Autors | Ziņojums |
| 17. Mar 2011, 18:06 |
Kopš: 19. Dec 2005
Ziņojumi: 5863
Braucu ar: Čupu ar lūžņiem un diviem BMW.
17 Mar 2011, 17:13:32 Tune-L rakstīja:
Dvile visus izglaabs !
Metiisies uz japaanu un ar kruutiim piesegs visu .... jaalauj vinjam veel nedaudz paarmetoshi muus pamaaciit un tad ... aidaa celjaa !
Klausies Tu salaga,a varbūt vienkārši savu pastulbo pāksti piever ciet? Tas ka Tev ir kaut kādas problēmas nevienu nahren neinteresē.
Un ja aizskāru Tavas svētās āriešu asinis,tad sorry,man dziļi nospļauties uz to visu. Tavi teksti uzdzen riebumu.Lai gan,cik zinu,neesi ne tīnis ne pamatskolas audzēknis.
Varbūt nodibini savu pagrīdes biedrību un ar saukli "Visi idioti,es viens tas gudrais" ej iekaro Grenlandi.Jo tā laikam būs vienīgā vieta uz zemes,kuru iedzīvotāji Tev būs pa prātam.
P.S. Atvainojos par
----------------- "The quieter you become the more you can hear." |
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uldens1 | 17. Mar 2011, 18:17 |
Kopš: 28. Feb 2008
Ziņojumi: 16309
Braucu ar:
17 Mar 2011, 17:03:41 nikns rakstīja:
topik isti lidzi nesekoju, bet ceru , ka sis video nav bijis..
baigi aizkustinosi
Isteniba dzivnieku man ir visvairak žel visa šaja huiņā |
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Whazaaa | 17. Mar 2011, 18:19 |
Kopš: 24. Jun 2004
No: Saulkrasti
Ziņojumi: 71589
Braucu ar: metro
| Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!
ceru, ka neesmu :igaunis:
----------------- Logo, vizītkaršu, plakātu, bukletu, flash u.c izveide. vissaldākās cenas. PM. DE?!GN - the problem comes first. |
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AT15 | 17. Mar 2011, 19:13 |
Kopš: 03. Apr 2007
Ziņojumi: 655
Braucu ar: Q
Spied "Play", lai skatītos video!
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GR8 | 17. Mar 2011, 19:35 |
Kopš: 20. Feb 2005
Ziņojumi: 2348
Braucu ar: dēli
| ziņās teica, ka 140 brīvprātīgie "kamikadzes" mēģina tur strādāt/kko glābt. |
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Zaarciniex | 17. Mar 2011, 19:43 |
Kopš: 14. Apr 2003
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 387
Braucu ar: Ziloni
| Briesmu lieta ir taa panika visaa pasaulee! Kad gadiem pasaulee izmeegjinaaja kodolierochus neviens patversmes neraka.
A tagad zinjaas teica, ka pingviini Antarktiidaa ir nospeerushi zinaatniekiem visu jodizeeto saali, peedeejais pingviins ir ieliidis skafandraa un visi breec peec evakuaacijas! |
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clicks | 17. Mar 2011, 19:58 |
Kopš: 23. Jul 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1639
Braucu ar: esinieku
| 1740: Reuters is also reporting that the IAEA says that Japan plans to reconnect power to unit 2 of the Fukushima's nuclear plant once the spraying of water on unit 3 has been completed. |
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Devil | 17. Mar 2011, 20:02 |
Kopš: 20. Feb 2004
No: Baloži
Ziņojumi: 7004
Braucu ar: Pulju
17 Mar 2011, 17:04:58 Tune-L rakstīja:
17 Mar 2011, 17:02:47 Dzvile rakstīja:
17 Mar 2011, 16:56:40 Tune-L rakstīja:
AV, padalies luudzu te iespaidos, lai tauta saprot kaadi patiesiibaa ir japaanji
Tu vecīt esi konkrēts uz augšu pasists. Viņiem pašlaik ir lieli mēsli valstī.Postoša zemstrīce,cunami.Un vēl AES avārija. Un Tu jau kuro dienu dirs netā par to,kādi tie japoškas ir.
Tev patiešām nav ko citu darīt,vai Tu vienkārši slims ar galvu?
Noraujies podaa, gjimenes galva
Gan Bei eedienkartee shodien
Plutonium Maki
Lotar Tu takš esi daunis Gan Bei ir ķīniešu virtuve ! Ja Tu japāņus uskati par ķiniešiem, tad turpmāk Tev būs vārds - Ānītis
----------------- Visa veida apdrošināšanas pakalpojumi! Kas apdrošinās, čuč mierīgi :) Info: [email protected] vai PM :)
Powered by; SRR; AFY Travel; Partner Broker; RJ motorsport; Happy Drift Friend drift team |
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clicks | 17. Mar 2011, 20:07 |
Kopš: 23. Jul 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1639
Braucu ar: esinieku
| |
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Ugunsdzesejs | 17. Mar 2011, 20:30 |
Kopš: 16. Dec 2008
Ziņojumi: 5327
Braucu ar:
| Drīzāk briesmu lieta ir cilvēki, kuri radiāciju neuztver līdz galam nopietni.
Kodolieroču gadījumā vairums radioaktīvā materiāla sadeg, atlikums is salīdzinoši niecīgs.
Kodolstacija ir jau kaut kas līdzīgs "dirty bomb" jebšu atstāj aiz sevis daudz vairāk kaitīgas šņagas. |
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PTZ | 17. Mar 2011, 20:31 |
Kopš: 10. Apr 2009
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1954
Braucu ar: kājām
| Žēl Japānu un Japānas tautu
cerams ka kaut cik saglābs to AES, lai tur neizvēršas otra Černobiļa! |
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Ugunsdzesejs | 17. Mar 2011, 20:34 |
Kopš: 16. Dec 2008
Ziņojumi: 5327
Braucu ar:
| +1 ļoti ceru uz to, ka viņiem visiem būs ok.
kaut vai jāņem vērā tas, ka tur var ciest bērni, kuri nav vainīgi ne pie kā. ne pie japāņu kustībām(kas tas par euģēniskas ideoloģijas murgu???), ne politikas, nekā |
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Agnis_e | 17. Mar 2011, 20:34 |
Kopš: 18. Jun 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 30
Braucu ar: Das auto
| Lai arī ir 21.gadsimts, robotu laikmets utt. izskatās, ka bez pašaizliedzīgiem cilvēkiem neiztiks. |
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clicks | 17. Mar 2011, 20:40 |
Kopš: 23. Jul 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1639
Braucu ar: esinieku
| Voice from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan
Originally I started to write this blog to let my family & friends know how I was doing. Therefore until now I have written everything in Japanese. Since 11 March, the earthquake in Japan, I have seen so many related news but it is usually reported facts how things are like. Especially now the nuclear power plant situation is focused but I hear only the fact reports or criticism.
This morning, I started to read posts on my Mixi (Japanese SNS like a combination of Facebook & Twitter) wall and I found a diary of 22 year-old girl who works for the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. As I read her diary, I thought I should let people know how hard they have been working even though they know they have to risk their own lives...
So, now I am writing my blog in English for the first time and translating her voice. Here is the translation...
This morning, I was forced to be evacuated from the nuclear power plant and finally saw my family at my relative's house. Anyway I am safe now.
"At least you should be in the safe place..." I was told. Then I left the plant crying...
I am really sorry how things went. I know TEPCO (the company name of the plant) bashing but it is also TEPCO that has been working hard without escaping from the radiation and risking the lives. So, please please stop blaming us...
Until yesterday, I had been there in the scene as a TEPCO employee and as a member of the second nuclear power plant. Under the Tsunami warning, we have been working for the recovery in the dark in front of the sea with being prepared to die... The cooling system at the sea side was damaged due to the Tsunami but we all tried to recover it desperately even though we were totally exhausted and barely could walk. If we could not recover the cooling system, the second plant would have exploded as the first one. But we, TEPCO could manage to prevent it.
If we abandoned the plant and escaped, the situation could be much much worse. But we face up to it without running away. The damage by Tsunami was far beyond than everybody could ever think of. If there is only the earthquake, the explosion of the first plant should not have happened.
All of us have been working hard without thinking of their own lives. There are so many rumours but there is little chance to have the radiation to harm your health if you are out of the evacuation area.
The people, who have a chance to harm their health, are the all workers in the plant. They could hardly eat and sleep and back to the scene. Please do not listen to the rumours. Please stay out of the evacuation area. Please do not go out if not needed.
My boyfriend is still working in the plant. All I can do now is just pray for everyone... The workers in the plant must have the most fear. Yet they, TEPCO and related companies are confronting it. Many of them do not even know if their own family is safe but they are still back to the scene and working.
Please do not forget what we are doing. I just want everyone to know how we are doing. Please disclose URL instead of copying the text. All of us in the plant is still fighting. I am really sorry to let you feel anxiety. I am prepared for defamation so I will mention my name. There are people, who work to protect someone else in exchange for their lives.
Even under this situation, seeing these people and working together with them, I am so proud of being an employee of TEPCO, being a member of the second plant.
While translating this text she deleted the whole text. She said that her text was used for other purposes than she originally meant (typical reactions on-line...). Therefore, I decided not to mention her name here but hopefully I can share the same emotion with you... |
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| 17. Mar 2011, 20:44 |
Kopš: 19. Dec 2005
Ziņojumi: 5863
Braucu ar: Čupu ar lūžņiem un diviem BMW.
| Cik saprotu no pēdējām ziņām tiek mēģināts dzēst. Kā sokas ar dzēšanu viņi paši īsti nezin,jo klāt tam visam neviens netiek. Radiācijas līmenis pārsniedz visas pieļaujamās normas.
Vai tur vispār ir vietā runāt,ka viss būss ok.Vai tomēr cik lielus sūdus tas viss atstās? Cik var noprast,tad viņi pagaidām neko nespēj kontrolēt.
Un kā ir ar tiem rādiaktīviem putekļiem,viņi jeb kad sadalās/izgaro/izgaist,vai tā arī lido pa gaisu kamēr kaut kur ar nokrišņiem nokrīt lejā?
----------------- "The quieter you become the more you can hear." |
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DFS | 17. Mar 2011, 20:46 |
Kopš: 08. Feb 2004
Ziņojumi: 15278
Braucu ar: 979
| tikko pa TV rādīja,ka ES un visa eiropa arī satraukušies, gribot tagad visos AES ieviest obligātas stresa pārbaudes un tā, vēl vācieši tagad no vienas no esošās atomatkritumu glabātuves visu gribu celt ārā un pārvest citur,jo šobrīd stāvot 126k mucu ar atomatkritumiem tam pielāgotās vecās sālsraktuvēs 800m dziļumā. Tam paredzēts 3,7miljardi EUR |
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clicks | 17. Mar 2011, 20:47 |
Kopš: 23. Jul 2006
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1639
Braucu ar: esinieku
| Latest developments:
- Engineers work through the night to lay a 1.5 km (one mile) electricity cable to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex in the hope of restarting pumps needed to pour cold water on overheating fuel rods.
- Military helicopters and fire trucks had earlier poured water on the overheating plant.
- Engineers hope to use power from the main grid to restart water pumps to cool reactor No. 2, which does not house spent fuel rods considered the biggest risk of spewing radioactivity into the atmosphere.
- A water cannon also douses No. 3 reactor, the top priority for authorities with plutonium fuel inside. Smoke and steam had been escaping from the unit, indicating water evaporating from the cooling pool. Pressure had been rising. |
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artis83 | 17. Mar 2011, 20:47 |
Kopš: 24. Jul 2010
No: Liepāja
Ziņojumi: 6255
Braucu ar: audi
| jaatur iiksji par to, lai vinjiem izdodas piesleegt elektribu..taa buutu viena no labakaam zinjaam pedeja laikaa.. |
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Ugunsdzesejs | 17. Mar 2011, 20:48 |
Kopš: 16. Dec 2008
Ziņojumi: 5327
Braucu ar:
| Dzvile, daļa būs nekaitīga tuvākajā laikā, bet daļa, pateicoties globālajai ekosistēmai, var nonākt/nonāks augsnē vai uz mūsu galvam. |
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Instigater | 17. Mar 2011, 20:57 |
Kopš: 08. May 2003
No: Jūrmala
Ziņojumi: 7425
Braucu ar: ne BMW
| Man jau nu liekas, ka elektrības pieslēgšana vairs neko daudz nedos, varēs tik aizvietot helīšus un ugunsdzēsēju mašīnas, pašā reaktorā laikam jau ūdeni caurpumpēt laikam jau vairs neizdosies. |
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