkādu mistisku konfliktu bla bla
16. Nov 2023, 13:38 #38570

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2017

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

Tātad amīšu palīdzība nav apsīkusi, ukraiņi milzu soļiem iet uz priekšu, atkarojot arvien vairāk teritorijas, drīz jau būs tikuši līdz vatestānai.....
16. Nov 2023, 13:51 #38571

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12115

Braucu ar:

16 Nov 2023, 13:38:33 @michals1 rakstīja:
Tātad amīšu palīdzība nav apsīkusi, ukraiņi milzu soļiem iet uz priekšu, atkarojot arvien vairāk teritorijas, drīz jau būs tikuši līdz vatestānai.....

tu tagad precīzi nocitēji otrus pamuļķus, kas cepj līdzīgus rakstus
oar apsīkušo palīdzību- varbūt ir precīzāki dati?
16. Nov 2023, 13:57 #38572

Kopš: 28. Jan 2011

Ziņojumi: 4841

Braucu ar: cieņu

Michelam atkal iekšā mītošais vatenis sāk līst ārā

[ Šo ziņu laboja Mikels, 16 Nov 2023, 13:57:33 ]

16. Nov 2023, 13:59 #38573

Kopš: 17. Apr 2019

No: Salaspils

Ziņojumi: 2017

Braucu ar: Pilnu ķerru uz taras punktu.Nekad un neko lēti netirgoju.Ja kādam vajag lēti-tas nav pie manis!

16 Nov 2023, 13:57:10 @Mikels rakstīja:
Michelam atkal iekšā mītošais vatenis sāk līst ārā

Ja Delfi ir vates propogandas rupors,tad tas ir jāaizver.
16. Nov 2023, 14:00 #38574

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3506

Braucu ar: kruīzu

16 Nov 2023, 13:51:23 @kexxx rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 13:38:33 @michals1 rakstīja:
Tātad amīšu palīdzība nav apsīkusi, ukraiņi milzu soļiem iet uz priekšu, atkarojot arvien vairāk teritorijas, drīz jau būs tikuši līdz vatestānai.....

tu tagad precīzi nocitēji otrus pamuļķus, kas cepj līdzīgus rakstus
oar apsīkušo palīdzību- varbūt ir precīzāki dati?

jā, Vācija nākamgad plāno dubultot militāro palīdzību

USA, jā, tur kaut kas kavējas sakarā ar budžeta pieņemšanu un vates atbalstītāju spīkera amatā, kas nedod izskatīt/balsot par palīdzību kongresā/senātā.

Te plašāk par Vācijas palīdzību sniegto un plānoto:

p.s. sākumā Vācija kaut ko minstinājās, bet nu jau ir otrais lielākais militārā aprīkojuma piegādātājs, tā kā apjoma dubultošana ir nozīmīgs solis

nu un vēl tie F16, kurus solīja Nīderlande, Dānija un kas tur vēl...

[ Šo ziņu laboja RaL, 16 Nov 2023, 14:09:24 ]

16. Nov 2023, 14:17 #38575

Kopš: 08. Feb 2010

Ziņojumi: 602

Braucu ar:

un kā tad ar 1mm 155mm lādiņiem ko EU apsolīja līdz nākamā gada Martam, no kuriem pagaidām ir piegādāti tikai 300k un labākajā gadījumā būs tikai vēl 180k?
16. Nov 2023, 14:18 #38576

Kopš: 12. Dec 2010

Ziņojumi: 12115

Braucu ar:

16 Nov 2023, 14:17:07 @esir rakstīja:
un kā tad ar 1mm 155mm lādiņiem ko EU apsolīja līdz nākamā gada Martam, no kuriem pagaidām ir piegādāti tikai 300k un labākajā gadījumā būs tikai vēl 180k?

viņi nepoegādā, jo negrib vai vnk nevar tik daudz saražot?
16. Nov 2023, 14:27 #38577

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13254

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

16 Nov 2023, 13:59:45 @michals1 rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 13:57:10 @Mikels rakstīja:
Michelam atkal iekšā mītošais vatenis sāk līst ārā

Ja Delfi ir vates propogandas rupors,tad tas ir jāaizver.

Tak paņem un aizver.

155k lādiņi ir atšķirīgi, t.i., US ražotie atšķirās ar pakojumu no Vācijā ražotiem un abi atšķirās no Spānijā ražotiem.

Pasen jau bija minēts, ka bija aizdirsti stobri un problēmas ar trajektorijām.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 16 Nov 2023, 14:28:34 ]

16. Nov 2023, 14:37 #38578

Kopš: 08. Feb 2010

Ziņojumi: 602

Braucu ar:

16 Nov 2023, 14:18:58 @kexxx rakstīja:

16 Nov 2023, 14:17:07 @esir rakstīja:
un kā tad ar 1mm 155mm lādiņiem ko EU apsolīja līdz nākamā gada Martam, no kuriem pagaidām ir piegādāti tikai 300k un labākajā gadījumā būs tikai vēl 180k?

viņi nepoegādā, jo negrib vai vnk nevar tik daudz saražot?

nav lādiņu, bet ja ir vēlme tad vienmēr var atrast risinājumu
solīt var daudz ko, tas ir tāpat kā palīdzēt ar "hope and prayers"
16. Nov 2023, 15:50 #38579

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28005

Braucu ar: wv

Izskatās, ka pat necenšās vairāk ražot. Munīciju utt. Francija tagad piešķīra ,,palīdzību,, ar noteikumu, ka tos virtuālos ciparus var izmantot tikai un vienīgi veicot pasūtījumus Francijā.
Tas, ka vatastāna atguvās, pakasīja pauri un sāka ražot visu! Pretēji prognozēm. Pat tas nestimulēja sākt ko darīt lietas labā. Ne eu, ne usa. Loģisks jautājums- kāpēc?

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 16 Nov 2023, 16:01:46 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
16. Nov 2023, 16:26 #38580

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13254

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Mana versija, jebanuccca kāda korupcija.

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo