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Tēma: Veselīga dzīve - kā?

25. Feb 2008, 19:35 #241

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

2008-02-25 19:31, Colin rakstīja:
tā kā tēc treniņa nesanāk nekur pa ceļam normāli paēst un mājās esmu tikai stundu pēc treniņaman tad tāds jautājums- ko paņemt līdzi ko varētu tā vienkārši bez ķēpām un palīglīdzekļiem apēst kādu biezpiena sieriņu ko vēl

banaanus 2 gab - idealnjiks.Tas ir labs ogljhidraats.biezpiena sierinjsh arii ir labi.
gain fast kautkaadu - skaties kur ogljhidraati ir daudz klaat,BET!!!! skaties lai tas nav dziivs cukurs,tev nevajag.
baigi daudz acis maalee ciet un tie geineri ir uz out!
25. Feb 2008, 19:36 #242

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

post workout meal nutrition -
what to eat after a workout

The post workout meal (the meal you eat after a workout) is probably the most important meal of the day for anyone who is into nutrition and fitness. However, in a lot of cases this importance also leads to confusion. Maybe it’s because of the many ready-made shakes available. Maybe it’s the trouble with fitting it in with the rest of your diet. Maybe it’s just generally not knowing whether you should even eat anything after you’ve worked out. Whatever it is, something about it confuses people.

The truth is, once you understand the basics of what nutrients your body needs and doesn’t need after your workout, and what the best sources are to get this nutrition from, the post workout meal will probably become the most simple and quick meal of your day. And, luckily for you, I just so happen to be explaining all of this information in this very article.

What you should and should NOT eat after a workout.

Simply put, aside from water (which you should already know you need) your post workout meal needs to contain 2 things, and it needs to not contain 1. You should be eating protein and carbs. You should NOT be eating fat. More on the protein and carbs you need a little later. First, let’s start with a quick explanation of why you shouldn’t eat fat after a workout.

Many times throughout this website I explain why fat is NOT a bad thing (when it’s the "good" fat) and why it is an important part of everyone’s diet. However, there just happens to be a certain time when fat (good or bad) wouldn’t be good to eat. This of course is in the post workout meal. Simply put, fat slows down digestion. In this case, it would be slowing down the digestion of protein and carbs. This, as you’re about to find out, is the exact opposite of what you want to happen.

At this point you should really have just 3 questions about your post workout meal:

1 - How soon should I eat it?
2 - How much protein and how many carbs should I eat?
3 - What foods should the protein and carbs be coming from?

Hey, what a coincidence, here comes the answers to all of those questions...

How long after my workout should I eat my post workout meal?

Soon... really soon. As soon as you can. I don’t mean put-down-the-dumbbells-and-start-eating. It doesn’t need to be quite that soon. However, there is this "window of time" that exists after your workout during which it would be the most beneficial for your body to receive it’s post workout nutrition. Typically you’d want to try to get this meal into your body within 1 hour. If possible, within 30 minutes would be even better. I personally have my post workout meal about 5-10 minutes after my workout. What’s that you say? How can I do it so fast if I’m at the gym? Don’t worry, more on that later.

Post Workout Protein

Now that you know that time is of the essence when it comes to your post workout meal, this part is going to make a whole lot of sense. See, eating this meal soon after a workout is important, but just because you are putting the food into your body quickly doesn’t actually mean the food is being digested and used by your body equally as quick. While egg whites, chicken and tuna fish are fine sources of protein that I personally eat daily, they aren’t the ideal type of protein for the meal after your workout.

These foods are whole foods, and the protein in whole foods digest pretty slowly. You may have eaten a high protein food in your post workout meal, but by the time the protein is digested and finally ready to be used by your body, a whole lot of time would have passed. This is why the ideal source of protein to eat after your workout is a whey protein powder mixed with some type of liquid thus creating a whey protein shake.

A whey protein shake will be digested by your body much quicker than a whole food because it will be a liquid. And, not to mention, whey protein is the fastest digesting protein there is. This is what makes whey protein pretty much the official choice of most people as their post workout meal protein source. Most people try to consume anywhere from 20-50 grams of protein at this time. I’d say 30 is probably a good number to shoot for.

As for the whey protein powder itself, I personally use Designer Whey Protein Powder.

Post Workout Carbs

Yeah yeah yeah. "Carbs are bad! Carbs are the devil! I am scared to death of carbs! Get them away from me!!" Settle down. First of all, they aren’t so bad. Secondly, after your workout they are actually an extremely important part of your post workout nutrition. Carbs will be used by your body to restore muscle glycogen. If your post workout meal doesn’t contain carbs, your body may actually instead break down muscle tissue for this same purpose. That would be a bad thing. Carbs also create an insulin spike which helps to move nutrients into your muscle tissue quicker.

So, now that you know you need them after a workout, what kind do you need? Well, you know all about good carbs and bad carbs by now, right? Funny enough, this is actually the only time when "good carbs" and "bad carbs" switch roles. This doesn’t mean start eating cookies, this just means that typical good carbs (whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc) contain fiber, and fiber slows down their digestion. This is actually what makes them "good" any other time of the day. But by now you know the post workout meal is all about speed. And when it comes to speed, simple carbs beat complex carbs.

A food like a baked potato is an okay choice for a carb source after a workout. However, just like protein, whole foods in general aren’t really the most ideal choice at this time. This is where a little something called dextrose comes in. Dextrose is not a supplement... it’s actually just a type of sugar. I know, I’m basically saying you should eat sugar. While that would be insane any other time of the day, your post workout meal is the one exception.

Along with whey protein, dextrose has also become almost an official choice for a post workout carb. Most people usually consume between 40-80 grams of carbs at this time from dextrose. I think 50-60 is probably a more average number to shoot for. As far as dextrose goes, I personally use NOW Foods Dextrose.

My Post Workout Meal

To finish this article up, here is what I do. Before I leave for the gym, I put everything I need inside of a shaker bottle. A shaker bottle is just a plastic cup with a cover and some type of "blending" piece inside. You just put something in it, add water, and shake it for about 5-10 seconds. It is simple and extremely convenient for your post workout meal. I put in the whey protein powder, dextrose, and 5 grams of L-Glutamine (more about L-Glutamine) and take a bottle of water with me.

After my workout I get into my car, open the shaker bottle, pour in the water, shake for 5-10 seconds and drink on the ride home. The whole process takes less than a minute and the whole "meal" is finished in a matter of minutes if I take my time. There you have it... quick, easy, convenient and contains the best sources of everything my body requires post workout.
25. Feb 2008, 19:40 #243

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

njā es arī 2 banānus + kādu sieriņu ēdu, gainerus vispār necik a par tiem banāniem tieši šodien runāju zālē un džeki brīnijās ko tā, ka tip PIRMS treniņa viņi augļus enerģijai, PĒC kko masai
un jāizlasa tas ko ieliki
25. Feb 2008, 19:42 #244

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13285

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Varbūt kāds tirgo šito, sāk beigties BioTech Liquid Aminos, vienalga kādas garšas.
25. Feb 2008, 19:48 #245

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Varu ieteikt vienu magjisku un dabiigu formulu speekam+energjijai.

Kreatiina monohidraata pulveris+viinogu sula.
Vnk nereaals maisiijums
Kaadas 40 min pirms treninja ieshauj un pats neticeesi
Kreatiinu vispaar iesaku,dabiiga lieta sastopama sarkanajaa galjaa.LJOOOOTI daudz speeka dod klaat.Ja bez vinja tu atpuuties 2-3 min starp piegaajieniem un peec tam pat vari atkal tos 8 piemeeram neuztaisiit,tad ar kreatiinu tu peec 1 min jau buusi atkal gatavs un spiediisi tikpat un pat reizeem vairaak atkaartojumus.

Vinjsh ir leets ljoti un ilgam laikam pietiek.[ This message was edited by: depo on 2008-02-25 19:48 ]
25. Feb 2008, 19:51 #246

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

un kad kreatīnu nelietos vairs? rezultāti nekritīsies?
25. Feb 2008, 19:52 #247

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Ja juus te esat vairaaki kam vajag dazhaadas labas lietas sportam ,tad iesaku

Tas ir pasaulee lielaakais online veikals ieksh USA,tur var pashu velnu atrast un par smiekliigaam cenaam ja saliidzina ar latvijas.
Piegaade pa visu pasauli.
Sametaties kopaa barinjaa un pasuuties un piegaade iznaaks kapeikas katram,bet kvalitatiivi produkti no pasaules brendiem par labu naudu!
Galaa anyway iznaaks daudz letaak jums.
Pats tur visu suutiiju kad treneejos - vnk
25. Feb 2008, 19:52 #248

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13285

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

tajās liquid ir aminoskābju maisījums ar
un B6 vitamīns 12mg 155%
25. Feb 2008, 19:53 #249

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

2008-02-25 19:51, Colin rakstīja:
un kad kreatīnu nelietos vairs? rezultāti nekritīsies?

kad paarstaaj dzert tad nedaudz kriitas protams jo tas liimenis vairs nav organismaa. 50/50
25. Feb 2008, 19:55 #250

Kopš: 02. Feb 2005

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2675

Braucu ar: ///M

2008-02-25 19:48, depo rakstīja:
Varu ieteikt vienu magjisku un dabiigu formulu speekam+energjijai.

Kreatiina monohidraata pulveris+viinogu sula.
Vnk nereaals maisiijums
Kaadas 40 min pirms treninja ieshauj un pats neticeesi
Kreatiinu vispaar iesaku,dabiiga lieta sastopama sarkanajaa galjaa.LJOOOOTI daudz speeka dod klaat.Ja bez vinja tu atpuuties 2-3 min starp piegaajieniem un peec tam pat vari atkal tos 8 piemeeram neuztaisiit,tad ar kreatiinu tu peec 1 min jau buusi atkal gatavs un spiediisi tikpat un pat reizeem vairaak atkaartojumus.

Vinjsh ir leets ljoti un ilgam laikam pietiek.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: depo on 2008-02-25 19:48 ]</font>

Jap - tā viņš ir - pareizs uzsturs + regulāri trenniņi pēc programmas + kreatīns pēc programmas un tu esi lokālais rembo salīdzinoši īsā laikā

BMW GROUP VIN Info and History Reports:
Now also we support Mercedes Benz cars produced after 2010+

25. Feb 2008, 19:55 #251

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

2008-02-25 19:52, Fandulis rakstīja:
tajās liquid ir aminoskābju maisījums ar
un B6 vitamīns 12mg 155%

es lasot daudz literatuuru un runaajot beigaas secinaaju ka baigaa jeega nav no taam aminoskaabeem un nav ko galvu lauziit.
vinjas nedod tik lielu efektu lai teereet naudu vinju deelj.
25. Feb 2008, 19:58 #252

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Veel ieteiktu vitamiinu C dzert 1g dienaa.Tie kas aktiivi kachaajas un muskuljus moca - tiem tas ir svariigi.[ This message was edited by: depo on 2008-02-25 20:03 ]
25. Feb 2008, 20:09 #253

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

uz latviju no tā bodybuilding esot ļoti ilgi jāgaida sūtījumi.. pat mēnesi

es gan uzskatu, ka vispirms no ķermeņa jānovāc visi paša uzkrātie mazākie tauciņi un tik tad jāsāk kokčikus dzert bet nu drīz laikam vajadzēs padzert
25. Feb 2008, 20:12 #254

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

2008-02-25 20:09, Colin rakstīja:
uz latviju no tā bodybuilding esot ļoti ilgi jāgaida sūtījumi.. pat mēnesi

pa meenesi nenomirsi.toties top quality un limonaades cenas.
25. Feb 2008, 20:19 #255

Kopš: 14. Nov 2005

No: Saldus

Ziņojumi: 1770

Braucu ar: jaunu auto un vecu moci

2008-02-25 20:12, depo rakstīja:

2008-02-25 20:09, Colin rakstīja:
uz latviju no tā bodybuilding esot ļoti ilgi jāgaida sūtījumi.. pat mēnesi

pa meenesi nenomirsi.toties top quality un limonaades cenas.

protams, ka ne galvenais faktors, bet tomēr
25. Feb 2008, 20:20 #256

Kopš: 07. May 2006

Ziņojumi: 10301

Braucu ar: sporta variantu

Olbaltumvielu pārstrādes galaprodukti, C vitamīns zirga devās + ja vēl kkāda ķīmija - nierītēm ir ko turēt
25. Feb 2008, 20:22 #257

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13285

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Tās aminoskābes nodedzina taukus un BCAA ir neaizstājamās, tā kā jutu, ka ir savi tauku krājumi par kreatīnu nedomāju, kuras firmas kreatīnu tu domā, jo daudzi ir jālito pēc treniņa.
25. Feb 2008, 20:25 #258

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13285

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

2008-02-25 20:20, VMR rakstīja:
Olbaltumvielu pārstrādes galaprodukti, C vitamīns zirga devās + ja vēl kkāda ķīmija - nierītēm ir ko turēt

Palīdzēs Kaķpēdiņu tēja un Karsils+3litri ūdens, ja lieto kauko ķīmisku Bet nu nezinu vai to vajag vispār, tas atkarīgs no paša.
25. Feb 2008, 20:26 #259

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20937

Braucu ar: Zirgu

2008-02-25 20:22, Fandulis rakstīja:
Tās aminoskābes nodedzina taukus un BCAA ir neaizstājamās, tā kā jutu, ka ir savi tauku krājumi par kreatīnu nedomāju, kuras firmas kreatīnu tu domā, jo daudzi ir jālito pēc treniņa.

kreatiina monohidraats - pohuj kuru,vinjsh ir tik vienkaarsh un vecs kaa pasaule ka tur neko paardabisku jaanjem tieshi monohidraats nevis kautkaads ar piejaukumiem.tiiraa veidaa pulverii un vieniigi.

Jaadzer pirms lai treninja laikaa uzsuuktos asiniis un buutu koncentraacija.

The answer that is right most of the time is - before your workout.
When you take creatine in powder form - it is in your blood stream for about 1 - 1.5 hours. For muscle growth the creatine must be absorbed into the muscles. So, if you are working out and deplete your creatine supply in your muscles AND you have creatine available in the blood stream, your muscles can replenish their creatine supply from the creatine in your blood.
25. Feb 2008, 21:14 #260

Kopš: 29. Apr 2003

Ziņojumi: 1057

Braucu ar:

Manuprāt kreatīni, proteīni uc pārtikas piedevas nav vajadzīgas. Tās jālieto trennera vai ārsta uzraudzībā pēc analīžu veikšanas. ( lai noskaidrotu kas organismam trūkst) Bet tas vairāk profiem

1. Vajag mēģināt pārtraukt lietot kolas, un citus gāzētos sūdus, pārtraukt lietot paiku ar E piedevām. Pārtraukt pīpēšanu!!!
2. Vajag patīrīt organismu ar pirtīm, daudz ūdens ( vēlams avota ) Varbut arī badošanās kūri.
3. īpaši sākumā vēlams trennēties trennera uzraudzībā, lai nepārslogotu organismu, nesatraumētos utt. Viņš arī ieteiks pareizu trenniņu sistēmu/programmu.
Iesaku klubu Atlantis, ļoti daudzi profesionālie sportisti tur trennējās. Laba atmosfēra, ļoti labi un zinoši trenneri.

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