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Tēma: Drifts VI

26. Jul 2015, 00:43 #21761

Kopš: 08. Sep 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1278

Braucu ar: benzīnu

Tad jau labāk Turku naturalizēt!
26. Jul 2015, 00:52 #21762

Kopš: 27. Jul 2010

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 660

Braucu ar: dīzeļkūti

Turkam ar basta
26. Jul 2015, 10:38 #21763

Kopš: 19. Mar 2012

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 181

Braucu ar:
when it came to battles, transmission gearing let us down
26. Jul 2015, 11:07 #21764

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Zel protams, bet pieredze ko vinsh iegust ir neatsverama un nakamai sezonai vares labak sagatavoties
26. Jul 2015, 12:09 #21765

Kopš: 08. Feb 2010

Ziņojumi: 619

Braucu ar:

26 Jul 2015, 11:48:19 Prusis rakstīja:
... tad kurs vinam maksa par izliksanos pa iesaceju!

Sergejs Kabargins
26. Jul 2015, 12:41 #21766

Kopš: 21. Jan 2011

No: Dobele

Ziņojumi: 2544

Braucu ar: "Sniedziņu"
26. Jul 2015, 16:51 #21767

Kopš: 31. Dec 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7947

Braucu ar: EVO

Daži labi LV stila komentāri - kad nobrauc , tad ir "yeee, mūsējais labi nobrauca, lepojos ", bet, kad ir kļūda vai (kā šajā posmā) teh problēmas, tad uzreiz kažoks tiek pārmests uz otru pusi
26. Jul 2015, 17:04 #21768

Kopš: 10. Dec 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 21283

Braucu ar: ar ar ar ..

26 Jul 2015, 16:51:25 Archuks rakstīja:
Daži labi LV stila komentāri - kad nobrauc , tad ir "yeee, mūsējais labi nobrauca, lepojos ", bet, kad ir kļūda vai (kā šajā posmā) teh problēmas, tad uzreiz kažoks tiek pārmests uz otru pusi

+1 ,

Kvalis , 32 neveiksme, .. jāskatās uz nākamo posmu pozitīvi .. iedzīvojies FD viņš ir un to var just pēc snieguma
26. Jul 2015, 18:02 #21769

Kopš: 19. Jul 2014

Ziņojumi: 320

Braucu ar:

Forši klausīties ir labus vārdus par Kristapu no komentētājiem,tas ir
27. Jul 2015, 13:04 #21770

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

[ Šo ziņu laboja nejaukais, 27 Jul 2015, 13:06:16 ]

29. Jul 2015, 15:44 #21771

Kopš: 08. Sep 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1278

Braucu ar: benzīnu

Pirms piektdienas official trenina kad/kas slīpēs Biķerniekos?
Ceturtdienas spīdveja skola neskaitās!
29. Jul 2015, 16:29 #21772

Kopš: 19. Sep 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 14462

Braucu ar: BMW

28 Jul 2015, 17:03:49 Erviins rakstīja:
Kāds nezin, kur ir sīkāka info par 1. augusta ALLSTARS Drift biļešu aprakstiem Biķerniekos? Piem., kur paredzēta skatīšanās, ja ņem auto caurlaidi pa 30 EUR un cik cilvēkiem tā paredzēta? Vai jāpērk atsevišķi tribīņu biļete? Un ar ko atšķiras auto parka biļete pa 20 EUR no VIP pa 30?

ar auto parka biljeti vari staigaat visur, arii uz tribiineem. VIP vel ir sava tribiine teh parkaa un gadaas, ka ir arii uzkodas

auto caurlaide - a kas tur nesaprotams? taa ir biljete tavam auto
29. Jul 2015, 17:25 #21773

Kopš: 15. Jul 2008

No: Aknīste

Ziņojumi: 1033

Braucu ar: roku pa kokli

kas feisbukā raksta no Bluša konta? pats? tur bieži tik muļķīgas angļu valodas kļūdas..
29. Jul 2015, 19:35 #21774

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Jāpriecajas ka raksta!
29. Jul 2015, 19:56 #21775

Kopš: 19. Feb 2007

Ziņojumi: 15715

Braucu ar:

Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

29. Jul 2015, 20:04 #21776

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Gaidu kaut ko līdzīgu ko Kristapa Bluša
Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

[ Šo ziņu laboja nejaukais, 29 Jul 2015, 20:04:44 ]

29. Jul 2015, 20:45 #21777

Kopš: 15. Jul 2008

No: Aknīste

Ziņojumi: 1033

Braucu ar: roku pa kokli

29 Jul 2015, 19:35:57 nejaukais rakstīja:
Jāpriecajas ka raksta!

viss ir baigi forši un ok, bet citreiz baigi krīt acīs, tāpēc vienk tā aizdomājos
29. Jul 2015, 20:52 #21778

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Tas tak sīkums

Drifts citur..
Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!

[ Šo ziņu laboja nejaukais, 29 Jul 2015, 21:00:55 ]

29. Jul 2015, 22:09 #21779

Kopš: 22. Sep 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 317

Braucu ar:

Intervija, lasīt par Jānis Eglīte, cerams Biķernieku trase parādīs savu raksturu!:

In a candid Interview with the Drift Allstars Estonia Team LUKE FINK - Tri-ace Tyre - Low Brain Drifters has spoken out and has promised to send Aurimas Bakchis (Odi) packing !
Full Translation of Article below
PE-Why are you attending Drift Allstars – do you wish to repeat you previous result as a champion?
LF-I think Drift Allstars has always had a way of getting the best drivers from around Europe and i dont wanna battle sub par drivers, i want to battle the best!!
PE-There has been alot of smack talk with you and the Irish, seems that the Irish have won on their home turf, but you got one back on them in London DA. Why couldn't you back your smack in Ireland?
LF-Dont you think that is a bit ironic that Ireland is 11 years unbeaten in Ireland with Irish judges but get beaten everywhere else?? Illuminati confirmed!
PE-Do you think you can hang with Irish in Estonia, with jump to wallride track and wallrides seem to be their thing?
LF(Laughing hard!) Why would a jump bother a bmx champion?? I love jumps and walls are my favorite, you need to be asking those fools if they can hang with me.
PE-Eglite seems to finally come together with his car and lost to you in London final only because he did not have any clutch left. Are you scared of him, cause if he chases ... well he chases like a madman?
LF-Sometimes i like to make excuses when i dont win aswell, but i fail to see what pulling 4th gear on a tiny oval would have done for Eglite other than make him slower..
He didnt loose because of his clutch! He was pumping more tire smoke and in a higher gear than me haha, he just got outdriven plain and simple..
He does chase hard, i love his style.. i just chase harder again and make him look like a boreman not a madman
PE-Well, we should have the best of the best of chasers in the world in Estonia, with Odi coming down and getting decent car with very similar setup as his own. He has told already that he takes it seriously and coming to take the win, since Tuerck had the win here last year and he wants to keep the FD drivers winning streak going. Can you prove him wrong and if yes then how?
LF-As long as he doesnt bring any of those horrible FD tactical driving crap over here im happy to send him packing in 1 peice.. brake check or lift off infront of me and we will send him home in peices, either way i’ll be having a good time
PE-There is no more room of error for you in the championship, since you missed the second round in Sweden, getting your ass whooped by Jack Shanahan, isn't your driving style too crazy for consistensy, since in the latest years consistent seem to win the championships?
LF-Honestly i dont care about the champion... people that really love drifting dont care about champions, they just remember the gangster shit that happened, they remember the best style!
I have won championships and they dont mean much to me, i want to be the dude that throws it harder than anyone and take this sport to the next level
PE-What do you think, of the directions drifting and judging has been going for the last few years?
LF-Alot of series around the world have completely lost there way... the reason i love doing Allstars is because they are pushing to see the best driving..
if you cant hang with it, pack your bag up and go home if the track is too hard for you
PE-What is up with the weird helmet? Is it an Aussie thing or what, anyway the other drivers are having a massive laugh over it?
LF-Its not my fault there all sheep! Its a talking point and its fun! Guess what?? your all talking about that helmet so it's doing its job perfectly!!! Why are all the other drivers and cars so boring? Why arnt they as stylish as the Low Brain drifters team?
They hate us cause they aint us!
PE-Who do you see as your biggest rival in the series and who could shut your mouth in Estonian track taking account that it is jump to wallride style?
LF-No one will shut my mouth, because im here for the laugh just as much as im here for a win...
Ill be the first one to high 5 a driver if he beats me!!!
No hate ,all love ,all banter and all fun
Again jump to wallride is natural for me, it doesnt bother me the the slightest, i have driven Ebisu quite a few times with a proper big jump to wall and i love it!!
Thanks guys see you all soon!!!!

[ Šo ziņu laboja nejaukais, 29 Jul 2015, 22:10:21 ]

30. Jul 2015, 11:36 #21780

Kopš: 16. Aug 2011

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 251

Braucu ar: F31

biķerniekos treniņš tikai rītdien?
šovakar nav

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