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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

01. Apr 2022, 20:51 #30041

Kopš: 10. Feb 2009

No: Ogre

Ziņojumi: 176

Braucu ar: vissezonas miskasti

Nu ko.. diena pagājusi un tagad 100% skaidrs, ka Belgoroda nebij sarkanā karoga operācija, jo no krieva puses pilnīgs klusums. Jo krieva režīms vnk nedrīkst atzīt, ka specoperācijā iznīcinātais Ukrainas "fašists" nemirst. Kur nu vēl atzīt, ka "fašists" spēj aizstāvēties, bet pat vēljovairāk nedrīkst atzīt, ka "fašists" uzbruka un spējīgs uzbrukt varenajam krievam.

[ Šo ziņu laboja rudais, 01 Apr 2022, 22:00:52 ]

01. Apr 2022, 21:16 #30042

Kopš: 29. Aug 2012

No: Liepāja

Ziņojumi: 2268

Braucu ar: vienu radzi

NuHVZ, armijnieks ziņās teica ka visticamāk Provokācija
01. Apr 2022, 21:35 #30043

Kopš: 29. Jun 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 9264

Braucu ar: Tenere 700 un Procaliber

01 Apr 2022, 21:16:58 @piradzinjsh rakstīja:
NuHVZ, armijnieks ziņās teica ka visticamāk Provokācija

Rob Lee
I know many people think the attack on the oil storage depot in Belgorod was a false flag, but I think that is very unlikely. Sergei Shoigu said two days ago that the Ukrainian Air Force was "practically destroyed" and this attack shows the opposite.

Does Russia need a false flag event now? The pretexts they used before the invasion were very lazily done, and you would expect them to pick a target with civilians to claim it was terrorism. This was a legitimate military target with a reduced risk of civilian casualties. 2/
01. Apr 2022, 21:38 #30044

Kopš: 10. Feb 2009

No: Ogre

Ziņojumi: 176

Braucu ar: vissezonas miskasti

Ukrainas provokācija
Tagad krievam jāsāk domāt un iespringt arī par aizsardzību. Plus vēl jāturpina menedžēt pilnībā izgāzies uzbrukums.
01. Apr 2022, 21:52 #30045

Kopš: 13. May 2017

Ziņojumi: 1234

Braucu ar: T@C- R6 un citiem

Sitani sakara huilam jebkura gadijuma dibens ja pateiks ka ta ir Ukr uzbrukums tad visi nirgs,principa jau nirdz par to ka kur tad ir ta vinu izsleveta gaisa aizsardziba Ja atklasies ka ta ir vinu pasu veidota provokacija tad veljovairak visi nirgs
02. Apr 2022, 10:21 #30046

Kopš: 29. Jun 2007

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 9264

Braucu ar: Tenere 700 un Procaliber


#Ukraine: During the retreat from areas near #Kyiv, a Russian T-72 tank was claimed to have hit another Russian BMP, in a case of friendly fire, seen here from a UA-operated drone.

However, we cannot verify precisely to whom the BMP belonged.
02. Apr 2022, 11:43 #30047

Kopš: 04. Jun 2002

Ziņojumi: 6033

Braucu ar: M57TU2D30

Par pļūtinu!
03. Apr 2022, 10:37 #30048

Kopš: 16. Jun 2007

Ziņojumi: 9596

Braucu ar: quattro

03. Apr 2022, 10:57 #30049

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6641

Braucu ar: E34

Apskatījos kartē. Kijeva nesanāca, tagad ar īpašu centību grauj visas pilsētas pēc kārtas.
Iedomājoties nākotni, pufaikas ir izdzītas pilnībā no UA. Bet Izraēlas-Palestīnas variants pastāv tik ilgi, kamēr Maskava nav nolīdzināta līdz ar zemi.
03. Apr 2022, 11:06 #30050

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4288

Braucu ar:

Ir skaidrs, ka kamēr maskavas vietā nebūs bumbu bedre, tikmēr nekas neatrisinasies. Krieviju vajag iznīcināt un krievus iespundēt aiz dzelzs aizkara, krievijā. Visi, kuri ir eiropā, tos arī pec pozitīva vates testa sūtit mājās.
03. Apr 2022, 11:37 #30051

Kopš: 14. Sep 2004

Ziņojumi: 249

Braucu ar: 87’ Audi 100

03. Apr 2022, 12:16 #30052

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9187

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

03 Apr 2022, 10:37:08 @Belluuns rakstīja:


Loģiski, nekas nav mainījies pa 100 gadiem. Ja viņi nāks šeit, tad būs tas pats. Īpaši powera zieda vecuma vīrieši tiks nošauti pakausī, spīdzināti. Sievas izvarotas Tie kas paliks dzīvi tiks mesti pēc tam frontē kā gaļa vai sibīrija. Irpeņas bildes pameklējiet ...

[ Šo ziņu laboja kkas, 03 Apr 2022, 12:17:34 ]

03. Apr 2022, 12:19 #30053

Kopš: 11. Dec 2002

Ziņojumi: 163727

Braucu ar: E95

Pa kādiem 100 gadiem, Gurzijā un Čečenijā tak bija līdzīgi

03. Apr 2022, 12:28 #30054

Kopš: 22. Apr 2008

Ziņojumi: 9187

Braucu ar: zviedru ledusskapi

Visur ir tā bijis, arī Donbasā, tikai neviens par to tā arī neuzzināja.
03. Apr 2022, 13:31 #30055

Kopš: 01. Mar 2022

Ziņojumi: 115

Braucu ar:

Pļutkinam vajag kaut ko sasniegt Ukrainā lai būtu ko likt priekšā vates masai 9. maijā. Būtu super, ja viņi tiktu padzīti pilnīgi no visurienes - Donbasu un Krimu ieskaitot. Bet tad Ukrainai jāizvērš plaša mēroga uzbrukums, kas visticamāk nenotiks.
03. Apr 2022, 13:58 #30056

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28187

Braucu ar: wv


Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
03. Apr 2022, 14:21 #30057

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

Ukraiņi jau sola mossad līmeņa atriebību tiem, kas pastrādāja tos noziegumus Bučā un tuvējās pilsētās.
03. Apr 2022, 14:46 #30058

Kopš: 21. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5251

Braucu ar: ♛ ♛

The Battle of Kyiv was decisive battle in Ukraine War that Russia launced invading on Feb 24, 2022. Russian assault on Kyiv was catastrophic military failure, overwhelming victory for Ukraine

Battle ended 31 March with total retreat

This is summary:

We know NOW that yes, Putin had a 4 hours plan to win the war in Ukraine

And his 'Plan B' was a 3 days plan to defeat Kyiv if the 4 hours plan somehow failed

He deployed both of these plans with MASSIVE military force, against Kyiv.
Yes. There was a plan to defeat Ukraine in 'four hours'. It could have worked. Russia (=Soviet Union) used this in Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia (196 and Afghanistan (1979). Seize the capital, take the TV/radio, & declare on TV you won
Putin plan to defeat Ukraine in 4 hours involved an air assault force of 1,000 men taking Antonov Airport at Hostomel, then IL 76 transport planes would land 7,000 men and their armored vehicles, to take the Presidential Palace (& TV stations) in Kyiv

This bold plan to defeat Ukraine in 4 hours might have worked. Russia had done that before when toppling a government. About 30 Mil 17 transport helicopters and their escort helicopters attacked at dawn of Feb 24 & assaulted Antonov Airport
The first battle of the Ukraine War and first battle in the Battle for Kyiv was the Battle of Antonov Airport, 24-25 Feb 2022. Initial assault force arrived at dawn in about 30 Mil 17 helicopters & their attack helicopters

The assault force had airborne troops from either 11th or 35th Guards Air Assault Brigade. Some of their helicopters were shot down. The remaining force of about 1,000 elite paratroop units faced Ukraine's 3rd Special Purpose Regiment waiting to defend
While this battle for the airport was under way, the main air assault force (7,000 more men & their armored vehicles) arrived over the airport in giant IL 76 transport cargo jets. They attempted to land. Ukraine shot down two IL 76. Landing was aborted

The IL 76 jets were diverted to nearest Russian-controlled airfield which was on the Belarus side of the border, town of Gomel (Homel)

Meanwhile Ukraine's Kyiv defense sent 4th Rapid Reaction Brigade to reinforce the defenders who retook the airport
Antonov Airport, briefly in Russian hands in the morning of Feb 24, was now back in Ukrainian control by afternoon of Feb 24. They knew a large land invasion army was coming South from Belarus, and proceeded to destroy the runways of this airport
The Russian paratroops attacked Antonov Airport in a massive helicopter assault of 200 helicopters and about 5,000 men, taking the airport again, on Feb 25. But Ukraine defenders prevented their breakout encircling the airport.

The main army attacking Kyiv came overland with tanks and armor, the 35th Combined Arms Army. It fought itself to and through the perimeter of the Antonov airport & afternoon Feb 25 airport was in Russian hands. But now unusable so was pyrrhic victory
f you remember early hysteria that Kyiv might fall, or President Zelensky might be captured or killed, & Western allies begged Zelensky to flee Kyiv. This was all realistic & the threat was real. Russians TRIED an air assault on Kyiv

Ukraine prevailed
While Plan A was under way, ALSO Russia had prepared for Plan B, just in case

On same morning Feb 24, they launched the full assault on Kyiv, to take the capital city by force. And this plan was modeled on Grozny, Chechen War
The Battle plan to take Kyiv was to send Russian 35th Combined Arms Army from Belarus to a staging town outside Kyiv (Hostomel just outside of Irpin) on Day 1. Then refuel. Then encircle Kyiv on Day 2. Start destruction of Kyiv on Day 3

Note, the Russians did not expect that Kyiv would capitulate after 3 days, only that in this battle plan, they would encircle Kyiv in 3 days, essentially guaranteeing Russia's eventually destruction of Kyiv (six months to two years later) or surrender
The Battle of Kyiv plan needed only one significant element to work. The refueling of their tanks, armored vehicles & self-propelled artillery. The distance from Belarus border to Kyiv is EXACTLY the maximum fuel they could carry. Needed refueling
If refueled after one day this 35th Combined Arms Army (that I estimated was roughly 70,000 men, 7,000 armored vehicles incl 2,100 tanks) would have enough fuel to complete the encirclement of Kyiv on Day 2, so to lay siege on Kyiv from 26th of February
Part 1 of this plan worked exactly as planned. The tanks crossed border into Ukraine on 24 February. By 25th February they had reached Hostomel, 13 miles (20km) from Kyiv. But they were out of fuel. They came to their designated refueling area...
Their promised fuel had not yet arrived. So they waited. They called up the convoy where that precious fuel was, and found out, the fuel trucks are less than an hour away. So they waited. And called an hour later. Delay. Four hours later. Still delayed
At some point the commander of 35th Combined Arms Army decided to postpone refueling to next day, told his troops to get some sleep. And called up his fuel trucks. They were still delayed, just 1 hour out, facing local resistance, it is a narrow road..
The 70,000 men and 7,000 armored vehicles attacked from Belarus border, crossed 70 miles (115km) & reached their Day 1 target on schedule

Had the fuel been there this army would have encircled Kyiv on Day 2. Something prevented that. The 40 mile convoy

Had Russia figured out, on Feb 25, that this convoy of the fuel they needed, would never arrive, they would have ordered a replacement convoy, & received full fuel (and food and ammo) no later than Feb 28

Ukraine tricked them
With what would become known as 'the 40 mile convoy', the Ukrainian defenders of Kyiv, managed to play a cat-and-mouse game with gullible Russian commanders, to believe for TWO WEEKS that this convoy might reach the starved troops & tanks

It saved Kyiv

We now know, that the initial delays to 40 mile convoy were done by a specialist forest combat unit of only 30 commandos, led by Ukrainian Col Yaroslav Honchar. They used quad bikes to move fast in the swampy forest. They had night vision gear & drones

[ Šo ziņu laboja ATB, 03 Apr 2022, 15:19:42 ]

03. Apr 2022, 15:11 #30059

Kopš: 21. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5251

Braucu ar: ♛ ♛

14.marta info par apgādes problēmām:

Let me explain how gargantuan this problem is, in terms of fuel. A Russian T 80 tank has 2,000 liter (525 gallon) fuel capacity. An BMP-3 armored vehicle 700 liters. To refuel ONE DAY of the 7 divisions outside Kyiv takes 2 MILLION GALLONS of fuel

You know these railroad cars that carry fuel (30,000 gallons, 110,000 liters). It would take 69 such railroad cars to refuel the 7 Russian divisions FOR JUST ONE DAY, and they had run out of fuel 12 miles outside of Kyiv

We know Putin WANTED to encircle Kyiv, because that is what he did in Mariupol, and has been standard Putin tactic since the siege of the city of Grozny in (Second) Chechen War. The tanks arrived to Irpin for ONLY this purpose. But ran out of fuel
Because Russian armor & infantry is FIGHTING in Irpin & NorthWest suburbs of Kyiv, we know they drove there (from Belarus) which is one day of fuel. We know RESUPPLY fuel did not arrive (20% of those 1,400 trucks carry 2 million gallons of diesel)
There is no sense in Putin fighting ONLY in NorthWest suburbs of Kyiv, unless he wants to either INVADE Kyiv (a suicidal military mission) or ENCIRCLE Kyiv to BOMBARD it to submission as he did in Grozny 1999, and is trying in Mariupol & Kharkiv
Now we get to the crux of it. Russian invasion planners f*cked up royally by placing all their fuel trucks in one basket, that 40 mile convoy. Ukraine played it brilliantly, by blocking that convoy before it reached Hostomel.

If Ukraine had destroyed the 40 mile convoy on Day 1 or Day 2, then Russian Generals would have URGENTLY organized total resupply to replace convoy from Day 2, latest Day 3, gotten resupplied by Day 4-Day 5, and proceeded to encircle Kyiv
But because the convoy was LITERALLY one hour from the designated refueling place, when Ukraine did not destroy the convoy, Russians thought, they can get part of it to come through, and spent at least a week trying, including a portable bridge
03. Apr 2022, 15:17 #30060

Kopš: 21. Sep 2009

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5251

Braucu ar: ♛ ♛

Little detail on tank warfare in Ukraine

Russian main battle tanks like T-90, T-80 and T-72 all have an auto-loader. It means they have one less crew member (3) vs most Western tanks (4). But is prone to catastrophic destruction. Look at tanks behind, and this tank in front...

So the main gun turret of this tank in front, has been removed, lying on ground. It should be sitting in the middle of the tank chassis, like on the 2 tanks behind.
It weighs NINE TONS (the total tank weighs 42 tons)
This turret was BLOWN OFF the tank, by internal explosion
This is a 'standard fault' of this generation of Russian tanks, the T 90, T 80 and T 72. They all are prone to catastrophic explosion if an anti-tank round or missile hits the auto-loader and then detonates a chain reaction of most ammunition inside that tank

9 TONS tossed

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