Pašreiz BMWPower skatās 75 viesi un 11 reģistrēti lietotāji.
Tēma: Laptops
Autors | Ziņojums |
HaL | | Kopš: 28. Jan 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 23635
Braucu ar: Turbo
| es piemēram neko netirgoju, pārstāvu
----------------- Those who do not give a fuck change the world. The rest do not
| Offline | | |
RaimisK | | Kopš: 02. Oct 2005
Ziņojumi: 3230
Braucu ar: erenpreisu
2007-12-27 15:55, MOnk rakstīja:
Tirgojot tos vai uzklausot cilveeku saapes pakaljaa ar tiem?
abus | Offline | | |
noisex | | Kopš: 07. Jul 2002
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 6051
Braucu ar: M5 Luftwaffe/88
| es vispar neko netirgoju, vienkarshi palidzu
man teiksim FS ergonomika nepatik, bet taa viss ok. Neiesaku pirkt Samsung R60
----------------- Mājas lapu izstrāde un uzturēšana, epasti, virtualizācija, VPS, VPN, mākoņpakalpojumi | Offline | | |
BlackMagicWoman | | Kopš: 22. Oct 2004
No: Jūrmala
Ziņojumi: 13993
Braucu ar:
2007-12-27 15:56, Edzja rakstīja:
Santa, un kaa tu zini tik labi visu par FS?
Vai arii tu tos FS maajaas peec tam remontee? Un ljoti pieljauju ka arii Hal to meesliigo FS notirgo un taalaak, ja kaut kas notiek, tad vinjsh nemaz neuzzin, jo aiziet remonteeties tas portaks droshi vien uz ServiceNet vai kaut kur citur
Tāpēc, ka ir nācies saskarties ar zināmu iestāžu IT nodaālām, departamentiem + FUSIs man jau ir ilgi pirms pazinu HaL. Nē, neremontēju un citi manējos ar neremontē, jo ja kas gadās, tad tā, ka nav remontējams un tas pat man skaidrs
un par HaL un tirgošanu gan nesapratu... tu ko - gribi lai viņš zin par visiem kompjiem, ko pārdod? | Offline | | |
HaL | | Kopš: 28. Jan 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 23635
Braucu ar: Turbo
| es neko nepārdodu
caur manām ķetnām iziet VISI LV esošie laptopi, izņemot galīgi lētos, kas pa tiešo no china nāk
----------------- Those who do not give a fuck change the world. The rest do not
| Offline | | |
HaL | | Kopš: 28. Jan 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 23635
Braucu ar: Turbo
| FSC protams
----------------- Those who do not give a fuck change the world. The rest do not
| Offline | | |
Indo | | Kopš: 18. May 2002
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 5153
Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati
2007-12-27 15:52, RaimisK rakstīja:
2007-12-27 15:45, MOnk rakstīja:
2007-12-27 15:40, Pauliic rakstīja:
mok kāds gudrīts var apskaidrot ko nozīme tam pašam HP tie "NC", "NX" utt, un kā ir ar citiem laptopiem un šitiem kodiņiem?
vienkaarshi apziimee modelju seeriju, nekaadas dziljaakas domas tur nav.
nc - biznesa klase
nx - širpotrebs
nx arii ir business klasse
Pats lietoju nx6310. Izturiigs darba dzelzis bez liekiem vijeboniem. | Offline | | |
Whazaaa | | Kopš: 24. Jun 2004
No: Saulkrasti
Ziņojumi: 71589
Braucu ar: metro
| Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China.
----------------- Logo, vizītkaršu, plakātu, bukletu, flash u.c izveide. vissaldākās cenas. PM. DE?!GN - the problem comes first. | Offline | | |
Murphy | | Kopš: 28. Nov 2003
No: Sigulda
Ziņojumi: 8479
Braucu ar: Arteon SB R line, F39 M sport
| No ebay var pirkt laptopu? Viņi var dot kaut kādu starptautisko garantiju? | Offline | | |
noisex | | Kopš: 07. Jul 2002
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 6051
Braucu ar: M5 Luftwaffe/88
| jaa it ipashi ar citu cilveku paypal kontiem
----------------- Mājas lapu izstrāde un uzturēšana, epasti, virtualizācija, VPS, VPN, mākoņpakalpojumi | Offline | | |
HaL | | Kopš: 28. Jan 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 23635
Braucu ar: Turbo
2007-12-27 16:29, Murphy rakstīja:
No ebay var pirkt laptopu? Viņi var dot kaut kādu starptautisko garantiju?
atkarīgs no ražotāja
FSC teiksim ir visā EMEA reģionā... Amerikā (kur ir ebay com) nav
----------------- Those who do not give a fuck change the world. The rest do not
| Offline | | |
RaimisK | | Kopš: 02. Oct 2005
Ziņojumi: 3230
Braucu ar: erenpreisu
2007-12-27 16:29, Murphy rakstīja:
No ebay var pirkt laptopu? Viņi var dot kaut kādu starptautisko garantiju?
Ja no USA, tad 99%, ka local servisa centri nah pasūtīs. EU tirgum paredzētajiem, lielākajai daļai vendoru, ir 1yr travelers warranty. | Offline | | |
Murphy | | Kopš: 28. Nov 2003
No: Sigulda
Ziņojumi: 8479
Braucu ar: Arteon SB R line, F39 M sport
| Par USA skaidrs, bet no eiropas jau vajadzētu būt ok? UK, DE | Offline | | |
RaimisK | | Kopš: 02. Oct 2005
Ziņojumi: 3230
Braucu ar: erenpreisu
2007-12-27 16:50, Murphy rakstīja:
Par USA skaidrs, bet no eiropas jau vajadzētu būt ok? UK, DE
Pēc EU likumdošanas ir jānodrošina garantija visā eu teritorijā, bet ne jau visi nb kurus tirgo utt., ir priekš eu tirgus | Offline | | |
Murphy | | Kopš: 28. Nov 2003
No: Sigulda
Ziņojumi: 8479
Braucu ar: Arteon SB R line, F39 M sport
| skaidrs, kuru katru pirk nevar | Offline | | |
Rusty | | Kopš: 01. Apr 2004
Ziņojumi: 683
Braucu ar: 330xd
| Izlasot un saskaitot visus par/pret(nebija ko darit) rez:
1) HP par 8 pret 1
2)DELL par 7 pret1
3)Imac par 4 pret
4)ACER par 4 pret1
5)TOSHIBA par 2 pret
6)IBM par 2 pret
7)FS par 5 pret 4
EET par 1 pret
9)BENQ par pret 1
SAMSUNG pret 1
A kapēc par ASUS nekā nav?? neviens nav iepircis
Vienk. tiek meklēts port. mazai māsiņai (word/exel/corel/iexplore/ No games)
Lai ir smūūūks un bat.lai tur vairākas h.
Bet sapratu cik cilvēku, tik viedokļu
Tapēc tiek welkomēti piedāv. no tiem, kuri var sadabūt pa normaliem cipariem (summa ap 400-500ls)
p.s. jau ir iegādāts ram`s 2gb +1gb 677mhz | Offline | | |
depo | | Kopš: 09. Jan 2006
Ziņojumi: 20955
Braucu ar: Zirgu
| Kaads ir meeginaajis shito - Dachshund Battery Doubler?
Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!
Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.
Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.
Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!
Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.
And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy!
What if we told you that you can make your battery to last at least a 50% more and you'll not notice it in your laptop performance? Dachshund Software has developed a program which can double your battery's autonomy.
Forget about buying that new battery, now you can enjoy your laptop for more time just installing this lite piece of software.
Battery Doubler turns off what you are not using and by that way it achieves to enlarge your battery life. Not only does it enlarge your battery's autonomy but it also recalibrate damaged batteries. When you have been using your battery for a long time and you don't care about the charging cycles, its performance becomes lower, but thanks to Battery Doubler you will be able to have it restored.
Finally, you will not have to configure anything because it is preconfigured and ready to run[ Šo ziņu laboja depo, 06 Apr 2008, 19:47:49 ] | Offline | | |
Bron | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2002
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 15204
Braucu ar: Traktortehniku by Nissan
06 Apr 2008, 19:44:26 depo rakstīja:
Kaads ir meeginaajis shito - Dachshund Battery Doubler?
Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!
Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.
Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.
Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!
Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.
And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy!
Nav kaarteejais "a lja magneetinjsh uz benziinvada kas sakaarto molekulas un dod +100Zs un samazina pateerinju"? | Offline | | |
depo | | Kopš: 09. Jan 2006
Ziņojumi: 20955
Braucu ar: Zirgu
| tapeec prasu | Offline | | |
Bron | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2002
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 15204
Braucu ar: Traktortehniku by Nissan
| Diivaini - Battery Doubler | Offline | | |
Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, dust, kolhozs, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo