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Tēma: SMG ātrumkārba - jā vai nē

17. Mar 2006, 17:20 #1

Kopš: 17. Mar 2006

Ziņojumi: 30

Braucu ar: M3

Ir kādam atsauksmes par SMG kārbu? Labāk izvēlēties ar parasto vai SMG?
17. Mar 2006, 17:32 #2

Kopš: 11. Dec 2002

Ziņojumi: 163797

Braucu ar: E95


17. Mar 2006, 17:35 #3

Kopš: 17. Mar 2006

Ziņojumi: 30

Braucu ar: M3

doma par e46.
Ja nē, tad kāpēc?
17. Mar 2006, 17:41 #4

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

Man it kā bija vairāk vai mazāk vienalga izvēloties auto. Tas pats manual vien ir. It īpaši uz E46 SMGII piedur iespēja regulēt slēgšanās maigumu un pārslēgties ar lāpstiņām aiz stūres

Bija te savulaik powerā uz pārdošanu pa 20k vienkārši perfekts 330ci ar SMG. Vot tas tik bija auto
17. Mar 2006, 17:44 #5

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

2006-03-17 17:35, Karlisk rakstīja:
doma par e46.
Ja nē, tad kāpēc?

Vienīgais pret varētu būt tas, ka tur ir vairāk mehānismiem kam nojukt un kas nemaksā maz. Tipa tas sūknis kas pārslēdz robus. Bet it kā nav dzirdēts, ka viņš baigi plīstu uz SMGII. Kā nekā M3 CSL aprīko tikai ar SMGII...

SMG priekšrocība ir tā, ka vari braukt kā ar automātu ikdienā, bet pie vajadzības braukt kā ar F1. + arī ļoti estētiski manuprāt izskatās tas mazais, spīdīgais SMG pārslēgs un lāpstiņas.
17. Mar 2006, 17:46 #6

Kopš: 25. Mar 2003

Ziņojumi: 5334

Braucu ar: JJ-6 TT-6 FF-6

2006-03-17 17:44, edzulis rakstīja:
Vienīgais pret varētu būt tas, ka tur ir vairāk mehānismiem kam nojukt un kas nemaksā maz. Tipa tas sūknis kas pārslēdz robus. Bet it kā nav dzirdēts, ka viņš baigi plīstu uz SMGII. Kā nekā M3 CSL aprīko tikai ar SMGII...

Tas sūknis nemaz neesot tik dārgs!!
17. Mar 2006, 17:48 #7

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

SMGI kaut kas ap 1400ls. Maz vai daudz katram spriest atsevišķi

Da patiesībā noteikti pajauns E46 ja jau SMG. NEdomāju, ka tur kaut kam vajadzētu lūzt. Jo kā jau minēju viņus liek defaultā uz M3 CSL un ar tiem auto brauc pārsvarā sacīkšu režīmā, jo šaubos ka kāds ar viņu ikdienā močī

Par kādu modeli ir runa? 330?
17. Mar 2006, 17:50 #8

Kopš: 17. Mar 2006

Ziņojumi: 30

Braucu ar: M3

330 vai M3 - nevaru vēl izdomāt.
17. Mar 2006, 17:51 #9

Kopš: 17. Mar 2006

Ziņojumi: 30

Braucu ar: M3

... budžets ir apmeram 30 tūkst. EUR - ja ir iespējams dabūt M3 labā stāvoklī par tādu cenu, tad to, ja nē, tad 330Ci.
17. Mar 2006, 17:53 #10

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

2006-03-17 17:52, Marchello rakstīja:
btw SMGII ar ko komplektējas e46 M3 atshkjiras no taa SMG ar ko tiek komplekteets 330

Tu labāk zini
17. Mar 2006, 17:55 #11

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

2006-03-17 17:51, Karlisk rakstīja:
... budžets ir apmeram 30 tūkst. EUR - ja ir iespējams dabūt M3 labā stāvoklī par tādu cenu, tad to, ja nē, tad 330Ci.

Šo pašu te pat Latvijā pa 37k tirgo.

Pietrūkst sēdekļu apsildes un elektriskā aizkariņa, bet tas tā... viss parējais ir!

17. Mar 2006, 18:02 #12

Kopš: 15. Jul 2004

Ziņojumi: 67

Braucu ar: BMW 330ci 2002

Blin, kas par auto...

Dzimteni nodotu par tādu..
02. Jan 2008, 22:44 #13

Kopš: 14. May 2002

Ziņojumi: 33995

Braucu ar: banderautomobili

SMG tad jaa vai nee ?? runa iet par 6 modeli ????

Нехай подохне суче плем’я!!!!

02. Jan 2008, 22:45 #14

Kopš: 27. Oct 2002

No: Zilupe

Ziņojumi: 6374

Braucu ar: M•PWR 777 BMW HP4 Competition

2008-01-02 22:44, SpOrcMeN rakstīja:
SMG tad jaa vai nee ?? runa iet par 6 modeli ????

Labāk parasto automātu un nepist lieki prātu
02. Jan 2008, 22:47 #15

Kopš: 27. Oct 2002

No: Zilupe

Ziņojumi: 6374

Braucu ar: M•PWR 777 BMW HP4 Competition

P.S. Vienam no power useriem, laikam GSR nopisās tur kaut kas tai SMG kārbai... kā šis pats rakstīja, neviens netiekot skaidrība, kas esot noplīsis tā kā vispirms labāk apdomāt pirms pirkt tādu lietu, kuru mums neviens bLatvijā nemācēs sataisīt

BMW E63 645
BMW E53 X5[ This message was edited by: rolis on 2008-01-02 22:47 ]
02. Jan 2008, 23:29 #16

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 56481

Braucu ar: S212, 911TT, 951, 635csi, NSX, Tillotson t4

2008-01-02 22:44, SpOrcMeN rakstīja:
SMG tad jaa vai nee ?? runa iet par 6 modeli ????

Ronam ir 645ci SMG? Zvani un prasi..

Runājot par E36 M3 SMG tad tur Zirnis esot atkodis kā remontēt netērējot četrciparu skaitli.

Man personīgi nekas nav pret SMG, ja vien tā pirmā paaudze neidzītu neuzticamības kompleksu...
02. Jan 2008, 23:34 #17

Kopš: 27. Oct 2002

No: Zilupe

Ziņojumi: 6374

Braucu ar: M•PWR 777 BMW HP4 Competition

2008-01-02 23:29, edzulis rakstīja:
Runājot par E36 M3 SMG tad tur Zirnis esot atkodis kā remontēt netērējot četrciparu skaitli.

Tas, ka viņš to ir atkodis, nenozīmē, ka viņš tev viņu remontēs par ne-četrciparu skaitli
02. Jan 2008, 23:35 #18

Kopš: 17. Apr 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 1303

Braucu ar: F11 530D, F31 320D, e36 cabrio 328i ///M,

2008-01-02 22:47, rolis rakstīja:
P.S. Vienam no power useriem, laikam GSR nopisās tur kaut kas tai SMG kārbai... kā šis pats rakstīja, neviens netiekot skaidrība, kas esot noplīsis tā kā vispirms labāk apdomāt pirms pirkt tādu lietu, kuru mums neviens bLatvijā nemācēs sataisīt

BMW E63 645
BMW E53 X5

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: rolis on 2008-01-02 22:47 ]</font>

Viņam pat Vācijā nevarēja garantēt kvalitatīvu diagnozi. Teica, nomainīsim, tad redzēs
02. Jan 2008, 23:44 #19

Kopš: 15. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 22093

Braucu ar: 2x(R6+LSD)

e36 m3 un ierindas e46 ir SMG I, kārba diezgan lēna un problematiska, e46 m3 ir SMG II daudzi gļuki izķerti, bet daži palikuši. Tas ka jamās lika uz CSL neonzīme ka laba lieta, tas jau bija marketings

Braukt ir priex.
Tikai R6, S54B32 + 2JZ-GE
27. Apr 2008, 11:42 #20

Kopš: 09. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 20943

Braucu ar: Zirgu

Question: When is an automatic not an automatic? Answer: when it's an SMG. And what, pray tell, is SMG? It's a new gearchange system.

Apart from submachine gun, SMG stands for Sequential M Gearbox. The 'M' is for Motorsport, the BMW subsidiary which, in close cooperation with Getrag and Fichtel and Sachs, designed and developed the system.

And what's special about it? Well, under the carpet there's a six-speed manual gearbox very much like that on current M3s, but rather than the conventional H pattern, the SMG gearstick, in Sport mode, moves backwards for upchanges and forwards for downchanges. Unlike the Audi/Porsche Tiptronic system and BMW's own Steptronic auto, this method feels much more natural.

There's also a self-select, or E, mode when the manual gearbox changes gear automatically. There are only two pedals, brake and throttle. Operation of the twin-plate dry clutch is automatic.

In practice you select 'E' (for easy, efficiency, economy, whatever) and first gear is automatically engaged. But the car doesn't then creep forward like an ordinary auto; it only moves away when throttle is applied. From there it changes up and down through the box automatically, taking into account your speed and driving style.

If you wish to change up earlier than the computer has calculated (the most powerful in any passenger car, capable of processing 20 million instructions per second) the SMG can be coaxed into doing so by lightly lifting off the throttle. If you need to overtake while in 'E' mode there's a kickdown. And like the auto 'boxes on many modern executive/luxury cars, there's also a 'winter' mode which starts off in second and changes gears more delicately.

But what benefits does the SMG manual provide over a conventional auto? Answer: A lot. As manual 'boxes do, it absorbs less horsepower, provides better fuel efficiency, is lighter, less bulky, less complex and cheaper.

Plus, with the SMG in 'manual' mode you can't select the wrong gear. Move the lever and the hydraulic shifting mechanism always gets it right. It won't graunch the gears either, and because each shift is perfect there's less wear and tear on the mechanicals. If you want to change either up or down more than one gear, say from sixth to second, simply move the lever forwards four times as fast as you like - it's spring-loaded and returns to centre with every change. But here's the really clever bit; if you've misjudged it by downchanging so there's a risk of over-revving the engine when the clutch re-engages, the system will recognise the error and only drop to the gear the rev limit will allow.

But it doesn't stop there. If the sensors detect a loss of traction, by downchanging to too low a gear for your speed or lifting off the accelerator while cornering on the limit, the clutch automatically disengages, preventing the rear wheels from 'dragging' which can provoke a hard-to-control tailslide. But if you keep the power on and get oversteer, you're on your own. Like a normal M3, there's no traction control. There's more. In 'manual' mode, at speeds below 10mph, SMG will automatically select second and ultimately first if you've forgotten to do it.

But what about really quick getaways or racing starts? If there's no clutch pedal, then how can the clutch be dropped at high enough revs to scorch from 0-62 in 5.5 seconds - the same as the manual M3? Simple; just select first, hold the lever forward, build the revs to 4,000 and the SMG automatically 'drops' the clutch. Be ready for the orange 'change up' light in the main instrument binnacle, (in 'S' mode it won't change up automatically) then, while holding full throttle, hit second and you're pretty much there. Brilliant.

Full-throttle SMG gearchanges take just 250 milliseconds - about the same as a racing change by an expert driver - but, remember, clutch take-up and gearchanges are not subject to human inadequacies. In an unofficial experiment the M people discovered that 17 out of 20 expert drivers were quicker with SMG than a manual.

But what about blipping the throttle on downchanges for a smoother change - surely you can't do that? Yes you can. The SMG blips the throttle for you, ensuring a fluid downchange.

And, in case the SMG owner suffers from brain fade there's a host of idiot-proof safety systems. For example, if a driver leaves it in first with the engine running and then gets out of the car, SMG will automatically select neutral after four seconds. Or if there's someone in the driver's seat, the engine's running, it's in first and the bonnet's open, SMG will select neutral so that the car can't drive off while somebody's poking around the engine bay...

But the real fun is in the driving. Imagine this; you're approaching the infamous Paddock Hill bend at Brands Hatch at well over 100mph in fourth. All you have to do is brake, flick the gear lever forward, ease off the brakes, turn in, power down the hill and then nudge the lever back again for fourth. Because you don't even have to think about heel and toeing, matching revs and finding the right gear, every driver is going to be smoother, quicker and easier on the transmission. That's why similar sequential systems are prevalent in F1, Touring Cars, World Rally Cars and GT1 sports car racing.

So are there any downsides? Not to my knowledge, although anyone expecting the almost imperceptible changes of a modern automatic gearbox like the Steptronic will probably find the SMG a little jerky.

Like any manual, you can really feel the changing process but, also in common with a manual, there are techniques which you probably won't master after a ten-minute test drive. A few hours is useful - that's what I had and I sometimes felt a short delay between hitting the lever and the change actually taking place. But my BMW instructor reckoned you need about a week with SMG before everything really falls into place.

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BlackMagicWoman, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, dust, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo