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Tēma: laptop musthave...

25. Mar 2004, 17:14 #21

Kopš: 07. Dec 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12482

Braucu ar: smp

iisi par e-manage:
The E-Manage provide many tuning & fuel adjustment capabilities when installed and used properly

bet vispaar ieteiktu taadu lietu kaa PRofec. arii GReddy shiti. divu veidu...
B spec:
The PRofec B is our answer to a number of tuners and enthusiasts who wanted a GReddy boost controller that was less expensive and demanding than the PRofec. The fuzzy-logic PRofec is still the ultimate controller but its programming requires patience and consistent engine parameters. The engine can’t have occasional leaks or suffer "boost creep." The PRofec B is a great choice for street cars and those equipped with sequential turbochargers. It’s not recommended for large-displacement engines with small turbos or quick-response turbos.

Features of the PRofec B-Spec:
Solenoid valve used to adjust boost pressure
Offers high-boost and low-boost selection points
No extensive programming needed
Dip switches on back used for integral or external wastegates

Finally, we designed the PRofec B-Spec to be affordable because we know our customers love quality and value.

un e-01 ar bish krutaakaam shtelliiteem (arii cena ir bish krutaaka! )
25. Mar 2004, 17:32 #22

Kopš: 07. Oct 2003

Ziņojumi: 4867

Braucu ar: smaidu ((:

vispār jau štelle baigā (ja pareizi noregulēta ) ... un tad jau toč kā F&F jūties ... tjip tad blakussēdētāju vēl vienu vajag, lai monitorē notiekošo un iestādnes maina ... nu vai tev zirnekļcilvēkam jābūt

mjā ... karoč

a mulder tev nav nācies to dzīvē pieredzēt
25. Mar 2004, 17:37 #23

Kopš: 07. Dec 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12482

Braucu ar: smp

dziivee tikai to PRofecu esmu iechekojis.. mazs suudinjsh ar mazu monitorinju, divaam podzinjaam un krukjiijamu shtelli..
tipo tavo

a tas e01 ir jau taads lielaaks aparaatinjsh..

neesmu braucis, bet peec testiem ir taa, ka sho to bish pareguleejot, piemeeram spiedienu taa ljohka no salona par pusbaaru paceljot, efekts ir diezgan grandiozs...
ceru, ka driiz vareeshu patesteet arii pats!
25. Mar 2004, 17:45 #24

Kopš: 07. Oct 2003

Ziņojumi: 4867

Braucu ar: smaidu ((:

nu ja ... bet tas greedy un e-manage un turbo nemērā

un vispār man ir viena laba bilde priekš tevis ... ček stienis
25. Mar 2004, 17:50 #25

Kopš: 07. Oct 2003

Ziņojumi: 4867

Braucu ar: smaidu ((:

ā un greDDy arī ...
25. Mar 2004, 17:53 #26

Kopš: 07. Dec 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 12482

Braucu ar: smp

gaidu, gaidu... nesagaidu!
nav STienis nekaa..

bet nu turbo tomeer IR speeks!!
25. Mar 2004, 22:20 #27

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

Par ko te vispār diskutē? Neko nesaprotu...
25. Mar 2004, 22:29 #28

Kopš: 31. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6138

Braucu ar: JG 9

... par kautkaadiem stienjiem . Tjipa rulz , o jaa spiediens, aizdedze
25. Mar 2004, 22:32 #29

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

Izkalusas pec f&f.. Značit jālaiš garām ausīm..

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, Ruff, SteelRat, VLD, kolhozs, linda, noisex