Pašreiz BMWPower skatās 148 viesi un 11 reģistrēti lietotāji.
Tēma: Adaptīvās gaismas (tehniska probl.)
Autors | Ziņojums |
laminaats | | Kopš: 24. Jul 2018
Ziņojumi: 0
Braucu ar:
| Sveiciens foruma biedriem,
Esmu saskārties ar situāciju, ka iegādātajam/lietotajam spēkratam e91 novēroju problēmas ar vienu no adaptīvajiem lukturiem. Lai būtu precīzāk, tad kreiso. Proti, spēkratam stāvot uz vietas un grozot stūri, gaismas stars maina virzienu tikai no labā luktura, bet kreisais ir nekustīgs. Savukārt, spēkratam uzsākot kustību atliek tik pagriezt stūri pa dažiem grādiem uz vienu vai otru pusi, tā kreisā luktura stars uzreiz tiek pavērsts uz pretējo pusi stūres griešanas virzienam un līdz pašam galam. Kamēr brauc pa dienu, tikmēr tas netraucē, bet tumšajā laikā gan.
Vēlos saprast vai tas ir kaut kas labojams vai ir jāmaina pats lukturis?
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Colinox | | Kopš: 26. Jun 2018
Ziņojumi: 127
Braucu ar:
❤ Eiroskeptiķu Rīcības Partija, Putins un Ždanoka ❤
| Tā tam jābūt. Uz vietas stāvot, griežas tikai viens lukturis stiprāk, otrs ļoti loti minimāli vai nu vispār nekustas..lai uzsākot braukšanu no ceļa malas, kreisais neiespīdētu acīs pretīmbraucošajam. Pie noteikta ātruma, kreisais lukturis sāk griezties vairāk. [ Šo ziņu laboja Colinox, 29 Jul 2018, 13:24:38 ]
----------------- 36 reizes banots, bet es turpinu reģistrēt jaunus nikus un rakstīt sūdu. Gribu dzīvot Krievijā! | Offline | | |
Colinox | | Kopš: 26. Jun 2018
Ziņojumi: 127
Braucu ar:
❤ Eiroskeptiķu Rīcības Partija, Putins un Ždanoka ❤
| Adaptive Headlights.
The Adaptive Headlights cast their beam in the direction of the curve and ensure better visibility and more safety during night drives on winding roads.
Sensors measure speed, steering angle and yaw (degree of rotation around the vertical axis). Based on this information, small electric motors turn the headlights left or right so the beam falls on the road ahead, guiding you into the bend.
Headlight beam throw control (a model-specific function) means the front headlights are raised at high speeds and lowered at slower speeds, which results in a wider beam for inner-city driving.
The adaptive headlight range control (a model-specific function) takes into consideration the vertical curve of the road. The headlight beam throw control is lowered when driving over a knoll and raised when the vehicle is in a dip.
The result: every single curve is illuminated and the oncoming traffic isn't dazzled unnecessarily. Driving at night is even safer, particularly when visibility is poor.
Adaptive Headlights are only active when the vehicle is pulling away. They stay switched off when the BMW is in reverse and when the steering wheel is turned to the left while the vehicle is stationary (e.g. when pulling out of a parallel parking space) to avoid dazzling oncoming traffic.
Adaptive Headlights are complemented by cornering lights. These are automatically activated at speeds of up to 70 km/h and improve visibility in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle, which is useful when driving along hairpin bends, turning or parking.
----------------- 36 reizes banots, bet es turpinu reģistrēt jaunus nikus un rakstīt sūdu. Gribu dzīvot Krievijā! | Offline | | |
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